Charting - PASS / Plaque Index
PASS (Plaque Assessment Scoring System) - example of score below 75%
- 13 surfaces without plaque - count 5 points for each surface without plaque - result is 70 - score is below 75% what does this mean? - use disclosing agent and chart plaque index next
PASS (Plaque Assessment Scoring System) - example of score above 75%
- 17 surfaces without plaque - count 5 points for each surface without plaque - (tip to self - if not many plaque, just count plaque surface and subtract from 100) - result is 85 - score is above 75% what does this mean? - use disclosing agent but do not chart plaque index
Plaque Index
- a low score is preferred, at least 10% or LOWER - mark off any missing teeth - check surfaces and fill in with RED pencil/pen - count surfaces with plaque - multiple total number of teeth by 4 --- divide # of surfaces with plaque against result of upper line --- multiply that result by 100 ---- that is the score
How to apply disclosing agent:
- dapper dish, q-tip, and disclosing agent solution is next to clean window in clinic - take 3 drops of agent - dip q-tip into agent and quickly paint each tooth - have patient swish with water and use slow-suction - look at tooth surfaces; while agent colorizes the gingival tissue it just naturally does that - look for DEEP/THICK disclosing color - chart in RED pencil/pen by filling in indicated surface
PASS (Plaque Assessment Scoring System) - 01 patients
- performed BEFORE Periodontal Screening Probe (PSR) on all patients over age of 12
PASS (Plaque Assessment Scoring System) - 04 Calculate Score
- record PASS on front of assessment form - place a RED dot on surface indicated - there exists 20 possible plaque sites - score based on % of areas WITHOUT plaque - goal is 100% - a score ABOVE 75% signifies patient is in maintenance range - a score BELOW 75% means less predictable gingival health and caries free environment
PASS (Plaque Assessment Scoring System) - 02 selecting teeth on patients
- select 5 teeth in dentition -- 4 FIRST molars and 1 Mandibular Central Incisor (use premolar if molar is missing) - teeth divided into 4 areas as DISTAL, BUCCAL, MESIAL, AND LINGUAL
PASS (Plaque Assessment Scoring System) - 03 Activation
- use PSR probe, sweep 1mm into sulcus of each tooth to detect plaque - horizontal stroke against surface of the tooth - if visible plaque apparent, count as POSITIVE, wipe off on 2x2 gauze and continue to next surface
Disclosing agent is used on only patient above age 12 with a PASS score above 75% T/F
False, disclosing agent is used on all patients except the plaque index charting is only done on age 12 and younger and patients who got below 70%
PASS is done one patient age 12 and _____________
Plaque Index is used in children age 12 and _________ and patient's who got a PASS score ____________ 70%.
Younger ; below