Child and Adolescent Counseling

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T/F The IFS model uses the Bowenian term "differentiation" to indicate the separating of the self from the extreme parts and giving it the leadership role over all the parts.


T/F The internal family systems model synthesizes two already existing therapeutic paradigms: systems thinking and the multiplicity of the mind.


T/F When assessing children's anxiety, it is helpful to do an assessment of the other family members anxiety.


T/F An IFS therapists key role is becoming and acting as a "parts detector" in the therapy room.


T/F Filial Therapy teaches parents to conduct child-centered play sessions with their own children.


The building blocks of secure family bonds are emotional ______ and _________. A. accessibility and responsiveness B. communication and understanding C. expression and acceptance D. none of the above

A. Accessibility and responsiveness

In tests of evidence, the client's main negative belief about himself is: A. Broken down into its component parts. B. Reframed into a positive description C. Reversed into a positive description D. Integrated with a strength that the client has identified in himself.

A. Broken down into its component parts

Children with depressive disorders are more likely to have parents who are: A. critical and emotionally overinvolved B. negligent and avoidant C. academically demanding D. Immature and doting

A. Critical and emotionally overinvolved.

Which of the following is a central component of DBT with adolescents (as opposed to DBT with adults)? A. Dialectical work on integrating parent and adolescent viewpoints. B. Systems-oriented work on dysfunctional coalitions within the family. C. Attachment-related work on meeting the adolescent's needs for nurturance. D. Developmentally oriented work on interruptions in the adolescent's movement toward autonomy.

A. Dialectical work on integrating parent and adolescent viewpoints.

The process of a counselor adopting the client's perspective, viewing situations through their eyes, and vicariously experiencing what the client experiences is refereed to as expressing: A. empathy B. embarrassment C. expression D. experimentation

A. Empathy

Symptoms of disruptive behavior, noncompliance, aggression, and delinquency are examples of _______ dysfunction. A. Externalizing B. Intrinsic C. Explosive D. Internalizing

A. Externalizing

Mindfulness practice produces which of the following effects? A. Increased awareness of the impermanence of mental contents. B. Closer interpersonal relationships C. Neuronal growth in brain circuits mediating direction of attention. D. B and C.

A. Increased awareness of the impermanence of mental contents.

________ _______ (also referred to as "attunement") is described as a sensitively turned emotional dance in which the caregiver responds to infant signals in a well timed and appropriate fashion and in which both partners match emotional states, especially positive ones. A. interactional synchrony B. Affect mirroring C. Cognitive mirroring D. Interpersonal shadowing

A. Interactional Synchrony

How does the miracle question work therapeutically? A. It stimulates detailed envisioning of desired changes. B. It stimulates constructive problem solving. C. It models optimistic cognitions. D. It provides a framework for developing effective strategies

A. It stimulates detailed envisioning of desired changes.

Therapist provision of dynamic psychoeducation is particularly important in the treatment of clients who: A. lack of mature ego capabilities B. Lack of adequate emotional support from their caregivers. C. Experience internalizing symptoms due to harsh superego functioning. D. Experience internal conflicts due to harsh superego fuctioning.

A. Lack of mature ego capabilities

A therapist utilizing the extendincorp strategy might use which of the following statements to help a client cope with a negative event? A. Life has its ups and downs B. Every cloud has a silver lining C. What goes around comes around D. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. E. All of the above

A. Life has its ups and downs.

Narrative therapists are not concerned with generalizations or assumptions, but they are concerned with ______. A. meaning B. problems C. diagnosis D. cognitive distortions E. none of the above

A. Meaning

Family members are caught in ______ that maintain powerful emotional states of fear, anger, and grief. A. Negative interactional cycles B. Negative thought patterns C. negative learned behaviors D. negative dominant stories

A. Negative interactional cycles

In ACT, counselors respond to client experiences of painful feelings by: A. Offering ways for clients to physicalize the feelings. B. Expressing empathic reflections. C. Expressing acceptance of the client as a person, regardless of her emotions. D. Offering ways for clients to focus on the past.

A. Offering ways for clients to physicalize the feelings.

Which of the following parental behaviors is a well-documented etiological factor in childhood anxiety problems? A. rescuing the child from challenges she could handle. B. Threatening the child with severe punishments. C. overpraising the child. D. severely criticizing the child. E. All of the above

A. Rescuing the child from challenges she could handle.

The spectrum method of working toward moderation does NOT involve: A. Teaching skills that counteract client deficits. B. Identifying costs of the client's usual style C. Identifying benefits of the client's usual style. D. Reducing the perceived distance between the client's current style and the goals of therapy.

A. Teaching skills that counteract client deficits.

In exposure procedures, success is defined as: A. The child remaining in the feared situation, regardless of her thoughts and feelings. B. The child remaining in the feared situation while feeling progressively more relaxed. C. The child remaining in the feared situation while having increasingly realistic thoughts. D. The child remaining in the feared situation while having increasingly optimistic thoughts.

A. The child remaining in the feared situation, regardless of her thoughts and feelings.

According to Busby and Smith (Bailey Ch. 7) often the primary impediment to successful treatment of families who abuse is: A. the therapists' personal issues. B. the abusing parents denial C. the abusing parents anger D. the abusing parent protectiveness.

A. The therapists' personal issues.

The therapist's attitude should always show his/her: A. Unvarying desire to understand and help. B. Knowledge C. Authority D. Professional status and licensure standards.

A. Unvarying desire to understand and help.

In family systems therapy, the identified patient is: A. arbitrarily assigned to be the bearer of the symptomology of the dysfunction of the family process. B. known to everyone plainly due to that individuals diagnosed mental dysfunction. C. the volunteer family member who intentionally takes on the family "sickness" for the family and submits themselves to treatment. D. the individual in the family who is stuck in an alternating positive and negative feedback loop.

A. arbitrarily assigned to be the bearer of the symptomology of the dysfunction of the family process.

In narrative therapy, counselors ask questions that: A. assume the externalization narrative and depart from that point B. Guide clients toward new insights about themselves C. explore anxiety-producing aspects of self D. explore previously hidden aspects of self

A. assume the externalization narrative and depart from that point

The word used in this text to refer to all the factors that cause, maintain, or contribute to a client's mental health problem is: A. etiology B. epistemology C. epidemic D. disease

A. etiology

In tests of evidence, therapists initiate a process of questioning depressogenic beliefs by asking clients questions such as: A. has anything ever happened that made you think the belief might not be completely true? B. If the belief were to become even a little less true, how would our life change? C. Do your parents consider this belief to be completely true? D. Do you think the belief might become a little less true in the future?

A. has anything ever happened that made you think the belief might not be completely true?

In work addressing the effects of trauma on clients' views of the self and world, the therapeutic objective should be to: A. help clients incorporate the trauma-related learning into views that remain primarily positive. B. Help clients reduce or eliminate the effects of trauma-related learning on their views. C. Help clients put the trauma behind them by envisioning a safe future. D. Help clients reframe the traumatic event as partially positive.

A. help clients incorporate the trauma-related learning into views that remain primarily positive.

Classical conditioning is considered most relevant to the treatment of which of the following clinical problems? A. phobias. B. ADDHD C. Aggression D. Depression

A. phobias

In avoidance learning, reinforcement takes the form of: A. relief about not facing the feared situation. B. Boosts to self-esteem C. Reduce demands from caregivers. D. an illusion of personal control over the source of threat.

A. relief about not facing the feared situation

Which of the following are NOT one of the three basic tasks for the EFFT therapist: A. to actively cultivate attachment thinking patterns that counter previous family narratives and scripts from the family of origin. B. to actively create and maintain a positive alliance that offers a secure base to family members to explore their relationships. C. to explore and reformulate key emotional responses, so that peripheral and unformulated emotions become more central in awareness and dialogue D. to create new interactions based on these reformulations that foster secure bonding

A. to actively cultivate attachment thinking patterns that counter previous family narratives and scripts from the family of origin.

In dynamic therapy, therapists use the technique of CONFRONTATION to draw the client's attention to: A. two pieces of self-relevant information that are incongruous with each other. B. The ways in which his behavior might hurt other people. C. The likely consequences of her current behavior for her future. D. Discrepancies between two or more of the client's object relations.

A. two pieces of self-relevant information that are incongruous with each other.

Which of the following is NOT a component of an object relation? A. A mental representation of self. B. A mental representation of the ego ideal. C. A mental representation of other people D. A mental representation of a relationship between self and others.

B. A mental representation of the ego ideal.

The self system, as described by Harter (and reported by Bailey) is consistent with the concept of "internal working models" initially advanced by _______. A. Bowen B. Bowlby C. Bailey D. Belsky

B. Bowlby

People who have experienced stressful or traumatic events often face a dilemma: Thinking about the event makes them feel worse and disrupts positive activities, but such thinking is needed to understand and recover from the event. What seems to be the best resolution of this dilemma? A. clients should think and talk about their painful experience as intensely as possible for several weeks or until they move past the peak of their anxiety response. B. Clients should alternate between brief, intensive periods of focusing on the negative event and long periods of attending to other aspects of their life. C. Clients should blend pleasant activities and focusing on the negative event so they experience a moderate, optimal degree of anxiety. D. Clients should avoid focusing on the negative event when they are feeling badly and should focus on this event when their mood is positive.

B. Clients should alternate between brief, intensive periods of focusing on the negative event and long periods of attending to other aspects of their life.

Solution focused therapy is based on the assumption that, prior to the beginning of counseling: A. clients are stuck in views of their problems that do not acknowledge empowering narratives. B. Clients sometimes do things that reduce their problem levels, but they do not do enough of these things. C. Clients are ambivalent about change and, although the want things to be better, they are not willing to give up all of their problem behaviors. D. Clients have important insights into their problems, but they do not know how to develop specific strategies based on these insights

B. Clients sometimes do things that reduce their problem levels, but they do not do enough of these things.

Which of the following is NOT presented by Meth as a barrier that keeps them from participating in therapy? A. consequences of the male script B. consequences of the feminist movement C. absence of the father role models D. therapist biases E. mothers as gatekeepers

B. Consequences of the feminist movement

When people do something for reasons of which they are unaware, they usually: A. Engage in introspection until they identify the reason for their behavior. B. Construct a plausible but irrelevant reason for their behavior. C. Look to other people for an explanation of why they did what they did. D. Feel confused about the reason for their behavior.

B. Construct a plausible but irrelevant reason for their behavior.

Narrative therapists use the technique called EXTERNALIZING the problem to: A. help the client understand other people's contributions to the client's difficulties. B. Create a view of the problem as external to the client's core self. C. encourage situational attributions for negative events in the client's life. D. help the client vent accumulated feelings of anger

B. Create a view of the problem as external to the client's core self.

This theory recognizes systemic origins of behavior and development, but takes into consideration systems that are "internal" and "external" to the individual. A. Child development theory B. Developmental Systems theory C. Family systems theory D. developmental theory

B. Developmental theory

The extendincorp technique involves: A. Extending an experience until it forms a structure of meaning. B. Extending a structure of meaning so a new experience of behavior can be incorporated into it. C. Extending the client's self-concept so that new experiences can be incorporated into it. D. Extending a solution so it can include new behavioral strategies.

B. Extending a structure of meaning so a new experience of behavior can be incorporated into it.

Which of the following is NOT commonly associated with behavioral self-blame? A. anger toward the self B. feelings of helplessness C. attributing a negative event to an ineffective strategy D. A sense of having made a mistake

B. Feelings of helplessness

The second best way for a therapist to know if there is childhood sexual abuse in a family is to: A. Witness it. B. Have one or all of the family members admit to the abuse in session. C. See the physical marks on a child. D. Ask if the parents were abused as children themselves

B. Have one or all of the family members admit to the abuse in session.

Emotion-dominated, primitive, magical thinking is associated with the: A. ID B. Immature Ego C. Mature Ego D. Immature superego

B. Immature Ego

Which of the following is an important diagnostic criterion of depression in young children, even if feelings of sadness are not evident? A. suicidal ideation B. irritability C. depressive attributions D. none of the above; without the feelings of sadness, the diagnosis of depression should not be made.

B. Irritability

According to DBT, invalidation: A. is a painful experience for children and clients, so parents and therapists should never do it. B. Is a painful experience for children and clients, but it is sometimes appropriate for parents and therapists to invalidate maladaptive behaviors. C. Is a dialectical experience for children and clients, so parents and therapists should attempt to increase the polarization. D. Is a dialectical experience for children and clients, so parents and therapists should attempt to reconcile and integrate the polarization.

B. Is a painful experience for children and clients, but it is sometimes appropriate for parents and therapists to invalidate maladaptive behaviors.

Research indicates that, on most dimensions of personality, differences between individuals within cultures are: A. mostly attributable to measurement error. B. Larger that differences between cultures. C. Smaller than differences between cultures. D. Similar in magnitude to differences between cultures.

B. Larger that differences between cultures.

______ _______ is a counseling method (not comprehensive theory) based on the idea that it is more effective to pursue change through reflective listening and skillful discussion than through authoritative provision of information, reasoning, or debate. A. empathic listening B. motivational interviewing C. double-sided reflection D. therapeutic collabration

B. Motivational Interviewing

The "core idea" in family systems therapy is that: A. individuals have problems and other family members get blamed. B. Problems are found in family and/or relationship patterns, not in individuals. C. Individuals have problems and family members help or hurt their recovery. D. Problems are found in and individuals neurobiological mental processes and this effects everyone around them.

B. Problems are found in family and/or relationship patterns, not in individuals.

Descriptions of most non-Western cultures suggest that which type of therapy is probably not optimal for most member of these cultures. A. cognitive-behavioral B. psychodynamic C. solution-focused D. family systems

B. Psychodynamic

Psychodynamic therapists facilitate the expression of material by: A. Complimenting the client B. Reflecting feelings and meanings expressed in the client's play and conversation. C. Interpreting unconscious conflicts expressed in the client's play and conversation. D. Disclosing feelings and experiences that they share with the client.

B. Reflecting feelings and meanings expressed in the client's play and conversation.

In the "family environments" technique, clients are asked to: A. select an animal to work with B. select a person to work with C. select art supplies to work with D. select a family member in the room to work with

B. Select an animal to work with.

Attachment needs are naturally most intense at times of ______ and _______ when the responsiveness of others is most needed. A. hope and love B. transition and crisis C. death and taxes D. exposure and humility

B. Transition and crisis

Which of the following questions facilitates dialectical thinking? A. What is the evidence for this belief? B. What else is true? C. What are the values implications of this belief? D. What is evidence against this belief?

B. What else is true?

Which of the following is NOT descriptive of the way one pays attention in mindfulness practice? A. On purpose B. With gratitude C. In the present moment D. Nonjudgmentally

B. With gratitude

The authors of Bailey Ch. 8 state that "consolidating complexity" is the phase in therapy when: A. therapy becomes very messy with children with anxiety. B. children and their families recognize that anxiety will always be a part of their lives but that it need not organize them in the same way as before. C. the therapist reviews all of the various expressions of anxiety noted in the child and family and writes a thorough report for the family that includes future therapeutic options. D. the therapist sees a clear vision for success through the fog of the child's anxious presentation.

B. children and their families recognize that anxiety will always be a part of their lives but that it need not organize them in the same way as before.

The goal of EFFT is to foster alternative formulations of ______ _______ that create new points of contact with significant others. A. cognitive pathways B. emotional experience C. relational communication D. narrative stories

B. emotional experience

Psychodynamic therapists try to help clients achieve insight into the reality-oriented fears (losing control of their anger) that often underlie their fantasy fears (monsters) because: A. the reality oriented fears are less anxiety-producing B. if the reality-oriented fear is resolved, the fantasy fear will go away. C. skills gained in mastering the reality-oriented fear can then be applied to the fantasy fear. D. the sense of competence and efficacy gained by mastering the reality-oriented fear will cause reduction of the fantasy fear.

B. if the reality-oriented fear is resolved, the fantasy fear will go away.

Which of the following therapist behaviors is part of the cognitive technique of testing beliefs against evidence? A. helping the client identify the schemas underlying her depressive beliefs. B. suggesting alternative explanations of observations that the client thinks support the depressogenic belief. C. identifying connections between past painful experiences and the depressogenic belief. D. A and B E. All of the above

B. suggesting alternative explanations of observations that the client thinks support the depressogenic belief.

Narrative therapists ask clients and families questions about: A. the causes of the presenting problems B. the effects of the presenting problems C. self-stories associated with the presenting problems D. all of the above E. none of the above

B. the effects of the presenting problems

Therapeutic procedures based on modeling, whether of the overt or the covert type, are usually most effective when: A. the client has a positive relationship with the model B. the model initially shows some fear in the anxiety-producing situation. C. Facilitative procedures have been completed first. D. The model easily masters the situation that has been anxiety-producing for the client.

B. the model initially shows some fear in the anxiety-producing situation.

Negative attention is reinforced to children when: a. they do not get enough negative attention b. they do not get enough positive attention c. their parents have unrealistic aspirations for their behavioral competence. d. their parents model negatively attentive behavior e. b and d

B. they do not get enough positive attention

For operant conditioning to proceed most efficiently, children should receive positive reinforcement approximately _____ of the time. A. 30% B. 50% C. 70% D. 90%

C. 70%

A therapist's standard response to obnoxious or purposefully hurtful behavior by a client should be: A. emotional distancing. B. Revulsion C. attending MORE closely with increase awareness of the other person's experience. D. attending LESS closely to the client presentation so as to not reinforce it.

C. Attending MORE closely with increase awareness of the other person's experience.

Cognitive etiologies of anxiety include all of the following EXCEPT: A. Overestimating the likelihood and magnitude of negative events. B. Underestimating one's ability to cope with negative events. C. Attributing negative events to personal deficiencies. D. Misinterpreting physical sensations associated with anxiety as signals that something bad is about to happen.

C. Attributing negative events to personal deficiencies.

In treating parents in order for them to become capable of restraining violent tendencies, these two cognitive changes need to occur: A. awareness that the child must take center stage in family life and understanding why they themselves were abused as a child. B. Understanding that compliance in their children is based on connection and based on discipline and fear. C. Awareness that the child must take center stage in family life and understanding that compliance in their children is based on connection. D. Understanding why they themselves were abused as a child and understanding that compliance in their children is based on discipline and control.

C. Awareness that the child must take center stage in family life and understanding that compliance in their children is based on connection.

In assessment of traumatic experiences such as sexual abuse, therapists should: A. push clients to describe the experience in detail, even if this is upsetting. B. Reassure the client that he will not have to describe the trauma in detail. C. Begin by inquiring about the client's thoughts and feelings concerning the trauma, and then inquire about the concrete details. D. Begin b inquiring about the concrete details of the trauma, and ask about the client's thoughts and feelings at a later time.

C. Begin by inquiring about the client's thoughts and feelings concerning the trauma, and then inquire about the concrete details.

Which of the following is NOT a way that adults' and childrens' internal systems differ? A. children's parts are less fixed in their roles B. A child's self is more easily accessible C. Children manage their parts well D. children are more accepting of their parts

C. Children manage their parts well

If a client experiences anxiety as he begins talking about his trauma in therapy, the counselor should: A. Stop the conversation until the client's anxiety abates, and then return to the painful issue. B. Stop the conversation and switch to therapeutic techniques involving relaxation, reframing, and skill training. C. Continue the conversation unless the client's anxiety becomes intolerably painful D. Continue the conversation unless the client expresses self-blame for the negative event or his anxiety becomes intolerably painful

C. Continue the conversation unless the client's anxiety becomes intolerably painful

In order to maximize the likelihood that a personal experiment will prove helpful to a client, the counselor should: A. Conduct the experiment in a life area that is not at the core of the client's disturbance. B. Make use of the client's strengths in conducting the experiment. C. Define success in such a way that the client is likely to achieve it. D. A and C

C. Define success in such a way that the client is likely to achieve it.

Which of the following therapist actions should NOT be part of work on fear of failure? A. Recommending that parents reinforce the client's efforts more than his successful outcomes. B. Explaining that the brain is like a muscle that becomes stronger (smarter) with practice. C. Encouraging the client to believe she has unlimited potential. D. Explaining that working hard in school improves academic competence regardless of how smart a person was "born to be"

C. Encouraging the client to believe she has unlimited potential.

Unlike solution-focused therapy, solution-oriented therapy includes: A. socratic questioning B. interpretation of conscious conflicts C. Expression of empathy for clients' painful experiences. D. Optimistic predictions

C. Expression of empathy for clients' painful experiences.

Which of the following is NOT a marker of cultural groups? A. Religion B. Socioeconomic status C. Habituation D. Sexual orientation

C. Habituation

Which of the following interventions would be likely to help a child experiencing a long-lasting, maladaptive grief reaction to the death of a loved one? A. Helping the child remember the disappointing aspects of his relationship with the deceased person so he does not idealize the loved one. B. Providing psychoeducation on the lengths of time for grieving that are normative and adaptive. C. Helping the child find an adaptive way to incorporate her love for the deceased person into her life. D. Strengthening other positive relationships in the child's life so the urgency of his need for the deceased loved one is reduced.

C. Helping the child find an adaptive way to incorporate her love for the deceased person into her life.

According to ACT, why does work on acceptance facilitate commitment to valued actions? A. Work on acceptance improves self-esteem. B. Work on acceptance reduces cognitive distortions. C. Nonacceptance of painful feelings causes avoidance of valued actions. D. Nonacceptance of painful feelings causes an overemphasis on quick progress.

C. Nonacceptance of painful feelings causes avoidance of valued actions.

The observation of family play occurs primarily on this level: A. process B. content C. process and content D. video review E. none of these

C. Process and content

Which of the following therapist actions is NOT appropriate and helpful for most clients who experience suicidal ideation? A. making a strong statement of caring about the youth. B. making a personal statement against self-harming or suicidal behaviors by the client. C. psychiatric hospitalization D. directing parents to remove potentially lethal objects and substances from the home.

C. Psychiatric hosptialization

For the emotionally focused family therapist, the elemental, the core of close relationships, is: A. The therapists work with the family B. thoughtful communication C. the attachment bond between family members D. learned responses to emotions

C. The attachment bond between family members

Eliciting abuse disclosure from parents is most likely to occur when: A. they are confronted with the hard facts. B. The therapist outsmarts them through quick questioning. C. The parents believe that the therapist is genuinely concerned for them and will be helpful. D. An intervention involving teachers, friends, and families is staged.

C. The parents believe that the therapist is genuinely concerned for them and will be helpful.

In contingency contracting, the child should supply ideas for which of the following components of the procedure? A. the goals B. the schedule of reinforcement C. the rewards D. the negative consequences E. c and d

C. The rewards

In Socratic questioning, as used in cognitive therapy: A. The therapist asks questions to explore issues without having a goal toward which she hopes to move the conversation. B. The therapist encourages the client to think for himself and is not concerned about the conclusions eventually developed. C. The therapist encourages the client to think for himself while attempting to move the conversation in a certain direction. D. The therapist provides a sequence of specific cognition that reliably lead to an adaptive conclusion.

C. The therapist encourages the client to think for himself while attempting to move the conversation in a certain direction.

Anxious infants whose amygdala is overactive can grow up to be adults WITHOUT anxiety disorders if: A. the activity level of their amygdala decreases. B. Their parents rescue them from anxiety-producing situations. C. Their parents do not rescue them from anxiety-producing situations. D. They learn to avoid situations that cause them anxiety

C. Their parents do not rescue them from anxiety-producing situations.

According to the content of specificity hypothesis: A. Thoughts cause feelings B. Feelings cause thoughts C. Thoughts and feelings match each other D. Events cause thoughts and feelings

C. Thoughts and feelings match each other

In relaxation training, counselors should try to achieve close coordination between the client's deep breaths and the counselor's instructions to breathe by: a. measuring the rhythm of the client's breathing before beginning relaxation training and then timing their instructions to match this rhythm. b. asking the client to inhale with the therapist says to inhale and to exhale when the therapist says to exhale. c. giving the instruction to inhale at the moment that the client begins to inhale, and giving the instruction to exhale when the client begins to exhale. d. none of the above; coordination between the therapist;s instructions and the client's breathing is not important to achieve in relaxation training.

C. giving the instruction to inhale at the moment that the client begins to inhale, and giving the instruction to exhale when the client begins to exhale.

According to Bailey Ch. 8, a part of easing the anxiety of a child is understanding: A. the biological roots of the anxiety. B. the environmental roots of the anxiety. C. how the anxiety makes sense in the child's life. D. both A and B

C. how the anxiety makes sense in the child's life.

Which of the following changes in client self-stories is NOT an objective of narrative therapy? A. the self stories become more empowering B. the self stories become more complex, balanced, and nuanced. C. the self stories become truer depictions of the client's actions and outcomes D. the self stories become less influenced by the dominant culture.

C. the self stories become truer depictions of the client's actions and outcomes

Solution foused therapists believe that change occurs: A. when self understanding is used as the basis of new coping strategies B. when therapists provide new understandings of difficult life issues. C. when counselors model optimism and focus on the positive. D. when clients stop trying new ways of doing things/

C. when counselors model optimism and focus on the positive.

Which of the following questions might be part of reattribution work designed to reduce a client's self-blame for his parents' marital conflicts? A. Are your problems in school the only reason why your parents argue? B. Do you think that every time a kid has problems in school, her parents argue about it? C. are there changes you could make or strategies you could try to reduce your problems in school? D. A and B E. All of the above

D. A and B -Are your problems in school the only reason why your parents argue? -Do you think that every time a kid has problems in school, her parents argue about it?

The relationship between automatic thoughts and schemas is like the relationship between: A. everyday experiences and unconscious beliefs. B. examples and the principles on which examples are based. C. Adaptive and Maladaptive cognitions D. A and B E. All of the above

D. A and B -Everyday experiences and unconscious beliefs. -Examples and the principles on which examples are based.

The difference between the cognitive bias associated with depression and the cognitive bias associated with aggression is related to: A. comparative weighting of the needs of self and others. B. Standards for personal behavior. C. Complexity of self-perceptions D. A and B E. All of the above

D. A and B -comparative weighting of the needs of self and others. -standards for personal behavior.

In psychodynamic work on depressive object relations, the counselor might: A. suggest that the client's past painful experiences in relationships are the reason for his current pessimism about relationships. B. suggest that the client's past painful experiences in relationships are not necessarily predictive of hurt in future relationships. C. suggest that the client's past experiences in relationships might have been more positive at the time than he remembers them as being. D. A and B E. All of the above.

D. A and B -suggest that the client's past painful experiences in relationships are the reason for his current pessimism about relationships. -suggest that the client's past painful experiences in relationships are not necessarily predictive of hurt in future relationships.

EFFT intervention is deemed inappropriate for _____ families since expression of vulnerability and openness is part of the treatment process. A. abusive B. violent C. adopting D. A and B

D. Abusive and Violent

According to ACT, what is the most effective way to reduce the harmful effects of irrational, painful thoughts? A. Balancing such thoughts with more positive cognitions. B. Counteracting such thoughts with opposite cognitions. C. Distracting from such thoughts with mindfulness exercises. D. Accepting the occurrence of such thoughts without believing or obeying them.

D. Accepting the occurrence of such thoughts without believing or obeying them.

Personal experiments are often helpful to clients because these experiments: A. Reveal the automatic thoughts underlying maladaptive schemas. B. Integrate the dichotomies involved in black-and-white thinking. C. Address over generalizations with more adaptive attributions. D. Address fixed beliefs with observations or outcomes from real life.

D. Address fixed beliefs with observations or outcomes from real life.

According to research by Snyman and Rensburg (1992) as cited in Bailey Ch. 8, families without anxious children: A. demonstrate better ability in coping with stressful events. B. reported more confidence. C. had a more optimistic outlook on problems. D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Depressed people tend to attribute negative events to factors that are: A. internal B. stable C. global D. All of the above

D. All of the above

It is difficult to use cognitive techniques to treat fears when: A. the client already knows his fears are unrealistic, but the fears persist anyway. B. The fears are not based on misinterpretations of external reality but are virtually unrelated to external reality. C. The child lacks the intellectual capabilities necessary for evaluating the logic and realism of her fears. D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Nondepressed people tend to attribute positive events to factors that are: A. internal B. stable C. global D. all of the above

D. All of the above

Play that includes a great deal of aggression and violence might include: A. anger B. fear C. exposure to violence D. all of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following is sometimes an appropriate use of spirituality in counseling? A. identifying ways in which the client has misunderstood his own religious tradition, if that misunderstanding has negative effects on his mental health. B. Identifying ways in which the client has not behaved consistently with her own spiritual principles and values. C. Identifying spiritual practices that could be used as coping strategies. D. All of the above.

D. All of the above

The Interpersonal Family Therapy (IFT) model incorporates which of the following theoretical perspectives? A. Family systems theory B. Cognitive-behavioral psychology C. object relations theory D. developmental psychopathology E. All of the above

D. All of the above.

Which of the following is characteristic of Latino/a culture? A. Familism B. More authority vested in males than females C. Parental expectation for children to remain close and loyal to the family as they grow up. D. All of the above.

D. All of the above.

Which of the following is an accurate description of the results of outcome research on psychodynamic therapy? A. For a long time, outcome research has provided extensive support for dynamic therapy, but some proponents of CBT have not realized this. B. Recently, outcome research has provided extensive support for dynamic therapy, but some proponents of CBT have not realized this. C. Outcome research on dynamic therapy has often indicated a "sleeper effect" in which clients continue to improve after therapy has ended. D. B and C.

D. B and C -Recently, outcome research has provided extensive support for dynamic therapy, but some proponents of CBT have not realized this. -Outcome research on dynamic therapy has often indicated a "sleeper effect" in which clients continue to improve after therapy has ended.

Children between the ages of 6 and 8 tend to express their inner experiences through: A. play B. verbalizations C. silence D. behavioral problems

D. Behavioral problems.

Which of the following approaches involves therapist, parents, and children in therapeutic activities in the session? A. PMT B. PCIT C. Filial Therapy (CPRT) D. Family Play Therapy E. TF-CBT

D. Family Play Therapy

Externalizing youth usually need to become: A. More aware of their antisocial impulses. B. More aware of their prosocial impulses. C. Easier on themselves. D. Harder on themselves.

D. Harder on themselves.

Distress tolerance techniques are designed to: A. Solve problems. B. Redefine problems. C. Reconceptualize problems. D. Help clients feel better without changing problematic situations.

D. Help clients feel better without changing problematic situations.

According to Bailey, which of the following is NOT an important trend in the research and development in the child development field. A. Increasing emphasis on individual differences in development rather than relying solely on normative descriptions of behavior and development. B. Increasing attention to biological factors that influence that influence development across time and that may contribute to differences in the rates and patterns of change. C. An orientation toward information-processing, such as problem solving skills. D. Increasing disregard for the DSM classification system and its categories of developmental disorders.

D. Increasing disregard for the DSM classification system and its categories of developmental disorders.

EFFT treatment involves: A. individual sessions B. couple sessions C. family sessions D. All of the above

D. Individual, couple, and family sessions

Symptoms of emotional distress, such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, somatization, and withdrawal are examples of _______ dysfunction. A. externalizing B. intrinsic C. explosive D. internalizing

D. Internalizing

The integration of play tasks into family sessions allows therapists windows of insight into the following categories EXCEPT: A. Ability and willingness to organize around a task. B. Level of enjoyment C. Collective unconscious D. Level of dysfunction

D. Level of dysfunction

Which of the following is a limitation of current outcome research on cognitive therapy? A. few of the studies included control groups B. there is little empirical support for cognitive therapy with children above 8 years old. C. There is little empirical support for cognitive therapy as a treatment for depression. D. Most studies have examined packages of cognitive and behavioral techniques, rather than examining the separate effects of cognitive strategies.

D. Most studies have examined packages of cognitive and behavioral techniques, rather than examining the separate effects of cognitive strategies.

Operant conditioning is considered most relevant to the treatment of which of the following clinical problems? A. Concentration difficulties B. Schizophrenia C. Depression D. Noncompliant behavior E. A and D

D. Noncompliant behavior.

The constructivist understanding of etiology emphasizes: A. messages about the self received from other people B. modeling of attitudes toward the self by other people C. self-stories derived from the person's own authentic experience. D. None of the above

D. None of the above

By definition, the ego is the aspect of mind that is generally: A. Rational and realistic B. Irrational and unrealistic C. Determined and persistent D. None of the above

D. None of the above.

Which of the following is NOT a "part" of a person that focuses on keeping themselves functional and safe? A. managers B. exiles C. firefighters D. politicians

D. Politicians

An attachment bond, as defined by John Bowlby (1969) is a set of behaviors that maximizes proximity with irreplaceable others and so creates a felt sense of _____. A. Love B. Happiness C. Growth D. Security

D. Security

According to Goleman and Coles, the ability to engage peers and adults in a friendly and cooperative manner and to be resourceful and achievement-oriented is called: A. emotional intelligence B. developmental advantage C. peer and adult advantage D. social competence E. being grown

D. Social Competence

EFFT combines which two established family therapy intervention approaches? A. Experiential and Narrative B. Narrative and Structural/ Strategic C. Structural/Strategic and CBT D. Structural/Strategic and Experiential

D. Structural/ Strategic and Experiential

A recommended method for interviewing children who are possible victims of abuse is: A. A normal, child-centered session. B. The Motivational Interviewing approach C. The "Bad Day Interview" D. The "Typical Day Interview"

D. The "Typical Day Interview"

For a client who fears that self-assertion will cause other people to become angry with him, the most important opportunity for provision of a corrective emotional experience would occur when: A. the client first realizes that he has this fear. B. the client first realizes that his fear is not realistic. C. the client first perceives assertive qualities in his therapist. D. the client first behaves assertively with the counselor.

D. The client first behaves assertively with the counselor.

Which of the following is NOT a culturally based assumption underling traditional psychotherapy? A. many personal problems can be solved by purchasing the right professional services. B. describing intimate details of one's private life to a professional in a mature behavior, not something to be embarrassed about. C. Emotions and behaviors are natural phenomena that can be understood through rational, scientific inquiry. D. The most effective responses to personal problems combine strength of will and religious faith.

D. The most effective responses to personal problems combine strength of will and religious faith.

Outcome research has demonstrated moderator effects indicating that anxiety treatment should include a parent training component when: A. The child's anxiety disorder has lasted more than one year. B. The child is male C. The child is highly anxious D. The parent is highly anxious

D. The parent is highly anxious

Which of the following is NOT a component of effective self-instructions? A. The self-statement is plausible to the client B. The self-statement is optimistic about the client's ability to cope. C. The self-statement depicts a positive state of affairs D. The self-statement includes a careful analysis of the problem.

D. The self-statement includes a careful analysis of the problem.

In DBT chain analysis, the first step is to identify: A. Identifying factors B. Developmental factors C. Family factors D. Vulnerability factors

D. Vulnerability factors

Which of the following verbalizations would NOT be used by a solution-focused therapist trying to break the connection between past and future in the client's thinking? A. Well, that's how it's been so far. B. So that's been the situation up until now. C. How do you want this to change? D. What is the evidence that your future will be the same as your past?

D. What is the evidence that your future will be the same as your past?

Sherri, the 2nd year MFT student in the example at the beginning of Bailey ch. 14, decided to do what when the father of Jessica did not come to the intake session along with Laura, Jessica's mother? A. reminded the mother that both parents were expected to attend the first session. B. handed the mother a brief statement describing how the clinic works with families. C. did not allow the intake session to occur, and asked them to reschedule when all were present. D. All of these.

D. all of these.

Solution-oriented brief family therapist with children utilizes all but which of the following key assumptions: A. change is inevitable B. cooperation is inevitable C. all children have the strengths and resources to change D. clients succeed when the therapist sets goals that drive therapy E. there are many ways to look at a problem.

D. clients succeed when the therapist sets goals that drive therapy

The authors of Bailey Ch. 8 think of White and Epston's (1990) "unique outcomes" in narrative therapy as similar to the _______ _________ present in the child and family's life even though it is currently overshadowing this helpful power. A. solution talk B. exception narrative C. positive regard D. courageous alternatives

D. courageous alternatives

The moment to moment behavior of therapists should convey that they are there to: A. Diagnose and treat the clients problem. B. Decide who is right and who is wrong. C. Recommend medications to help. D. help the client with his/her problems and his/her life.

D. help the client with his/her problems and his/her life.

For the therapeutic technique of pleasant event scheduling to be effective, therapists must help clients find enjoyable activities that : A. increase their self-esteem B. strengthen their social skills C. they feel like doing D. none of the above; it is necessary only that the activities be pleasant.

D. none of the above; it is necessary only that the activities be pleasant.

Which of the following is an example of observational learning? a. conditioned stimuli b. discriminative stimuli c. the reinforcing effect of negative attention d. reading

D. reading

From narrative perspective, where do children often participate in acts of courage and trust? A. in families B. at school C. on playgrounds D. at childcare programs E. all of the above

E. All of the above

Therapist bias can interfere with fathers participating in the therapy process when: A. they have blind spots around issues that concern their own fathers. B. they make assumptions based solely on their experience with their own fathers. C. they grew up where the parents assumed very traditional parental roles. D. they anticipate certain kinds of fathering behaviors from various ethnic or socioeconomic groups. E. all of the above

E. all of the above

Which of the following interventions has produced significant therapeutic effects in outcome studies? a. relaxation training b. contingency management c. social skills training d. a and c e. all of the above

E. all of the above

T/F According to this chapter, antidepressant medication is well established in its effectiveness for both adults and children.


T/F According to Bailey and Sori, they believe that only in extreme cases should the whole family be assessed when a child is brought to therapy.


Specific techniques for using IFS with children and families mentioned by Johnson and Schwartz:

Play, drawing, parts genogram, role switching, puppet show, rule and consequence poster

T/F According to Bailey and Sori, a reason parents are at times not involved in their child's therapy is they are afraid of being blamed for their child's problems.


T/F According to Bailey and Sori, the goal of therapy with children should be to help parents to help their children.


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