Chapter 8: Adolescents, Young Adults, and Adults

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What is the leading cause of death for adults?

(25-44): unintentional injuries (45-64): noncommunicable diseases with heart disease are the leading causes of death

What are the behaviors that put each of these cohorts--- adolescents ---at greatest risk, and how does a person's environment impact there behaviors?

- Adolescents: The use of tobacco products represents one of the most high widespread, high risk health behaviors for this group. In 2009, approximately 1/5 of high schools students were current smokers. This leads to greater risk of disease later in life.

Why are the number of adolescents and young adults, living arrangements, and employment status key demographic characteristics of young people in regard to community health? Briefly summarize the data available on these characteristics.

-# of adolescents- the number of young people in the US has remained constant since it's peak in 1979. It is important because it will continue to rise in the future and as it rises it will become more diverse. This is important because of the health disparities already present need to be addressed for a racial diverse future. 60% white non Hispanic will decrease 44% by 2050. -Living Arrangements: Due to the increasing divorce rate, the number of children and adolescents living in a single-parent household has dramatically increased in the past couple decades. This is important because it does not only affect children emotionally, but also economically. Single parent households experience more severe economic disadvantages that can adversely affect health. 1/3 of children live in single parent families as oppose to 1/10 in 1970. -Employment Status: This is important because employment is directly related to health insurance and health care. The youth makes up 14% of the workforce.

What are the behaviors that put each of these cohorts---college students---at greatest risk, and how does a person's environment impact there behaviors?

-College Students: Alcohol consumption, especially binge drinking is the riskiest behaviors college students participate in. Surveys show that 69% of college students drank alcohol in the 30 days preceding this survey.

How would you summarize the health profile of two cohorts (adolescents and young adults and adults) presented in this chapter?

Adolescents and Young Adults: The health profile of young people in America is characterized by mortality and morbidity from specific diseases, and health behaviors and lifestyle choices. Much of the physical threats to young adults stems from their behavior rather than disease. 3/4 of all mortality can be contributed to unintentional injury, homicide, and suicide. STDS, such as HIV, HPV, chlamydia, and gonorrhea, majorly cause diseases that cause considerable morbidity in young adults. Adults: The health profile of this age group of adults is characterized primarily by mortality from chronic diseases stemming from poor health behavior and poor lifestyle choices made during the earlier years of life. Even though for 25-34 year olds unintentional injuries are still a predominant in mortality, the majority of adults' mortality is based on non communicable diseases. Heart disease, cancer, and cardiovascular disease are some of the preventable diseases that adults deal with because of poor lifestyle and behavior choices throughout their life

What are the behaviors that put each of these cohorts---adults---at greatest risk, and how does a person's environment impact there behaviors?

Adults: The behavior that puts adults most at risk is chronic disease stemming from poor health behavior and poor lifestyle choices made form earlier years of life. Smoking, lack of exercise, cancers, stroke, and diabetes.

What is the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) and what type of data does it generate?

CDC initiated the YRBSS to better track selected health behaviors among young people. It includes a national school based survey, as well as state, territorial, tribal, and district surveys. In 1991, this was the first school based survey. This survey was conducted biennially during odd numbered years among national probability samples of 9th to 12th grade students from private and public highs schools.

What is the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and what type of data does it generate?

Health Statistics collects self-reported behavior risk data on adults via the BRFSS. One limitation from this system in that they are collected, and usually reported on all adults older than 18 years of age; the data is not broken down into age groups.

What two data sources are available for monitoring the health behaviors of college students?

National College Health Assessment II (NCHA-II) and Monitoring the Future

Who tried to restrict the distribution of tobacco to youth?

President Clinton

What is the third leading cause of death in adolescents and young adults?


What is the leading cause of death for adolescents and young adults?

Unintentional injuries; The most common cause is motor vehicle crashes, and in more than half of all fatal crashes, alcohol was involved.

Why is it important for community and public health workers to be aware of the significant health problems of the various age groups in the United States?

Viewing age group profiles enables public health workers to detect the sources of diseases, injury, and death for specific priority populations and to propose programs to reduce those sources. Effective programs aimed at specific population age groups can reduce the risk factors that contribute to disease, injury, and death.


a time when children psychologically move from areas of relative comfort and emotional security to lace and situations that are far more complex and often much more challenging

What ages are included in the following two age groups: adolescents and young adults and adults? What are the ages of the two subgroups of adults?

adolescents and young adults: 15-24 Adults: 25-44 and 45-64


cardiovascular workload measured by heart rate

Protective Factor

factors that increase an individuals ability to avoid risks or hazards, and promote social and emotional competence to thrive in all aspect of life

Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act

granted the FDA the authority to regulate the manufacture, distribution sale, labeling, advertising and promotion of tobacco products to protect public health

life course approach

helps explain how every stage of a person's life impacts the individual's long term health


high levels of cholesterol in the blood

most prevalent types of cancer in women are _______?

lung breast colorectal

most prevalent types of cancer in men are _______?

lung prostate colorectal

leading cause of cancer deaths and the most preventable type of cancer for both men and women is ____?

lung cancer

Smokeless Tobacco

or spit tobacco, includes oral sniff, loose leaf chewing tobacco,plug chewing tobacco,and usual snuff

What four factors influence community health?

physical factors, community organizing,individual behavior, and social and cultural factors

What five behaviors of high school students that relate to unintentional injuries are monitored as part of the YRBSS?

seat belt use, bicycle helmet use, motorcycle helmet use, riding with a driver who has been drinking alcohol, and driving after drinking alcohol


systolic pressure equal to or greater than 140 mm of mercury (Hg) and/or diastolic pressure equal to or greater than 90 mm Hg for extended periods of time

What is school connectedness?

the belief by students that adults and peers in the school care about their learning as well as about them as individuals. It has been shown to have positive impacts of substance abuse, violence, unintentional injury, etc

Body Mass Index (BMI)

the ratio of weight (in kilograms) to height (in meters, squared)

Adolescents and Young Adults

those people who fall into the 10 to 24 year old age range

Who attempts suicide more often women or men?


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