Chapter 9: Revolutions of Industrialization 1750-1900

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What is "dependent development"

A term used to describe Latin America's economic growth in the nineteenth century, which was largely financed by foreign capital and dependent on European and North American prosperity and decisions; also viewed as a new form of colonialism.

What changes in middle-class gender roles and family dynamics occurred during the Industrial Revolution?

The agitation of many members of middle class society resulted in the Reform Bill of 1832, which broadened the right to vote to many men of the middle class, but not to middle-class women.

What aspects of the Industrial Revolution facilitated the migration of Europeans to other parts of the world?

There was enormous demand for labor overseas, the ready availability of land in some places, and the relatively cheap transportation of railroads and steamships. But not all found a satisfactory life in their new homes, and perhaps 7 million returned to Europe.

How were the outcomes of the Industrial Revolution similar in Europe, the United States, Russia, and Japan?

All of these places grew in money and global power from the Industrial Revolution

What are some social and economic changes that took place during the Industrial Revolution?

Coal was central to the Industrial Revolution. An early industrial process in Britain involved the burning of coal to produce "coal gas," used for public lighting. Many people in the lower class would work in factories with low pay along with often developing various lung diseases and dying early.

What was the relationship between areas of natural resources and the growth of industrial centers during the Industrial Revolution?

From its beginning in Great Britain, industrialization had spread to many countries with large amounts of agriculture by 1850 across Western Europe to include parts of France, Germany, Belgium, Bohemia, and Italy.

What was common to industrialization everywhere, and in what ways did it vary from place to place?

In the process of industrialization everywhere, new technologies and sources of energy generated vast increases in production, and unprecedented urbanization took place. Class structures changed as aristocrats, artisans and peasants declined as classes, while the middle classes and factory-working class grew in numbers and social prominence. The pace and timing of the Industrial Revolution varied by country. Other variables include the size and shape of major industries, the role of the state, the political expression of social conflict, and the relative influence of Marxism.

What processes led to Latin America's increased connection to the global economy during the Industrial Revolution?

Latin America experienced tremendous economic growth stimulated by Europe and the U.S.' increasing need for raw materials as they industrialized. The middle class and the elites controlled the government, therefore controlling the increased exports, which were at the expense of peasants and the new working class.

How could nationalism lessen the potential for socialist revolutions in some countries?

Nationalism could create a sense of belonging somewhere that probably is less likely to wanted by people who want socialist revolutions.

What social classes would have been most likely to support propaganda images about socialism?

People who were members of conservative parties.

How successful were Russia's social reforms in the nineteenth century?

Russian social reforms such as realizing serfs from their masters were a bit successful but they continued to do very similar labor jobs

In what ways did the Industrial Revolution mark a sharp break with the past? In what ways did it continue earlier patterns?

The Industrial Revolution continued earlier patterns of population growth with the population growing from from about 375 million people in 1400 to about 1 billion in the early nineteenth century. Accompanying this growth in population was an emerging energy crisis, most pronounced in Western Europe, China, and Japan, as wood and charcoal, the major industrial fuels, became more scarce and more costly.

What were the different patterns of migrations initiated by the Industrial Revolution?

There was a exodus between 1815 and 1939 of fully 20 percent of Europe's population, some 50 to 55 million people, who left home for the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and elsewhere

Compare the shift to industrial production in Latin America and Europe

There was a rapid growth of Latin American exports to the industrializing countries, which needed the food products, raw materials, and markets of these new nations in the Latin American export boom

Why were railroads considered a powerful symbol of the Industrial Revolution?

They allowed goods to be transported faster, fueled economy, unemployed people were given more job opportunities and larger profits

How did the Industrial Revolution changed gender roles beginning in the early nineteenth century?

Women began to work for profits and also the middle class rose in wealth with many members of it beginning to have servants.

How did industrial production transform the social position of England's aristocratic class?

As a class, however, the British aristocracy declined as a result of the Industrial Revolution, as have large landowners in every industrial society. As urban wealth became more important, landed aristocrats had to make way for the up-and-coming businessmen, manufacturers, and bankers, newly enriched by the Industrial Revolution. By the end of the century, landownership had largely ceased to be the basis of great wealth, and businessmen, rather than aristocrats, led the major political parties.

What were some changes in British society due to the Industrial Revolution?

At its upper levels, the middle class contained extremely wealthy factory and mine owners, bankers, and merchants. Such rising businessmen readily assimilated into aristocratic life, buying country houses, obtaining seats in Parliament, sending their sons to Oxford or Cambridge University, and gratefully accepting titles of nobility from Queen Victoria.

Compare the advantages of Europe and the United States in the process of industrialization

At the time of industrialization, the U.S. produced 36 percent of the world's manufactured goods, compared to 16 percent for Germany, 14 percent for Great Britain, and 6 percent for France. Furthermore, U.S. industrialization was closely linked to that of Europe. About one-third of the capital investment that financed its remarkable growth came from British, French, and German capitalists.

Drawing on your prior knowledge about Europe, explain why historians might consider Europe an unlikely place for the Industrial Revolution to have begun

Before the Industrial Revolution most Europeans were extremely religious and many didn't always believe science.

What were changes in global power structures and imperialism between 1750 and 1900?

Imperialism became even more larger among Eurapeon countries and the U.S. over the rest of world with a few countries having made up a majority of global economic power.

What was the connection between industrialization and revolution?

In most places industrialization led to a decrease in revolutions but only in Russia did industrialization lead to violent revolutionary upheavals, both in 1905 and more successfully in 1917.

How did the process of industrialization in the United States differ from the process of industrialization in Russia?

Industrialization in the United States took place in one of the Western world's most exuberant democracies, while Russia's took place in the last outpost of absolute monarchy, in which the state exercised far greater control over individuals and society than anywhere in the Western world.

What was the effect of industrial production on England's middle class?

Many members of the middle class were able to become extremely wealthy factory owners, mine owners, bankers, and merchants. They were also able to afford to send they're kids to expensive schools and were able to have many honors that they wouldn't have experiences before the Industrial Revolution.

How did the condition of the laboring classes lead to political reforms and the development of economic ideologies?

Many trade unions and "friendly societies" were created for members of the working class along with politicians who worked to make reforms for the working class.

In what situations would the ideas of Karl Marx have the most appeal among the lower classes?

Marx's ideas would have most appealed among the lower classes because they believed in the ideas of freedom and community unlike the grim harshness of Europe's industrialization which many members of the lower class were a part of during the era of industrialization.

What was an example of Marx's economic theories and their application in later world history?

Marx's theory were that industrial capitalism was an inherently unstable system, doomed to collapse in a revolutionary upheaval that would give birth to a classless socialist society, thus ending forever the ancient conflict between rich and poor.

Compare the role of women in the Mexican Revolution, pictured above, with the role of women in the French Revolution of the previous era

Unlike the French Revolution, women were active participants in the Mexican Revolution. They prepared food, nursed the wounded, washed clothes, and at times served as soldiers on the battlefield.

What factors contributed to the making of a revolutionary situation in Russia by the beginning of the twentieth century?

- Russian factory workers quickly developed an unusually radical class consciousness, based on harsh conditions and the absence of any legal outlet for their grievances - A small but growing number of educated Russians found in Marxist socialism a way of understanding the changes they witnessed daily and hope for the future in a revolutionary upheaval of workers - World War I caused enormous hardships that, when coupled with the immense social tensions of industrialization within a still autocratic political system, sparked the Russian Revolution of 1917

What were the consequences of the rapid urbanization that occurred in industrial cities? To what extent were these consequences class specific?

Due to urbanization many cities were becoming overcrowded with insufficient sanitation, periodic epidemics, endless row houses and warehouses, few public services or open spaces, and inadequate and often-polluted water supplies being in common it cities. But for the poor during the Indsutrial Revolution long hours, low wages, and child labor were nothing new for the them, but the routine and monotony of work, dictated by the factory whistle and the needs of machines, imposed novel and highly unwelcome conditions of labor.

What are some specific causes of the increased global economic connections between 1825 and 1935?

During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Latin American countries interacted with the industrializing world via investment, trade, immigration, and military intervention from the United States.

How were the social changes in Latin America similar to or different from the social changes in Europe during the Industrial Revolution?

Latin American countries experienced a massive export boom of certain materials while many European countries sent out large amounts agricultural exports.

Why did Marxist socialism not develop in the United States?

Major American union organizations were conservative, focused more on skilled workers than more radical unskilled workers. Religious, ethnic, and racial divisions also prevented unity among laborers making it harder to sustain class-based political parties. Finally, the economic growth generated allowed a higher quality of life for Americans, land was cheap as well so they found socialism less attractive.

How were the lives of the laboring masses negatively impacted by the Industrial Revolution?

Many people of the laboring masses died very young due to poor conditions in factories and bad sanitary conditions in the places that they lived and worked in.

What were social continuities in nineteenth-century Latin America?

Productive economic resources such as businesses, ranches, and plantations remained overwhelmingly in the hands of creole white men, who were culturally oriented toward Europe.

How might the political and social backgrounds of the United States and Russia have affected their industrial development?

Slavery and the classes of people in Russia and the United States might have effected who chose which jobs and lived in what ares of the countries.

How did the Industrial Revolution effect the lower class for better or for worse?

The Industrial Revolution led to improve in the living standards of the lower class but poor work environments for them.

What was the significance of the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution transformed economies that had been based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system. New machines, new power sources, and new ways of organizing work made existing industries more productive and efficient.

What are the differences between the first and second Industrial Revolutions?

The Second Industrial Revolution was larger than the First Industrial Revolution, the Second included the development of electricity, chemicals, oil, and steel. While, the First Industrial Revolution transitioned from manpower to machine power.

Which empires expanded, which ones contracted, and which ones collapsed during the Industrial Revolution?

The Untied states expanded economically, the Ottoman Empire contracted, and the empire at the time of Russia collapsed

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