Chapter One 💰

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focus on one product

Business that ______ are often more successful.

Enviornmental pollution

Economics acknowledges that production of useful goods and services can create problems of _______.


Economics is concered with the well being of ______ people.


Economics is greatly impacted by how well _______ travels through society

how to think

Economics teaches you ______, rather than not what to.

carpenter carries tools

Economist carry a set of theories like a

derive insights

Economist use theories to ______ about the issue or problem.

use resources

Every society, at every level, must make decisions on how to ______?


Firms will be more likely to hire workers if the overall economy is _______.

economies of scale

For many goods, as the level of production increases, the average cost of producing each individual unit declines


For some goods, specialization can be affected by _________.


How many task did Smith acredit he making of a pin to?


In a command society, who decided what goods and servies will be produced and at what price?

demand, supply

In a labor market, households __________ and firms ________.

demand, supply

In a product market, households _______ and firms _______.

stay in the family

In a traditional economy, occupations ______.

Economic progress or development

In a traditional economy, there is little

macroeconomy is healthy

In economics, the micro decisions of individual businesses are influenced by whether the _______.

not always the right answer

In economics, the obvious choice is?


In recent decades, the overall trend has been a _____ level of economic freedom around the world.

receive, pay

In the good and services market, households _____ goods and serives and ____ firms for them.

provide, receive payment

In the labor market, households ________provide labor and _______ from firms


In the last century, what has emphasized command economies?

market economy

In this type of economy, decision-making is decentralized.

The Wealth of Nations

In what book did Adam Smith introduce the divison and specialization of labor?

Traditional, command, and market

In what three ways has society found to organize an economy?

command economy

In which economy is an economic effort devoted to goals passed down from a ruler or a ruling class?

make decisions

Information helps us _____.


Investing in education can develop a workers _______.

fiscal policy

Involves government spending and taxes and is usually deterinded my a nation's legislative body

monetary policy

Involves policies that affect bank lending, interest rates, and financial capital markets and is conducted by a nation's central bank

way of thinking

Keynes said that economics is not just a subject area but rather a ______.


Many valuable products and serives in the modern economy can take the form of ______.


Markets and government regulatoins are always

underground economies

Markets where the buyers and sellers make transactions without the government's approval

Complementary perspectives

Microeconomic and macroeconomics are not seperate subjects, but rather ______.


Most decisions are ______ because we rarely have all the information we need to make a decision


Most economies in the world are

New York Stock Exchange

Nothing says market more than the ______.


Private enterprise are the basis for which economy?

rules of the game

Regulations always define the _____ in an economy.

Belgium, Korea, and Canada

Smaller economies such as _____ depend on globalization


Smith was the first to address economics in a _________ way.


The U.S. economy is _____ the global average.


The economic life of every individual is _________.


The expanding cultural, political, and economic connections between people around the world


The importance of economics can be linked to good ________.

goods and servies market

The market in which firms sell and households buy

labor market

The market in which households sell labor to business firms or other employees

private enterprise

The means of production are owned and operated by private individuals or groups of private individuals

the higher the income

The more society values the person's output, ____.


The purpose of a theory is to take a complex issue and ______ it.

ecoomic production

The ratio of exports divided by GDP measures the share of a country's ____ in other countries.

Illuminate different choices

The study of economics does not dictate the answers, but it can

a lake

The use in studying the importance of micro and macro economics can be compared to studying what?

diagrams, graphs, mathmatical equations

Theories can be expressed as _____, _____ and ______.

absolutely free market

There is no such thing as an ____.

strong economy

Trade and specialization is how modern society has evolved into a _______________.

heavily regulated

Underground economies are usually found in ___ economies.

economic dimension

Virtually every major problem facing the world today, has an _______.


What does specialization require?

well and fast

What happens in economics is affected by how _____ and _______ information is disseminated through a society.

air cargo

What has driven fown the transportation cost for sending goods internationally?

the homeless

What is a stark reminder that scarcity of resources is real?

Ancient Eygpt

What is an example of a command economy?


What is an example of new information forums that are rapidly changing how information is distributed?

Standard of living, low unemplyment, and low inflation

What is most important in defining the macroeconomies health?

supply and demand

What is the most well known economic theory?


What is the ultimate scarce resource?

a pin

What object did Smith use to demonstrate the division of labor?

asia, africa, south america

What parts of the world are traditional economies found?


What percent of online adults use facebook?

Specialization, mastery, and economics of scale

What three reasons did Smith list for the reason of increased production in relation to the division of labor?

fiscal and monetary

What two policies fall under macroeconomics?


What year did the formal study of economics began?

a greater quantity

When the tasked involved with producing a goof or service are divided and subdivided, workers and businesses can produce ______.

Hong Kong

Which country has the highest economic freedom?

North Korea

Which country has the least amount of economic freedom?


Which is the oldest economy?

theory of consumer behavior and theory of the firm

Which two concepts or theories originate from the study of microeconomics?

Cuba and North Korea

Who currently has a command economy?

Congress and the executive branch

Who dictates the United States's fiscal policy?

federal reserve

Who dictates the United States's monetary policy?

Adam Smith

Who introduced the idea of the division and specialization of labor?

John Maynard Keynes

Who is one of the most influencial economist of modern times?

Adam Smith

Who is the father of economics?

Improvements in shipping, innovations in comupting, and international agreements

Why has globalization occured?


a simplified representation of how two or more variable interact with each other


a term some economist use instead of theory

abstract, applied

a theory is more ______ while a model is more _______

circular flow diagram

a visual model that pictures the economy as consisting of two groups: households and firms in which interact in two markets


focuses on the actions of individual agents within the economy, like households, workers, and businesses


goods and services that are produced domestically and sold abroad


goods produced abroad and sold domestically

market forces

in a market economy, economic decisions are determined by ____ and not governments


include labor, tools, land, and raw materials


looks at the economy as a whole, broad issues


means that humans wants for goods and services we want but they exist in limited supply

international trade

one measure of globalization is

fact of life

scarcity is a ________.

Gross Domestic Product

the size of the total production in an economy


the study of how humans make decisions in the face of scarcity

division of labor

the way a good or service is produced is divided into a number of task that are preformed by different workers instead of all the task being done by the same person

social media giants

what are major forces on the information super highway?

Economic decision

Because resources are scarce, each decision is an

well rounded thinker

A basic understanding of economics makes you a _____________.


A focus on a particular activity or area of study to the advantage of a person or firm

Traditional economy

A type of economy that organizes their economic affair the way they have always done


An institution that brings together buyers and sellers of goods and services wo may be either individuals or business

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