Chapters 1-4

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A possible alternative explanation of genetic connections to criminal behavior consistent between twins is known as the ___________ effect, meaning that delinquency may spread because a child may copy the behavior of their sibling or peer.


A youth has difficulties with forming emotional bonds, trusting others, and demonstrating respectful behavior. Which theory applie?

Neurological trauma

A youth who often feels threatened, overreacts to perceived slights, blames others for fights he initiates, and is overly defensive demonstrates which of the following?

Ego identity

According to Erik Erikson, what is formed when a person develops a firm sense of self?


According to Freud, what part of the mind develops through the reality of living in the world and helps manage and restrain the individual's need for immediate gratification?

low intelligence.

According to Hirschi and Hindelang, there is a clear link between criminality and:

Zone 2

According to social disorganization theory, what area or zone has the heaviest concentration of delinquency rates?

Focusing police activities on particular problems

According to the text, which strategy is described as working the best for deterring delinquency?

General deterrence

After reading about the crackdown on shoplifting at the local discount store by enforcing full criminal penalties allowed by law, Dave and Dre decided they would abandon their plan to steal new smart phones from Walmart. What crime control policy may have influenced their decision?


Based on the 2015 UCR data provided by your authors, juveniles were responsible for what percentage of all arrests?

Sufficiently severe, certain, and swift

Cesare Beccaria's position that the only true way to deter a person from future criminal acts was to ensure that his/her's punishment was:

Routine activities

Cohen and Felson theorized that crimes against persons or crimes of theft are influenced by the interaction of three variables: capable guardian(s), suitable target(s), and motivated offender(s). What is the name of their theory?

status offenses

Crimes designed to improve the financial or social position of the offenders are referred to as:

Non-instrumental offense

Crimes that have no purpose except to accomplish the behavior at hand, such as shooting someone, is known as a(n):

Strain and social disorganization

Cultural deviance combines the elements of what two theories?

Parental divorce

Delinquency experts have identified a variety of factors that influence juvenile crime rates and trends, which of the following is NOT one of these factors?

School failure rationale

Drew was certified learning disabled (LD) in reading; she is often frustrated with her studies and will often engage in inappropriate behaviors in school. What rationale assumes that Drew's frustration leads to a negative self-image and acting out problems?

Poor Laws

English statutes that allowed the courts to appoint overseers over destitute and neglected children, allowing placement of these children as servants in the homes of the affluent were referred to as:

$23,000 a year for a family of four

How does the government define poverty?

To intervene in the lives of children whose position and property were of direct concern to the monarch

How was the rule of parens patriae first used by English kings?


If you wanted to examine the changes in the number of juveniles arrested each year, the best source of this data would be found in which of the following?


In August, Amy and Seth decided they wanted to go on vacation. They asked their neighbor, Paul, to keep an eye on their home and Sasha, their watchdog and family pet, while they were away. Paul agreed but forgot to tell them that he would be out of town one of the days to attend a conference. During this time, two local teenagers, Jay and Mike, who live in the neighborhood knew that Paul was supposed to be watching the house but was away; thus, they decided it would be "cool" to break into Amy and Seth's house to steal their valuables, including Amy's jewelry, their electronics, and a rare set of coins that they knew Seth had recently inherited. In this scenario, when applying Routine Activity Theory, who is/are the capable guardian(s)?

Massachusetts Stubborn Child Law

In colonial America, what law permitted a youth to be put to death if he or she could not be controlled by his or her parents?

Chancery courts

In reference to the British legal system of the middle ages, what was created during this time to oversee the lives of minor children of the wealthy who were orphaned or unable to care for themselves?

TImothy v. Supreme Court

In what court case did an appellate court hold that a young child whose developmental immaturity may result in trial incompetence despite the absence of any underlying mental or development abnormality, thus overruling prior case law that held that children must have either a mental disorder or a developmental disability to be deemed incompetent to stand trial?

Boys were more willing to report drug use; Hispanic girls tended to underreport substance abuse

It has been indicated that reporting practices in regard to self-report surveys may differ among racial, ethnic, and gender groups and that such differences can skew data, thereby providing misleading results. In one study, which of the following reported results would align to gender/cultural reporting differences?

Sampling error

It was determined that any criminal activities perpetrated by the respondents would, for obvious reasons, not be included. It was also believed that forgetfulness, embarrassment, and/or fear might be problematic. What type of error would this constitute?

African-American girls

It was reported that nationwide teenage birthrates have declined substantially during the past decade. Which of the following groups has seen the largest decline?


Itsey, a kindergarten student, watches her father tower over her mother, glaring at her; she then hears her father yelling at her mother. At school, the teacher tells the students to sit on the carpet for story time. Itsey does not want to sit down just yet; she is busy at one of the centers in the classroom. Her teacher again asks everyone to sit down and everyone does, except for Itsey. The teacher then directly asks Itsey to sit down. Itsey looks at her teacher and says she doesn't want to sit down and she "better stop asking her to sit down or the next time I will bring a knife to school and cut you." What theory best explains the exchange between Itsey and her teacher?

Differential susceptibility model

Jack is susceptible to environmental influences; consequently, whenever Jack encounters hostile social environments he becomes aggressive. Conversely, when Jack encounters supportive environments he is less aggressive than someone who is not susceptible to environmental influences. Which of the following models best describes Jack?

Target hardening

Jill installed a camera at the front door of her boutique to dissuade shoplifting; after a month, she also found less loitering and graffiti on her storefront walls. Jill discovered the phenomenon of _______________, that a prevention method to cut back on one type of criminal activity also lowered the number of incidents of a different criminal behavior?

Arousal theories

Leo and Lila, high school students, were bored and wanted some excitement; they abducted an 8-year-old child from the playground, later killing the child. When Leo and Lila were arrested a few days later, they testified that killing the child was an "awesome thrill." What theory best describes their actions?

Rational choice

Mark wanted a new iPad, but he did not want to spend the money he was saving for his ski trip. He then considered stealing one from a local bookstore where security was lax. Mark deliberated between the pros—new iPad and ski trip—and the cons— getting caught for stealing the iPad. Given the lack of security at the bookstore, Mark decided to steal an iPad. Of the following theories of crime and delinquency, which one best explains Mark's behavior?

Predatory crime

Mary went to the ATM to withdraw cash for girls' night out; a man came out of the shadows and threatened her with bodily harm if she did not hand the cash over to him. Mary was the victim of what type of crime?

Child savers

Nineteenth-century reformers who developed programs for troubled youth and influenced legislation creating the juvenile justice system in the United States were referred to as:

Unwed mothers

One area researchers have identified as correlated with delinquency is that of social problems; rates of delinquency increase as the level of social problems increases. Delinquency rates, according to researchers, have been correlated with which of the following?


One of the major problems with the NCVS is _______________ due to embarrassment of reporting to the interviewers, fear of getting in trouble, or simply forgetting about an incident.


One way jurisdictions have attempted to maintain greater control over wayward youth has been the implementation of what type of laws?

Reaction formation

Residents of a community become extremely suspicious of authority, and this suspicion develops into a view in which the outside world is the enemy out to destroy the neighborhood. What is this view called?

drug use

Scholars in delinquency have identified a variety of factors that influence juvenile crime rates and trends; it was noted that an indication of future increases in the delinquency rate may be a sudden increase in which of the following areas?

Consistent use of incapacitation

Situational crime control prevention strategy advocates that in order to prevent crime, three things must happen. Which of the following is NOT one of these items?

number of arrests made by police departments

The UCR includes both criminal acts reported to local law enforcement departments and ________________:


The University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research annual survey of 2,500 high school seniors, which is considered to be the national standard to measure substance abuse trends among American teens, is known as the:

Collective efficacy

The ability of communities to regulate the behavior of their residents through the influence of community institutions (i.e., family and school) is referred to as:

Age of onset

The age at which youths begin their delinquent careers is referred to as the:

Situational crime prevention

The city council wants a crime prevention method that will reduce opportunities to commit criminal acts; the method should make opportunities more difficult to take advantage of, with rewards reduced and risk increased. Based on your readings, which of the following would be most appropriate to present to the council?

Closed-circuit TV cameras

The city council wants suggestions for target hardening strategies for the businesses on Main Street. Over the past few weeks, two businesses have been broken into and vandalized. With a limited amount of financial resources for both the police and the shop owners, what would be the best option to "target harden" Main Street"?


The concept of the "chronic career offender" is most closely associated with the research efforts of


The creation of English Poor Laws, the apprenticeship movement, and chancery court system in Britain have been credited with eventually impacting which nation's emergence of their own juvenile justice system?

Wayward minors

The early legal term used to describe status offenders was:

Middle Ages

The historical period that ushered in a new age for children and their families is referred to as:

Continuity of crime

The idea that chronic offenders are likely to continue violating the law as adults is referred to as:

Criminal atavism

The idea that delinquents manifest physical anomalies that make them biologically and physiologically similar to throwbacks of an earlier state in human evolution was formulated by Lombroso, and is commonly referred to as:

Trait theory

The juvenile court has been a revolving door for 16-year old Tasha. The impulsivity in her decision-making is the driving force for her participation in delinquent activities and Tasha's counselor remarked that at times she feels Tasha's conduct is almost instinctual. What theory best describes Tasha's behaviors?


The most widely used source of national crime and delinquency statistics is the:


The process by which juvenile offenders continue on with their delinquent careers rather than aging out of crime is referred to as:

Socioeconomic disparity

The unequal distribution of household or individual income across the various participants in an economy is known as:

Cultural deviance theory

The view that lower-class people form a separate culture with their own values and norms; and as a result, sometimes come into conflict with conventional society is referred to as the:

Youth with conduct disorder

Tina runs a group session for youth who demonstrate chronic behavioral problems, antisocial behaviors, impulsivity, and substance abuse. For whom does Tina run a group?


Today, experts who study crime and delinquency rely on three primary sources, which of the following is NOT considered to be one of these sources?

Juvenile delinquents

Today, what term is used to describe the legal status of a minor child who has been found to have violated the penal code?

Monozygotic twins

Tom and Joe are twin brothers. The brothers are significantly similar in their personal characteristics such as intelligence, levels of aggression, and verbal skills. Which of the following best describes Tom and Joe?

Parens patriae

Under which doctrine are delinquent acts not considered criminal violations nor are delinquents considered criminals?

Street efficacy

What concept is used to describe how youth are able to use their wits to feel safe by avoiding violent confrontation?

Target hardening

What crime prevention technique is employed to make the ability to carry out a crime more difficult for a would-be delinquent to carry out an illegal act (e.g., installing a security camera in a store)?

Violation of court order exception

What exception allows a judge to send a juvenile to a secure detention facility, in effect criminalizing a status offense?

Informal social control

What form of social control refers to the mechanisms such as direct criticism, ridicule, ostracism, desertion, or physical punishment?

Graduate from high school

What is the single most effective preventive strategy against adult poverty?

Factory Act

What legal doctrine was enacted to alleviate the problems of child labor in the early nineteenth century by limiting the hours children were permitted to work as well as the age at which they could begin to work?

Best interests of the child

What philosophical viewpoint encourages the state to take control of wayward children and provide care, custody, and treatment to remedy delinquent behavior?

Cultural transmission

What process refers to the transmission of subcultural values from one generation to the next?

Aging-out process

What term is used to describe the reduction in frequency of a youth's offending?

Evolutionary theory

What theory explains the existence of aggression and violent behavior as positive adaptive behaviors in humans?


What theory holds that low intelligence is generally determined and inherited?

Specific deterrence theory

What theory holds that the more severely youthful offenders are punished, the less likely they are to repeat their illegal acts?

Violation of court order exception

What type of intervention have many states experimented with to replace juvenile court jurisdiction over most status offenses?

Social learning

What type of theoretical research is representative of the view that certain characteristics of delinquent youths increase the probability that they will be aggressive and antisocial and that their actions will involve them with agents of social control?


What was the primary method of punishment used by teachers to discipline students for academic mistakes and moral lapses during the 17th and 18th centuries?


Which federal agency is responsible for collecting the data for the UCR?

Generation Y

Which generation is described as technology savvy, patriotic as a result of the 9/11 attacks, self-centered, and irresponsible, as well as having an unrealistic view of how the work world functions?

Miller v. Alabama

Which of the following Supreme Court cases provided the possibility of parole for a youth under the age of 18?

Transferring legal jurisdiction over the most serious and experienced juvenile offenders to the adult court for criminal prosecution

Which of the following best defines the term "waiver"?

A small number of youthful offenders commit a significant percentage of all serious crime

Which of the following best describes the discovery of the phenomenon known as the chronic youthful offender?

Identity theft

Which of the following is NOT considered a Part I UCR crime?

Juvenile Delinquency

Which of the following phrases best exemplifies a youth who has been retained in school, is involved with deviant peers, and experiments with drugs?

racial threat theory

Which of the following refers to a theory that states as the size of the black population increases, the perceived threat to the white population increases, resulting in a greater amount of social control imposed against African Americans by police?

Role diffusion

Which of the following refers to youths who are spread too thin, experience personal uncertainty, and place themselves at the mercy of people who promise to give them a sense of identity they cannot develop for themselves?

Midwest and Northeast

Which of the following represents areas of the United States where victimization by juveniles occurs more often than in other parts of the United States?

Spring and summer provide the greatest opportunity for juveniles to commit.

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between weather and delinquent behavior?

The teen victimization rate has been in steep decline in recent years

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding recent teenage victimization research?


Which of the following terms refers to the practice of setting up a fictitious online profile, most often for the purpose of luring another into a fraudulent romantic relationship?

Strain theory

Which of the following theories links a youth's engagement in delinquent acts to the struggle of being locked out of the economic mainstream, thereby creating anger and frustration and ultimately leading to delinquency?


Which of the following would best describe a crime-related survey error where the respondents did not represent a wide demographic picture of the nation's population?


Which program collects data on each reported crime incident and requires local police to provide at least a brief account of each incident and arrest.

Social structure

Which theory views delinquency as the result of a youth's dysfunctional or destructive relationship with the critical elements of socialization in his or her life—family, peers, schools, community—where the dysfunctionality causes the youth to see delinquency as a feasible alternative?

Self-report survey

Which type of crime data collecting method uses questionnaires or surveys that ask subjects to reveal their own participation in delinquent or criminal acts?

Data mining

Which type of secondary data sources regarding crime and delinquency uses multiple advanced computational methods (i.e., using computers) to analyze large data sets that usually involved one or more data sources?

Dropped charges

While investigating Part I crimes you find that a little over 20% of all reported Part I crimes are cleared by one of the following methods. What is that method?

Cesare Beccaria

Who is considered to be the founder of the classical school of criminology?

At-risk youth

Young people who are extremely vulnerable to the negative consequences of school, failure, substance abuse, and early sexuality are often referred to as:

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