Chinese Cinderella Chapter 4
The people native to Tianjin fear the Japanese and they are resentful that they are there.
How do the people native to Tianjin feel about Japan? Why?
She likes school because she is successful and feels part of them.
How does Adeline feel about school?
has a lot more freedom and feels more relaxed.
What was Adeline's life after this?
Adeline's family is not there to support her.
What happens at the awards ceremony that makes Adeline sad?
Nai Nai dies from a stroke. Adeline's life won't have the support she had before Nai Nai died.
What happens to Nai Nai in this chapter? How do you think this will change Adeline's life?
Father and Niang leaves because the Japanese want to form a partnership.
What happens to father and Niang in this chapter?
What is the rickshaw a symbol of?
The school medals makes Adeline feel better about herself and she is doing what her father wants her to do. It is symbolic of her achievements in school.
Why is the school medal so important to Adeline? What is it symbolic of?