Chapter 7 Contraception

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Vaginal spermicides can be applied up to - before intercourse

1 hour

How long does one vaginal ring protect against pregnancy

1 month

How long can it take for fertility to return after discontinuing DPMA injections?

1 year

When considering a failure rate, the number of how many women out of - will become pregnant while using a particular birth control method


For how long is the DPMA effective

14 weeks/3.5 months

Partly due to Margaret Sanger, when was it finally legal for doctors to prescribe birth control to patients


When was the first oral contraceptive approved by the FDA


Vaginal ring is kept in place in the vagina for

21 days and removed for a 7 day break

For the greatest chances of success in reversing a vasectomy, the reversal procedure should take place within - of the vasectomy.

3 years

According to the Standard Days Method, a woman's fertile window begins approximately

5 days prior to ovulation and lasts up to 24 hours after ovulation

When using a vaginal spermicide, women should not rinse the vagina or douche for at least

6 hours after intercourse

Female condom can be inserted

8 hours before use

1972 Supreme Court decision legalized birth control for all citizens, irrespective of marital status

Baird v. Eisenstadt

Which of the following cervical barrier methods must be fitted by a physician?

Cervical cap, Diaphragm

General category of putting pressure on the testicles to help sperm go into the bladder is called

Coitus obstructus

What historical culture used a device in a woman's vagina made of crocodile dung and fermented dough to prevent conception


- - flexible sheath that fits over the penis in order to prevent STI and pregnancy

External Condom

All contraceptive methods also prevent the transmission of STIs


Which form of contraception protects against pregnancy for 3 years and utilizes only progestin?


How does a contraceptive diaphragm work?

It prevents sperm from entering the uterus.

What type of condom can reduce the risk of a STI

M/F condom

Birth control pills work in which of the following ways?

Prevent ovulation by changing a woman's hormone levels Thicken the cervical mucus Change uterine lining

What historical culture used a highly acidic concoction of fruit and nuts in the vagina for contraceptive purposes


Why should emergency contraception not be used as a regular form of birth control?

The high dosage of hormones can impact a woman's normal menstrual cycle.

Most reliable method of birth control is

abstinence or celibacy

Anthony Comstock was famous for his stance in

against contraception

Typical failure rate calculation in birth control accounts for

average misuse by people

Native American women drank elixirs to prevent conception. These were primarily comprised of

bark, berries and leaves

Passage of the Comstock Act (1873) included a section that made it illegal to distribute information about contraception and contraception devices. What was this based upon

belief that it was immoral and obscene

Margaret Sanger opened the first

birth control clinic

For whom is the minipill specifically designed?


If your at risk for transmission of an STI, protecting yourself means using - in addition to any method of contraception every time you have sex


What is the most common contraceptive used by men


Any method we use to prevent conception and unintended pregnancy is termed


Point in coitus reservatus is that the male avoids


If you are breast feeding what contraceptives should you avoid

estrogen hormone methods

Behavior that still engages in sexual behavior but avoids the sharing or mixing of body fluids

fluid free sexual behavior

Someone who smokes 15 cigarettes a day or more and is age 35 or older should not use what type of contraception?

hormonal methods

implanon is a contraceptive - that consist of a think flexible plastic rod that is inserted in the body


- - disposable, soft, loose-fitting pouch with a diaphragm-like ring at each end used to prevent semen from entering the vagina and cervix

internal condom

If using latex condoms you should avoid

oil based lube

Research found that the stoneseed used by the Shoshone indians was

oral contraceptive

Ortho Evra is a transdermal contraceptive implant - attached to the body


Which is not a male contraceptive device


Fluid free sexual behavior is a type of

selective abstinence

What is a form of contraception in which individuals avoid certain sexual behaviors that could lead to pregnancy or the transmission of STI's such as vaginal, anal or oral intercourse?

selective abstinence

Form of permanent surgical contraception in which the fallopian tubes are tied, cut or blocked to prevent egg and sperm uniting is known as what

tubal ligation

- is a form of permanent surgical contraception where sperm are prevented from mixing with semen in ejaculate by cutting/tying off the vas deferens


Contraceptive patch is less effective for women who

weigh more than 198 lbs

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