chapter10 pych

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Classical conditioning also known as ___ or ___ conditioning

Pavlonian, respondent

Managers who want to foster creativity in the workplace should try to increase the _____ motivation of their employees.


When making each day's hundreds of judgments and decisions, people often refer to _____.


Broca's area is located in the __ ___ __

left frontal lobe

crystallized intelligence

our accumulated knowledge and verbal skills; tends to increase with age

why can longitudinal studies be flawed?

people who live really long & participate may be the healthy/intelligent ones

Matching new items to a(n) _____ provides a quick and easy method for sorting items into existing mental categories


aptitude tests are highly reliable, but are ___ (high? weak?) predictors of success in life


Who? :general intelligence and factor analysis (general mental capacity expressed by single intelligence score)

Charles Spearman

Who?:viewed intelligence as multiple abilities that come in packages (8 different kinds--naturalist, musical, spatial, etc)

Howard Gardner

Who?: general intelligence helps people solve novel problems (school problems), not evolutionarily linked things (marriage, making close friendships, etc)

Satoshi Kanazawa

Binet's and ___ ___ (person) made the intelligence test

Theodore Simon

In terms of gender differences in intellectual abilities, females: All of these intellectual abilities can be attributed to females. are more verbally fluent (e.g., remembering words). are better at spelling in high school. have better nonverbal memory (e.g., locating objects).


It is toward the end of your junior year and you want to apply to medical school, but the application requires that you first take the MCAT. The MCAT is a(n)________________ test. aptitude questionable intelligence achievement


The word chimps contains _____ phoneme(s) and _____ morpheme(s). 5; 2 2; 5 6; 1 1; 6


factor analysis

a statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related items (called factors) on a test; used to identify different dimensions of performance that underlie a person's total score

achievement test

a test designed to assess what a person has learned; exams, driving test

aptitude test

a test designed to predict a person's future performance; predicts the capacity to learn; SAT, ACT

Mary is 80 years old and communicates using a land-line telephone and by sending letters in the mail. Her daughter, Sarah, has tried to introduce Lucy to the internet but Lucy absolutely refuses. She won't even use a cell phone. Lucy's reluctance to try these new technologies is a result of _____ cognitive differences.


Employees were not surprised when Sharon was promoted to Senior Director. She had demonstrated her ability to motivate the team, could delegate to the appropriate people, and could promote herself and her skills. Her abilities best illustrate: emotional managerial intelligence. practical managerial intelligence. analytic intelligence. social intelligence.


Red Herring

Introduces an irrelevant topic to distract the conversation from the main topic (relates directly to functional fixedness and the concept of Mental Set)

10-year rule for success proposed by who

K. Anders Ericsson

Who?: didn't rank people on general scale of aptitude..instead gave tests and isolated 7 main areas of primary mental abilities (word fluency, spatial ability, verbal comprehension, perceptual speed, numerical ability, inductive reasoning, memory)

L.L. Thurstone

Who?: 3 different intelligences (analytical, practical, creative)

Robert Sternberg

In one study, monkeys first learn to classify pictures of cats and dogs. Then, they are shown images that are catlike or doglike. Which of the following responses suggests that monkeys are able to form concepts? They jump up and down and screech as if angry. Certain frontal lobe neurons fire in response to the images. They look away as if confused. They do not recognize these new images


In the Iranian orphanage, the typical child could not sit up unassisted at age ___ or walk at age ___. 3; 4 2; 4 2; 3 3; 5


J. McVicker Hunt began a program for caregivers in an Iranian orphanage that trained the caregivers to: do all of these things. imitate babies' babbling. ignore babies' crying. calculate babies' intelligence quotients.


Many psychologists are skeptical of claims that chimpanzees can acquire language, since the chimpanzees have NOT shown the ability to: acquire speech. use symbols meaningfully. use syntax in communicating. acquire even a limited vocabulary.


Psychologists generally agree that intelligence test scores are _____ in terms of being sensitive to differences caused by cultural experiences, and are _____ in terms of their predictive validity for different groups. not biased; biased biased; biased biased; not biased not biased; not biased


When you add "s" to the word "apple" you are now referring to more than one apple. This illustrates an English language rule of: algorithms. telegraphic speech. semantics. syntax.


Many of the natural babbling sounds are _____ pairs formed by simply bunching the tongue in front of the mouth, such as da-da and na-na.


Melissa is taking an intelligence test. The test will measure her ability for _____ thinking


William Stern

created equation for intelligence quotient (IQ)

Alfred Binet & Theodore Simon

created the first intelligence test; given to measure child's mental age and to find the smart kids

Charles Spearman

created the g factor/general intelligence = underlies specific mental abilities and is therefore measured by every task on an intelligence test

the more intelligence and working memory, the better ___ is


Lewis Terman

creator of Stanford-Binet (American version of the Binet intelligence test)

David Wechsler

creator of today's most commonly used intelligence test; not totally based on verbal abilities; Different versions for teens and children

Washoe, a chimpanzee trained in ASL, taught her adopted son Loulis more than 70 signs without direct human involvement. This is an example of _____.


Academic intelligence is most closely tied to: mental age. chronological age. emotional intelligence. creativity.


After a physically and emotionally traumatic car accident, Shelley developed aphasia, which has left her struggling to speak words even though she can still sing familiar songs and comprehend speech. This particular set of symptoms is due to damage to her: left temporal lobe. right temporal lobe. right frontal lobe. left frontal lobe.


Mark, a toddler of two years of age is starting to put nouns and verbs together for the first time. Mark is experiencing the: one-word stage. receptive language stage. productive language stage. two-word stage.


Raul is using complete sentences when he talks to his parents, using, for example, phrases like "Mommy get food." He is at least how old? 18 months 28 months 10 months 24 months


Students will tend to study the same way for all of their classes, especially when they have been successful on tests. This is an example of a: belief bias. fixedness. confirmation bias. mental set.


Which of the following interventions is most likely to positively impact the cognitive development of students from families who live in poverty? debriefing linguistic determinism targeted training nutritional supplements


Which of the following kinds of intelligence would most affect a person's ability to work toward a long-term goal instead of immediate rewards? practical intelligence crystallized Intelligence fluid intelligence emotional intelligence


Although malnutrition, sensory deprivation, and social isolation can retard normal brain development there is no _____ recipe for turning a normal infant into a genius.


a mental set is a form of ___


As an elementary school teacher, Lisa has many students for whom English is a second language. She notices that many of these students have more difficulty understanding new vocabulary terms than the rest of the class, and have a tendency to misplace adjectives in their writings. These students are experiencing difficulty with _____.

grammar (**NOT syntax)

non-declarative (procedural) memory--thinking in __


operant conditioning AKA ___ conditioning


Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)

most widely used intelligence test; contains verbal and performance/nonverbal subtests

fluid intelligence

our ability to reason speedily and abstractly; tends to decrease during late adulthood

The sentence, "The treth ef thes stetement shed be evedent" shows that consonant _____ usually carry more information than do those that represent vowels.


Brody is doing quite well as the manager of a large electronics store. He writes clear memos to the staff, delegates tasks effectively, and knows how to read other employees. Robert Sternberg and R.K. Wagner would predict that Brody would score high on a test of _____ intelligence.


To turn on cold water in the bathroom, in which direction is the handle turned? To answer this question, one probably thought not in words but with _____ memory.


Andrea, a woman in her 20s, takes the WAIS. She scores highly on perceptional organization, working memory, and processing speed. However, she scores poorly on verbal comprehension. It can be safely assumed from the results that Andrea suffers from (a) _____ disability.



refers to the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating

Having students participate in self-affirmation exercises, such as writing for 15 minutes about significant accomplishments, might be effective in combating _____.

stereotype threat

Studies show that for someone who has learned a skill, such as playing the cello, even _____ the activity will activate the brain's internal simulation of it.


A "morpheme" is a short segment of language that meets three basic criteria: 1. It is a word or a part of a word that has meaning. 2. It cannot be divided into smaller meaningful segments without changing its meaning or leaving a meaningless remainder. 3. It has relatively the same stable meaning in different verbal environments. Just type yes


Sheep can recognize and remember individual faces, and chimpanzees and two species of monkeys can read intent. Both great apes and humans (1) form concepts, (2) display insight, (3) are shaped by reinforce- ment in becoming tool users, (4) show remarkable numerical capacity, and (5) transmit cultural patterns. Type yes


IQ equation:

(mental age/chronological age) *100

only _____ percent of Americans earn doctorate degrees


There are _____ morphemes in the word dogs.


__ months--babbling stage


Beginning slowly in the 20s and 30s, and then more quickly after age _____, fluid intelligence decreases.


hasty generalizations

Drawing a conclusion about a large group based on the experiences with a few members of the group (in psychology relates to stereotyping, prejudice)

causal oversimplification

Explaining an event attributing it to a single factor, when many factors are involved or by overemphasizing the importance of a single factor (in psychology, relates to categorical thinking and confirmation bias)

Who?: tried to assess intellectual strengths (based on muscular, power, body proportions, sensory acuity, reaction time, etc.)of 10,000 people in hopes of encouraging most intelligent to breed

Francis Galton

Who?: came up with intelligence quotient formula from the Stanford-Binet test (worked well for kids, not for adults)

William Stern

An architect would probably score highest on what portion of the WAIS? block design vocabulary letter-number sequencing similarities


Bill, a young man with an intelligence quotient (IQ) of 65, has relatively good interpersonal skills and is able take care of his own personal grooming needs. However, he has difficulty with reading and counting money. If he is to live independently, Bill would probably have most difficulty with: conceptual skills. social skills. practical skills. creative intelligence.


In different eras, _____ have experienced golden ages, or periods of remarkable achievement. different ethnic groups very similar ethnic groups few ethnic groups all ethnic groups


Your sister's identical twin sons are participating in a research study that will include MRI scans. The MRI findings will most likely indicate that: the boys have very similar gray matter volume. the boys have very different gray matter volume. the areas in the boys' brains associated with spatial intelligence are very different. the areas in the boys' brains associated with verbal intelligence are very different.


Native German speakers pronounce the English word that as dat. This demonstrates their difficulty pronouncing an English: phoneme. prototype. morpheme. heuristic.

a (see definition of morpheme to understand)

savant syndrome

a condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill, such as in computation or drawing

intellectual disability

a condition of limited mental ability, indicated by an intelligence score of 70 or below and difficulty in adapting to the demands of life; varies from mild to profound; formerly referred to as mental retardation

down syndrome

a condition of mild to severe intellectual disability and associated physical disorders caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21

general intelligence (g)

a general intelligence factor that, according to Spearman and others, underlies specific mental abilities and is therefore measured by every task on an intelligence test


a group of people from a given time period

classical conditioning

a learning process in which an innate response to a potent stimulus comes to be elicited in response to a previously neutral stimulus; this is achieved by repeated pairings of the neutral stimulus with the potent stimulus

operant conditioning

a learning process in which behavior is sensitive to, or controlled by its consequences

mental age

a measure of intelligence test performance devised by Binet; the chronological age that most typically corresponds to a given level of performance

intelligence test

a method for assessing an individual's mental aptitudes and comparing them with those of others, using numerical scores

stereotype threat

a self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype

An impairment of language, usually caused by left-hemisphere damage either to Broca's area or to Wernicke's area, is known as _____.


false dilemma (similar to false dichotomy)

assumes the only choices that exist are those stated by author

Bilingual children learn to inhibit one language while using the other language. Thus, when asked to say whether a sentence is grammatically correct (for example, "Why is the cat barking so loudly?"), bilingual children can focus more quickly on grammar alone. According to Lambert and colleagues, this bilingual advantage is due to: positive reinforcement. increased word power. regression toward the mean. opponent-process theory.


Research on racial differences in intelligence indicates that: there is currently no difference in the average academic aptitude test scores received by Black and White Americans. on average, Black Americans perform less well than White Americans on intelligence tests. among Black Americans, those with the most African ancestry receive the highest intelligence scores. Black Americans typically receive higher scores than White Americans on nonverbal intelligence test questions.


Shortly after their daughter, Tiffany, was born, Jeremy and Tara moved from Nebraska to New Zealand to work with the native population. After a few years there they notice that their daughter began to speak English as well as Maori, the language of the native New Zealanders. This is an example of: receptive language. universal grammar. the one-word stage. two-word stage.


Some civil rights activists believe that the original culture of African Americans is now destroyed because their ancestors who were enslaved were not permitted to _____. cook cultural dishes speak their own language worship their Gods keep their original celebrations


Sonja was administered an intelligence test to determine the level of her mental functioning. Her Wechsler score was two standard deviations below the norm. Her score was: 85. 70. 100. 115.


Which of the following best describes how a scientist would describe a biased intelligence test? Performance differences between groups are caused by cultural experiences. The test predicts future behavior or achievement for some groups but not for others. Items on the test rely on knowledge of nonverbal thinking skills that are based on cultural norms. Test results show distinct differences between average scores of different ethnic groups.


While describing her new boyfriend, Selina's best friend says, "He has an IQ of 150 for sure!" This definition reifies intelligence, which means that it views: intelligence as a collection of the boyfriend's several abilities. the abstract concept of intelligence as a real object that the boyfriend can have. intelligence as one single ability in the boyfriend. intelligence as the accumulation of the boyfriend's experiences.


Willis again picked the wrong day to ask his boss for a day off, especially with the multimillion-dollar project proposal due in a couple of days. This best illustrates a lack of: practical intelligence. emotional intelligence. social intelligence. analytic intelligence


prototypes--def and what are built around these?

best example of a category; concepts are built around these

A performance score on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) that is higher than all but 2 percent of all scores earns an intelligence score of: 145. 115. 130. 120.


Critics of ape language research have argued which of the following? Apes easily acquire their limited vocabulary. Ape language is not just an imitation of the trainer's behavior. There is little evidence that apes can equal even a 3-year-old's ability to order words with proper syntax. Apes cannot use symbols meaningfully.


Critics of tracking claim that tracking by aptitude can become a _____ prophecy with those listed as ungifted being _____ to underperform. stereotyped; influenced self-defeating; discouraged self-fulfilling; influenced self-fulfilling; discouraged


Makaila is able to discriminate speech sounds and can even read lips. How old is she likely? 2 months 8 months 4 months 6 months


Which of the following is biological evidence for the existence of emotional intelligence? A greater density of neurons in the cerebral cortex is correlated with high emotional intelligence. Specific neurons have been identified that are responsible for emotions. Some specific kinds of brain damage (prefrontal cortex) are associated with loss of emotional intelligence. High levels of dopamine seem to cause self-esteem and emotional intelligence to increase.


Shawna is about to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and is planning to attend graduate school. Her primary interests are in how people are able to store new information into memory, problem solving, and how people communicate with others. She is mostly interested in mental activities known as _____.


Tyler loves dogs. Anytime he sees an animal, he asks his parents whether or not that animal is a dog. Eventually, he is able to differentiate dogs from other animals, as well as recognize both large and small dogs as dogs. These experiences are helping to shape his _____ about dogs.


Dr. Williams is designing a new intelligence test and is thinking about all of the mental groupings or _____ that a person could answer for table, such as: surgical table, dining table, work table, etc


_____ allow us to quickly categorize new objects and events with little cognitive effort


Akira was born to a Japanese-speaking mother and English-speaking father and is fluent in both languages. She recently participated in a study of bilingual university students. When she took a personality test in Japanese she had very different results than when she took the same test in English. According to Benjamin Whorf, this difference is caused by: unreliable tests. self-serving bias. invalid tests. linguistic determinism.


Casual observations and intelligence test outcomes in children younger than 3: successfully predict students' emotional intelligence. differ for males and females. are reliable predictors of high school performance. generally predict future aptitude only minimally.


If one is giving a speech about the reasons Asian students outperform North American students on math achievement and aptitude tests, which of the following findings might be cited? Asian students attend school about 30 percent more days per year. North American students spend much less time studying math in school. Asian students spend much more time studying math outside of school. All of these findings can be cited.


In his study of children with high intelligence scores, Terman found that: the children were ostracized by classmates. as adults nearly every one of them achieved great vocational success. the children were more emotional and less healthy than a control group. the children were healthy, well-adjusted, and did well academically


Intelligence tests administered to 5-year-olds: are predictive for girls' later achievement but not boys' later achievement. are NOT predictive of later school achievement. are NOT valid tests. are predictive of later school achievement.


Many instructors use the generic pronoun he when referring to psychologists and the generic pronoun she when referring to administrative assistants. In students' minds, they automatically think of psychologists as men and administrative assistants as women. Why? Linguistic determinism predicts that thinking shapes language. Classical conditioning causes them to pair the gender with the occupation. It is caused by availability heuristics. Linguistic determinism predicts that language shapes your thinking.


Which of the following statements is true of intelligence, according to Charles Spearman? General intelligence was a form of intelligence that helped people solve novel problems, not everyday problems. Intelligence comprises multiple abilities that come in different packages. Every act of intelligence is backed by a different factor of intelligence. Those who score high in one area of intelligence typically score higher than average in other areas.


_______________ is often required for everyday tasks, which are frequently ill-defined and with multiple solutions. Analytical intelligence Creative intelligence Fluid intelligence Practical intelligence


Sammie is celebrating his first birthday today. He can say numerous words like "da-da," "kitty," and "fish." Noam Chomsky would say that Sammie is able to do this effortlessly because: he has made associations between words and objects. his parents reinforce every word he says. he is brighter than most children his age. he has a predisposition to learn language.

d (option B would be for BF Skinner, a behaviorist)

what do practical skills refer to?

daily personal care, job skills, and travel and health care

intelligence quotient (IQ)

defined originally as the ratio of mental age to chronological age multiplied by 100. On contemporary intelligence tests, the average performance for a given age is assigned a score of 100


defining meaningful scores by comparison with the performance of a pretested group

Howard Gardner

developed eight independent intelligences; range of skills beyond school smarts; Critics call some of these "intelligences" talents

L.L. Thurstone

developed idea of primary mental abilities/7 clusters of primary mental abilities (word fluency, verbal comprehension, spatial ability, perceptual speed, numerical ability, inductive reasoning, memory)

Robert Sternberg

developed the triarchic/three intelligences: analytic, creative, practical

false dichotomy

either/or reasoning (usually more than 2 options exist)

part of social intelligence is __ intelligence


Makayla is taking a child development class and has been assigned a class project of her choice. She has chosen to analyze child drawings. She collected child drawings from a nearby elementary school from a total of 50 children in the third grade. Now she is in the process of analyzing the drawings and preparing her presentation. She has completely lost track of time. She meant to work on this for only an hour but when she looks at the clock three hours have passed. She is completely interested in the project and finds it challenging to analyze them. Makayla is demonstrating _____.

intrinsic motivation

the effortless, immediate, automatic thinking we use constantly in making everyday decisions


even though the mind's subsystems are localized in particular brain regions, the brain acts as a unified whole...what shows this?

language processing

Wernicke's area is located in the __ ___ __

left temporal lobe


mental quality consisting of the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations

In English, most _____ are combinations of two or more phonemes.


Prefixes and suffixes are examples of _____.


emotional intelligence

the ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions


the ability to produce novel and valuable ideas


the extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to

content validity

the extent to which a test samples the behavior that is of interest


the extent to which a test yields consistent results, as assessed by the consistency of scores on two halves of the test, or on retesting


the proportion of variation among individuals that we can attribute to genes. These component of a trait may vary, depending on the range of populations and environments studied

predictive validity

the success with which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to predict; assessed by computing the correlation between test scores and the criterion behavior (also called criterion-related validity)

normal curve

the symmetrical, bell-shaped curve that describes the distribution of many physical and psychological attributes. Most scores fall near the average, and fewer and fewer scores lie near the extremes


the widely used American revision (by Terman at Stanford University) of Binet's original intelligence test

___ affects our ___, which then affects our ___

thinking, language, thinking

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