Chapters 16-21 MC

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By around 1500 what portion of the total Indian population was Muslim?

1 quarter

According to Pegolotti, A) European long-distance trade with China was perfectly safe. B) local lords always robbed traveling merchants. C) by using paper money in China, Europeans paid higher prices for their goods. D) traders should try to bargain for the cheapest guide. E) None of these answers is correct.

A) European long-distance trade with China was perfectly safe.

Which one of the following statements does NOT describe the crusades? A) The campaigns showed European military superiority to Muslim armies. B) One of the crusades conquered Constantinople instead of recapturing Palestine. C) The crusaders traded eagerly with Muslim merchants in the eastern Mediterranean. D) The crusaders brought many Muslim ideas back to Europe with them. E) The crusaders introduced to Europe new agricultural products they learned about from the Muslims.

A) The campaigns showed European military superiority to Muslim armies.

Which of the following was a factor in the collapse of the Toltec civilization? A) conflict between the various ethnic groups living in Tula B) severe flooding of Lake Texcoco C) dissention among population over bloodletting rituals D) defeat by the Spaniards E) overcrowding and lack of sanitation

A) conflict between the various ethnic groups living in Tula

After the eleventh century, the slave trade became increasingly important in Africa because A) demand for slaves in foreign markets outstripped the supply. B) a population explosion created a ready surplus. C) slaves were needed on the other side of the Atlantic. D) Africans readily sold their children into slavery. E) All these answers are correct.

A) demand for slaves in foreign markets outstripped the supply.

Mongol rule in China was ended in a rebellion led by a A) destitute orphan. B) Confucian scholar. C) Buddhist monk. D) eunuch in service to the Yuan dynasty. E) brilliant naval commander.

A) destitute orphan.

Aboriginal Australians A) frequently interacted with people from neighboring societies. B) were fervent agriculturists. C) did not participate in any type of trading relationship. D) led a sedentary way of life. E) None of these answers is correct.

A) frequently interacted with people from neighboring societies.

Which of the following was NOT a well-traveled trade route in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries? A) from Morocco across the Sahara desert to Mali. B) from Arabia down the east coast of Africa. C) from Portugal down the west coast of Africa. D) from India across the Indian Ocean to southeast Asia. E) from China overland to Constantinople.

A) from Morocco across the Sahara desert to Mali.

The Aztecs offered human sacrifices in order to A) honor the gods and forestall the destruction of the world. B) terrorize conquered people into submission. C) provide nourishment to the moon and the stars. D) mark off the days of their ritual calendar. E) All these answers are correct.

A) honor the gods and forestall the destruction of the world.

Which of the following was/were NOT typical of trade items found in the Mexica markets? A) iron and brass implements B) gold and silver jewelry C) vanilla beans and cacao D) jaguar skins and parrot feathers E) cotton cloth

A) iron and brass implements

Curricula of cathedral schools concentrated on A) liberal arts. B) theology. C) law and medicine. D) the writings of Aquinas. E) None of these answers is correct.

A) liberal arts.

Compared with Islam, Christianity in sub-Saharan Africa was A) located in a much smaller region. B) equally important. C) more true to original Christian theology than African Islam was to original Islamic theology. D) had little to do with merchants or missionaries. E) None of these answers is correct.

A) located in a much smaller region.

As for their rule in China, the Mongols A) resisted assimilation to Chinese cultural traditions. B) executed Confucian scholars and promoted Buddhism. C) encouraged intermarriage between Mongols and Chinese. D) used local Chinese people as administrators. E) All these answers are correct.

A) resisted assimilation to Chinese cultural traditions

A Renaissance humanist is one who A) sought to reconcile Christian values with public life. B) considered Christianity to be an outmoded superstition. C) held that personal glory was the only true value. D) withdrew from the world to study ancient texts. E) rejected the past and embraced all that was new.

A) sought to reconcile Christian values with public life.

The conversion to Islam of rulers of the kingdom of Ghana and the Mali empire A) stimulated commercial relations with Muslim merchants. B) meant that Islamic faith was imposed forcibly on their entire societies. C) facilitated the export of Muslim African slaves by these two states to other Islamic countries. D) transformed the role of women in those cultures. E) All these answers are correct.

A) stimulated commercial relations with Muslim merchants.

Efforts to forge an alliance between the Mongols and the powers of Europe ended when A) the Mongols converted to Islam. B) Rabban Sauma was denied access to the pope. C) Christian crusaders attacked Muslims at Jerusalem. D) the Mongols invaded Russia. E) Marco Polo's memoirs revealed a Mongol plan to invade Europe.

A) the Mongols converted to Islam.

During the thirteenth century, long-distance trade in Eurasia increased primarily because A) the Mongols worked to secure trade routes and ensure the safety of merchants passing through their vast territories. B) Mongol rulers adopted the same paper currency that could be used within all the four regional empires. C) Mongol policies encouraged economic growth and specialization of production in various regions. D) Mongol people settled down and began creating agricultural surpluses. E) All these answers are correct.

A) the Mongols worked to secure trade routes and ensure the safety of merchants passing through their vast territories

After Chinggis Khan's death, the Mongol empire was divided into four regional empires. China, as one of the regional empires, was ruled by A) the great khans. B) the khans of the Golden Horde. C) the ilkhans. D) the khans of Chaghatai. E) None of these answers is correct.

A) the great khans

The story of Sundiata was about A) the heroic deeds of the lion prince in establishing the Mali empire. B) the misery of slaves captured and traded in the Mediterranean basin network. C) the coming of Islam as a dominant faith in sub-Saharan societies. D) the rise of the Swahili city-states. E) None of these answers is correct.

A) the heroic deeds of the lion prince in establishing the Mali empire.

The term reconquista specifically referred to A) the reconquest of Spain from the Muslims B) the reconquest of Sicily from the Muslims. C) the recapture of Palestine. D) the colonies in Greenland. E) the Albigensian crusade.

A) the reconquest of Spain from the Muslims

During the high middle ages, the development of towns and cities "fit awkwardly in the framework of the medieval political order" because A) their citizens demanded autonomy from local lords. B) unlike feudal manors, cities were egalitarian societies. C) unlike the organization of the workforce on feudal manors, women became part of the working class in cities. D) townspeople included all three estates. E) None of these answers is correct.

A) their citizens demanded autonomy from local lords.

In a nomadic society, A) there were only two social classes: nobles and commoners. B) clans and tribes were autonomous; they did not obey orders from other clans. C) the statuses of nobles and commoners were hereditary and unchanging. D) nobles tended to govern with iron fists. E) None of these answers is correct.

A) there were only two social classes: nobles and commoners

Even though Charlemagne spent much of his time traveling around his empire, he did establish a capital at


Charlemagne maintained diplomatic relations with the _____ empire


The East African state that benefited tremendously from increased Indian Ocean trade was

Axum (Ethiopia)

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the failure of Khubilai's ventures in Japan and southeast Asia? A) The Mongol forces did not adapt well to the environment of southeast Asia. B) Bubonic plague erupted and took great tolls among the conquered populations. C) Mongol navies were destroyed, the Japanese attributing this to the kamikaze. D) The Mongols were unable to combat the guerilla tactics of the defenders. E) All these answers are correct.

B) Bubonic plague erupted and took great tolls among the conquered populations

Christians' devotion to saints was very much like A) the Bantu people's devotion to the creator god. B) Buddhists' devotion to bodhisattvas. C) Muslims' devotion to Mecca. D) the Jews' devotion to the Torah. E) All these answers are correct.

B) Buddhists' devotion to bodhisattvas.

Which of the following is NOT a correct pairing? A) Toltec and Tula B) Chucuito and Teotihuacan C) Inca and Cuzco D) Mexica and Tenochtitlan E) All these answers are correct, because all are incorrect pairings.

B) Chucuito and Teotihuacan

Koumbi-Saleh was to the kingdom of Ghana as A) Mansa Musa was to the Mali empire. B) Niani was to the Mali empire. C) Sundiata was to the Mali empire. D) Zaire was to the kingdom of Kongo. E) Axum was to the Christians.

B) Niani was to the Mali empire.

The reconquest of Sicily from the Muslims was accomplished by A) Eric the Red. B) Roger Guiscard. C) Robert Guiscard. D) William the Conqueror. E) None of these answers is correct.

B) Roger Guiscard.

The real name of the most famous Turkish leader, known as the "lame conqueror," was A) Tamerlane. B) Timur. C) Tamerlane the Whirlwind. D) Temüjin. E) Osman.

B) Timur

Ottomans were A) descendants of the Mongols. B) Turkish people. C) Persians. D) Indo-Europeans. E) None of these answers is correct.

B) Turkish people

All of the following were Swahili city-states EXCEPT A) Sofala and Mogadishu. B) Zimbabwe and Ife. C) Malindi and Kilwa. D) Zanzibar and Mozambique. E) None of these answers is correct, because all were Swahili city-states.

B) Zimbabwe and Ife.

Guilds of European cities and towns could do all of the following EXCEPT A) set standards of quality for manufactured goods. B) administer justice on behalf of the city government. C) determine the prices at which members had to sell their products. D) build large halls in the cities. E) regulate the entry of new workers into their groups.

B) administer justice on behalf of the city government.

The Hawaiian class of high chiefs were known as the A) kapu. B) ali`i nui. C) marae. D) heiau. E) chimu.

B) ali`i nui.

All of the following stimulated African migrations EXCEPT A) iron metallurgy. B) bubonic plague. C) bananas. D) population pressure. E) agriculture.

B) bubonic plague.

Unlike many other religions, African religion did not A) concern itself with morality and proper behavior. B) concern itself with matters of theology. C) concern itself with world order. D) worship a creator god. E) include religious specialists in society.

B) concern itself with matters of theology.

Upon adopting Islamic faith, African women A) were increasingly confined in their social and economic activities. B) did not experience much change in their social status. C) enjoyed higher honor than before. D) took the veil. E) could no longer talk to men in public.

B) did not experience much change in their social status.

Unlike the Aztec religion, Inca religion A) was monotheistic. B) had a moral dimension. C) revered a sun god. D) had no priest class. E) had no sacrificial rituals.

B) had a moral dimension.

On his visit to Mali, Ibn Battuta expressed disapproval at the A) tolerance of paganism by the emperor of Mali. B) immodesty of African Muslim women. C) corruption of the local courts. D) failure to observe Muslim rituals, such as prayer and fasting. E) All these answers are correct.

B) immodesty of African Muslim women.

One of the most significant impacts of sugarcane production on global economies was A) widespread deterioration in diet and nutrition. B) increased demand for slave labor. C) increased demand for tea and coffee. D) increased demand for other luxury goods, such as porcelain. E) All these answers are correct.

B) increased demand for slave labor.

Saljuq Turks who lived in Abbasid Persia and took over Byzantine Anatolia during the early eleventh century were A) equal co-rulers with the Abbasid caliphs. B) led by sultans who were responsible for most of the governance. C) resented by the peasants of Anatolia. D) responsible for defeating the Byzantine army at Manzikert. E) All these answers are correct.

B) led by sultans who were responsible for most of the governance

Nomadic peoples of central Asia A) lived in kumiss and drank yurts. B) liked to trade with settled peoples. C) did not have any religious beliefs. D) had rigid social classes. E) None of these answers is correct.

B) liked to trade with settled peoples.

The kingdom of Kongo A) emerged as a powerful state through trading with Muslim merchants of north Africa. B) maintained a royal currency system based on cowries from the Indian Ocean. C) was a loosely organized government with little authority over officials. D) was destroyed by the expansion of the Swahili. E) None of these answers is correct.

B) maintained a royal currency system based on cowries from the Indian Ocean.

Chinese naval expeditions were abruptly ended in 1433 because A) Zheng He was suspected of building his personal power. B) maintaining the fleet was considered a needless waste of national resources. C) the voyages had led to several humiliating defeats. D) the large Chinese vessels proved to be unseaworthy. E) All these answers are correct.

B) maintaining the fleet was considered a needless waste of national resources.

Between the thirteenth and the fifteenth centuries, the Andean kingdom of Chucuito governed an agricultural society based on A) maize farming. B) potato farming. C) cotton manufacture. D) coca farming. E) All these answers are correct.

B) potato farming.

In societies of sub-Saharan Africa, A) slaves did not exist. B) private ownership of land did not exist. C) gender differentiation did not exist. D) war did not exist. E) currency did not exist.

B) private ownership of land did not exist.

The remarkable oral tradition of sub-Saharan Africa was preserved primarily by A) Muslim African scholars. B) professional singers and griots. C) village chiefs and diviners. D) women. E) None of these answers is correct.

B) professional singers and griots.

The arrival of camels in Africa A) made communication across the Sahara possible. B) quickened the pace of communication across the Sahara. C) replaced elephants as the preferred transport animals throughout the Sahara. D) still did not make travel across the Sahara possible. E) None of these answers is correct.

B) quickened the pace of communication across the Sahara.

Swahili A) was an Arabic language. B) refers to the peoples of the east African coast. C) refers to the slave traders of Africa. D) is a dead language. E) was the language of the Mali empire.

B) refers to the peoples of the east African coast.

Church and governmental authorities in Byzantium and western Europe A) ignored the Bogomils and Cathars. B) regarded the Bogomils and Cathars as a threat. C) worked cooperatively with the Bogomils and Cathars. D) were completely unaware of the Bogomils and Cathars. E) None of these answers is correct.

B) regarded the Bogomils and Cathars as a threat.

In order to maintain clear class distinctions, Mexica sumptuary laws A) held that persons of different social classes could not intermarry. B) required commoners to wear rough cloth, while aristocrats could wear cotton. C) held that conquered people could not speak the Mexica language. D) required lower classes to wear lip plugs as a sign of obeisance. E) All these answers are correct.

B) required commoners to wear rough cloth, while aristocrats could wear cotton.

Chinggis Khan led his army to Persia and wreaked massive destruction on the conquered land. The immediate reason for this havoc was to A) eliminate Islam. B) seek revenge against the shah and eliminate the possibility of his survival. C) make Persian lands into Mongol pastureland. D) learn how to use the qanat irrigation system. E) None of these answers is correct.

B) seek revenge against the shah and eliminate the possibly of his survival

The bubonic plague started in A) western Europe. B) southwest China. C) Mediterranean seaports. D) central Asia. E) southwest Asia.

B) southwest China.

During the high middle ages, European scholars' rediscovery of Aristotle's work led to A) the growing dynamism of popular heresies. B) the development of scholasticism. C) the rise of the Dominicans and Franciscans. D) a rejection of the Latin classics. E) a decline in Christian belief.

B) the development of scholasticism.

The most honored class in Mexica society was A) the priests. B) the warriors. C) the merchants. D) the large landowners. E) the royal family.

B) the warriors.

The biggest difference between Melaka and the other states influenced by India was that Melaka

Became predominantly Islamic

The words "One should engage himself in singing of Me, praising Me . ., ." are drawn from what ninth-century Indian document?

Bhagavata Purana

he 11th century invasions of India by Mahmud of Ghazni resulted in a hastening in the decline of


he Khmer temple of Angkor Thom shows the influence of Hinduism, while the later temple of Angkor Wat displays the influences of


In the Investiture Contest, the winner was A) Otto I. B) Henry IV. C) Gregory VII. D) Frederick Barbarossa. E) Hugh Capet.

C) Gregory VII

The man who led the Turkish army and captured Constantinople in 1453 was A) Osman. B) Tamerlane. C) Mehmed II. D) Istanbul. E) None of these answers is correct.

C) Mehmed II

The most famous scholastic theologian was A) Eucharist. B) St. Francis. C) St. Thomas Aquinas. D) Saladin. E) St. Dominic.

C) St. Thomas Aquinas.

Chinese economic recovery in the Ming dynasty was aided by all of the following EXCEPT A) increased agricultural productivity. B) increased production of porcelain, silk, and other luxury goods. C) active state support of foreign trade. D) the involvement of Chinese merchants in foreign trade. E) restoration of irrigation systems.

C) active state support of foreign trade.

The Hanseatic League was A) known for its determination to reconquer Spain and wrest it from Muslim control. B) responsible for curbing the expansion of the Holy Roman Empire. C) an association of trading cities of northern Europe. D) a military religious order. E) None of these answers is correct.

C) an association of trading cities of northern Europe.

Vinland was A) conquered by the Teutonic Knights. B) reconquered by European crusaders. C) colonized by Scandinavian seafarers. D) continuously occupied until the present day. E) None of these answers is correct.

C) colonized by Scandinavian seafarers.

During the eleventh and twelfth centuries, Ghaznavid Turks A) invaded Afghanistan. B) converted to Buddhism and Hinduism. C) invaded northern India. D) were constantly expanding their territory. E) All these answers are correct.

C) invaded northern India

Before the tenth century, the dominant form of social organization in sub-Saharan Africa was the A) city-state. B) empire. C) kin-based system. D) kingdom. E) theocracy.

C) kin-based system.

The Inca government maintained storehouses of agricultural surplus for A) the private reserve of the royal family. B) payment to the military. C) public relief and social welfare. D) payments to governmental officials. E) All these answers are correct.

C) public relief and social welfare.

Which of the following groups built the largest empire the world had ever seen by the early fourteenth century? A) the Huns B) the Saljuq Turks C) the Mongols D) the Ottomans E) the Golden Horde

C) the Mongols

All of the following caused the decline of Mongol rule in China EXCEPT A) peasant rebellions. B) bubonic plague. C) the mandate of heaven. D) sharply rising inflation. E) weak administration.

C) the mandate of heaven

7. All of the following were achievements of the early middle ages in Europe EXCEPT A) a restoration of political order through a feudal system. B) economic recovery. C) the re-establishment of centralized, imperial rule. D) the creation of an institutional framework for the Christian church based in Rome. Both c and d are true.

C) the re-establishment of centralized, imperial rule.

In medieval Europe, the "three estates" meant A) England, Scotland, and Ireland. B) the three royal estates of the Capetian kings. C) the three social classes. D) the big three city-states in north Italy. E) None of these answers is correct.

C) the three social classes.

In order to maintain control over conquered peoples, the Mexica A) maintained a large standing army. B) appointed Mexica governors in each province of their empire. C) threatened subject peoples with brutal reprisals. D) appointed an elaborate bureaucracy to collect tributes. E) All these answers are correct.

C) threatened subject peoples with brutal reprisals.

Which of the following was the primary goal of Zheng He's expeditions? A) to eliminate foreign trade with China B) to establish Chinese trading cities on the Indian Ocean C) to impress foreign people with the power and might of the Ming dynasty D) to establish diplomatic relations with the Muslim states trading on the Indian Ocean E) to offer military protection and support to Chinese merchants in the Indian Ocean

C) to impress foreign people with the power and might of the Ming dynasty

The Carolingian dynasty takes its name from the founder

Charles Martel ("Charles the Hammer").

The wealthy trading state that controlled southern India from 850 through 1267 was

Chola Kingdom

The man who united all the Mongol tribes into a single confederation in 1206 was A) Khubilai Khan. B) Hülegü. C) Tughril Beg. D) Chinggis Khan. E) Mahmud of Ghazni.

D) Chinggis Khan

One region relatively unaffected by the plague was A) western Europe. B) north Africa. C) China. D) India. E) the Byzantine empire.

D) India.

Which of the following was NOT among the popular heresies of medieval Europe? A) Waldensians B) Cathars C) Bogomils D) Mendicants E) All these answers are correct.

D) Mendicants

What is the correct chronological order? A) Toltecs, Teotihuacan, Mexica, Spanish B) Toltecs, Teotihuacan, Spanish, Mexica C) Teotihuacan, Mexica, Toltecs, Spanish D) Teotihuacan, Toltecs, Mexica, Spanish E) Teotihuacan, Toltecs, Spanish, Mexica

D) Teotihuacan, Toltecs, Mexica, Spanish

Great Zimbabwe was A) a powerful guild of gold merchants. B) the king of an empire. C) an anti-Islamic organization of Zimbabwe. D) a capital city built of stone. E) None of these answers is correct.

D) a capital city built of stone.

The European Renaissance is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT A) a revival of classical learning. B) domed cathedrals. C) naturalistic painting and sculpture. D) a repudiation of Christian values. E) translations of the New Testament.

D) a repudiation of Christian values.

The earliest Bantu migrants were A) aggressive warriors. B) hunting and gathering peoples. C) fishing peoples. D) agriculturalists. E) horsemen.

D) agriculturalists.

The first military use of gunpowder was mainly for A) psychological terror: making unexpected loud noises. B) fireworks displays to celebrate a victory. C) unmanned torpedoes against enemy vessels. D) bombs lobbed by catapults into cities under siege. E) large mounted cannons on merchant ships.

D) bombs lobbed by catapults into cities under siege.

According to the eyewitness account of Marco Polo, the Mongols' military tactics included A) gathering up forces and meeting the enemy face-on. B) refusing to ever retreat. C) making even the lowest soldier report to the one high officer in charge of the battle. D) carrying little by way of food supplies; they would rely on their horses' blood if needed. E) All these answers are correct.

D) carrying little by way of food supplies; they would rely on their horses' blood if needed

Most of those sacrificed were A) criminals. B) war captives. C) tribute from conquered people. D) criminals, war captives, or tribute from conquered people. E) None of these answers is correct.

D) criminals, war captives, or tribute from conquered people.

The primary significance of Marco Polo's travels is the fact that A) he was the first European to live and work in China. B) he opened European markets to Chinese merchants. C) he introduced Chinese technologies to Europe. D) his adventures inspired European readers to seek profit and adventure abroad. E) All these answers are correct.

D) his adventures inspired European readers to seek profit and adventure abroad.

The Holy Roman Empire was "neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire" because A) the emperors were not crowned by the popes. B) the Byzantine emperors did not acknowledge the Holy Roman Empire. C) the people who lived there did not practice Christianity. D) it did not restore imperial unity to western Europe. E) All these answers are correct.

D) it did not restore imperial unity to western Europe.

The great earthen mounds like that at Cahokia were probably used for A) marketplaces. B) urban complexes. C) defense. D) rituals and burials. E) All these answers are correct.

D) rituals and burials.

In the fifteenth century, the nation-states of western Europe were strengthened by A) a long period of peace among the nations of Europe. B) direct taxes and standing armies. C) increasing reliance on knights as a military force. D) the ideals of Renaissance humanism. E) All these answers are correct.

D) the ideals of Renaissance humanism.

In Spain, the process of state building was accelerated by A) Columbus's quest for a western route to China. B) the reconquest of Granada from the French. C) an alliance with the Islamic states of northern Africa. D) the marriage of Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castile. E) All these answers are correct.

D) the marriage of Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castile.

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the expansion of arable land in Europe during the high middle ages? A) population pressure B) use of the horseshoe and horse collar C) increased cultivation of beans D) the shift from horses to oxen E) clearing of forests and draining of swamps

D) the shift from horses to oxen

Trade and communications networks were slower to penetrate sub-Saharan Africa compared to other regions because A) Africans had little contact with each other. B) Africans did not have any goods that others wanted to trade for. C) there was a language barrier. D) there were formidable geographic barriers to overcome. E) All these answers are correct.

D) there were formidable geographic barriers to overcome.

Nomadic peoples of Asia could wield massive military power because of their A) outstanding horsemanship. B) accuracy with bows and arrows. C) maneuverability as cavalry units. D) ability to retreat quickly. E) All these answers are correct.

E) All these answers are correct

With regard to Mongols' military strategies, they A) would travel more than 100 kilometers (62 miles) per day to surprise an enemy. B) could shoot arrows behind them while riding at a gallop. C) could shoot arrows and fell enemies within 200 meters (656 feet). D) would spare their enemies if they surrendered without resistance. E) All these answers are correct.

E) All these answers are correct

By presenting the story of Guillaume Boucher, the authors of the textbook show that A) the goldsmith of Paris was talented in creating a spectacular silver fountain. B) the Mongol capital, Karakorum, was magnificent and luxurious. C) many roads led to Karakorum during the thirteenth century. D) even slaves enjoyed some prestige when they were skilled craftsmen. E) All these answers are correct.

E) All these answers are correct.

Commoners in the Inca kingdom were required to A) work assigned lands on behalf of the state. B) pay a portion of their earnings to the state. C) work on the public roads and irrigation systems. D) deliver pottery, textiles, and other handmade goods. E) All these answers are correct.

E) All these answers are correct.

During the high middle ages the European nobility A) had their manners softened. B) practiced the code of chivalry. C) drew their literary inspiration from Muslim Spain. D) was one of the three estates. E) All these answers are correct.

E) All these answers are correct.

During the high middle ages, the Normans A) conquered England in 1066. B) built a tightly centralized state. C) introduced Norman principles of government to England. D) took southern Italy and Sicily back from the Muslims. E) All these answers are correct.

E) All these answers are correct.

Ibn Battuta was able to travel extensively across Asia and Africa in the early fourteenth century because A) he was welcomed as an Islamic judge in many Muslim kingdoms. B) new maritime technology made long-distance travel more common. C) he was able to take advantage of existing trade routes. D) the Mongol kingdoms provided safe passage for merchants and travelers. E) All these answers are correct.

E) All these answers are correct.

Which of the following statements describes a typical kin-based society? A) Male heads of families presided over village affairs. B) The most prominent of the family heads acted as chief. C) A group of villages constituted a district. D) Ethnic loyalties were focused at the district level. E) All these answers are correct.

E) All these answers are correct.

Which of the following was NOT a serious diplomatic mission of the thirteenth century? A) The Persian khan proposed an alliance with European powers against Muslims in Jerusalem. B) The pope invited the Mongol khans to convert to Christianity. C) The sultan of India proposed an alliance with the Byzantine empire against the Mongols. D) An envoy of the khans declared that European Christians should submit to Mongol rule or face destruction. E) All these answers are correct.

E) All these answers are correct.

Observing Mongol rule in Persia and China, one can say that the Mongols were A) good administrators. B) ferocious plunderers. C) intolerant of religious diversity. D) isolationist. E) None of these answers is correct.

E) None of these answers is correct

According to Ibn Battuta, Mogadishu A) had only hunters, gatherers, and fishers. B) was a large, inland, overland trade city. C) had not yet converted to Islam. D) was hostile to strangers. E) None of these answers is correct.

E) None of these answers is correct.

The aboriginal peoples of Australia subsisted by A) cultivating root crops. B) herding swine and poultry. C) cultivating taro and sweet potato. D) building fish traps. E) None of these answers is correct.

E) None of these answers is correct.

Which of the following statements does NOT describe the Iroquois peoples? A) They lived in the woodlands east of the Mississippi River. B) They cultivated maize and beans. C) They lived in settled communities with defensive walls. D) Women were in charge of villages and longhouses. E) Their system of pictographic writing has not yet been deciphered.

E) Their system of pictographic writing has not yet been deciphered.

The chinampa system of agriculture A) introduced new Mexica crops into the central valley. B) required the Mexica to move on to new lands after the soil had been exhausted. C) was based on the rotation of crops to replenish the soil. D) was similar to the slash-and-burn agriculture practiced by the Maya. E) created fertile plots of land from the mud dredged off the bottom of Lake Texcoco.

E) created fertile plots of land from the mud dredged off the bottom of Lake Texcoco.

Which of the following was NOT a method by which the Inca were able to effectively administer their empire? A) a complex system of record keeping using knotted cord B) taking hostages from the ruling families of conquered peoples C) a vast network of paved roads to unite their empire D) relocating loyal colonists in troublesome territories E) granting autonomy to local chieftains

E) granting autonomy to local chieftains

Under Hongwu, the Ming dynasty was established as a A) feudal state dominated by local warlords. B) military state with a puppet emperor. C) constitutional monarchy. D) decentralized empire with considerable autonomy for local authorities. E) highly centralized, autocratic state.

E) highly centralized, autocratic state.

Portugal led Europe in maritime exploration for all the following reasons EXCEPT A) they had long years of experience fishing in the Atlantic. B) they took an early lead in the African slave trade. C) Prince Henry hoped to convert the peoples of Africa to Christianity. D) they discovered and colonized a number of Atlantic islands early in the fourteenth century. E) they had more people and a more advanced economy than the other states of Europe.

E) they had more people and a more advanced economy than the other states of Europe.

Paramesvara was known for

Founding the Melaka state

Which Germanic tribe played the most important role in establishing the foundations of European society?


Roman imperial power ended in 476 C.E. with the invasion of

Germanic general Odovacer

After the collapse of western Roman authority, ________ established regional kingdoms.

Germanic invaders

An invasion in 451 C.E. by the White Huns, began the collapse of the ___ empire


In regards to restoring temporary centralized political rule, Charlemagne played a role similar to what Indian emperor?


The scholarly Buddhist emperor who reunited northern India in the 7th century CE was


The Khmer temple shown above provides evidence of the diffusion of _______ and _____ to SE Asia.

Hinduism and Buddhism

In 962, when Otto I received a crown from the pope, it marked the foundation of the

Holy Roman Empire

The Delhi sultans were never able to expand their control beyond northern


uring the post-classical age the caste system became securely established in southern ___ for the first time.


When comparing northern and southern India during the post-classical era, it can be stated that the south suffered through far fewer ______ than the north.


The presence of seasonal monsoons meant that what was necessary in arid southern India.

Irrigation systems and reservoirs

The Bhakti movement sought to erase distinctions between

Islam and Hinduism

The biggest difference between Melaka and the other Indianized states in Southeast Asia was ) the Melaka became predominantly what religion.


England was unified in the ninth century by

King Alfred

The most important relationship in feudalism was between

Lords and Retainers

"Each Steward shall make an annual statement of all our income: an account of our lands cultivated by the oxen which our ploughmen drive and of our lands which the tenants of farms ought to plough; an account of the pigs, of the rents . . .Of the food products other than meat, two-thirds shall be sent each year for our own use...and they shall tell us how much is left by a statement, as we have said above; and they shall not neglect this as in the past; because from those two-thirds, we wish to know how much remains . . .Each steward shall have in his district good workmen..." The above quote exemplifies tenants of which economic system?


Funan dominated the lower reaches of which Southeast Asian river?

Mekong River

One of the biggest reasons for increased agricultural production in Europe was the introduction of

Mould-board (heavier) plows

The westernmost point of Viking expansion was


Based on the map, what would be the best time for a trader to sail down the Swahili Coast?

November to February

Who provided the Roman church with a sense of direction by reasserting papal primacy?

Pope Gregory I

On Christmas Day 800, Charlemagne received the imperial crown from

Pope Leo III

The figure above is a representation of the Hindu god


The Rule, a set of regulations that shaped the rise of monasticism by avoiding extremism and promoting social service, came from

St. Benedict

The Benedictine Rule was spread to women living in convents by

St. Scholastica

The sea-trading kingdom of Srivijaya, located on the island of Sumatra, controlled the strategic link between China and India, the

Strait of Melaka/Isthmus of Kra?

One of the biggest reasons for the increased European agricultural production in the medieval period was

The invention of the mould-board plow

Historians once used the term feudalism to refer to

The political and social order of medieval Europe

Charles Martel defeated an Islamic force in 732 at the battle of


In 711, the northern Indian area of Sind fell to the _____ dynasty


In 1336, Harihara and Bukka, two emissaries from the Delhi sultan, renounced Islam, reconverted to Hinduism, and founded the southern kingdom of


Constantinople was raided at least three times in the ninth and tenth centuries by the


In the 470s, Spain was conquered by the


"[Clovis] saw it [his army being in danger of destruction] and raised his eyes to heaven, and with remorse in his heart he burst in to tears and cried: 'Jesus Christ, whom Cotilda asserts to be the son of the living God . . . I beseech the glory of thy aid, with the vow that if thou wilt grant me victory over these enemies . . .I will believe in thee and be baptized in thy name. For I have invoked my own gods, but, as I see, they have withdrawn from aiding me; and therefore I believe that they possess no power, since they do not help those who obey them.' And when he said this, the Alamanni [the Germans] turned there backs, and began to disperse in flight."~Pope Leo III Based on the quote above, one could infer that Clovis' conversion to Christianity was primarily a ______________ act


The main goal of the missi dominici was to

control the counts

After the death of Louis the Pious, the Carolingian Empire was

dissolved (split by 3 sons)

In European medieval society, political power was vested in

lords and retainers

The medieval political system made it difficult, but possible, to build powerful

powerful kingdoms

Mahmud of Ghazni's main inspiration for visiting India in the eleventh century

to plunder the wealth stored in Indian temples

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