Chapter 8:axial and appendicular skeleton

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Which bones contain the paranasal sinuses?

(Find Eggs Soon Mom) frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, maxilla

how many bones are contained in each lower limb?


how many metatarsals are in the foot?


the number of metacarpal bones per upper limb is _______


How many carpal bones are therein each wrist?


the hyoid and auditory ossicles are part of the ________ skeleton


the two main divisions of the skeletal system are the ______ skeleton and __________ skeleton


the thick spinous processes of lumbar vertebrae provide extensive surface area for the attachment of ________

back muscles

which structure articulates with the head of the radius?


the tarsal bones of the foot are analogous with the _______ bones of the wrist



cavity within a bone

the vertebrae that have small bodies, short bifid spinous processes and transverse foramina within their transverse processes are called ______


the most superior portion of the vertebral column is made of ________ vertebrae

cervical vertebrae

What are the 5 regions of the vertebral column? (in order)

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx

the pectoral girdle consists of two bones, the _______ and the _________

clavicle and scapulae


cleft of groove in a bone

a large, smooth, rounded articulation oval structure on a bone is properly identified as a __________


The frontal bone and parietal bones are connected by the ______.

coronal suture

Enclosing the brain is a function of ______.

cranial bones

Sutures are immovable joints forming the boundaries between the ______.

cranial bones

the axis (C2) contains a prominent process called the _______, which acts as a pivot for the rotation of both the atlas and the skull


What tissue is sutures connects cranial bones firmly together?

dense regular CT

the condyles are on the ________ end of the femur


the neck of the fibula is _______ to the head of the fibula



enlargement on the end of a bone

Which bone in the skull helps to form the floor of the cranium, the roof of the nasal cavity, and the medial wall of the orbit?

ethmoid bone

True or false: The first cervical vertebra and occipital bone articulate with each other at the external occipital protuberance.


the condyles of the tibia articulate with the condyles of the ___________


the strongest and heaviest bone in the body is the __________


what correctly describes the scapula?

flat, triangular and broad

a ______ is a round passageway through a bone


The largest foramen in the skull, visible on an inferior (basal) view, is the ______.

foramen magnum

which bone helps to form the cranium of the skull?

frontal bone

Which bones are visible while looking at a superior view of the skull?

frontal; parietal

Which structure forms both the floor of the nasal cavity and part of the roof of your mouth?

hard palate

the os coxae is often referred to as the ______

hip bone

what are functions of the vertebral column?

houses and protects the spinal cord, provides vertical support for the body, support the weight of the head

which bones associated with the skull is an attachment site of tongue and larynx muscles?


what is the pelvic bone made of?

ilium, ischium, pubis

the true pelvis is _______ to the false pelvis



interlocking joint between skull bones

the depression between the greater and lesser tubercle is called the ______

intertubercular sulcus

the pads of fibrocartilage separating adjacent vertebral bodies are called the _________ discs


lateral openings between adjacent vertebrae are called ________

intervertebral foramina

Which suture forms the boundary between the occipital bone and the parietal bones?

lambdoid suture


large process (femur only)

the fibula is ___ to the tibia


the greater tubercle is more ______ than the lesser tubercle


Which scapular border is closest to the axilla?

lateral border

Which view of the skull clearly shows the squamous suture between the parietal and temporal bones?

lateral view

which type of vertebrae have thick, oval shaped bodies, and short, thick and blunt spinous processes?


What bone is between the scaphoid and the triquetrum?


Which is an unpaired facial bone?


The temporal bone and mandible articulate to form the tempormandibular joint at the _________

mandibular fossa

Which bones contribute to the formation of the hard palate?

maxilla and palatine bones

in anatomical position, the ulna is _____ to the radius


which edge of the scapula is closest to the vertebrae?

medial border

the distal medial process of the tibia is called the ________

medial malleolus


membranous "soft spots" between skull bones in infant


narrow ridge


narrow, tube like passageway through bone

The bridge of the nose is formed by the ____________ bones.

nasal bones

what bones are just inferior to the glabella?

nasal bones

the perpendicular plate and vomer come together to form the __________

nasal septum

Which feature of the occipital bone articulates with the first cervical vertebra?

occipital condyles

Which cranial nerve passes through the cribriform foramina in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone?

olfactory nerve (CN I)


opening through bone

the glenoid cavity is part of the ______ girdle and the acetabulum is part of the _________ girdle

pectoral; pelvic

A sagittal sectional view of a skull would show the ______ of the ethmoid forming the posterosuperior portion of the nasal septum. Multiple choice question.

perpendicular plate

The superior portion of the nasal septum is formed by the _________

perpendicular plate

Which part of the ethmoid bone helps to form the nasal septum?

perpendicular plate

articular surface

place where a bone articulates, or forms a joint, with another bone

the thoracic and sacral curvatures of the vertebral column are classified as __________

primary curves


prominent projection


small pit or depression


small, nearly flattened articular surface


smaller, knob like process

What passes through the foramen magnum?

spinal cord

which structural feature is absent in the first cervical vertebra?

spinous process

which suture forms the articulation between the parietal and temporal bones?

squamous suture

what are borders of the scapula?

superior, lateral and medial borders

the occipital bone can be seen from a _______ view of the skull

superior; posterior

what is a function of the cranial bones?

surround and protect the brain

name the tarsals of the foot in order

talus, calcaneus, navicular, medial cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform, cuboid

Which bones articulate at the mandibular fossa to form the temporomandibular joint?

temporal bone & mandible

which vertebrae have long, pointed spinous processes and costal facets or costal demifacets representing sites of articulation with the ribs?


Which are the primary curves present in the vertebral column of a newborn?

thoracic and sacral curvatures

Which part of the axial skeleton acts as a protective framework around the vital organs of the thorax and provides attachment points for many muscles?

thoracic cage

the thoracic cage consists of the _________

thoracic vertebrae, sternum, ribs


thornlike projection

the "shin" is the anterior border of the ___________


the crural region only has one weight bearing bone. what is it?


the rough anterior surface of the tibia that can be palpated just inferior to the patella is the ________ tuberosity


which carpal bone is most lateral?


the pelvic organs are found in the ______

true pelvis

what passes through the transverse foramina of the cervical vertebrae?

vertebral arteries

The spinal cord is protected by the ______.

vertebral column

the fusion of the temporal process of the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone forms the _______

zygomatic arch

the scapula is a part of the _________

pectoral girdle


a "flaring" of bone leading to a condyle


a pully shaped structure

the deep depression (socket) of the os coxae is called the _______


The intervertebral discs are composed of ______.

an anulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus

The process of the maxillae and the palatine bones make up the hard palate is the ___________ process.


the metacarpal bones make up the _________

palm of hand

in anatomical position, the radius and ulna are ________


The structures that help to lighten the weight of certain skull bones, humidify and warm inhaled air, and provides resonance to the voice are the ___________

paranasal sinuses

which cranial bones are paired?

parietal bones


part of a bone that forms an angle with rest of bone

the epicondyles are ________ to the condyles


which bone of the forearm is on the same side as the thumb?



relatively broad depression


ridge like projection

Which areas of the skull are formed in part by the ethmoid bone?

roof of the nasal cavity, floor of the cranium, medial wall of orbit


roughened area; functions as attachment site for tendons and ligaments


rounded projection that usually articulates with another bone

each os coxae articulates with the femur and the _________


The articulation between the right and left parietal bones is formed by the ______.

sagittal suture

So Long Top Part, Here Comes The Thumb

scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, hamate, capitate, trapezoid, trapezium

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