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which of the following model organisms had their genomes sequenced as part of the Human Genome Project?

1. Mus musculus (mouse) 2. Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) 3. Escherichia coli ( a bacterium) 4. Arabidopsis thaliana

which cosmids that are part of the contig representing the portion of human chromosome 16 shown here overlap with cosmid N16Y1-30?

1. N16Y1-14 2. 5F3 3. 309G11

The genomes of certain agriculturally important species have been sequenced. The purpose of selecting these species for sequencing is that knowledge of their genomes may lead to

1. development of plant species with improved traits 2. development of new strains of livestock

How is genome sequencing likely to improve our understanding of human disease?

1. it may lead to the identification of human genes involved in disease. 2. it can provide information about genes found in pathogens that infect humans

Genome sequencing projects benefit scientists because they

1. make it easier to clone and characterize genes 2. provide information about a species' genes

which of the following statements about the inheritance of microsatellite markers are correct

1. microsatellites that are not linked will assort independently 2. microsatellites that are linked tend to be transmitted together to the same offspring

Cytogenetic mapping

Determination of the locations of specific sequences relative to bands on chromosomes

The location of a fluorescently labeled probe relative to the banding pattern of a chromosome is determined by comparing the results of a FISH experiment to a sample of chromosomes that have been stained with


A collection of recombinant vectors that each contain a particular fragment of chromosomal DNA is called a DNA


In pyrosequencing, the incorporation of a nucleotide into a growing DNA strand is monitored by measuring the release of


what is a sequence-tagged site

a DNA sequence that can be amplified uniquely by PCR

what is a molecular marker

a segment of DNA that can be uniquely identified using molecular tools

What is a contig?

a set of overlapping cloned fragments of chromosomal DNA


bacterial origin of replication

If a polymorphic marker is close to a disease causing allele, then the marker will

be linked to the disease causing allele

In a FISH experiment, what molecule is incorporated into the single-stranded DNA probes that later allow for detection of the probes?


the study of the interactions of many genes and the ways that the components of a genome interact to produce an organism's traits is called ______ genomics


A diagram that shows the relative locations of genes or other DNA segments along a chromosome is called a(n) ______ map


what term describes the total genetic composition of an organism of species?


A research endeavor with the goal of determining the sequence of DNA bases in an organism's entire genome is called a(n) _______-________ project

genome sequencing

The field of study in which the entire genome of a species is analyzed is called


The ability to rapidly sequence large amounts of DNA is called ______ _______ sequencing

high throughput

Researchers can use Southern blotting to identify overlapping clones within a contig. Overlap between clones can be recognized based on the ability of the same probe to ______ to multiple clones


One of the goals of the Human Genome Project was to obtain a genetic linkage map of the human genome. This was accomplished by

identifying millions of genetic markers and their locations on chromosomes

A technique called ___ _____ hybridization can be used to localize a gene of interest due to the ability of a clone DNA sequence to hybridize to a chromosome through complementary base pairing.

in situ

A collection of genes from an environmental sample is called a


the study of a complex mixture of genetic material obtained from an environmental sample is called


When mapping strategy involves clones many pieces of DNA and characterizing their sizes and relative locations along a chromosome?

physical mapping

The strategy in which a gene is cloned based on its mapped location along a chromosome is called _______ cloning


In linkage mapping, the distance between sites on the same chromosome is determined by calculating the frequency of

recombinant offspring


selection of cells containing the vector that can be grown in the presence of an antibiotic

A site that can be uniquely amplified by PCR is called a(n) __________-_______ site, or STS

sequence tagged

The term locus refers to the

site on a genetic map where a specific gene is found

what is represented in a genetic map?

the locations of genes or other DNA segments along a chromosome

what is the goal of a genome-sequencing project?

to determine the DNA sequence of the entire genome of a given species

What is the goal of physical mapping?

to determine the order of overlapping DNA clones from a chromosome

What is the goal of cytogenetic mapping?

to localize a gene to a site within a chromosomal banding pattern

An organism's genome is its

total genetic composition


yeast centromere

Many microorganisms that live in soil, water, and the human intestinal tract are difficult to study because

1. they may require the presence of a complex microbial community 2. researchers may not understand their growth requirements

Which of the following causes of genetic disorders can be detected with FISH analysis?

1. translocation 2. duplications 3. deletions

what does the term "mapping" mean in the context of genetics

Determining the locations of genes along individual chromosomes

Linkage mapping

Determining the relative locations of genes on a chromosome based on their frequency of genetic recombination

What is an artificial chromosome?

a cloning vector that can accept large DNA inserts and be passed on like a chromosome in a living cell

A cloning vector that can accommodate a larger DNA insert and behave like a chromosome when it is inside a living cell is called a(n) _______ chromosome


Human medicine

characterization of microorganisms that reside in the human body

one technique used for physical mapping involves repeated rounds of subcloning and library screening to identify successive DNA fragments between a known starting location and a gene of interest. This technique is called

chromosome walking

Obtaining a physical map of the human genome was one of the goals of the Human Genome Project. Accomplishing this goal required

cloning many segments of chromosomal DNA into BACs, YACs, and cosmids


discovery of genes involved in the synthesis of helpful chemicals


encode(s) protein(S) required for DNA replication

parA, parB, parC

encode(s) protein(s) required for segregation of the vector into daughter cells


identification of microorganisms that can break down pollutants

In positional cloning, a gene is cloned based on

its location along a chromosome

A short repetitive DNA sequence, such as a dinucleotide sequence repeated many times in a row, is called a(n)


A segment of DNA that is located at a specific site along a chromosome and that has properties that allow it to be uniquely identified using molecular tools is called a(n) ________ marker.



origin of replication

The research known as ______ is focused on determining the roles of all cellular proteins


the cloning of a small piece of DNA that is part of the DNA insert of a larger clone is called


which of the following technological advances have made high-throughput sequencing possible?

1. parallele sequencing of multiple samples at once 2. automation of various steps in the sequencing procedure

one of the benefits of sequencing the human genome is that it will make it easier to identify genes that cause disease when they are



yeast origin of replication


yeast telomere

arrange the steps involved in a metagenomic study in the correct order

1. obtain an environmental sample 2. filter the sample to collect cells 3. lyse cells from the sample 4. extract and purify DNA 5. Insert DNA into cloning vectors, and transform them into host cells 6. sequence DNA

What outcomes have already resulted from the Human Genome Project?

1. sequence data for the 22 human autosomes 2. Sequence data for the human X and Y chromosomes 3. Improvements in cloning technology 4. Improved DNA sequencing technology 5. Improvements in software for accessing and analyzing sequence data

Arrange the steps involved in fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in the correct order

1. treat cells with agent that cause them to swell and fix them onto a slide. 2. denature chromosomal DNA 3. hybridize chromosomal DNA to single-stranded DNA probes containing biotin. 4. add fluorescently labeled advidin 5. view with a fluorescence microscope.

the approach that uses information from genome projects to understand genetic variation among different populations is called _____ genomics


Physical mapping

determining the locations of genes and other DNA sequences using DNA cloning techniques


understanding of soil microorganisms that facilitate plant growth

Why have agriculturally important species been selected for genome sequencing?

understanding their genomes may aid in the development of new strains with improved traits


identification of recombinant vectors containing DNA inserts when cells when cells are grown on media containing X-Gal

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