Chapter 7 Sensory Practice

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Which situation would stimulate the semicircular canals?

A gymnast doing flips

Which of the following cells provide lateral integration between neurons in the retina?

Amacrine cells Horizontal cells

Which pathway carries sensory information about pain and temperature?

Anterolateral system

____ refers to the clouding of the lens caused by lifelong accumulation of precipitated proteins.


Indicate which three of the following are examples of sensory modalities.

Cold Pressure Light

Which of the following does NOT influence the encoding of stimulus intensity?

Duration of the stimulus

Sound is possible in any medium or place, including vacuum.


The location of all stimuli is interpreted from the place on our body where the stimulus was actually applied.


The man's history was useful in the physician's ability to eliminate potential causes of his condition. Which of the following aspects of the man's history was useful in reducing the likelihood this was caused by compromised blood flow?

He reported dizziness while occasionally simply lying down.

Which of the following cells provide lateral integration between neurons in the retina

Horizontal cells Amacrine cells

Which statements are true of the condition known as color blindness?

It occurs mostly in men. Two cone photopigments are coded for by the X chromosome.

Besides modality, what other types of information are encoded by sensory receptors?

Location and intensity

Variations in stimulus intensity can be due to which of the following factors?

Magnitude of receptor potentials Frequency of sensory nerve fiber firing Recruitment of different numbers of afferent neurons

sensory trasnduction

Overall, the process by which a stimulus is transformed into an electrical response is known as

Which of the following are causes of nystagmus?

Pathology of the vestibular apparatus or vestibulocochlear nerve. Persistent spinning of fluid in the semicircular canals after the head stops rotating. High blood alcohol concentrations.

____ are small, jerking movements of the eyeball that rapidly bring it from one fixation point to another.


Which are considered parts of the vestibular apparatus?

Semicircular canals Saccule Utricle

What senses rely primarily on chemoreceptors for signal transduction?

Smell Taste

What three main characteristics of a stimulus are encoded by sensory receptors?

Stimulus intensity. Stimulus location. Stimulus modality.


The conversion of stimulus energy into a signal that conveys the relevant sensory information to the CNS is known as

Which of these options are somatic sensory receptors?

Thermoreceptor Skin pressure receptor Proprioceptor

Saccades move the visual image over the retina to prevent bleaching and adaptation of the photoreceptors.


True or false: The cortical association areas are not considered part of the sensory pathway.


Which structures senses straight line (linear) accelerations of the head, as might occur when riding in an elevator or holding your head at a particular angle with respect to gravity (like bent over to tie a shoe)?

Utricle Saccule

In general, receptors of a given sensory unitall respond to the same modality

all respond to the same modality

Because they project "up" to the brain, sensory pathways are also called


A term that is often used synonymously with "sensory pathway" is

ascending pathway

The physics of sound and the physiology of the external, middle, and inner ear, are the basis of our sense of ____ or hearing


Transient receptor potential (TRP) proteins can be stimulated by the chemical ligand called ____, found in chili peppers, and perceived as being hot.


Normally the lens is clear, however lens color can change with aging, becoming cloudy and causing blurred vision. This is a condition called


The sensory receptors responsible for the senses of taste and smell are


The correct order of the structures in the figure, beginning with the front of the retina on the far left to the optic nerve fibers on the far right is

choroid, photoreceptor cells, horizontal cells, bipolar cells, amacrine cells, ganglion cells

In general, mechanoreceptors are highly specialized neuron endings that are linked to networks of ____ fibers within a capsule that is often filled with fluid. These networks transmit the mechanical tension in the fluid-filled capsule to ____ channels in the neuron endings and activate them.

collagen ion

A defect in genes encoding cone photopigments can cause a condition known as

color blindness

Receptors for body movement, limb positions, fine touch discrimination, and pressure, connect with the somatosensory pathway called the

dorsal column

Receptors for body movement, limb positions, fine touch discrimination, and pressure, connect with the somatosensory pathway called the ____ ____ pathway.

dorsal column

Vision is the perception of

electromagnetic radiation

Before striking the tympanic membrane, sound energy travels through the

external auditory canal

When light strikes the retina and initiates action potentials that travel to the visual cortex, the first cell type that undergoes an action potential is a(n) ____ cell


Put the layers of the retina in the order that light passes through them. Start with the first layer on top.

ganglion cells bipolar cells photoreceptor cells

Mechanoreceptors that monitor tension on tendons are called ____ ____ organs

golgi tendon

The sense of taste is known as


The primary sensory cortical area and the region of association cortex closest to it process information

in simple ways and serve basic sensory-related functions

There are two groups of hair cells in the organ of Corti. Stereocilia of the ______ hair cells transduce pressure waves caused by vibrations of the basilar membrane into receptor potentials, while stereocilia of the ______ hair cells are embedded in the overlying tectorial membrane, and alter its movements to sharpen frequency tuning at each region of the basilar membrane.

inner; outer

The utricle and saccule provide information about ____ acceleration of the head, and the position of the head relative to ____

linear gravity

The specific nerve fibers which send the signal to the brain determines signal


The type of stimulus, such as whether it is heat, cold, sound or pressure, is known as the stimulus


Sensory receptors located in skeletal muscles that contribute to posture and movement by indicating muscle length are called ___ ___ stretch receptors

muscle spindle

A large, jerky back-and-forth movement of the eyes that can occur in response to unusual or defective vestibular function is called


The sense of smell is also known as


Put the following structures in order as signals travel from the cochlea. Start with the cochlear structure at the top of the list.

organ of corti vestibulocochlear nerve brainstem thalamus auditory cortex

The sensation of ____ is mediated by specialized receptors called nociceptors.


A phenomenon in which sensory perception occurs relating to a body part lost by accident or amputation is called

phantom limb

Patients who have lost a body part by accident or amputation sometimes experience sensory perception in that part as though it were still present. This phenomenon is called

phantom limb

The back layer of the retina, closest to the choroid, is composed of the ____ (rods and cones), while the front layer, consists of the ____ cells, whose axons become the optic nerve.

photoreceptor bipolar

The colors we perceive are related to the wavelengths of light that the ____ in the objects of our visual world reflect, absorb, or transmit


In the neural pathway of vision, the first cells where action potentials can be initiated are the ganglion cells, because these are the only cells in the pathway that ____ ion channels

possess voltage-gated

In the neural pathway of vision, the first cells where action potentials can be initiated are the ganglion cells, because these are the only cells in the pathway that ______ ion channels

possess voltage-gated

The opening in the iris that allows light into the eye is the


When a light ray passes from air into water its direction changes, a phenomenon called


When diverging light rays enter a dense medium at an angle to its convex surface, the wave changes direction at an angle that depends on the density of the medium and the angle at which it strikes the surface. This bending of light waves is called


A small rapid jerky movement of the eye, especially as it jumps from one fixation point to another, is called a(n)


Changes in rotational speed of the head are sensed by the

semicircular canals or vestibular apparatus

Olfaction is the

sense of smell

An object appears red because it absorbs ___ wavelengths, while simultaneously reflecting the ___ wavelengths

shorter (blue); longer (red)

Nociceptor fibers typically have a ______ diameter and are _____

small; unmyelinated

Sensation from the skin, skeletal muscles, bones, tendons, and joints, which is initiated by a variety of sensory receptors, is termed

somatic sensation

Audition is the special sense that detects stimulus energy in the form of


Vibrations of molecules in gaseous, liquid, or solid mediums are detected by special sensory receptors and perceived as


The "hairlike" structures on hair cells in the organ of Corti are ____ that vary in size


From the brainstem, auditory information is transmitted via a polysynaptic pathway to the thalamus and on to the auditory cortex in the ____ lobe of the cerebrum


Auditory signals travel from the vestibulocochlear nerve to interneurons in the brainstem, then to ____ the before going to the auditory cortex.


The conversion of stimulus energies such as pressure, light, or chemical concentration into electrical signals is referred to as sensory


The actual temperature sensors are ion channels in the plasma membranes of the axon terminals that belong to a family of proteins called ___ ___ ___ (TRP) proteins

transient receptor potential

The first structure that sound energy encounters after passing through the external auditory canal is the

tympanic membrane

The utricle, saccule and semicircular canals are collectively called the ___ apparatus

vestibular or labyrinth

The wavelengths of light capable of stimulating the receptors of the eye are between about 400 and 750 nm. These are collectively known as the

visible spectrum

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