Chapter 6 Study Guide

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Which of the following is currently the most complete DNA database?


With DNA profiling, a unique genetic profile can be derived from __________ found at the scene of a crime or on a victim.

hair, semen, and blood

Each year, nearly twice as many people are ________________ as are _______________.

killed in automobile accidents; murdered

For most people, the only personal experience they have with the criminal justice process is contacted with a:

local police officer

As of August 5, 2010, __________ foreign terrorist organizations were recognized by the U.S. State Department as loosely affiliated extremists and rogue international terrorists to include the World Trade Center bombers and rogue terrorists such as Osama bin Laden and members of al-Qaida.


Researchers discovered that __________ of citizens wait 5-10 minutes to call the police, which prevents police from catching the criminal at the scene.

90 percent

Following are three parts of the acronym SARA, which some community policing advocates recommend as a four-step problem-solving. Which of the following is NOT one of the components of SARA?

Arrival- determining the situation's timeliness

Your textbook describes several ways in which cybercriminals can illegally access, manipulate or steal computer data. Three of these ways are listed below. Which is NOT one of the ways listed in your textbook?

Cybercriminals alter DNA, thus hampering and sometimes destroying criminal investigations.

A role expectation consists of the rights and responsibilities associated with a particular position in society.


A survey has revealed law enforcement agencies have adequate training, equipment, and staff to confront present and future incidents of cyber crime.


Field interrogations generally do not reduce crime in targeted areas.


In some agencies, special traffic accident investigation crews are assigned to all parking violation enforcement.


It is believed that soon DNA from a flake of dandruff will yield a positive identification, but there will still be the need to consider mathematical probabilities.


Police administrators have long referred to the investigation as the backbone of the department.


The 1972 Kansas City Patrol Experiment found that heavily patrolled streets had significantly less crime than unpatrolled streets did.


Detectives usually have the cards stacked against them, and their chances of solving crimes are low.


GIS crime mapping is a technique that involves the charting of crime patterns within a geographic area.


In street police work, passion is the ability to use force or the recognition that force is a legitimate means of resolving a conflict.


Large metropolitan police agencies use AFIS to identify hundreds of suspects per year.


Sometimes a police officer's role may be simply to solve problems in the course of providing service.


When an entire patrol section is instructed to make numerous traffic stops and field interrogations, the practice is referred to as __________ patrol.


The knowledge to carry out cybercrimes is readily available at hacker:

chat rooms, message boards, websites

With community policing:

citizens share responsibility for their community's safety

Your textbook names three distinct functions of DNA profiling. They are listed below. Which of the following is NOT one of these distinct functions?

collecting samples from all people at birth, so that a complete DNA database can be complied.

Criminal investigation has been defined as a lawful search of people and things to achieve three of the following goals. Which of the following is NOT one of the goals of criminal investigation?

conduct preventive patrol to ferret out crime

In ______ patrol, officers are given guidance on how to use their patrol time, which is often based on the results of crime analyses that identify problem areas.


In recent years, the mission of D.A.R.E has expanded to include:

internet safety and gang involvement prevention, bullying prevention, cyber bullying prevention, and prescription and over-the-counter drug abuse prevention

One of the interesting findings of foot patrol research was that food patrol officers were better able to deal with:

minor annoyances - rowdy youths, panhandlers, and abandoned cars - that irritate citizens.

In 2007, approximately _______________ local police departments had one or more officers assigned full-time to a multiagency drug enforcement task force, about the same percentage as in 2003.

one in four

Which of the following is unquestionably the most time-consuming and resource-intensive task of any police agency?


Patrols that are "systematically unsystematic" and observant in an attempt to both deter and ferret out crime on their beats are known as random or ________ patrol.


The professional model of policing, which police followed in the decades before community policing, rested on three foundations. They are listed below. Which of the following is not one of these three foundations?

proactive patrol

John Broderick classified police officers by their degree of commitment to maintaining order and their respect for due process. Three of these classifications are listed below. Which one does NOT belong?


The most widely used crime-mapping application is probably _____________.

resource allocation

Which of the following drug enforcement strategies accounts for the greatest number of drug arrests and seizures?

street-level enforcement

Which of the following agencies has the largest AFIS?

the FBI

Your textbook names three reasons why many victims of cybercrime fail to report these crimes to authorities. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons listed in your textbook?

the fear of being implicated in the crime

Which of the following is NOT true about terrorism?

the modern era of terrorism began with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, according to the FBI

Your textbook describes four characteristics that generally define the role of the police. Three are listed below. Which one is NOT described in your textbook?

the police perform ongoing educational roles in the community

Which of the following is the FBI's definition of terrorism?

the systematic use of terror or unpredictable violence against governments, publics, or individuals to attain a political objective

Your textbook names five roles that investigators may play in a police department. Three are listed below. Which one does NOT belong?

uniformed police officers conducting field interrogations and other types of aggressive patrol.

The crime triangle is a view of crime and disorder as an interaction among three variables, which are:

victim, offender, and location

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