Chapters 3 & 4 Government Test

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Which of these statements is based on John Locke's definition of the social contract?

A government operates with the goal of promoting human rights

Which of these is a characteristic of a traditional economy?

Barter is used instead of money

How do unicameral and bicameral legislatures differ?

Bicameral legislatures have two houses, a unicameral legislature has one house.

In what way is the structure of state governments like that of the federal government?

Both have legislative representatives to pass laws

Which of the following rules applies to the amendment process?

Congress must set limits on ratification of amendments.

In Texas vs. Johnson, the Supreme Court ruled that flag-burning is protected by the

First amendment

Karl Marx envisioned a state where communism would be the end result. How was Marx's vision of communism different from the communism that exists today?

In the vision of communism, property would collectively belong to the people.

According to the Supreme Court, what made the 2010 Affordable Care Act constitutional?

It fell under Congress's taxing power

Which of the following statements is true of the elastic clause?

It gives congress the power to make laws deemed necessary and powerful.

Which of the following best describes the formal process of amending the Constitution?

Propose an amendment, then have state legislatures ratify it

Which of the following is an example of judicial review?

The Supreme court interprets the Constitution and overturns a state law

Which of the following examples best depicts the supremacy clause of the constitution?

The United States establishes the voting age to be 18.

In what way can the meaning of the Constitution change over time?

The judiciary can change the way they interpret the meaning of the Constitution.

How does representation in the U.S. Senate differ from representation in the House?

The number of representatives in the House is based on state population

Which of the following is an example of checks and balances in the United States?

The president appoints judges to the Supreme Court

Which of the following statements best defines federalism?

Two or more governments have power over the same people in the same territory.

In what basic way can all people influence public policy?

Voting on a regular basis

Public policy is

a course of action that a government decides to take

Which of the following powers would you categorize under state government?

administer elections

The Seventeenth Amendment changed how U.S. Senate positions were filled by

allowing U.S. citizens to directly elect senators

A change to the original document, such as the Constitution, is an


If fewer than two-thirds of the states approve it,

an amendment cannot be added to the Consitution

A twenty-first century conservative is more likely to

be a Republican and take a state's rights position

A twenty-first century liberal is more likely to

believe in the supremacy of the national government.

Which principle of democracy establishes freedom of speech?

bill of rights

Which of the following best defines constitutional amendment?

changes to the original Constitution

To protect freedom of religion, the Founders established separation of _______ and state


To maintain law and order in their state, governors can use their power as

commander-in-chief of the National guard

Which of the following is an implied power of the national government?

develop nuclear weapons

Thomas Jefferson was a proponent of

direct election of members of the House of Representatives.

In the Federalist Papers, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay supported

division of power into three branches of government.

States cannot violate due process laws because

due process is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution

Regarding education, state governments

establish policies that school districts must follow

The right to due process of law is guaranteed by the

fifth amendment

A state has sovereignty when it is able to do which of the following?

freely create and enforce laws

Which of the following is a denied power to both federal and state governments?

granting someone a title of nobility

After achieving independence from Britain, U.S. leaders created an executive branch that

had limited power but could enforce laws

A sunset law

has an automatic end date

State governments are like the federal government in that they

have a judiciary with courts to uphold laws

Which of the following is the best example of a concurrent power of the state and national governments?

levy taxes

To establish residency in another state, a person may have to

live in that state a certain period of time.

If lawmakers are part of the general court, they are in their state's

lower house

If the Supreme Court denies an amendment to a state constitution because it conflicts with the U.S. Constitution, the Court is using the concept of

national supremacy

What is the main reason that one state might receive more in a block grant than another state?

on may have more population

Which branch of government interprets the law and includes the Supreme Court?

the judicial branch

In the system of checks and balances, veto power is balanced by

the power of Congress to override a veto

Which of the following is an enumerated power of Congress?

the power to levy taxes on citizens

What was the main reason that the Framers created federalism?

to protect themselves from an all-powerful central government

Citizens who commit a major crime would be tried in a

trial court

Under a republican form of government

voters hold sovereign power

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