Chapter 8 Cardiovascular System

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The right atrioventricular valve is also known as the

Tricuspid valve

The lower chambers of the heart are called the


The largest artery in the body and main artery in the left ventricle


Second most common heart defect in dogs; occurs when the area of the valve is narrowed causing blood to flow quickly through the valve producing a systolic heart murmur

Aortic Stenosis

The valve preventing blood from re-entering the left ventricle is the

Aortic Valve

The semilunar valves are the

Aortic and Pulmonary

Prevents backflow of blood from the aorta into the left ventricle

Aortic valve

What is the name for the caudal, pointed end of the heart, which contains the left ventricle?


A small artery is called an


Any vessel that carries blood away from the heart is called an


You are viewing a blood vessel under the microscope. You see 3 distinct layers, one of which is a thick muscular layer. The layers are seperated by the extensive elastic tissue. Thie vessel is most likely a(n)


Brings blood from the areas cranial to the heart

Cranial Vena Cava

What is the general name for the flap of connective tissue that makes up a heart valve?


Heart pumps blood day and night through the vascular system to:

Deliver O2, nutrients, hormones, inflammatory cells, antibodies, and remove waste products.

Veins collect what type of blood from the tissues


Process of generating electrical impulse from the SA node; results from movement of cations into SA node cells


What is the opening called that is present between the right and left atria in a fetus?

Foramen Ovale

3 bypasses in fetal cirulation

Foramen Ovale, Ductus Venosus, and Ductus Arteriosis

If valve doesn't close properly, blood leaks back during systole and causes a

Heart Murmur

Frequency of heart contractions

Heart Rate

Veins in the hind limbs merge into right and left _____ veins


Veins that carry blood to the caudal vena cava

Iliac Veins

The two upper chambers of the heart are seperated by the

Interatrial septum

Borders of the ventricles are seperated by the

Interventricular sulci

Which side of the heart pumps blood over longer distances than the other side


The heart chamber that receives blood from the lungs is the

Left Atrium

The left ventricle receives blood from the

Left Atrium

Ejects oxygentated blood into systemic circulation; very thick wall

Left Ventricle

Long and narrow, thick walled, terminates at apex of the heart

Left Ventricle

The part of the heart capable of generating the largest force is the

Left ventricle

Tissue present in the right ventricle; orginates at the interventricular septum

Moderator Band

Intercalated disks are found in the heart wall layer called the


The thick muscular layer of the heart wall is the


Two layers of the pericardium

Outer fivrous and Inner Serous

Wave - depolarization of the atria

P wave

Prevents the valve leaflets from prolapsing back into the atrium when the ventricles contract

Papillary Muscles

Input causes vasodilation and decreased blood pressure

Parasympathetic Nervous System

Two layers of the inner serous pericardium

Parietal and Visceral (Epicardium)

Outer-layer of the heart


Main artery in the right ventricle


Which valve is at the exit of the right ventricle?


Delivers oxygenated blood to the lungs; only arteries that carry deoxygenated blood

Pulmonary Arteries

The right side of the heart pumps blood through

Pulmonary Circulation

Bring oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart; only veins in the body that carry oxygenated blood

Pulmonary Veins

What valve is located between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery?

Pulmonary valve

Three circulatory systems

Pulmonary, Systemic, and Coronary

Fibers that carry impulses from the bundle of his up into the ventricular myocardium

Purkinje Fibers

Waves created by ventricular depolarization

QRS complex

Less pressure to fill the heart, decreased stroke volume

Reduced Blood Pressure

Cations are pumped out of the cell; results in the outside of the cell having a more positive charge than the inside of the cell


Blood passes through tricuspid valve into which chamber of the heart?

Right Ventricle

Broader surface area; wraps around left ventricle

Right Ventricle

Receives blood from the right atrium; pumps deoxygenated blood into the pulmonary circulation where it will pick up O2.

Right Ventricle

The aortic and pulmonary valves are collectively known as which valves?


Valve that is present between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery; purpose is to prevent blood from flowing back from the pulmonary artery into the right ventricle

Semilunar Valve

Generates electrical impulses that trigger repeated beating of the heart; specialized area of cardiac muscle located in R atrium

Sinoatrial node (SA node)

Increased filling of the heart results in increased force of cardiac contraction and increased stroke volume

Starlings Law

Amount of blood ejected with each cardiac contraction

Stroke Volume

What type of arteries branch off the aorta and travel toward the thoracic limbs

Subclavian arteries

Input to the arterioles causes vasocontriction and an increase in blood pressure

Sympathetic Nervous System

What is it called when the heart chamber contracts?


Wave- repolarization of the ventricles

T wave

How many cusps does the mitral valve have?


How many cusps does the tricuspid valve have?


Aorta is divided into 3 major sections which are

Ascending aorta, Aortic Arch, and the Descending aorta

Receives deoxygentated blood from the cranial vena cava, caudal vena cava, and the coronary sinus


The vena cava empty into which chamber of the heart?


Largest and most visible parts of the atria


What is the name for the wide cranial end of the heart? This is the area where the arteries and veins enter and exit.


Veins in the forelegs merge into larger and larger vessels to form right and left ________ veins


Type of vein that carries blood to the cranial vena cava then back to the heart

Brachycephalic veins

The blood vessels with the thinnest walls are the


The microscopic vessels that allow for exchanges between the blood and body cells are the


What arteries branch of one of both subclavian arteries?

Carotid arteries

Brings blood from the areas caudal to the heart

Caudal Vena Cava

Threads that attach the valve flaps to the ventricle walls are called

Chordae Tendinae

Function of coronary sinus

Collects blood from the myocardium

Malfuntion of the mitral valve is the most common cause of

Congestive Heart Failure

The blood supply to the myocardium is called the ____ circulation


The first vessels that branch off the aorta are the

Coronary Arteries

A dilated vein that returns blood from the coronary circulation to the right atrium is the

Coronary sinus

What is it called when the heart chamber relaxes?


Connection between the proximal portion of the left pulmonary artery and the descending aorta (in fetus)

Ductus Arteriosus

The outermost later of the heart wall is called the


Which two strcutures divides the heart into left and right sides?

The interatrial and interventricular septum

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