chapter 9

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c) c

In the figure, what type of joint represents the atlanto-axial joint? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) Ec

Studies have shown that ACL tears occur most frequently during the ovulatory phase in menstruating women. This example illustrates which factor affecting range of motion of a synovial joint? a) structure of articulating bones b) arrangement of the muscles c) hormones d) disuse e) contact of soft parts


Moving the humerus laterally at the shoulder joint is an example of which type of movement? a) Lateral flexion b) Hyperextension c) Adduction d) Abduction e) Gliding


List and briefly describe the three common types of arthritis.

1. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks cartilage and joint linings, causing swelling, pain, and loss of function. Bones may fuse, making them immovable. 2. Osteoarthritis results from deterioration of articular cartilage due to wear and tear. Bone spurs are often formed leading to restricted movement of the joint. 3. Gouty arthritis occurs due to deposition of uric acid crystals in soft tissues of joints, which irritates and erodes cartilage causing painful inflammation.

e) F

In the diagram above, which type of synovial joint will have more movement at the expense of stability? a) B b) C c) D d) E e) F

a) A and B

Which image show the movement you would use when shrugging your shoulders superiorly and inferiorly? a) A and B b) C and D c) E and F d) H and I e) E, F and G

A suture is structurally classified as [dropdown 1] in an adult. Dropdown 1 choices: a) Synovial b) Fibrous c)Cartilaginous


Craniosacral therapy occurs when an individual manipulates the joints in the skull. What are the functional and structural classifications of the joints in the adult skull? Based on your knowledge of the joints in the adult skull, explain why it is not plausible that this manipulation would move the skull bones to influence the flow of cerebrospinal fluid around the brain.

Sutures in the skull are structurally classified as fibrous joints and are functionally classified as synarthrosis. Sutures form when the bones of the skull come in contact during development. In infants and children, they are slightly movable, but in adults, sutures are immovable. Some sutures will fuse together and are known as a synostosis.

Briefly describe the functions of synovial fluid.

Synovial fluid reduces friction, absorbs shock and supplying oxygen and nutrients to and removing carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes from the chondrocytes within articular cartilage.

The olecranon bursae are associated with the - [dropdown 1] joint. Dropdown 1 choices: a)Coxal b)Elbow c)Glenohumeral d)Talocrural e)Tibiofemora


synarthrosis and gomophosis

What is the functional and structural classification of the joint in the picture? a) synarthrosis and Suture b) synarthrosis and Synostosis c) smphiarthrosis and Symphysis d) smphiarthrosis and Syndesmosis e) synarthrosis and Gomophosis

syndesmosis and interosseous membrane

What two non-synovial joints are seen in the picture? a) suture and synostosis b) syndesmosis and interosseous membrane c) symphysis and gomphosis d) syndesmosis and gomphosis e) synovial and interosseous membrane

Describe the general effects that aging has on joints.

changes in joints due to aging include: production of synovial fluid decreases; articular cartilage thins; ligaments shorten and lose flexibility; osteoarthritis develops from wear and tear; bone becomes exposed at joints, and spurs form and the synovial membrane becomes inflamed. These changes lead to decreases in the range of motion of joints.

Which functional class(es) of joint(s) allow(s) movement? 1. Synarthrosis 2. Amphiarthrosis 3. Diarthrosis a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 3 only d) Both 2 and 3 e) 1, 2, and 3

both 2 and 3 ampihiarthrosis and diarthrosis

which structural category of a synovial joint allows movement within a single axis? select all that apply a) Planar b) Hinge c) Condyloid d) Suture e) Saddle

planar hinge

The hormone relaxin stimulates changes that lead to increased range of motion in the ___ before childbirth. a) shoulder joint. b) pubic symphysis. c) temporomandibular joint d) knee joint. e) coronal suture.

pubic symphysis

Which type(s) of joint(s) lack(s) a joint cavity and is(are) held together by a fibrous connective tissue? 1. Fibrous joints 2. Cartilaginous joints 3. Synovial joints

1 only fibrous joints

e) H

In the diagram above, the image [dropdown 1] shows [dropdown 2] movement that would be impaired by a dislocation of the radial head. Dropdown 1 choices: a)B b)D c)E d)G e)H

c) e and f d) g

In the diagram above, the talus bone is involved in the movements shown in which panel(s)? Select all that apply. a) A and B b) C and D c) E and F d) G e) H and I

d) D

In the diagram above, what represents a joint that allows the motion of 'nodding yes'? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

d) D e) E

In the diagram above, which joint can perform only flexion, extension and abduction, adduction and circumduction? Select all that apply. a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

b) B

In the diagram above, which of the joints exhibits flexion and extension and is uniaxial? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) B and C

Briefly describe what is happening when a person "cracks their knuckles"

When the synovial cavity expands, the pressure of the synovial fluid decreases, creating a partial vacuum. The suction draws carbon dioxide and oxygen out of the blood vessels in the synovial membrane, forming bubbles in the fluid. When the bubbles are forced to burst, as when the fingers are hyperflexed, the cracking or popping sound is heard as the gases are driven back into solution.

Which type(s) of joint(s) lack(s) a synovial cavity? 1. Fibrous joints 2. Cartilaginous joints 3. Synovial joints a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 3 only d) 1 and 2 e) 1, 2, and 3

1 and 2 fibrous joints and cartilaginous joints

The epiphyseal plate in a growing long bone is an example of a a) gomphosis b) suture c) symphysis d) synostosis e) synchondrosis


Which is a correct description of arthroplasty? a) resurfacing of cartilage in a joint b) reshaping of the ends of the bones in a joint c) surgically replacing a joint with an artificial joint d) injection of synovial fluid into the joint

surgically replacing a joint with an artificial joint

Explain why the shoulder joint is both more mobile and weaker than the hip joint.

The shoulder joint has a shallow socket (the glenoid fossa) into which the head of the humerus fits, and the labrum only slightly deepens the socket. The head of the humerus is larger in relation to the socket. It is deepened by a number of ligaments, but because of its structure, tends to be weaker than the hip joint. It is highly movable and can rotate easily. The hip joint has a deeper socket (acetabulum) into which the head of the femur inserts and is also strengthened by ligaments. Because of the angle at which the femur fits into its socket, along with the depth of the socket, the hip is a stronger, less mobile joint, made to support the weight of the body.

Which characteristic(s) describes all synovial joints? Select all that apply. a) Contain a joint cavity b) Are freely moveable c) Articulating bones are covered with hyaline cartilage d) Include fibrocartilage e) Include bursae

a. contain a joint cavity b. are freely moveable c. articulating bones are covered in hyaline cartilage

The radial head articulating with the radial notch of the ulna represents what type of synovial joint? a) Pivot joint b) Planar joint c) Hinge joint d) Ball-and-socket joint e) Saddle joint

pivot joint

40. Bursae function to [dropdown 2]. Dropdown 2 choices: a)Absorb shock and help bones fit together better b)Distribute weight over a great contact surface c)Reduce friction between muscles and bones d)Wrap around tendons to reduce friction

reduce friction between muscles and bones

e) F

The glenohumeral joint is multiaxial. Which picture, in the diagram above, represents this specific type of synovial joint? a) B b) C c) D d) E e) F

What unique characteristics would a person who is "double-jointed" possess?

Double-jointed people do not have extra joints. They have greater flexibility in their articular capsules and ligaments. The resulting increase in the range of motion allows them to do such moves as touching their thumbs to their wrists and putting their ankles or elbows behind their necks. Unfortunately, such flexible joints are structurally less stable and are more easily dislocated.

pronation and supination

In the diagram above, the image [dropdown 1] shows [dropdown 2] movement that would be impaired by a dislocation of the radial head. Dropdown 2 choices: a)pronation and supination b)dorsiflexion and plantar flexion c)eversion and inversion d)protraction and retraction e)elevation and depression

List the three structural categories of joints and briefly describe the criteria used for structural classification of joints.

The structural types of joints include: 1) fibrous joints, 2) cartilaginous joints, and 3) synovial joints. Joints can be classified structurally based on two criteria: 1) the presence or absence of a space between the articulating bones, called a synovial cavity and 2) the type of connective tissue that binds the bones together.

e) B and E

Abduction is represented in which two images? a) A and B b) B and D c) D and E d) F and A e) B and F

List the three functional classifications of joints, and briefly describe the basis for the functional classification of joints

The functional classification joint is based on the degree of movement that they allow. The three functional classes are: 1) synarthroses, which are totally immovable, 2) amphiarthroses, which have slight movement, 3) diarthroses, which are freely moveable joints.

Which statement describes the fibular and tibial collateral ligaments? Select all that apply. a) The ligaments are composed of dense regular connective tissue. b) The ligaments are extracapsular ligaments c) The ligaments alleviate friction in the joint. d) The ligaments are associated with the knee joint. e) The ligaments strengthen the sides of the joint.

a) The ligaments are composed of dense regular connective tissue. b) The ligaments are extracapsular ligaments d) The ligaments are associated with the knee joint. e) The ligaments strengthen the sides of the joint.

Gliding occurs between a) flat bones or slightly curved bones. b) a rounded bone and a ring. c) an oval shaped projection and an oval shaped depression. d) a ball like surface and a cuplike depression. e) a convex surface and a concave surface.

flat bones or slightly curved bones

Bending over and touching your toes describes what movement in reference to your intervertebral discs? a) flexion b) extension c) lateral flexion d) hyperextension e) rotation


Forming a fist, requires the fingers to perform what motion? a) Opposition b) Extension c) Dorsiflexion d) Flexion e) Rotation


Which statement describes the function of a meniscus? a) They are located within the knee. b) It is composed of fibrocartilage. c) It helps absorb shock and distributes weight. d) It reduces friction between adjacent parts of a joint. e) It supplies nutrients and removes wastes.

it helps absorb shock and distributes weight

Which characteristics describe a condyloid joint? Select all that apply. a) It is located between the trapezium and metacarpal I. b) It is considered to be biaxial. c) It allows both flexion-extension and elevation-depression of the joint. d) It can be found in the wrist. e) It has limited circumduction.

it is considered to be biaxial it can be found in the wrist

A suture is functionally classified as [dropdown 2] in an adult. Dropdown 2 choices: a) Diarthrosis b) Amphiarthrosis c)Synarthrosis


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