Chapter 7 Human Interaction
Normative Influence
A child goes along with his peers in bullying a new student out of fear of being bullied himself, is an example of?
A negative attitude toward members of a group
Snap Judgements
About others, made quickly and based on only a few bits of information and preconceived notions
An assessment of a ___________ is most likely to be made using a snap judgement
The fundamental attribution error
Blaming racial minorities for their plight by saying they should be able to "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps" discounts the importance of situational factors. This illustrates...
Robert Merton
Coined the term "Self-fulfilling Prophecy"
Communication of arguments and information intended to change another person's attitude
Have better social skills
Compared to those who are less attractive, physically attractive people are actually likely to
Muzafer Sherif
Conducted the classic study of group competition at Robbers' Cave State Park in OK
In casual social interactions, job interviews, courtrooms
Confirmation bias occurs
Normative influence
Employees often follow their boss's instructions, even when they believe the instructions don't make sense. This example illustrates the concept of
Outgroup homogeneity effect
Explaining the behavior of outgroup members on the basis of the characteristic that sets them apart is known as the
Situational Factors
External attributions ascribe causes of behavior
Getting people to agree to a small request to increase the chances that they will agree to a larger request later
In Asch's studies, ____________ and _______________ were found to be key determinants of conformity
Group size, group unanimity
Several accomplices gave incorrect answers before the true participant answered
How did Asch induce conformity in his students involving judgements of line length?
Ordered to deliver "painful electric shocks" to a stranger
IN Milgram's studies of obedience, participants were
Take Ramon to dinner at a nice restuarant
If Harold intends to use the reciprocity norm to influence Ramon, a potential customer, to buy his product, Harold might
In America, stereotypes are most likely to be based on?
Conformed significantly less than those who made their responses publicly
In follow-ups of Asch's studies of conformity, participants who mader their responses anonymously
Systematic Judgements
In forming impressions of those who can affect their welfare and happiness, people make _________ rather than snap decisons
An attitude, a behavior
In general, prejudice is ________ and discrimination is ___________
Personal Dispositions
Internal attributions ascribe causes of behavior to
Is NOT a key theme in person perception
Modern Discrimination
Jane thinks that women don't need sexual harassment laws anymore because men get by with much worse anyway. Jane's attitude are examples of _________
The lowball Technique
Mark's brother invited him to go fishing. Mark went down to the dock and as he put his pole in the boat, his brother told him they had to wash down the boat and clean it at the end of the day. It would cost $200 in gas and rental fee. Mark's brother used
The selectivity of person perception
Melissa grew up in the South and is prejudiced against New Yorkers. She sees a TV program about a kind-hearted but clumsy New Yorker and afterward she talks about how the program made the New Yorker appear to be bumbling, stupid, and ignorant. Melissa's behavior best illustrates ____________________
Mike served in the Army for 4 years and now is especially prone to follow direct orders from authority figures. Mike shows a high degree of _______
Ingroup Favoritism
Most common response to threats to collective self-esteem
NOT considered a basic element of the persuasion process
Assigning specific titles or names to each group
NOT considered an essential element of reducing intergroup hostility through cooperative interdependence
Direct Commands
Obedience is a form on compliance in which people change their behavior in response to
Occurs when someone's number of choices has been restricted and he or she pursues the choices that have been denied
scarcity and reactance only
One fraternity has only 3 openings, but during pledge week, the number of pledges increases from 4 to 9. Another fraternity has 8 openings, but only 2 pledges by the end of the week. This discrepancy was likely influenced by
Informational Influence
People who look to others to know which form to use at a seven-course dinner are conforming
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Perceiver expectations include
Compatible with
Persuasion tends to work best when the receiver's initial position on an issue is ____________ the position advocated by the source
The Reciprocity Norm
Providing customers with free samples best illustrates which compliance tactics?
Physical Attractiveness
Research shows that a key consideration in likeability of a persuasive source is
Notice the social forces inolved
Sally would like to resist pressures to conform, She should
Lowball Technique
Shakira decides to buy a new car after seeing a food deal advertised on television. Now she's committed to buying the car, but the dealer tells her about a number of hidden costs that will be added on. Shakira is a victim of the
Elaboration Likelihood Model
States the thoughts about a message rather than the content of the message determines whether an attitude will change
The _________ technique involves getting someone to commit to an attractive deal before revealing its hidden costs
The ______________ technique involves making a large request that will probably be refused to increase chances of being granted a smaller request later
Perception of, actual
The ______________ threats to one's ingroup are much more likely to cause hostility between groups than __________ threats
The advertising phrase, "Get them while they last!" makes use of which of the following compliance tactics
Causes of behavior
The attribution process refers to the inferences we make about the
Primary Effect
The fact that first impressions have a powerful influence on our perceptions of others is most consistent with ____________
The situation is a stronger indicator of behavior than the kind of person
The important conclusion from Milgram's study of obedience is that
The largest role inf factors contributing to prejudice is played by _________
The Reciprocity Norm
The local animal shelter sends you cute return address labels with cuddly kittens on them. They were hoping that you will send a donation based on the effects of
(Person) Perception
The process of forming impressions of others
The self-fulfilling prophecy
The process whereby expectations about a person cause the person to behave in ways that confirm the expectations is called
Bystander Effect
The tendency for individuals to be less likely to provide help when others are present than when they are alone
Confirmation Bias
The tendency to seek information that supports one's beliefs while not pursuing disconfirming information
Threats to personal and social identity motivate individuals to restore
Two potential buyers made appointments to see Theresa's house, which is for sale. Theresa scheduled the appointments so that they would overlap and the two buyers would see each other. Theresa is using which of the compliance tactics?
Credibility and Likability
Vicki is a persuasive, successful, salesperson. It is most likely that she possesses _________ and _____________ characteristics
Interal Attributions
When people ascribe the causes of someone's behavior to personal dispositions, traits, abilities, or feelings, they are making _____________
"Old-fashioned" Discrimination
When people say it is more important to encourage boys than girls in athletics, they are engaging in ____________
External Attributions
When they impute the causes of their behavior to situational demands and environmental constraints, they are making _____________
Social Support
Which of the following is considered a factor in prompting individuals to resist pressure from authority figures?
You are dealing with an audience that is uneducated on the issue on which you are speaking, Your best strategy is to present a message that is
_______ are widely held beliefs that people have certain characteristics because of their membership in a particular group
Defensive Attribution
_______ is a tendency to blame victims for their misfortune, so that one feels less likely to be victimized in a similar way
Robert Cialdini
__________ has written extensively about how the reciprocity norm is used in social influence efforts.