Chapter 9

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How do we represent diploid?


Compare and contrast meiosis and mitosis

Compare :-both divide the nucleus after DNA replication :-a spindle forms during both process :-each nuclear division has similar set of phases Contrast :-two nuclear divisions in meiosis and one in mitosis :-nuclei in mitosis are genetically identical (2 nuclei produced) and those produced in meiosis isn't (4 nuclei produced) :-mitosis has the same number of chromosomes in the end, Meiosis has half of the original :-mitosis is the basis of tissue repair and growth, meiosis produces gametes :-cross over happens in Meiosis and not mitosis :-in meiosis homologous chromosomes separate

Walk me through the human life cycle. When are cells haploid? Diploid? when does mitosis occur? meiosis

Gamates produced by humans are haploid cells that cause fertilization when joined together. This process develops under meiosis. After fertilization the zygote is diploid and undergoes mitosis when developing.

How do we represent haploid?


What is independent assortment?

Random distribution of homologous chromosomes

What type of cells are diploid?

Somatic cells

What are the products of meiosis?

four haploid cells

What types of cells are haploid?

gametes/ sex cells

When does independent assortment occur?

metaphase 1 of meiosis 1

What are the products of mitosis?

two identical daughter cells

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