Chapter 5: Native Americans

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Northeastern, plains, Alaska

5 major regions of Native Americans: 1. ____ 2. Southern 3. ___ 4. Southwestern 5. Pacific Northwest/____ Native

Native American

A term for the indigenous people of the Americas. -American Indians -Alaska Natives

Milk, grains, sweeteners

Cultural food groups: 1. ___ 2. Meat/poultry/fish/eggs/legumes 3. Cereals/____ 4. Nuts/seeds 5. ____ -- MAPLE SYRUP


Health reflects a person's relationship to ___ -- family, community, and environment. Every illness is due to an imbalance with supernatural, spiritual, or social implications.


In Native American healing ceremonies, ___ is very significant and is used for medicinal purposes.

Corn, cranberries

Native Americans' foods in the US diets: -___, squash, beans, ___, maple syrup


Primary social unit of Native Americans is the ___ family. -Children are valued highly, great respect for elders.


Rate for alcohol-related deaths is ___ times that of the general US population.

Geography, climate

The Native American food habits are influenced primarily by ___ and ____: deserts to icy tundra.


The rate of diabetes for the general Native American population is ___-___ times high than for the general US population.


The rate of obesity within the Native American population is ___% above the national average.


Traditional meal patterns varied according to ethnic group and locality: -Northeast -- one large, hearty meal before noon; soup available throughout the day -Some tribes -- no specific standard meal time; men served first with meal consumed in silence -____ -- two meals per day

Beans, corn, squash

What are the only staple foods common to Native Americans and are also referred to as the 3 sisters?

Heart disease

What is the leading cause of death for Native Americans?

Green Corn Festival

What is the name of the Native American festival in which thanks is given for a bountiful summer harvest?


___ best describes the Native American approach to life. -Balance among spiritual, social, and physical needs.

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