chapter 9 and 10 questions

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1. The blank allowed for 500 million dollars to buy surplus stocks from farmers.


3. the blank prohibited people from rushing to the banks to take there money.


3.list three factors that helped cause the great depression

stock market crash dirty thirties and overproduction.

1. Hitlers plan was to create a blank by ruling other countries.


3. what did the song somewhere over the rainbow from the wizard of oz suggest about finding a happier life.

that this isn't going to last for ever just keep moving forward it will all get better

1. What marked the beginning of world war 2.

the invasion of germany

5. Japan invaded blank in 1937.


4. What was the Lend-Lease act.


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lesson 6


4. the Spanish civil war lasted blank years.


4. The blank loaned millions of dollars to agencies.


5. the blank act attempted to raise farm prices by cutting back production.

Agricultural adjustment

1. Blank started the fascist party.


5. Next, the Japanese attacked and defeated the blank.

Philippine islands

2. president blank promised the new deal to Americans


1. The blank act set up programs to help the elderly, unemployed, or disabled.

Social security

4. what did Joe Louis do.

he beat the german boxer

5.what were breadlines?

a place where people could get free food.

2. The national blank act gave workers the right to form unions.

american federeration

1. The US opposed Japans plans to rule Asia because it went against the American blank policy with China.


2. Japan, Italy, and Germany were the blank.

axis powers

3. The Germans were pushed back in the blank.

battle of the buldge

2. why did people like gone with the wind.

because everything they owned was gone with the wind they could relate to it.

2.Why did president Hoover not help the unemployed?

because he thought you have to make your own money its not free.

1. Why did people during the great depression like watching movies or other entertainment.

because it let them get away from there everyday depressing routine.

5. Why were Japanese Americans detained.

because they didn't know if they were spies

3. How did the British defend themselves against German attacks?


5. how did Jesse Owens spoil Adolf Hitlers hopes.

by winning the Olympic gold medal

5. America dropped atomic bombs on blank and Nagasaki.

d day

3. the blank in Spain wanted a democratic government.


5. Great Britain and blank agreed to go to war and defend Poland from Germany.


2. The attack on Normandy was called blank.


2. blank became chancellor of Germany in 1933.


3. The murder of millions of Jews in Germany became known as the blank.


4. the blank of labor was made up of only skilled workers.

industrial organizartions

1.How did the stock market crashing affect businesses?

it made it so there was more sellers then buyers

3. How did Americans reuse raw materials.

just reuse and recycle everything

3. the blank administration gave people work.

labor relations

4. How were women involved in the war effort.


3. When Japan attacked Indochina the US froze Japanese blank and stopped selling oil and steel to Japan.

open door

4. On 12/7/1941 the Japanese air force attacked the American fleet at blank in Hawaii

pearl harbor

2. What were victory gardens.

produced over a third of Americas vegitables

4.what effects did the depression have on American people.

put everyone with practically nothing.

2. What countries did Germany capture.

russia and france

5. What was the selective service act.

selecting the troops

1. Allied troops captured blank in 1943


4. Hitler sought an agreement with the blank in order to seize Poland.

soviet union

2. Chamberlain and Daladier agreed to give blank to Germany if Hitler would not seek more territory.

third reich

1. How was America able to produce war supplies.

we had the machine and man power and money to do it.

5. the congress of blank united workers from all industries.

work progress

4. Allied leaders met at blank.


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