Chapter 8 Personal Fitness
20. When your goal is to increase muscular endurance, your starting weight load should be what percent of your maximum lift for one repetition?
21. What is the recommended number of repetitions when you train specifically for strength?
13. Why is increased muscular fitness important?
Body appearance,posture, and physical activity.
16. How should you breathe during the lifting phase of weight training?
Exhale when lifting; inhale while lowering; hold it hard during the lift; breathe out with effort.
12. Set
a group of repetitions performed one after another.
17. Dynamic muscle contractions are called:
concentric phase and the eccentric phase
7. Isometric exercises
exercises in which one contracts muscle but does not move body parts.
8. Isotonic exercises
exercises in which one contracts muscles but does not move body parts.
9. Isokinetic exercises
exercises with special machines that allow for the maximum resistance over the complete range of motion
23. When exerting yourself during weight training, what rules should you follow?
follow your planned exercise program
6. Eccentric movement
lengthening of a muscle, also called negative work.
3. Intermediate, Twitch fibers
muscle fibers that possess a combination of the fast and slow-twitch fiber characteristics
15. What is the procedure of increasing weight loads over several weeks known as?
18. What should the emphasis be on when starting a weight-training program?
proper warm up, a complete range of motion, utilize a trained spotter.
24. What are the safety considerations for weight training?
proper warm up, a complete range of motion, utilize a trained spotter.
2. Slow, Twitch fibers
red muscle fibers that are slow to contract but have the ability to continue contracting for long periods of time.
14. What is a group of repeated movements performed continuously with a given weight load?
5. Concentric movement
shortening of a muscle due to contraction, also called positive work.
19. Which type of muscle fiber contributes most to muscular endurance?
slow twitch
10. Repetition
the completion of a single, full range movement of the body part being exercised.
1. Atrophy
the wasting away or decrease in size of a body part, particularly muscle.
25. What is intensity/repetition/resistance needed when training for muscular strength?
to build muscle
22. What is intensity/repetition/resistance needed when training for muscular endurance?
to build strength
4. Fast, Twitch Fibers
white muscle fibers that contract quickly
11. Resistance
working against a force which may be in the form of a barbell or your own body weight