Chemistry Chp 5

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what colors are often ascociated woth these metals: -copper -cadmium -cobalt -zinc -nickel

-blue -yellow -pink -white -green

how many groups are in the periodic table?


how many periods are in the periodic table?


Created a table in which elements with similar properties were grouped together- a periodic table of elements (atomic mass)

Dmitri Mendeleev

the most active element in group 17


Which elements are designated as the alkali metals?

Group 1 (lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, francium)

Which elements are designated as the alkaline earth metals?

Group 2 (beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, radium)

Arranged elements by their atomic numbers

Henry Moseley

What are some characteristic properties of alkali metals?

Silvery, soft enough to cut with a knife, reactive, stored under kerosene, boiling point is very low

Enabled chemists to agree on standard values for atomic mass and initiated a search for relationships between atomic masses and other properties of the elements

Stanislao Canizzaro

What determines the length of each period in the periodic table?

The number of electrons that can occupy the sublevels being filled in that period

How do the electron configurations within the same group of elements compare?

They all have the same outer electron configuration

Why are the noble gases relatively unreactive?

They have all 8 electrons

How is the periodic law demonstrated within the groups of the periodic table?

When the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, elements with similar properties appear at regular intervals

elements of group 2 are called-

alkalin earth metals

elements of group 1 are called-

alkalin metals

distinguish between a cation and an anion. How does the size of each compare with the size of the neutral atom from which it is formed?

cation is positive- decreases (smaller) anion is negative- increases (bigger)

what sublevels are filling across the transition elements?

d & f

as you go from left to right across a period, the atomic size decreases or increases? why?

decreases bc it will have an increased net positive charge

as you go down a group, the first ionization energy generally decreases or increases? why?

decreases, addition of shells and further away

where is the highest electronegativity found?

far upper right hand corner

what tramsition elements are considered noble metals?

gold, silver, platinum, pladium

what types of elements make up p block?

group 13-18 except helium, metals, nonmetals, metalloids

which elements are the halogens?

group 17 flourine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine,

what are the noble gases?

group 18- helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon

group 17 elements are called-


how do the characteristic properties of alkaline earth metals compare with those of alkali metals?

harder than alkali metals, higher melting point, less reactive than alkali metals but are still reactive and found in nature

where are valence electrons located?

incompletely filled main energy levels

how do the first ionization energies of main group elements vary across a period and down a group?

increase across a perios bc there are more protons pulling on the electrons, decrease down a group bc there are more shells so they are farther away from the nucleus

as you go from left to right across a period, the first ionization energy generalky decreases or increases? why?

increases, increase net positive charge

as you travel down a group, the atomic size decreases or increases? why?

increases, more energy levels

elements in the periodic table are arranged according to their____

increasing atomic number

why is flourine special in terms of electronegativity

it is the most electronegtive element 4 ( highest you can have)

a negative ion is smaller or larger than its parent atom


what are trhe characteristics of a noble metal?

low reactivity

where are the most active metals located?

lower left hand corner

where is the lowest electronegativity found?

lower left hand corner, francium

an element with both metallic and nonmetallic properties is called a____

metalloid; semi metal

the majority of elements in the periodic are____


as you go from left to right across the periodic table, the elements go from metals or nonmetals to metals or nonmetals?

metals to nonmetals

as you go down a group, the elements generally become___ metallic


group 18 elements are called-

noble gases

what are the main group elements

p and s block

which two blocks of the periodic table make up the main group elements?

p and s block

how do the properties of the p block metals compare with those of the metals in the s and d blocks?

p is usually harder than s but softer than d

elements across a series have the same number of____

principle energy level

what gems contain chromiun impurities?


a positive ion is smaller or larger than its parent atom


what trend is observed among the atomic radii of main group elements down a group?

the atomic radii increases down a group because you are adding shells

what trend is observed among the atomic radii of main group elements across a period?

the trend to smaller atoms across a period is caused by the increasing positive charge of the nucleus

what is the most significant property of the noble gases?

they have a full outer shell

a colored ion generally indicates a ____

transition element

elements of group 3-12 are called-

transition elements

what name is sometimes used to refer to the entire set of d block elements?

transition elements

where are the most active nonmetals located

upper right hand corner

elements within a group have a similar number of____

valence electrons

which elements are the f block?

wedged between groups 3 and 4 in the 6th and 7th period

what colors are exhibited by chromium in its common oxidation states?

yellow, violet

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