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The five major threats (HIPPO) to biodiversity are _____ destruction, ______ species, pollution, population (human), and overharvesting.

1. habitat 2. invasive

______ species enter a new area that is lacking in the diseases and predators of their native habitat, so they tend to outcompete and displace _____ species.

1. invasive 2. native

What are the two descriptions that define a wetland?

1. it has vegetation adapted to grow in wet conditions. 2. The land surface is saturated at least part of the year.

Ecosystems that exist at deep-sea thermal vents deal with high ______ and extreme ._______, as well as getting their energy chemically instead from the Sun.

1. pressure 2. temperatures

Parks, wildlife ______, and nature _____ are ways in which humans are attempting to protect biodiversity.

1. refuges 2. preserves

What are conditions that create deserts?

1.High pressure 2.High evaporation rates 3.Rain shadows

The total number of species that are undescribed worldwide is estimated to be __. Multiple choice question.

between 3 million and 50 million

The chaparral habitat is best identified with which state?


the ______ species concept defines a species according to common ancestors.


In the benthos region of a freshwater ecosystem, oxygen levels are __ and __ may be found in the sediments.

low; anaerobic bacteria

Tropical fish are a good example of how animals are being __ to satisfy the pet trade, as many of them die before reaching the market and incautious methods are used to obtain more.


The __ species concept states that when organisms are genetically similar they are members of the same species


The very successful cancer-treatment drugs derived from Madagascar periwinkles is a good example of how protecting diversity __.

protects human health

Common attributes of tropical moist forests include ample __ and uniform __. Multiple choice question.

rainfall; temperatures

__ are a type of estuary habitat that is regularly or occasionally flooded with seawater along the coast.

salt marshes

Overharvesting involves __.

taking more individuals than reproduction can replace

Tide pools are found along __. Multiple choice question.

wave-blasted shorelines

Which of the following characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert?

1. Water-storing capacity 2. Salt tolerance 3. Thick epidermal layers

Hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, and kayaking are just some examples of how biodiversity has __ value

1. aesthetic 2. cultural

Park and wildlife refuges can be like islands in terms of species success in that they __.

1. are too isolated to allow migrants to reach them 2. can't support populations large enough to survive catastrophes

Which of the following are major threats to mangroves?

1. clear-cutting for fish farms 2. loss of natural nursery ground for 3. shrimp and fish removal for timber

Human population growth is a threat to biodiversity because __.

1. more people require more water and natural resources 2. more people require more land for them to live on 3. more food for people requires more land to grow it on

What is the biggest threat to mangroves?

Clearing for fish and shrimp farms

Which of the following are ways in which deserts are vulnerable?

1. Sparse, slow-growing vegetation is quickly damaged by off-road vehicles. 2. Overgrazing by livestock leaves the dry soil exposed and susceptible to drifting and destabilization.

Select the characteristics that contribute to vertical stratification in aquatic ecosystems.

1. Temperature decreases with depth. 2. Light decreases with depth.

Which of the following characteristics are shared by both cloud forests and tropical rainforests?

1. Vegetation is kept wet year-round. 2.They have high species diversity.


1. activity is greatest near coastlines 2. are the base of the marine food web 3. include tiny, free-floating plants

Which of the following correctly defines the term biodiversity?

A biome characteristic that includes the number and variety of different biological species

What is the greatest threat to coral reefs?

Global warming, which causes coral bleaching

Identify which term is not one of the three kinds of biodiversity.

Habitat diversity

Which of the following statements best describes soil nutrient conditions in tropical rainforests?

Nutrients are low because they are rapidly recycled into the living plant community.

Earth's largest mass extinction event occurred about 250 million years ago at the end of the __ period; about __ percent of species went extinct.

Permian; 95

Where are sea-grass beds generally found?

Shallow, warm sandy coastlines

Where is the taiga located?

The extreme, ragged edge of the boreal forest, where forest gradually gives way to the open tundra

Extinction __.

may occur naturally

_______ is responsible for extinction of many species, and occurs when too many individuals are removed over time leaving too few to maintain a viable population.


Which of the following is not a characteristic of the deep-sea thermal vent ecosystem?

overabundance of oxygen

Extinction is the elimination of a(n)


Species that are likely to become endangered are termed _____


Diversity is most concentrated in the .______ from 30°N to 30°S.


The species that live in __ have suffered major and obvious habitat losses due to the development and expansion of cities and the conversion to cropland.

forests and grasslands

1. Deciduous trees 2. Evergreen trees

1. Trees that lose their leaves seasonally 2. Trees that are cone-bearing

Tide pools are __.

1. depressions in a rocky shoreline that are flooded during high tide but retain water during low tide 2. filled with numerous intertidal organisms

The three kinds of biodiversity are ____ , _____, and _____ diversities

1. genetic 2. species 3. ecological

1. water columns 2. air water interface 3. benthos 4. littoral zone

1. plankton 2. mosquitoes 3. snails 4. cattails

One of the industries that may lead to overharvesting of species includes __, which has developed highly efficient technology in addition to rising sizes of fleets that participate in the exploitation.


1. Arctic tundra 2. Alpine tundra

1. An expansive biome with low productivity because it has a very short growing season 2. A biome that occurs near mountaintops and has a short, intense growing season

1. swamp 2. marsh 3. bog 4. fen

1. wetlands w trees 2. wetlands w/out trees 3. saturated ground w peat 4. saturated ground fed by groundwater

Which of the following characteristics does not describe boreal forests?

The trees are fast-growing and reach enormous size.

Which of the following answers correctly ranks the biomes from high to low precipitation and high to low temperature?

Tropical rainforest, boreal forest, tundra

Which of the following correctly describes the common pattern of environmental change as you go from the bottom of a mountain to the top?

Warm, dry conditions at the bottom and cold, wet conditions at the top

Deep-rooted plants and the annual winter accumulation of dead leaves on the surface in grasslands help to create __, which is very important for productive farmland, and explains why grasslands are often converted to farmland.

a nutrient-rich soil

Wetlands support a rich diversity of life: examples include specially adapted plants, and breeding and migrating _____


If an endangered species dwindles down to just a few remaining individuals, and the chances of their survival as a species are gone, their population level has __ the minimum viable population size. Multiple choice question.

dropped below

Species that are considered to be in imminent danger of extinction are __.


_____ are bays where rivers empty into the sea, and _______ marshes are shallow wetlands flooded regularly or occasionally with seawater along the coastlines.

estuaries; salt

Habitat loss, pollution, and invasive species are ecosystem effects which humans have caused and that result in accelerating __ rates.


__ is the elimination of a species.


All deserts have sparse vegetation and low species diversity.


In Arizona, most birds gather in trees and bushes surrounding the few available rivers and streams. This behavior shows that __.

freshwater ecosystems are important to the survival of some terrestrial species

According to the phylogenetic species concept, organisms are members of the same species based on ______ similarity.


By causing pollution, introducing invasive species, and destroying habitats, _______ are accelerating extinction rates


E. O. Wilson identified five areas that are threats to biodiversity as HIPPO. The second "P" signifies population of ____


Wild turkeys, wood ducks, bison, and snowy egrets are species that were saved from extinction by __.

hunting laws and conservation measures

A major threat to biodiversity includes __ species. These species move into a new area and disrupt the habitat.


Unique trees that serve to stabilize and build coastlines and act as nurseries to terrestrial and marine wildlife are _______


Soil in tropical rainforests are __ in nutrients because they are recycled __. Multiple choice question.

poor; rapidly

The _______ is the area between the boreal forest and the open tundra. The harsh conditions here only allow sparse and small trees to grow.


The greatest concentration of diversity occurs in __.

the tropics

A(n) _____, is a sharp temperature boundary in a large body of water such as a lake.


__ species are likely to become endangered.


A community with drought-tolerant forest species, hot temperatures year-round, and low precipitation for most of the year except for periodic rain to support tree growth describes the __ biome. Multiple choice question.

tropical seasonal forest

Sea-grass beds support rich communities of organisms in the ocean. True false question.


Sparse vegetation and slowly-developing soil make deserts __ to damage.


Species that are naturally rare are at a higher risk of becoming endangered or threatened and are termed _______ species.


Species that have been locally depleted, or are naturally rare, are considered ____ species


At a thermocline in a lake you would find __ water above it and __ water below it.

warm; cold

An ecosystem in which the land surface is saturated or submerged part of the year is called a(n)


Fens, bogs, marshes, and swamps are all types of


1. eurasian milfoil 2. emerald ash borer 3. zebra mussels

1. An exotic aquatic plant, native to Europe, that tends to form a dense canopy on the water's surface 2. An invasive beetle accused of killing more than 40 million trees in the United States 3. Transferred in the ballast water of ships, they quickly multiplied covering fish spawning beds and clogging utility intake pipes

Which of the following is a threat to the rich, diverse communities found in the coastal zone?

1. Destructive fishing methods 2. Introduced pathogens and predators 3. Excess nutrient runoff from land 4. Trash and sewage

1. Loss of natural nursery grounds for fish and shrimp 2. Clear-cutting of mangrove forests for fish farms 3. Removal for timber

1. Ecosystem threat 2. Aquaculture threat 3. Commercial threat

Which of the following characteristics produce a temperate scrubland?

1. Hot season coincides with a dry season 2. Cool, moist winters

Which of the following characteristics produce a temperate scrubland?

1. Hot season coincides with a dry season 2. Cool, moist winters

Which of the following are ways in which humans benefit from biodiversity

1. Nutrient cycling 2.Water purification 3. Soil formation 4. food production

Which of the following correctly describe the oceans?

1. Phytoplankton are the basis of most marine food webs. 2. Ocean currents transport organisms and nutrients. 3. Oceans cover 3/4 of the earth's surface.

Why are drought-resistant shrubs found in valleys, whereas pine trees are located at higher elevations?

1. Plants are adapted to temperature and precipitation patterns of different elevations. 2. Shrubs live in the warm, dry valley, whereas pine trees live in the colder, wetter conditions at higher elevation. 3. Vertical zonation means vegetation types change with a change in elevation.

Which of the following are characteristics of coral reefs?

1. Reefs are colonies of minute, colonial animals. 2. Coral polyps live symbiotically with photosynthetic algae.

Temperate rainforests have which of the following characteristics?

1. They are cool, rainy, and often enshrouded in fog. 2. They are the wettest coastal forests.

Which of the following are true with regard to mangroves?

1. They help to stabilize shorelines. 2. They grow in salt water. 3. Their forests serve as critical nursery grounds for many crustaceans and fish

Choose all the services provided by wetlands from the list below. Multiple select question.

1. They serve as grounds for migrating and breeding birds. 2. They retain storm water. 3. They filter runoff.

Why are freshwater ecosystems biologically important?

1. They support terrestrial communities. 2. They support high levels of biodiversity.

1. pool 2. riffles 3. river

1. This is a deep area of slowly moving water. 2. Here water runs rapidly over a rocky surface. 3. This is a collection and merger of streams.

Of the two types of tundra, _____ tundra covers a much larger area whereas _______ tundra only occurs on or near mountaintops. Both have short, intense growing seasons.

1. arctic 2. alpine

Rank the following zones from shallow (on top) to deep.

1. epipelagic zone 2. mesopelagic zone 3. bathypelagic zone 4. abyssal zone 5. hadal zone

According to the theory of island biogeography, a large island can support more individuals of a species than a small island because __.

1. large islands tend to have more variation in habitat types 2. with more individuals there is less vulnerability to natural disasters and/or genetic problems

Species can be vertically stratified in aquatic ecosystems based on ___.

1. light availability 2. temperature tolerance 3. oxygen availability

Rank the following ocean communities from the farthest inland at the top to the farthest out to sea at the bottom.

1. littoral zone 2. interdial zone 3. continental shelf

Boreal forest trees are slow-growing because __.

1. they have only a short summer season for growing 2. of the cold temperatures

Select the best definition for the term tundra.

A treeless landscape occurring at high latitudes

How do deep roots help grassland plants survive droughts? Multiple choice question.

Deep roots can seek groundwater deep below the surface.

Which of the following is the best definition for the term biome?

Environments that have distinct climate, growth patterns, and vegetation

What two characteristics are the most important in determining the distribution of a biome?

Temperature and precipitation

What do we mean by the phrase "minimum viable population size"?

The amount of individuals needed for the species to survive

Using the graph representing annual temperature and precipitation patterns, pick the best suggestion for why grasslands have been converted to farmland.

The summer months peak in warmth and precipitation, helping crops grow.

Why can invasive species outcompete and displace native species

They are free from predators and diseases.

Why have large portions of grasslands been converted to farmlands?

They have nutrient-rich soils desirable for agriculture.

Biodiversity __ humans in many ways, including air purification, food production, solar energy absorption, soil formation, and waste disposal. Multiple choice question.


Biodiversity has value both culturally and aesthetically; Americans spend over $100 __ every year on wild-life related recreation.


An important characteristic of each biome is its ________ , or the number and variety of different biological species that live there.


Human population growth is a threat to ______ because more humans means less of just about everything for Earth's other creatures.


A large biological community is a(n) ______ . Desert and tundra are two examples.


According to the theory of island biogeography, species diversity is a balance between __ and extinction rates.


The ______ exploitation of some species is a serious threat to their survival; examples of products used for profit include horns, tusks, hides, and furs.


Rhino horns, tiger coats, and orchids are just some examples of __ posing a serious threat to a species' survival.

commercial exploitation

Wild turkeys and wood ducks were on the brink of extinction until __ were enacted allowing these species to recover. The American bison was saved from extinction in the late 1800s through __.

conservation measures; hunting laws

The environmental conditions and community inhabitants of stream systems are __ as one moves downstream.

constantly changing

Colonial animals that live symbiotically with photosynthetic algae are known as ______ reefs


Which of the following is an adaptation of grassland plants to the occurrence of frequent fires?

deep roots

Antarctica is considered to be a(n) .________ the high atmospheric pressures over the continent result in very little precipitation.


The best known mass extinction event occurred about 65 million years ago when the _____ disappeared from the fossil record.


Since all of our food comes from other species, if we protect __ then we are protecting our food resources.


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a tropical seasonal forest?

dry year round

_____ species are those that are considered to be in imminent danger of extinction


The __ species concept defines a species in historic terms rather than reproductive potential


Laws are the only effective way to protect biodiversity.


Scientists already recognize most details regarding the oceans' role to both marine and terrestrial life on earth.


All of our _____ originates from other organisms; therefore, it is important that we preserve biodiversity to ensure we have enough eat.


Humans have destroyed billions of hectacres of __ to build cities, roads, and croplands, and thereby removed necessary habitat for many species

forests, grasslands

_____ of a habitat divides populations into isolated groups, making them more vulnerable to catastrophic events, such as storms or diseases.


In a tundra, vegetation includes __, and __ can occur any month of the year. Multiple choice question.

grasses and lichens; frost

A difficulty with establishing an endangered species protection plan is that the animal's or plant's______ is likely already compromised and degraded.


The greatest extinction threat to terrestrial species is ______ loss


Identify which term is not one of the three kinds of biodiversity.

habitat diversity

Of the extinction threats, which one is likely to have the greatest impact (especially for terrestrial species)?

habitat loss

Areas that have exceptionally high biodiversity are known as biodiversity _____ ,______

hot spots

__ are areas that have exceptionally high biodiversity.

hot spots

Damselflies are a group of insects that require specific sets of conditions and are sensitive to pollution. Therefore, these species may be used as a(n) _____ species by examining their presence or absence to determine habitat health.


Even though humans have been aggressively describing and naming organisms, less conspicuous organisms such as __ have been understudied in the past. As a result, only a small fraction of living organisms have been classified.


An organism that enters a new area and displaces native species is termed a(n) ______ species .


Eurasian milfoil, Asian carp, the emerald ash borer, and water hyacinth are all _____ species found in the United States.


Approximately 70 percent of all described species are _____ or animals without backbones.


The __ are the largest group of species.


Wildlife refuges and parks are like ______ in that they are isolated and they have small populations.


_____ poisoning of waterfowl from shotgun pellets is an example of how pollution can affect local populations.


Many current and upcoming _____ have been derived from wild species and discovered in areas rich in biodiversity. Thus, if we wish to protect our own health and the ability to combat disease in the future, we need to protect biodiversity. Correct Answer Blank 1: medicines, pharmaceuticals, drugs, or medications Need help? Review these concept resources.


The chaparral landscape of California represents the temperate scrubland and is also called __ because the same landscape is located along this sea.


The climate conditions in temperate deciduous forests are __, whereas they __ in temperate coniferous forests.

moist and moderately warm; can range significantly

Scientists believe that about 95% of all disease-carrying organisms are controlled by __, so protecting biodiversity is in our best interest.

natural predators and competitors

We depend on ecosystem biodiversity to provide us with valuable services such as ______ control because it is estimated that 95 percent of these organisms are controlled by natural predators and competitors.


the _____ trade may lead to overharvesting of species because traders tend to lose more than half of the smuggled individual organisms, driving farther exploitation. Aquarium fish and tropical birds are examples.


Tiny, free-floating, photosynthetic plants in the ocean are called _______


The accumulation of DDT and PCBs in the fatty tissues of marine mammals that causes weakened immune systems is an example of how ______, Correct Unavailable affects organisms.


The giant California redwoods exist in the ______ rainforest where temperatures are mild and rainfall can reach 100 inches/year.


An area known for hot, dry summers and cool, moist winters would most likely be a __ biome.

temperature shrubland

One of the industries that may lead to overharvesting of species includes __, but to stop it, alternative sources of income must be developed for impoverished locals and alternative sources of protein need to be made available.

the African bushmeat trade

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