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What should cadets not do while using the restroom?

- Cadets may not speak unless making on-the-spot corrections to other cadets or addressing or being addressed by FTU staff or visitors. - Cadets will not give greetings to staff or other cadets or trainees while in the restroom.

How should cadets greet an officer while the officer is engaged in conversation? What happens if the officer does not return the salute?

- Cadets passing an officer engaged in conversation will render a salute but not interrupt with the greeting of the day. - If the officer does not return the salute, the cadet will continue and then drop the salute once abreast of the officer.

- What are the areas where calling to attention is unnecessary? - Instead, how do you show your proper respect while sitting or while standing?

- Cadets will not call foyers, day areas (open area used as a dayroom), or hallways to attention when senior personnel enter, but will show proper respect for all FTU staff and other commissioned officers when present in the dormitory. - If seated, cadets will stand and render the proper greeting of the day, or, if already standing, will simply render the proper greeting of the day.

The uniform hat is worn and salutes are rendered in all outdoor areas, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Although inappropriate at certain times, it is never incorrect to salute a senior officer outdoors as a courtesy and a greeting. What are the exceptions to not saluting (when by yourself)?

- Do not salute indoors unless formally reporting in to a staff member's office or upon receiving an award at an awards ceremony. - Do not salute when reporting to enlisted staff members.

- What is the first step for Auditorium Opening Guidance? - What will the respective cadets do after the command is called?

- Each Cadet GP/CC will stand and command, in turn, "Group [X], prepare for instruction." - At this time, cadets will stand at parade rest in front of their seats.

- What is the exception to the following rule: "Cadets will not call foyers, day areas (open area used as a dayroom), or hallways to attention when senior personnel enter, but will show proper respect for all FTU staff and other commissioned officers when present in the dormitory"? - What if there is only one cadet present in the area?

- Exception: If there are two or more cadets in the foyer, dayroom, day-area, or hallway and the FTU/CC, or an O-6 or above, enters the building/area, the cadets will call the building/area to attention unless there is an officer of equal or higher rank already in that specific building/area. - If there is only one cadet, the cadet will stand at the position of attention and render the proper greeting of the day.

- If a staff member or CTA is obstructing your path while transiting in the hallway, what should you do? - What should you do after you have given permission?

- If a staff member or CTA is obstructing your path while transiting in the hallway, cadets will brace the wall and state "Sir/Ma'am, cadet (last name) requests permission to pass." - Once given permission, the cadet will move quickly in their intended direction and give the appropriate greeting of the day.

If called to receive an award, what should you do? If there are multiple award presenters, what should you do?

- If called to receive an award, proceed in a crisp, military manner and stand approximately one arm's length in front of the presenter. Extend the right hand and shake the presenter's hand while taking the award with the left hand. Then render a salute if the presenter is a commissioned officer. Exit the area in a crisp, military manner. - If there are multiple award presenters, side step down the line repeating the same procedure of shake, take, and salute, unless the ceremony is indoors. If indoors, only salute the presenter of the award, but shake the hands of everyone else on the line.

- If you suspect that you or a fellow cadet has experienced mal-training and/or hazing, what should you do? - What if the FTO is part of the problem?

- If you suspect that you or a fellow cadet has experienced mal-training and/or hazing, immediately notify the FTU chain of command starting with the FTO. - If the FTO is part of the problem, notify the ADO/DO or ask the Chaplain for assistance. Additionally, comments can be placed in the Commander Action Line Boxes; locations to be identified during in-processing. Boxes will be checked daily by FTU/CC staff. These comments can be anonymous.

- What will sound prior to lights out? - At the conclusion of that sound, what must you be in by then?

- Immediately prior to lights out, TAPS will sound. - At the conclusion of TAPS, you must be in bed with lights out.

How should you salute when in detail formation? In normal formation?

- In detail formations (two to four cadets), all will extend military courtesies as appropriate. - In normal formations (five or more cadets in a flight), the cadet in charge renders the military courtesies for the formation.

- What should personnel outdoors in uniform do upon hearing the first note of "Reveille" or "Retreat"? - If the flag is being raised during "Reveille", what should you do?

- Personnel outdoors in uniform face the flag (if visible) or the music and assume the position of Parade Rest upon hearing the first note of "Reveille" or "Retreat". - If the flag is being raised during "Reveille", face the flag and render a salute.

- What are the only exceptions to the following rule: "FTU staff and cadets will render proper customs and courtesies even if participating in scheduled training or athletic events"? - What will prevail in these situations?

- The only exceptions to this are if cadets and staff are actively participating in the LRC (Leadership Reaction Course), FA (Fitness Assessment), or other events with cadets actively "encumbered" and staff actively engaged in safety-spotting or evaluating performance. - In these situations, safety and common sense should always prevail.

- What are the only exceptions to this rule: "When any staff member or commissioned officer addresses a cadet, the cadet will respond first with the word "Sir" or "Ma'am" followed by the answer to the question"? - What will you reply in those cases?

- The only exceptions to this rule are when a yes/no question is asked or when the question "Will that be all?" is asked. - In those cases, replies will simply be "Yes/No Sir/Ma'am", or "Will that be all, Sir/Ma'am?" and give the proper greeting of the day.

Who determines the no-salute areas?

No-salute areas will be determined by the FTU/CC upon arrival to FT.

When can telephones and cell phones may only be used in?

Telephones and cell phones may only be used in emergency situations and/or when authorized by the FTU/CC.

- After both Cadet GP/CCs command with "Group, attention", which one turns to the lecturer? - After turning, what will the respective Cadet GP/CC say?

The Cadet GP/CC closest to the lecturer will then turn to the lecturer, salute (for officers only) and report, "Sir/Ma'am, Field Training Unit ___ is ready for instruction." The instructor will return the salute, if applicable, and direct the class to take their seats, and the lesson will begin.

When any staff member or commissioned officer addresses a cadet, the cadet will respond first with what word?

When any staff member or commissioned officer addresses a cadet, the cadet will respond first with the word "Sir" or "Ma'am" followed by the answer to the question.

What should cadets do when they wish to ask a question or provide an answer during a class auditorium lecture?

When cadets wish to ask a question or provide an answer during a class auditorium lecture, they will remain seated and raise a hand.

When in stairwells, how should you greet an officer or CTA?

When in stairwells, render the proper greeting but do not stop moving.

For a single cadet ordered into an office, reporting procedures are as follows:

a) Center on the door or cubicle entrance and knock once loud enough to be heard in an average size room. Do not knock on the door or cubicle wall if a conversation is taking place in the office. (b) When given the order, enter, close the door if you opened it or ordered to do so, march using the most direct route to the staff member, perform the appropriate facing movement, center yourself two paces away from the individual, salute if reporting to an officer and CTA and state: "Sir/Ma'am, Cadet (last name) reports as ordered." If on carpet, do not square corners. (c) When reporting to an officer or CTA, the reporting cadet will hold the salute until the officer or CTA drops their salute and remain at the position of attention until told otherwise. (d) At the end of a conversation, cadets will stand and assume the position of attention and ask, "Will that be all sir/ma'am?" If so, take one step backwards, salute (if reporting to officers or CTAs) and render the proper greeting of the day, perform the appropriate facing movement to leave, and take the most direct route out of the office or cubicle. If on carpet, do not square corners.

While at FT, cadets are restricted from the following activities (1st Eleven):

a. Consuming alcohol b. Using illegal or unauthorized prescription drugs or substances c. Possessing items widely considered as weapons (i.e., any knife, firearm, explosive, etc.) d. Using tobacco products (including smokeless) e. Possessing igniting devices (i.e., matches, lighters, etc.) - Cadet Flight Supply Officer will collect and dispose of any uneaten food, heaters and matches from MREs. f. Using a telephone or cellular phone - Telephones and cell phones may only be used in emergency situations and/or when authorized by the FTU/CC. g. Engaging in spirit missions such as procuring food outside the dining hall, leaving rooms during lights out, or engaging in activities not directed by the daily schedule h. Going off-base or entering "Off-Limits" areas without prior staff approval i. Operating or riding as a passenger in any motor vehicle without FTU staff approval j. Gambling k. Engaging in intimate behavior (kissing, intimate touching/hand holding, etc.)


CTQ is free from constructive training; this is your time. Staff members may walk through the area but will not initiate meetings with cadets.

Who is responsible for the collection and disposal of any uneaten food, heaters and matches from MREs?

Cadet Flight Supply Officer will collect and dispose of any uneaten food, heaters and matches from MREs.

Where should cadets sit during auditorium (mass lecture) procedures?

Cadets will sit according to assigned seating arrangement.

Use one of the following seven basic responses as appropriate to begin speaking to, respond to a direct question from, or as instructed by a staff member:

(a) "Yes, Sir (Ma'am)." (b) "No, Sir (Ma'am)." (c) "No excuse, Sir (Ma'am)." (d) "Sir (Ma'am), I do not know." (e) "Sir (Ma'am), I do not understand." (f) "Sir (Ma'am), may I make a statement?" (not necessary when responding to a direct question) (g) "Sir (Ma'am), may I ask a question?" (not necessary when you are called upon by raising your hand)

When multiple cadets are ordered into an office, reporting procedures are as follows:

(a) A selected cadet will center on the door or cubicle entrance and knock once loud enough to be heard in an average size room. Do not knock on the door or cubicle wall if a conversation is taking place in the office. (b) When given the order, enter, close the door if you opened it or are directed to do so, march using the most direct route to the staff member, perform the appropriate facing movement, all cadets will center two paces away from the staff member with the selected cadet standing on the right, and salute (if officer or CTA). This cadet will state on behalf of the others, "Sir/Ma'am, Cadets (give last names of the whole party) report as ordered." If on carpet, do not square corners. (c) All cadets will hold the salute (if officer or CTA) until the officer drops their salute and remain at the position of attention until told otherwise. (d) At the end of the conversation, all will stand and assume the position of attention and the selected cadet will ask, "Will that be all sir/ma'am?" If so, all cadets will take one step backwards, salute (if reporting to officers or CTAs) and the selected cadet will render the proper greeting of the day. All cadets will perform the appropriate facing movement to leave, and take the most direct route out of the office or cubicle. If on carpet, do not square corners.

When passing, addressing, or being addressed by staff, the proper greeting of the day is ALWAYS given. The proper greetings of the day are defined by the time of day:

- "Good Morning, Sir/Ma'am" from 0000 until 1159" - "Good Afternoon, Sir/Ma'am" from 1200 until 1659" - "Good Evening, Sir/Ma'am" from 1700 until 2359"

- What are some activities can cadets do during CTQ? - What are you allowed to do on the bed during CTQ?

- Additionally, cadets may perform details, conduct meetings, or prepare uniforms. - Sitting on bed is authorized. Sleeping/lying in bed is not authorized.

What must you always do when you recognize staff or ANY other recognized military members?

- Always use full rank and last name if you recognize the member or by "Sir/Ma'am" as appropriate.

What are two inappropriate situations in which a salute is unnecessary (while outside)? What should you do while saluting if marching? If stationary?

- At no time will a cadet turn their upper body to salute someone behind them nor will they salute someone they approached from the rear. - If marching, they will continue as needed. - If stationary, they will use appropriate facing movements.

- Upon hearing the first note of "The National Anthem" or "To the Colors", what should you do? - How long should you hold it for? - When indoors, what should you do? - When in civilian clothes, what should you do?

- Upon hearing the first note of "The National Anthem" or "To the Colors", come to attention, face the flag (if visible) or the music and salute. - Hold your salute until the last note of the music is played. - When indoors, do not salute, stand at attention and face the flag. - When in civilian clothes indoors or outdoors, come to attention and place your right hand over your heart.

What must you always do when greeting staff or ANY other recognized military members?

- Use appropriate military courtesies when greeting staff or any other recognized military members.

- When FTU staff and other commissioned officers enter or leave a room, what should be done? - What if you are alone in a room?

- When FTU staff and other commissioned officers enter or leave a room, the first person to take notice will call the room to attention, provided there is not already a commissioned officer of equal or greater rank in the room. - If a cadet is alone in the room, that cadet will come to attention as the officer enters or leaves, but not call the room to attention.

- Who must be greeted with the greeting of the day first when approaching a group of mixed gendered individuals? - If the individuals are of the same rank, who should be greet first and in which manner?

- When approaching a group of mixed gendered individuals, the greeting of the day will be rendered to the highest ranking individual(s) first. - If the individuals are of the same rank, greet the female(s) first (e.g., A female Captain walking with a male Captain will be greeted with "Good morning Ma'am, Good morning Sir").

- When the lecturer recognizes a cadet (that asks a question or provides an answer during a class auditorium lecture), what should the cadet do? - What should you keep in mind while addressing to the officer?

- When the lecturer recognizes a cadet, the cadet will stand up, state their name and flight and ask the question/give the answer, unless directed to do otherwise by the lecturer. - Proper military customs and courtesies, including "Sir/Ma'am" will be used.

What should cadets after sitting during auditorium (mass lecture) procedures?

After taking their seat, they will maintain good order, discipline and posture

How does an infraction occur?

An infraction occurs when a cadet, who through design, neglect, or fails to perform duty, violates regulations or commits an act prejudicial to good order and military discipline.

What can cadets not do while transiting through hallways?

Cadets may not speak unless making on-the-spot corrections to other cadets, addressing or being addressed by FTU staff or visitors, or giving the greeting of the day.

What must you always travel in, numbers-wise?

Cadets must always travel in pairs. If you need to be escorted back from the clinic, for example, ensure you request assistance from FTU staff with obtaining an escort; do not transit alone.

What must Cadets IMMEDIATELY do when addressed by or addressing any staff member, except during flight room instruction and while eating?

Cadets will IMMEDIATELY come to their feet and stand at the position of attention when addressed by or addressing any staff member, except during flight room instruction and while eating

How will cadets fill in the buses?

Cadets will fill buses from back to front with two cadets (unless otherwise directed) in each seat.

When is the appropriate time to render a salute? What is the preferred standard practice to salute?

Cadets will initiate the salute in time to allow the officer/CTA to return it, but not from such a distance as to hinder communication. To prescribe an exact distance for all circumstances is not practical, but good judgment indicates when salutes will be exchanged. (NOTE: A standard practice is to use the same distance prescribed for rendering a salute to the Colors—approximately six paces.)

How should cadets walk in a hallway?

Cadets will walk (not march or run) in a military manner, with a sense of purpose, and with hands cupped, single file, on the right side of the hallway.

What is defined as discrimination?

Discrimination is defined as any action that unlawfully or unjustly results in unequal treatment of persons or groups based on race, color, gender, national origin, religion, age, and, if civilian, handicapping conditions, for which distinctions are not supported by legal or rational considerations.

Where must you remain during CTQ?

During CTQ, you must remain in the flight area unless performing official duties related to your assigned position (cadets must sign in/out of flight area).

During the lecture, what are cadets prohibited from doing?

During the lecture, cadets may not talk, sleep, or move unnecessarily (e.g. stretching, gathering notes before dismissal, etc.) and will not engage in any activity not directly related to the current lesson.

What situations do FTU staff and cadets have to render proper customs and courtesies even though they are actively participating in these situations?

FTU staff and cadets will render proper customs and courtesies even if participating in scheduled training or athletic events.

- When will Individual Cadet Time take place?

ICT will take place in conjunction with scheduled religious activities. If you do not attend religious services, you will have ICT at the discretion of the FTO.

If a cadet is not ordered to report, but needs to see a staff member in their cubicle or office to make a statement or ask a question, what should the cadet do for reporting procedures?

If a cadet is not ordered to report, but needs to see a staff member in their cubicle or office to make a statement or ask a question, the cadet will use the preceding procedures with the following exception: instead of using the above reporting statement, use the appropriate remarks: "Sir/Ma'am, Cadet (last name) reports." Once acknowledged by the staff member, the cadet will continue with the question or statement.

What happens if a confrontation or disagreement occurs with anyone other than AFROTC FT personnel?

If a confrontation or disagreement occurs with anyone other than AFROTC FT personnel, be professional and get their rank, name, and squadron, then report the incident to your FTO.

If all individuals are of the same gender, how do you greet them?

If all individuals are of the same gender, greet them as a group with "Ladies" or "Gentlemen" (e.g., a male Major walking with a male Captain will be greeted with "Good morning, Gentlemen").

If any FTU staff or CTA is about to pass you in the hallway, what should you do?

If any FTU staff or CTA is about to pass you in the hallway, halt (if moving), come to attention, place your heels to the wall, allow them to pass, and render the greeting of the day and then carry on.

If at any time during FT you feel you are a victim of discrimination or sexual harassment (whether committed by a staff member, CTA, fellow cadet, or host base personnel), what should you do?

If at any time during FT you feel you are a victim of discrimination or sexual harassment (whether committed by a staff member, CTA, fellow cadet, or host base personnel), notify any FTU staff member immediately. Additionally, comments can be placed in the Commander Action Line Boxes; locations to be identified during in-processing. Boxes will be checked daily by FTU/CC staff. These comments can be anonymous.

If outdoors, the cadet will salute prior to or after giving the greeting of the day?

If outdoors, the cadet will salute prior to giving the greeting of the day.

If rank is indeterminable, who should you greet first?

If rank is indeterminable, greet the female(s) first (e.g., A group of four males and two females in PT gear will be greeted with "Good Morning Ladies, Good Morning Gentlemen").

If any FTU staff or CTA is about to pass you in the hallway and you are wearing a hydration system, what should you do?

If wearing a hydration system, come to attention as near to the wall as possible without hurting yourself or damaging the wall or hydration system, allow them to pass, and render the greeting of the day and then carry on.

If you need to excuse yourself to pass by an individual or through a group of individuals, what should you say?

If you need to excuse yourself to pass by an individual or through a group of individuals, politely state, "Sir (Ma'am), pardon me please."

- After the cadets will stand at parade rest in front of their seats, what should the Cadet GP/CCs do afterwards?

In turn, both Cadet GP/CCs will then command, "Group, attention."

- Should you halt at every doorway & intersection at a hallway? - What should you watch for while transiting through hallways?

It's not necessary to halt at every doorway or intersection, but watch for people coming out of offices/around corners.

- What type of meetings are not to be held during CTQ?

Meetings concerning additional duties or special projects will not be held during CTQ if they require staff member involvement.

Once the instructor/lecturer indicates they are ready to close class, what should each Cadet GP/CC do?

Once the instructor/lecturer indicates they are ready to close class, each Cadet GP/CC will stand and command, in turn, "Group [X], prepare for dismissal."

What will other cadets that are present, but not being addressed to must do?

Other cadets present, but not being addressed will simply render a salute and the greeting of the day (unless in flight formation for which the Cadet Flt/CC will extend all courtesies).

Who should reporting procedures be accomplished for?

Reporting procedures will be accomplished for both commissioned and enlisted staff members and CTAs.

For cars, what should you salute?

Salute all occupied staff cars with front license plates indicating senior officers.

What UOD does not require saluting due to rank recognition?

Saluting due to rank recognition is not required when wearing the PTG.

What is defined as sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

What will you do once you are seated in a bus?

Sit at the position of attention (for local travel) and read the selected portions of this manual as directed. You may rest your hands on the seat in front of you for safety.

What will be used to conduct sweeps of the rooms for drugs?

While at FT, military working dogs will conduct sweeps of the dorms and random drug testing may occur.

While in formation and at double-time, what should the formation commander do instead of saluting?

While in formation and at double-time, the formation commander may simply render a verbal greeting rather than bring the formation to quick-time to salute.

While transiting to and from FT and while in-processing on Training Day (TD)-0, what is the UOD?

While transiting to and from FT and while in-processing on Training Day (TD)-0, cadets will be in business casual civilian attire such as khaki pants and a polo shirt.

While at FT, cadets are restricted from the following activities (2nd Eleven):

l. Disclosing/discussing answers/solutions related to FT- graded/evaluated events. This includes while at FT and while at the detachment. Examples include, but are not limited to, FT Manual test, the Leadership Reaction Course (LRC), mission scenarios, etc. m. Conducting financial transactions with FT staff (including CTAs) n. Collecting/soliciting money from cadets without prior authorization from the FTU staff o. Using profanity p. Wearing civilian clothing - While transiting to and from FT and while in-processing on Training Day (TD)-0, cadets will be in business casual civilian attire such as khaki pants and a polo shirt. q. Wearing or displaying any unauthorized body piercing, ornamentation or unauthorized tattoos r. Transiting alone - Cadets must always travel in pairs. If you need to be escorted back from the clinic, for example, ensure you request assistance from FTU staff with obtaining an escort; do not transit alone. s. Visiting another flight's area except while on official business t. Entering storage areas without authorization from the FTO u. Having visitors or observers at any time to include Chapel services and competitive sports v. Departing FT prior to dismissal by the FTU/CC w. Possessing a camera x. Being alone in a room with a member of the opposite sex.

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