Chapter 6 Questions

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What is the difference between a certificate of occupancy and a building permit...?

A Certificate of Occupancy legally allows the building to be occupied while a Building Permit grants permission to build or renovate a building

When a single family home contains a second residential unit, located above a garage, the additional unit is referred to as what...?

Accessory Apartment Use

An outdoor shed built behind a house, which is used to house lawn maintenance equipment, may be considered what type of use...?

Accessory Use

The use of land that is subordinate, incidental to, and customarily found in connection with the principal use allowed on a lot by the zoning law is known as what...?

Accessory Use

Rights in real property to use the space above the surface of the land are known as what...?

Air Rights

This law regulates the sale of vacant land within New York State...?

Article 9

David owns a single family house and wants to build a new extension at the rear of the house. David hires an architect who verifies that the local zoning laws allow David to build a 10'-0" extension. The extension to David's house is also known as what type of development...?

As of Right

Which of the following helps ensure that buildings provide a minimum standard of life safety...?

Building Codes

Which of the following is an example of a variance...?

Building a two family house on a lot that is zoned for single family

Which of the following is an example of an accessory apartment use...?

Carriage House

A document issued by a governmental authority which states that a building is ready and fit for occupancy is known as what...?

Certificate of Occupancy

A street with only one outlet is known as what...?


John is interested in buying a property to build a new neighborhood bar in his town. However, when John reviewed the deed of the prospective property, he found a restriction against the sale of liquor. The restriction to sell liquor is referred to as what...?

Deed Restriction

Which of the following may be used to limit or restrict certain uses on a property...?

Deed Restrictions

A city or town master plan is based, in part, on which of the following studies...?


The statistical study of human populations is referred to as what...?


A right that may be exercised by the public or individuals on, over or through the lands of others is known as what...?


What must an owner prove in order to obtain a variance on a proposed project which is not as-of-right...?

Economic Hardship

The city would like to build a school on a block that is privately owned. How may the city obtain the property to build the school...?

Eminent Domain

Which of the following is a means by which the government exercises their use of police power...?

Eminent Domain

The city would like to build a new highway that would drastically reduce traffic congestion; however, in order to do so, private property must be obtained by the city. How may the city obtain the private property needed for the new highway...?

Exercising Eminent Domain

When using eminent domain, the government must provide what to the owner...?

Fair Compensation

A home where a small number of unrelated people in need of care, support, or supervision can live together, such as those who are elderly or mentally ill is known as what...?

Group Home

A business conducted in a residential dwelling unit that is incidental and subordinate to the primary residential use is referred to as what...?

Home occupation

This type of zoning often results in a trade between a developer and the city, whereby the city allows the developer to build additional square feet in return for a public space built by the developer...?

Incentive Zoning

If an owner is selling more than 100 vacant lots of land to out-of-state investors, he/she will be regulated by this Act...?

Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act

This Act was passed to facilitate the regulation of interstate land sales...?

Interstate land Sales Full Disclosure Act

The governmental agency that oversees the environmental impact process and makes final decisions is known as what...?

Lead Agency

Which of the following is NOT an example of the governmental use of police power...?


Subdivision regulations may dictate that a developer build which of the following when subdividing a large plot of land into smaller lots...?

Local Road

One of the goals of Government regulations, with regards to land use, includes which of the following...?

Maintain property values

A long-term planning document that establishes the framework and key elements of a site reflecting a clear vision created and adopted in an open process is known as what...?

Master Plan

A temporary prohibition of an activity is known as what...?


The utilization of a use that does not comply with local zoning for a particular parcel is known as what...?

Non-Conforming Use

This organization oversees public recreational areas and administers federal and state preservation programs authorized by federal and state law...?


The right of any political body to enact laws and enforce them, for the order, safety, health, morals and general welfare of the public is known as what...?

Police Power

Local, State, and Federal building codes primarily exist to serve what function...?

Provide a minimum standard of life safety in buildings

The right to pass over another's land pursuant to an easement or license is known as what...?


In 1975, this Act was passed, which required an environmental review of any project that requires governmental approvals...?


The arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area is known as what...?


The purchase and use of air rights from adjoining or nearby properties is known as what...?

Transfer of Development Rights

When the local and state building code overlap on a particular life safety issue, how should the architect or contractor proceed with their work in designing and building a home...?

Use the stricter of the codes

The authorization to improve or develop a particular property in a manner not authorized by zoning is known as what...?


The local or state government may exercise their use of police power by enforcing which of the following...?

Zoning Ordinances

City Builders is a development company that builds office buildings throughout New York State. They recently completed a project whereby they were able to build 5 additional stories in return for providing a public park behind the building. City Builders benefited from what type of zoning...?

incentive zoning

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