Chapter 5

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Informal Relationships

Codes, rules, and compliance are essential in organizations. However, an organization built on _____ is more likely to develop a high integrity corporate culture.

Internal Locus of Control

Employees who believe they control the events in their lives by their own effort and skill have a(n)

Obedience to Authority

Following the ethical directives of a superior relates to

External Locus of Control

People who believe in _____ go with the flow because they feel the events in their lives are uncontrollable.

Justice principles were some that everyone could accept

Philosopher John Rawls believed

Corporate Culture

The _____ can be defined as a set of values, norms, and artifacts, including ways of solving problems shared by members of an organization.

Difference Principle

The _____ states that economic and social equalities should be arranged to provide the most benefit to the least-advantaged members of society.

Society's view of the decision

The ethical decision making process in business includes all of the following except

Ethical Issue Intensity

The perceived relevance or importance of an ethical issue to the individual, work group, or organization is

Veil of Ignorance

The thought experiment used by John Rawls that examined how individuals would formulate principles if they did not know what their future position in society would be is called

Educational attainment

Which of the following is not one of the six "spheres of influence" to which individuals are subject when confronted with an ethical issue?

Recognizing that an ethical issue exists

Which of the following is the first step in the ethical decision making process?

Good Personal Values

_____ have been found to decrease unethical practices and increase positive work behavior.

Corporate Culture

_____ is an organizational factor that gives a company specific characteristics. Over time, stakeholders begin to see the company as like a living organism with a mind and will of its own.

Core Values

____________ are central to an organization and provide directions for action.

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