Chapter 44 Pre-Class Quiz

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Distinct front (head) and back (tail) ends. Specialized sensory organs clustered at the front, or head, end. Specialized appendages along both sides for locomotion.

Animals with bilateral symmetry typically have: (select all that apply) Distinct front (head) and back (tail) ends. Specialized sensory organs clustered at the front, or head, end. Specialized appendages along both sides for locomotion. Specializations for rapid locomotion in all directions. Complex behavior.

Five-fold symmetry Water vascular system Skeletons made of interlocking plates of calcite

Echinoderms are unique in their: (choose all that apply) Five-fold symmetry Skeletons made of interlocking plates of protein Water vascular system Skeletons made of interlocking plates of calcite Filter feeding

Hagfish; lampreys

The ____________ and ____________ are unique among vertebrates (or craniates) in that they lack jaws.


A close evolutionary relationship between annelids and mollusks is suggested by the presence of a ____________ larva in both phyla as well as by molecular sequence comparisons.


Cnidarians are able to capture prey with the aid of ____________, harpoon-like organelles that are often tipped with neurotoxins.

Protostomes and deuterostomes

Comparative embryology helped clarify the relationships among major groups of animals. The bilaterians, for example, can be divided into the ____________ based on the developmental fate of the blastopore.

Gills; lungs

Most amphibians have an aquatic larval form with ___________ and a terrestrial adult form with ___________.

Reptiles Birds Mammals

The amniotes include: (select all that apply) Sharks Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals

Centipedes; millipedes

The myriapods include the ____________, which are fast-moving predators with front legs modified into venomous fang-like organs, and ____________, which are slow-moving herbivores.

Jellyfish Corals

The phylum Cnidaria includes: (select all that apply) Sponges Jellyfish Corals Placozoans Comb jellies

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