chin 240 exam review

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Ouyang xiu

"Essay on Fundamentals" Part 1 & 2 Reintroduced "ancient style" in chinese literature thru Confucianism Anti-Buddhist China is weak due to the neglect of fundamentals Analogy of sick patient and Buddhism is the disease Use rites to improve health of body to expel disease Don't attack disease directly HanYu (1st proponent of Neo-confucianism) called for stamping out but Ouyang Xiu is saying that is futile Strengthen revenue, institutions, and soldiers However must promote the worthy men Decided to delete Part 1 because Confucians have to confront governing problem They don't want to immerse themselves in the practicalities of governing Those who do address practicalities will be accused of being Legalists "On Parties" Parties are not cliques when it is filled with gentlemen A party would last since gentlemen are party members A fraction/clique would eventually break up. "seal script in stone" exam were more than memorization. exams were open to anyone so literati expanded. found calligraphy and asked his friends to write poems about it

Yan Fu

"On strength" -respectable scholar-gentry • Wrote On Evolution, "Social Darwinism": According to natural selection, the fittest survive. Weaker nations will be eliminated -Works at Beida -Translator of social darwinism into Chinese. Adds nationalistic twist • Book has influence on Chinese scholars cause wrote in nationalistic tone • Social Darwinism usually used by strong countries to justify why theyre strong, Yan Fu uses it as a warning- we're going to be extinct. We SHOULD be at the top. • Used Darwin and theories of evolution, say they also apply to society cause China is in trouble, basically on path to extinction • Talks about eugenics- selection of races, China questions whether Chinese will be replaced by more superior races

Li Zhizao

"True meaning of the lord of heaven" Christian advocate schools are prison don't force children to do things edu should release goodness in child's brain good & evil depends on one moment or thought Came from merchant class--don't like confucians Like Yang Wangming to be a real person, do what you think u should do, not what a book tells you. what is important is knowledge gained thru experience

Wang xiuchu

"account of ten days in yangzhou" -details his survival of the massacre of Yangzhou -not widely known when written -genre: narrative -how to justify living when everyone else has died allegiance to his fam. -focused on sounds around him -talks about womens shamelessness: *trope of using women's character to stand for country as a whole *looks down on women going with manchus He kept encouraging his wife to commit suicide since that would be seen as the more noble chaste thing to do He also berates a lot of the other female characters in this talking about how shameless they are and how this is what's wrong with China Patterson said this is a national allegory for the state of China Doubling of good soldier and bad soldier characters Still very literary even when this is a non-fictional work Factual documentation vs. literary works/styles Can't get away from the genre Cult of chastity Wife attempts to commit suicide but didn't Symbols of Chinese women as national shame "When we conquered Korea, the women were not this shameless" Point was to arouse this shame and humiliation Key to anti-Manchu propaganda

Su Shi

"ocean mirage at dengzhou" master on painting and beauty, all literary forms. don't get too attached to things, although writing served as means to catch moment before it slips away. become the thing you paint He said Hanyu was too attached to things "account of journey to the red cliff" poem used against him in court

Zhu Xi

(1130-1200) Most prominent of neo-Confucian scholars during the Song dynasty in China; stressed importance of applying philosophical principles to everyday life and action. The Learning of the Way. after song court was defeated in 1127, there was lost of faith in state. Competing with buddhism New core curriculum: The Four Books: The great learning The doctrine of the mean the analects Mencius (collection of anecdotes/conversations of Confucian philo. Mencius on moral & political philos.) The cheng brothers were important predecessors of Zhuxi Qi modified mencius' metaphor for human nature. muddier the qi, more an animal you are. people do bad things bc their qi is muddy not bc inherently evil. "tranquil sitting"

Wang Yangming

(1472-1529) The Ming Confucian who challenged Zhu Xi's approach to self-cultivation and established the Neo-Confucian School of Mind "Learning of the mind-heart" radical thinking unlike neo-confucians tho, believed that Li is within yourself rather than outside To clear away all selfish desire for purpose of being public minded Identifying oneself with mind of the way allowing you to act spontaneously and well in government A mountain that doesn't have trees, doesn't mean that it never had trees. Trees will naturally cultivate. (remember this metaphor)* Know how he believed people should be sages, Deemphasized the role of teachers and texts, anti-Xunzi

Lin Zexu

(1785-1850) ANTI-OPIUM MAN Distinguished Chinese official charged with stamping out opium trade in southern China -ordered blockade of European trading areas in Canton and confiscation of opium -sent into exile following the Opium War Resulted in HK and treaty of NJ -carved out spheres of influence wrote letter to queen to ask to stop opium production and putting it into china. worded v carefully and doesn't blame her

"radical reform at the end of qing"

1839 - 1st Opium War, 1851 - Taiping Rebellion (against qing dynasty between Machu-led qing dynasty and Taiping heavenly kingdom under Hong xuiquan) , 1856 - 2nd Opium War,1860 - Summer palace burned, 1895 Sino-Japanese War, 1898 100 Days Reform, 1900 - Boxer Rebellion, 1911 Xinhai Revolution Taiping Rebellion: very destabilizing, loss of life 1868 MeiJi Restoration in Japan Social Darwinism - (Spencer) Nationalism: citizens recognizing themselves as citizens of a large nation Connection to ethnicity Colonies are not part of the nation - exclusionism Competition for colonies with other nations Idea of nation as an organism and struggling for survival

Kang Youwei

1858-1927 started out as Confucian scholar and then decided texts were useless and retreated and meditated. A traditional confucian with spiritual awakening -imperial loyalist -leader of the Hundred Days Reform in the late 19th century in response to Sino-Japanese war (fought over Korea) -100 days reform crushed by conservatives "Confucius as a Reformer" He wrote the classics - not editor Author = model for change / editor = just a transmitter Three Ages (vs. traditional dynastic cycle) denotes progress like social Darwinism and evolution Age of Disorder, Age of Order, Age of Great Commonality (Kang's idea of Utopia) Grand Commonality: world without borders, noc races, same culture pg 271 - 9 boundaries No boundaries to seperate people Felt this was Confucian - from book of Rights Book of Rights says Great Commonality was in the past Kang Youwei says it is in the future (grand commonality is no boundaries, no military, barely any gov't, no marriage, no property, no crimes) Similar to Mozi Comparison to Mozi and Universal Love The idea of Confucius as a reformer allowed Kang Youwei to legitimize him changing institutions

He zhen

20th century radical -wife of liu shipei, anti-manchu anarchist -promoted feminist anti-capitalism what women should know about communism: -under communism don't have to rely on others for food -abolition of money -ben zhao the traitor

Li Qingzhao

China's greatest female poet. much of writings destroyed by family. married to zhao de-fu who also collected books. They ran a collection/library together. "Epiloque of Records on metal and stone"--collection of husbands writings after he died and her writings of domestic life. Marriage ended being strained due to library. He wanted her to protect the collection at all costs, including her life. Danger in pleasure. believes that she focused on material objects too much. easier to let things go if you are not attached.

Wang Anshi

Confucian scholar and chief minister of a Song emperor in 1070s; introduced sweeping reforms based on Legalists; advocated greater state intervention in society. "New Laws" crop loans gov't req'd labor/military service new form of exam taxes on wealth/crops (square fields systems) -Ultimately blamed for end of Song bc too legalist and said ministers knowing classics won't help run a country (contradictory to confucian thought). He focused on literary style rather than classics

Chiang Kai shek

General and leader of Nationalist China after 1925. Although he succeeded Sun Yat-sen as head of the Guomindang, he became a military dictator whose major goal was to crush the communist movement led by Mao Zedong. -focus on improving morale and customs of chinese

"Voices from Ming-qing cataclysm"

Manchu were taking over and founded the Qing Dynasty They were a "conquest confederation" of peoples united to take over China Queue hairstyle was forced on all male citizens To show loyalty Problem for Confucian filial piety Chastity Cult: code of male suicide, martyrdom Officials and wives were supposed to commit suicide as well Established territory of modern PRC Doubled territory of the Ming Qing court financed conquest with the sale of Ginseng

Ming Taizu (Zhu Yuanzhang)

Ming Dynasty abolished prime minister post. want more power for self. Became cruel as he grew older. Believed that China should not conquer neighbors. Tried to eliminate corruption and ensure his officials knew about the poor. reinstituted civil service exams to make more fair for the poor. According to him PM were self interested so he abolished the position Ming dynasty really thought they had Mandate of heaven Said he could use cruel punishments but that should never happen after him His sons cannot do this Zheng he: eunuch explorer to bring back tribute to china

Shi Kefa

Ming general He was writing farewell letters to everyone bc he was abt to be defeated by Manhchu. -Letters laced with shame and disappointment in himself. -v formal tone -asked wife to kill herself -always maintained public persona even in private

Hong Liangji

Qing confucian scholar -most famous for his critical essay to the jiaqing emperor which resulted in banishment to xinjiang. -focused on emperor's failure to weed out corrupt officials like Heshen or reform bureaucracy. well intentioned but taken as transgression -concerned with population control, geography, gov't corruption and chinese classics. -re-evaluated common chinese assumption that growing population was sign of good gov't. There was a trade imbalance between the Brits and the Chinese Brits love tea so frickin much that they couldn't stop buying it and their silver reserves were being drained bc China would only accept silver as payment They didn't have a need for anything else Trade Restrictions Canton system Foreign traders could only be there along the ports, thus restricting who they could buy from Brits had easy access to Opium since they had a colony (India) where poppy seeds were made East India Company Addiction would force them to trade Lord Macartney refused to kowtow to the emperor Sinophilia vs. Sinophobia Consequences for China Treaty of Nanjing Lost Hong Kong Indemnity (lost the war, but still had to pay Great Britain for damages or something I think) Spheres of influences established Unrestricted trade and special rights for foreign citizens They did not have to follow Chinese law, they would follow the law back in GB. Problem with population growth Peace = higher population growth Dangerous Bachelors - unmarriable men -Bc of concubinage Heshen was favored by qianlong emperor (manchu). Famous for corruption in Qing dynasty Minister, target for Hong Liang Ji's writing. Heshen hosted the Macartney embassy to the imperial court

Chu Suiliang

Song historian says historians have a lot of power tang taizong doesn't like that. historians can record everything

Sima Guang

Song historian (1019-1096 CE) who emphasized the superiority of men over women.

Peony Pavillion by Tang Xianzu

Tang Xianzu's most popular play, Peony Pavilion documents a love story between two young individuals. Plays such as this began to gain popularity during the Ming. for elite. all male actors Theme: love conquers all Connection to neo-con. -rejection of told knowledge -led to interest in love stories scholar is made fun of in play power of qing (feeling, devotion, sentiment) Plot: Liu Mengmei is a scholar and Du Liniang is a beauty Du (Her name is Bridal Du in the play that we read) is confined to her quarters and longs to be free, so one night, encouraged by her maid, she roams the gardens She falls asleep there and dreams of a handsome scholar (Liu Mengmei) and they do the dirty in her dream She wakes up and can't stop thinking about the man from her dreams and eventually dies from heartache but not before she paints a beautiful self-portrait and leaves it in the garden He happens upon it in the future and feels like he's seen this girl in a dream before or something (shocker) he immediately falls in love with her beauty (another shocker) He manages to bring her back to life with the power of their love and they marry and stay together When walking through the garden - it's such a big deal bc women were not to venture outside if they could be seen by men - feet were also bound* Love in the story: no real meeting just a dream

Xu Guangqi

This scholar converted to Christianity and reformed and repaired the Chinese calendar in 1692. based on personal knowledge. West is more adv and better knowledge of astronomy. justified to emperor that Christianity comes from perfect place--fantasy of the west. Criticism of christianity: Said Jesus was a political rebel, not a sage, cant idolize a rebel. Virgin mary was unmarried and got knocked up from someone else.

Xu Heng

Yuan Dynasty Xu Heng was Khubilai Khan's advisor and also a follower of ZhuXi Promoted agriculture and sericulture (making silk) Education should begin with elementary learning Beginning Learning and The Great Learning Purpose of early education is to return children to their original mind Examinations need to test moral character and bigger meaning of the classics Khubilai Khan and his court famous in Europe Yuan dynasty, Marco Polo, Beijing capital Mongols introduced vernacular Chinese into elite writing practices

Chen duxiu

anti confucianism -revolutionary socialist, educator, who co founded chinese communist party with Li Dazhao. -confucianism= suppressof women

Yang Guangxian

criticized christianity said Jesus was political martyr who defied ruler (aka jesus=rebel) criticized Mary: moral model?? Christian heaven has no shape of form

Liang Qichao

disciple of Kang You wei who reinterpreted confucian classics to utilize tradition as justification for the sweeping innovations he prescribed for chinese culture. -literacy is important. recognized power of prints -script reform: too many characters Key concepts: -emphasized individual identity, focus personal issues Rights; essential to be a citizen references xunzi and quanli -thinking grand commonality would not be the end. progress would stop and competition would come back

Wei Yuan

historian/geographer in Qing. -attempted to combine traditional scholarly knowledge with practical experience to find solutions to problems in gov't -wrote in response to the Opium War. -tried to share knowledge of western military among chinese elites although handicapped by ignorance and superstition of the west -addressed China's problems as strictly military -need to focus on practical matters -focused on military reform Vision: china and europe in war

Cao Xueqin (cao zhan)

selections from "The Story of the Stone" -maze of plots, non linear -wrote "dream of the red chamber" --considered china's greatest novel-written in vernacular Dai Yu (girl/flower) and Bao yu (boy/stone) Monk and Daoist are messengers bringing stone to the land of illusion where Fairy of Disenchantment exists - oversees reincarnation Achieving enlightenment through passion The stone discovers Crimson Pearl flower and waters it Flower comes alive and becomes a girl Girl feels very indebted - obsessed with it Debt of tears (karmic debt) Daiyu (frail and sickly) like girl from Peony Pavilion - dies/withers away Vanitas starts calling himself passionate monk Daiyu's arrival at the Mansion Them of crossing gender roles Women space and male space is transgressed by Baoyu Wants nothing to do with father and male world

New culture movement

westernization and modernization

Cheng yi

younger bro of the Cheng brothers. neo-confucian philosopher "Memorial to Emperor Renzong"--return to Confucian/sage way as basis for gov't. First step to solve probs is change the civil service system

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