Chapter 5, Imperial Reforms and Colonial Protests, 1763-1774

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The Boston Tea Party led to the destruction of almost a million dollars worth of tea in today's money. Infuriated, members of Parliament responded by passing the:

Coercive Acts.

Which of the following is true of the Gaspee affair?

Colonists believed that the British response represented an overreach of power.

Which of the following was not one the goals of the Townshend Acts?

Greater colonial unity.

What problem(s) did Britain face after the French and Indian War (1754-1763)?

How to pay off their crippling war debt. How to prevent warfare between American settlers and Native Americans on the frontier.

What was the main purpose of the Sugar Act of 1764?

It strengthened enforcement of molasses smuggling laws.

The Boston Massacre:

Led Paul Revere to issue an engraved image of the event which portrayed British soldiers purposefully firing on an unarmed crowd. Took place when British soldiers, who were being heckled by a crowd of Bostonians, fired into the crowd. Was used by the Sons of Liberty as a propaganda opportunity; they characterized British soldiers as cold blooded killers and the dead colonists as martyrs.

The Sons of Liberty and Daughters of Liberty:

Led the popular (lower and middle class) resistance to British policy in the colonies. Promoted and enforced the boycott and non-importation of British goods into the colonies to protest British policy. Sometimes engaged in violence, illegal acts, and destroyed property to accomplish their goals.

Which event was most responsible for the colonies' endorsement for Samuel Adams's Massachusetts Circular?

Lord Hillsborough's threat to dissolve the colonial assemblies that endorsed the letter.

Which colony provided the basis for the Declarations and Resolves?


Which of the follow represented a rebellion by a coalition of Indian tribes against the American colonists and the British army?

Pontiac's Rebellion

What factors contributed to the Boston Massacre?

Tensions between colonists and the redcoats had been simmering for some time. British soldiers had been moonlighting as dockworkers, taking needed jobs away from colonists. Many British colonists were also wary of standing armies during peacetime, so skirmishes were common. Finally, the Sons of Liberty promoted tensions with their propaganda.

What did the British colonists find so onerous about the acts that Prime Minister Grenville passed?

The Currency Act required colonists to pay British merchants in gold and silver insteadof colonial paper money. With gold and silver in short supply, this put a strain on colonists' finances. The Sugar Act curtailed smuggling, angering merchants, and imposed stricter enforcement. Many colonists feared the loss of liberty with trials without juries as mandated by the Sugar Act.

Which of the following was a cause of the British National Debt in 1763?

The French and Indian War, and the continued British military presence in the American colonies.

For which of the following activities were the Sons of Liberty responsible?

The hanging and beheading of a stamp commissioner in effigy.

What was the significance of Committees of Correspondence?

The organization allowed for communication between patriot leaders and the rest of the colonies. It united the colonies in opposition of Parliament.

Which of the following was decided at the First Continental Congress?

To boycott all British goods and prepare for possible military action.

Which of the following was not a goal of the Stamp Act?

To declare null and void any laws the colonies had passed to govern and tax themselves.

What was the purpose of the Tea Act of 1773?

To help revive the struggling East India Company.

True or False? The Stamp Act raised constitutional issues about representation and taxation that triggered the first serious protests by the American colonists against British imperial policy.


To prevent further conflict between American colonists and Native Americans on the frontier, Parliament passed the Proclamation of 1763. This act:

forbade American settlers from settling west of a line drawn down the spine of the Appalachian Mountains.

The primary purpose of this chapter is to analyze:

how and why British policy toward the colonists changed after 1763 and the colonial reaction.

The purpose of the Tea Act of 1773 was to:

save the British East India Company from bankruptcy by allowing them to export their tea directly to the colonies without going to England first or paying import or export duties.

The Stamp Act of 1765:

was declared unconstitutional by the colonists because they were not represented in Parliament and therefore could not be taxed by Parliament.

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