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Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of desert climates?

Precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration.

Of the weather elements below, which is the one of which we are usually LEAST aware without the use of weather instruments?


Which remote sensing tool is used to develop storm warnings?


The 1-5 scale rating of hurricane intensity is the ________ scale.


Which is not a projection of future climate?

Sea level will continue to fall

The month most likely for a hurricane to occur in the Northern Hemisphere is ________.


The site of the world's record lowest average annual precipitation is on the continent of ________.

South America

Where is a place where tropical cyclones DO NOT form?

South Atlantic

All the following are proxy records of past climates except

Thermometer readings

Most of the wettest areas around the world are located in the ________.


Over the ENTIRE past 70 million years there has been ________.

a global cooling

Most of the Earth's cloudiness results directly from ________.

adiabatic cooling

Water is unique because no other substance occurs in ________.

all three states of matter

Which of the following occurs most frequently?

an easterly wave

Sinking air that diverges when it reaches Earth's surface is closely associated with ________.


Thunderstorms DO NOT usually accompany ________.


The hottest places on Earth are ________.

associated with a lack of clouds

Trade winds are found ________.

at 10° north and south of the Equator

Usually, the highest relative humidity is ________.

at dawn

Fronts are located ________.

at the edges of air masses

Of the list below, the coldest air is bound to be associated with a(n) ________ air mass.


The "snow-eater" wind of the Rocky Mountains is called the ________.


Climographs are useful in ________.

classifying climate

On a weather map, a symbol consisting of triangles arranged along one side of a line indicates a(n) ________ front.


On the average, ________ fronts move the fastest of all fronts.


Which type of front typically produces the fastest rise of air?


The release of latent heat from water molecules is called ________.


In the atmosphere, liquid water collects around minute particles called ________.

condensation nuclei

In the tropical wet climate, precipitation is mainly ________.


Thunderstorms are violent ________ storms accompanied by thunder and lightning.


In the Northern Hemisphere, a midlatitude cyclone has winds that circulate ________.

counterclockwise and converging

Clouds of vertical development include the type called ________.


Which type of cloud is the associated with a thunderstorm?


A counterclockwise atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere is known as a(n) ________.


Upper air divergence is most closely associated with surface ________.


Which of the following helps determine past climate on the basis of tree rings?


A weak migratory low pressure trough which is common in the low latitudes is often called a(n) ________.

easterly wave

Which of the following rarely affects North America?


The transfer of moisture from land to air is termed ________.


The part of the hurricane characterized by scattered high clouds and light winds is known as the ________.


The damage done in New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina was mainly a result of ________.

flooding from the failure of levees

The polar front and subtropical jet streams are both high-altitude flows which circulate ________.

from west to east

A(n) ________ is the name for a tornado does not reach the ground.

funnel cloud

As a middle latitude cyclone goes through its life cycle, the warm sector at the surface ________.

gets smaller

According to a majority of climate scientists, which of the following factors is the primary ingredient in the global warming taking place today?

greenhouse gas concentrations

By some estimates, the annual average extent of Northern Hemisphere sea ice has ________ since the 1950s.


Tornadoes, although erratic in their pathways, are always characterized by ________ pressure.


In wet tropical climates the "winter" season is the ________ period.

lower sun angle

The zone of westerly winds is typical of the ________ latitudes.


The greatest day-to-day and seasonal contrasts of climate are found in the ________ climates.

middle latitude

Fair weather with calm winds is most likely to result from a(n) ________.

midlatitude anticyclone

Coriolis effect exists because ________.

the Earth rotates

The region in which the intertropical convergence can be found is ________.

the Equator

The world record for greatest precipitation received in a single year is on the order of ________ centimeters.


Acid rain has a pH of less than ________.


At any given time, how many mid latitude cyclones might one expect to be in existence in the Northern Hemisphere?

6 to 15

As a rule, thunderstorms do not occur poleward of ________ latitude.


How long can ice cores provide a proxy record of climate?

800,000 years

Which of the following average annual precipitation totals is CLOSEST to that expected in an Icecap climate?

< 25 cm

________ is a distinguishing feature of thunderstorms.

An anvil top

The presence of the cold Humboldt current and the Andes Mountains help to create the coastal ________ Desert.


Which of the following statements about global climate change is correct?

Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides levels in the atmosphere are higher now than in the past 800,000 years.

Of the regions of the United States, which has the highest incidence of tornadoes?

Central States

Which is not a components of Milankovitch cycles?

Changes in the distance between the Earth and moon

El Niño has been noticed for centuries by fishermen in ________.


El Niño received its name because of its association with ________.


"Continentality" is a term most closely associated with which climatic type?


The current rise in global sea level can be attributed to ________.

melting of glaciers

In tropical wet climates, what time of day is precipitation most likely?


Which of the following would be an expected average annual precipitation total in a marine west coast climate?

100 centimeters

The world's highest average annual precipitation is associated with a mountain in Hawaii where a total of CLOSEST TO ________ centimeters is received.


Of the following temperatures, which of the following is CLOSEST to the official low temperature (in degrees Celsius) ever recorded on Earth?


Which of the following best represents the length of the life cycle of a typical midlatitude cyclone?

1 week

An average air mass is on the order of ________ kilometers in diameter.


Hurricane formation is rare within ________ degrees of the Equator.


Tornadoes contain extreme pressure gradients. They are thought to be on the order of ________ millibars from the outside to the inside of the storm.


In order to be classified as a hurricane, sustained wind velocity must exceed ________ kilometers per hour (mph).

119 (74)

The world record highest one-day rainfall is ________ centimeters (2.54 centimeters = 1 inch).


The denser packing of molecules at the bottom of the atmosphere than molecules at the top of the atmosphere is a result of ________.


Concerning acid rain, which fact is FALSE?

It seems to be equally serious everywhere in the United States.

Which of the following occurs least over North America?

Maritime Polar air from the North Atlantic

Which month has the greatest number of tornadoes in the United States?


________ is the time of day when tornadoes are most likely to occur.


The long distance from the ocean and topographic barriers result in ________.

The Central Asian Desert

Which country is the most likely place on Earth for a tornado to occur?

The United States

Which of the following is FALSE of the Highland (H) climates?

They do not occur at tropical latitudes.

How do sulfate aerosols affect climate?

They scatter incoming radiation, cooling Earth

Which of the following provides information about past temperatures by trapping samples of the atmospheric composition to build a record of thousands of years of Earth's past climates?

ice cores

Atmospheric water vapor can be described as ________.

having an erratic distribution

Global dimming is caused by ________.

human release of aerosols

Steppe climates can be thought of as occupying transitional positions between deserts and ________.

humid climates

Oxygen isotope analysis is used when studying ________ and climate change.

ice cores

The world's highest average annual wind speeds, associated with strong katabatic wind, can be found ________.

in Antarctica

The capacity of air to hold water ________.

increases as temperature increases

Which of the following is not associated with increasing altitude in Highland climates?

increasing tornado frequency

Evaporation ________.

is a cooling process

________ are map lines connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure.


An example of a geostrophic wind is ________.

jet stream

Cold winds pouring downhill because of gravity are called ________.

katabatic winds

The saturated adiabatic lapse rate is a lesser lapse rate than the dry adiabatic lapse rate. This is because ________.

latent heat is being released

In severe mid-latitude climates, winter precipitation mainly originates from ________.

midlatitude cyclones

The single most descriptive word that can be applied to Tropical Wet climates is ________.


A ________ is a seasonal reversal of wind.


The one-year record rainfall took place in a ________ climate type.


Which of the following is closely associated with acid rain?

motor vehicle exhaust

As a general rule, friction is greatest ________.

near Earth's surface

You are in the Northern Hemisphere. The pressure gradient force is from north to south. The surface wind which blows is from ________.

northeast to southwest

Which front is shown on weather maps as a line with alternating semicircles and triangles on the same side of the line?

occluded front

Which of the following can be said to be the "death" of a midlatitude cyclone?


Air forced to move over a mountain is most closely associated with which type of lifting?


Geostrophic wind always flows ________.

parallel to the isobars

The contact zone of warm tropical and cold Polar air is known as the ________.

polar front

Flowing air responding to the difference between higher and lower pressure is responding to the ________.

pressure gradient

Which of the following is the force that initially causes the wind to blow?

pressure gradient

Wind speed is determined by ________.

pressure gradient force

Downwind of large mountain ranges there is less precipitation; this drier zone is called the ________.

rain shadow

Buoyant air will rise until it ________.

reaches the temperature of the surrounding air

Relative humidity is "relative" to ________.


The major global wind and pressure systems ________.

shift with the seasons

Air that resists vertical movement is said to be ________.


When neither air mass displaces the adjacent one, their boundary is called a(n) ________ front.


Subtropical deserts are so dry because of ________ associated with the presence of the Subtropical Highs


Climographs depict seasonal patterns of __________.

temperature and precipitation

The Köppen system of climate classification is based on ________.

temperature and precipitation

Which portion of the United States tends to have the greatest average wind speeds in all seasons?

the Great Plains

Tropical monsoon climates are found where ________.

the ITCZ comes overhead in the summer

Which of the following is NOT an ideal air mass source region?

the Rocky Mountains west of Denver

Midlatitude cyclones contain several well-defined channels of air called ________.

the conveyor belt

The rising and subsequent cooling of air at the rate of 10°C per 1,000 meters is called ________.

the dry adiabatic lapse rate

The movement (track along the ground) of middle latitude cyclones is determined by ________.

the jet stream

Which part of the United States has the worst acid rain problem?

the northeastern United States

Acid rainfall does conspicuous damage to all EXCEPT ________.

the ozone layers

Mediterranean climates experience dry summers because of ________.

the position of subtropical high pressure

Fact: Africa's pattern of climates is not quite symmetrical north and south of the Equator. One reason this occurs because ________.

the south Asian monsoon reaches East Africa

Hurricane destruction in coastal areas is made worse when this feature-not prominent in all hurricanes-is present.

the storm surge

Where in the world does average daily temperature exceed the annual temperature range?

the tropical latitudes

The reason winds exist is ________.

the unequal heating of the Earth system

It can be said that along all four types of fronts in a middle latitude cyclone, ________.

the warmest air rises

The B climates are dry most usually because of lack of ________.

uplift in the air

Which of the following appear best to explain the long-term cycles of glacial and interglacial events?

variations in Earth's tilt and orbit

All the following changes have been observed because of climate change except _______

volcanic eruptions have increased

Which type of front causes many hours of steady rain BEFORE that front passes a location?


For the ENTIRE last 10,000 years Earth temperatures can be ________.

warm and fairly steady

For the ENTIRE last 10,000 years Earth temperatures can be described as ________.

warm and fairly steady

The energy source of hurricanes is ________.

warm ocean water

Which of the following promotes evaporation?

warm water

Midlatitude cyclones and anticyclones function as migratory features in the ________.


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