Chapter 7: Selecting HR

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Early in the process, just after job applications have come in

Electronic screening is most useful at what point in the selection process?

(1) Applicant Job Interest (2) Preemployment Screening (3) Application Form (4) Test/Interview (5) Background Investigation (6) Additional Interview (optional) (7) Conditional Job Offer (8) Medical Exam / Drug Test (9) Job Placement.

The selection process Show the order in which the following steps occur in the selection process.


Coding competitions, games, and puzzles have taken the place of the at some companies.

Interact effectively with the rest of the team

Video case study: Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla Watch the video about Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla and use your knowledge of human resources and selection to answer the questions that follow: Melanie Gollick, nursing floor manager for Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla, says, "It's the personality and being able to mesh with the group." In making this statement, Melanie is concerned about whether the candidate will:

realistic job preview

A _________ provides potential employees with an accurate introduction to a job so that they can better evaluate the employment situation.

a business necessity

Air traffic controllers are required to speak English while they are working, because English is the universal language used in control towers all over the world. In this case, speaking English is

Person/environment fit

An organization's best employees match the company at all levels—they share the company's values and culture, they work well with others in their department, and they have the skills required to do their jobs. How do psychologists refer to this overall match?

A test

Andrea McKartle, the senior wildlife administrator for the Save the Owls fund, had an interesting habit. Whenever she was interviewing a new job applicant, she took him or her to lunch. She would watch carefully, and if the applicant salted his or her food before tasting it, Andrea would not hire that person. According to the federal government, this practice is what?

Did this applicant have any health issues that affected his or her performance? (For applicants with attendance issues) Why did this applicant have attendance issues?

Background investigations: Which of the following questions would not be appropriate to ask during a reference check? Check all that apply.

Compensatory approach

Customer service managers at Integrity Shoes are given three tests before being hired: (1) a customer service test; (2) a math test; and (3) an English test. If the applicant scores very low on one test, he or she may still be hired, as long as he or she scores extremely well on another test. What approach to combining predictors is Integrity Shoes using?

Create a structured interview to more accurately evaluate job applicants Choose more job-related selection tests

Dana is in charge of selection for a large telecommunications company. She has to hire over 500 people per year to install the company's systems. Currently, she is using handwriting analysis to see if people are friendly and an unstructured interview to review the previous work experience of applicants. What could Dana do to make her system more effective? Check all that apply.

Behavioral interview

Darnell is interviewing for a project manager job at Marvel Studios. He is asked, "Tell me about a time when you and your manager disagreed about how to approach a project. What was the situation? What did you do? What were the results?" What kind of interview is Darnell participating in?

a lot of

Employees today stay on the job for shorter amounts of time than they did in the past. According to A. Doyle from, "The median number of years that 'wage and salary' workers have worked for their current employer is currently 4.6 years. This longevity varies by age and occupation, for example, the median tenure for employees age 25 to 34 is 3.2 years. Interestingly, the median tenure for employees age 65 and over is 10.3 years." Companies hiring people who require __________ training are more likely to be disturbed by this trend than other companies.

Joelle's interviewer made a snap judgement.

Joelle walked into her interview wearing a very well-tailored suit. Just by looking at her, the interviewer decided that she was appropriate for the job and spent the rest of the interview prompting Joelle for more information on why she was qualified for the job. What mistake was Joelle's interviewer making?

Halo effect

Rajiv was interviewing an applicant for a loan analyst position. When Rajiv found out that the loan analyst had 7 years of experience working at the Bank of the Ozarks, he didn't have to hear anything else. The applicant's work experience was so positive that Rajiv didn't pay any attention to the fact that the applicant knew little about New York State banking laws. What term describes the kind of mistake Rajiv is making?

A structured interview

Stacey is the regional manager of a retail department store. When interviewing job applicants, Stacey creates a list of questions that are relevant to the job and an answer key to score different possible responses to the questions. Stacey then uses the same list of questions and scoring key for every candidate she interviews. Which of the following interview formats does Stacey use?


Suppose you are interviewing a social media consultant. You want her to have a good idea of your company, so you make remarks like, "That's a great answer," and you smile at her frequently. These kinds of gestures are likely to make your interview __________ successful.

A. Current Employees B. Applicants C. Review Job Performance (past records) D. Hire Applicants without Considering Tests

Use your knowledge of concurrent and predictive validity to select the correct labels for the following illustration.

How did you get along with your coworkers? Avoid Did you come to work on time for your last job? Avoid Tell me about a time when you were the leader of a team. What was the situation? What did you do? What were your results? Use

Use your knowledge of interviewing to determine if you should ask the following questions in an interview. (Avoid/Use)

A. Loner B. Joiner C. Calm D. Worried

Use your knowledge of the Big Five personality characteristics to select the correct labels for the following illustration.

Different individuals arriving at different decisions regarding applicants

Video case study: Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla Watch the video about Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla and use your knowledge of human resources and selection to answer the questions that follow: Mary Ellen Doyle, vice president and chief nursing executive officer, says that Scripps Memorial engages staff in the interview process. In doing so, Scripps is most likely subject to:

Minority groups tend to score lower on these exams.

What is the biggest concern companies should have about using cognitive ability tests, such as the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), to measure candidate abilities?


What is the name of the program run by the Department of Homeland Security that helps to verify whether or not new employees are eligible to work in the United States?

Entry-level amusement park employees

Which applicants would be most appropriate for a group interview?

Structured interviews

Which form of interview gives the highest intra-rater and inter-rater reliability?

Get a balanced view. Use questions that will produce complete answers. Control the interview. Plan the interview.

Which of the following actions will help to make interviewing more effective? Check all that apply.

Use the same room for testing—put all applicants in the same place while they take the test. Give all test takers the same instructions before they begin the test.

Which of the following actions will increase the reliability of a test? Check all that apply.

Résumés do not provide the same kind of information about every applicant. Résumés often omit negative information.

Which of the following are problems with using résumés as part of the screening process? Check all that apply.

At-will-employment Application time limit Information falsification

Which of the following disclaimers are recommended for use in an application form? Check all that apply.

What is your emergency contact information?

Which of the following questions would be considered illegal on an application form?

Employees within a particular organization tend to be relatively similar to each other because people gravitate toward environments in which they fit.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the ideas of the attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) theory?

Assessment centers more better

______________ use multiple tests and multiple raters to evaluate applicants. They are ________ expensive to conduct than other tests, and they typically result in __________ staffing decisions.

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