Chapters 6-7 (Mastering Biology Questions)

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What are archaea cell walls made of?

Digestion of the food particle occurs in a vesicle enclosed by a membrane that separates the digestion from the cytoplasm

A cell has formed a food vacuole as it ingested s food particle. Which of the following events is associated with the breakdown of that food particle? Proteins for digestion of the food particle were initially processed in mitochondria. Enzymes for the breakdown of the food are delivered to the food vacuole from the cytosol. Digestion of the food particle occurs in a vesicle enclosed by a membrane that separates the digestion from the cytoplasm. The membrane of the food vacuole is derived from the cell wall. Proteins for digestion of the food are made by ribosomes in the Golgi Apparatus.

Embedded in a lipid bilayer

According to the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure, proteins of the membrane are mostly: Confined to the hydrophobic interior of the membrane. Randomly oriented in the membrane, with no fixed inside-outside polarity. Free to depart from the fluid membrane and dissolve in the surrounding solution. Embedded in a lipid bilayer. Spread in a continuous layer over the inner and outer surfaces of the membrane.

Decreasing extracellular pH

Based on Figure 7.21 in your textbook, which of these experimental treatments would increase the rate of sucrose transport into the cell? Adding an inhibitor that blocks the regeneration of ATP. Decreasing cytoplasmic pH. Decreasing extracellular pH. Adding a substance that makes the membrane more permeable to hydrogen ions. Decreasing extracellular sucrose concentration.

The cell cytoskeleton is a dynamic network of fibers that can be quickly dismantled and reassembled to change cell shape and the position of cell components

Choose the best description of the cell cytoskeleton: The cell cytoskeleton is similar to an animal skeleton in providing rigid internal support and structure to the cell. The cell cytoskeleton serves as permanent scaffolding to anchor cell components into position within the cell cytoplasm. The cell cytoskeleton is a dynamic network of fibers that can be quickly dismantled and reassembled to change cell shape and the position of cell components.


Cyanide binds to at least one molecule involved in producing ATP. If a cell is exposed to cyanide, most of the cyanide will be found within the: Lysosomes Ribosomes Mitochondria Peroxisomes Endoplasmic Reticulum

The outer surface of smooth ER lacks ribosomes, whereas the outer surface of rough ER has ribosomes

Identify the correct statement about differences between rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Smooth ER is part of the endomembrane system of the eukaryotic cell, and rough ER is not. Rough ER consists of a network of membranous tubules and sacs called cisternae, whereas smooth ER is less complex. The outer surface of smooth ER lacks ribosomes, whereas the outer surface of rough ER has ribosomes.

Certain proteins are unique to each membrane

In what way do the membrane of a eukaryotic cell vary? Certain proteins are unique to each membrane. Some membranes have hydrophobic surfaces exposed to the cytoplasm, while others have hydrophilic surfaces facing the cytoplasm. Only certain membranes are constructed from amphipathic molecules. Phospholipids are found only in certain membranes. Only certain membranes of the cell are selectively permeable.

Plant and animal cells

Mitochondria are found in _____. Plants cells only Plant and animal cells Animal cells and prokaryotic cells, but not plant cells Animal cells only All cells

Plant and animal cells both carry out cellular respiration, producing ATP

Select the correct statement describing the cellular structure or function: Plant and animal cells both carry out cellular respiration, producing ATP. Only plant cells contain chloroplasts, and only animal cells contain mitochondria. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are part of the endomembrane system of the eukaryotic cell.


The diameter of a typical eukaryotic cell is approximately ten times the diameter of a typical prokaryote. What is the ratio of the VOLUME of typical eukaryotic:prokaryotic cells? 10:1 100:1 1000:1


What are bacteria cell walls made of?


What are fungi cell walls made of?


What are plant cell walls made of?


What are the sites of protein synthesis called?


What is name for the collection of DNA in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells?

ER->Golgi->Vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane

What is the most likely pathway taken by a newly synthesized protein that will be secreted by a cell? ER->Lysosomes->Vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane Golgi->ER->Lysosome Nucleus->ER->Golgi ER->Golgi->Nucleus ER->Golgi->Vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane

Golgi Apparatus

What packages proteins for transport out of the cell?


What provides temporary storage for food, enzymes, and waste products?


What transports materials within a cell?

Doesn't have one

What's are animal cell walls made of?


Where are ribosomes made?

Phagocytic white blood cell

Which cell would be best for studying lysosomes? Bacterial cell Muscle cell Phagocytic white blood cell Nerve cell Leaf cell of a plant

Both have their own DNA

Which of the following are common traits of chloroplasts and mitochondria? Both are surrounded by a single membrane. Both have their own DNA. Both reproduce by meiosis. Both are found in plant and animal cells. Proteins for both are synthesized on ribosomes in the rough ER.

Cell fractionation to study the function of specific organelles

Which of the following choices correctly matches a tool and its proper application? Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to study the movement of organelles within a living cell. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to study the detailed movements of living cells. Light microscopy to study the internal structure of cilia. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to study the surfaces of preserved cells. Cell fractionation to study the function of specific organelles.

Whether or not the cell is partitioned by internal membranes

Which of the following clues would tell you if a cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic? The presence or absence of a rigid cell wall. The presence or absence of ribosomes. Whether or not the cell contains DNA. Whether or not the cell carries out cellular respiration. Whether or not the cell is partitioned by internal membranes.


Which of the following correctly matches an organelle with its function? Nucleus...cellular respiration Central Mitochondrion...photosynthesis Lysosome...movement Ribosome...manufacture of lipids

A greater proportion of unsaturated phospholipids

Which of the following factors would tend to increase membrane fluidity? A greater proportion of saturated phospholipids. A greater proportion of unsaturated phospholipids. A lower temperature. A greater proportion of relativity large glycolipids compared with lipids having smaller molecular masses. A relatively high protein content in the membrane.

Movement of RNA molecules from the nucleus to the cytoplasm

Which of the following functions is NOT associated with the cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells? Determining the shape of animal cells. The beating of cilia or flagella. Maintaining the position of the nucleus in the cell. The contraction of muscle cells in animals. Movement of RNA molecules from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.


Which of the following is present in a prokaryotic cell? Ribosome ER Chloroplast Mitochondrion Nuclear Envelope

When a plant cell is placed in concentrated salt water, water moves out of the cell.

Which of the following molecular movements is due to diffusion or osmosis? When a plant cell is placed in concentrated salt water, water moves out of the cell. Cells of the pancreas secret insulin into the bloodstream. The sodium-potassium pump pumps three sodium ions out of a neuron for every two potassium ions it pumps in.

Passive transport

Which of the following processes includes all others? Passive transport Diffusion of a solute across a membrane Transport of an ion down its electrochemical gradient Facilitated diffusion Osmosis

Proteins that will be secreted from the cell are likely to be found in closed spaces bounded by membranes of the endomembrane system

Which one of the following statements about the endomembrane system is correct? Most of the phospholipids of the endomembrane system are synthesized in the mitochondria. The endoplasmic reticulum is continuous with the plasma membrane. Mitochondria function in the modification and sorting of lipids and proteins. Proteins that will be secreted from the cell are likely to be found in closed spaces bounded by membranes of be endomembrane system. Ribosomes move lipids and proteins among the different organelles of the endomembrane system.

Information can be transmitted from these extracellular structures to the cytoplasm

Which statement about extracellular structures (plant cell walls and the extracellular matrix of animal cells) is correct? Proteins and lipids are common components of extracellular structures. Extracellular structures store energy in the form of polysaccharides for subsequent metabolism by the cell. Information can be transmitted from these extracellular structures to the cytoplasm. All extracellular structures form barriers to separate adjacent cells. Extracellular structures regulate the passage of water molecules across the cell membrane.

Products of the ER are usually modified during their transit from the CIS to the TRANS region of the Golgi Apparatus

Which statement correctly describes an endomembrane function? Products of the ER are usually modified during their transit from the CIS to the TRANS region of the Golgi Apparatus. The lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is continuous with the cell nucleus. Secretory proteins in transit from one part of the cell to another are carried in lysosomes.

The nuclear envelope is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum

Which statement correctly describes the nuclear envelope of a eukaryotic cell? The nuclear envelope is a single membrane, consisting of a phospholipid bilayer. Plasmadesmosomes in the nuclear envelope permit the exchange of macromolecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. All of the proteins of the cell are synthesized on ribosomes bound on the nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum. The outer layer of the nuclear envelope is coated with laminin.

The contents of a red blood cell are hypertonic to distiller water

Which statement is correct? A solution of distiller water is hypotonic. A solution of seawater is hypertonic. The contents of a red blood cell are hypertonic to distiller water.


Which structure is NOT part of the endomembrane system? Chloroplast Golgi Apparatus ER Plasma Membrane Nuclear Envelope


Which structure is common to plant AND animal cells? Centriole Central Vacuole Mitochondrion Chloroplast Wall made of cellulose

Microtubule; muscle contraction

Which structure-function pair is MISMATCHED? Microtubule; muscle contraction Nucleolus; production of ribosomal subunits Ribosome; protein synthesis Lysosome; intracelluar digestion Golgi; protein trafficking

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