Chapters 15-16

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A _____________ type feeler gauge should be used when gapping a used spark plug.

Spark plug

A spark test is being performed. There is no spark when the spark tester is connected between the spark plug wire and the plug tip. However, spark does occur when the tester is connected between the spark plug wire and an engine ground.

Sketch or photograph the linkage locations

Before a carburetor is removed from an engine, what step should be taken to help you remember how the linkage is reattached

It will cause arcing

Explain why emery cloth should not be used to clean a commutator of a generator or a starter

With a dial indicator

How is crankshaft endplay measured


If one or more battery cells shows a specific gravity of less than 1.235 the battery should be

Water, Sulfric Acid

If the fluid level in a battery is below the separators __________ should be added, but never add____________

Decreases, Increases

In cold weather battery power ____________ while the need for engine cranking power _____________

Water has gotten into the oil

Milky oil is an indication that________________

Can shaped coil

Name the single component that indicates for certain that an engine has a battery ignition system.


Rocker arms and pushrods should be removed from an overhead engine before the cylinder head is removed from the cylinder block

rectifier Diode

Two electronic components that convert AC to DC are _______________ and ______________


Undercharging can lead to distortion of a battery's positive plates

Defective or undercharged battery corroded or loose terminals and connections Wrong connections cracked insulation or broken wires A wire grounding out in the system A defective switch improperly functioning operator presence system.

What are the seven basic things to check for before starting an extensive battery ignition system.

With ohm setting

What kind of testing unit can be used to test switches


Which cable should be connected last when installing a battery

Because it provides detailed service procedures and specifications for a particular model or series of engines

Why should a service manual always be referred to during an engine overhaul


the best way to remove a flywheel is to strike the flywheel nut with a hammer while applying a upward force with a pry bar


the gap between a module's laminations and the flywheel magnet can be measured with a _______________ feeler gauge

Loose engine mounts pulleys out of line worn drive belts

Excessive vibration could be caused by _________________

Use a ridge reamer to get rid of the ridge

Explain how the piston is removed if there is a heavy ridge at the top of the cylinder in an integral cylinder block and crankcase type engine

Be out of time

If the key that positions the flywheel is deformed or partly sheared, the engine will most likely _____________________


Under what conditions would you polarize an alternator

Gray tan color

What color should the internal porcelain insulator be on a normal, used spark plug


What is the type of current generated by an alternator

The Four components of a battery starting curcuit

A battery is the source of electrical energy A starter solenoid transfers high starting current from the battery to the starter A key start switch or other switch that energizes the starter solenoid A series wound, low resistance, high current, direct current, starting motor that turns the engine over

Spark plug

What determines the amount of voltage produced by the magneto when the engine is running.

Weak Magneto voltage Incorrect carburetor adjustments Poor air cleaner maintenance incorrect gasoline or oil incorrectly mixed gasoline and oil

What five conditions cause spark plug deposits

A broken or leaking cover A broken case Damaged post Missing caps

What is included in a visual inspection of a battery

Hydrogen Oxygen

What two gases are generated during battery charging


When being tested a diode should show continuity in one direction only.

the piston head and connecting rod the camshaft timing gear and crankshaft timing gear the connecting rod and rod cap

Which of the following parts should be marked so they can be reinstalled in the proper orientation

Specific Gravity test

Which test will determine the condition of each cell of a battery

It can prevent the electrolyte from freezing and cracking the b battery cases

Why is it important to keep batteries fully charged in below freezing temperatures

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