CHLH midterm

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39) Which of the following statements is true of sexuality in marriage and established relationships?A) Married partners overlook each other's likes and dislikes and eventually become insensitive to the other's needs.B) The sex life of a married couple is very similar to what it was before marriage.C) Marriage is traditionally the only relationship in which sexuality is legitimized.D) Levels of sexual satisfaction and pleasure are typically higher in singlehood or extramarital relationships than in marriage.

) Marriage is traditionally the only relationship in which sexuality is legitimized.

32) Which of the following concepts has led to laws that grant some of the protections of marriage to gay men and lesbian women who cohabit in committed relationships?A) open relationshipB) domestic partnershipC) free loveD) free union

) domestic partnership

35) The rights of unmarried adults who choose to live together in the same manner as a married couple are referred to by the concept ofA) domestic partnerships.B) serial monogamy.C) decriminalizing adultery.D) heteronormativity.

) domestic partnerships.

53) Grace, a 45-year-old woman, is unable to conceive even after multiple attempts. Her menstruation and ovulation are quite irregular. Doctors find that the levels of estrogen and progesterone in her body are less than the normal levels. Grace is most likely experiencing ________ in this scenario.A) perimenopauseB) menorrhagiaC) endometrial hyperplasiaD) dysplasia

) perimenopause

What is the longest amount of time an egg is viable following release?

24 hours

In the United States, approximately what percentage of unintended pregnancies are terminated by abortion?


Any means of preventing a birth from taking place is a(n)

A birth control method

48) According to the studies on the effects of divorce on partners and children, which of the following statements is true?A) Divorced individuals often face stigmatization by family, friends, and co-workers.B) Individuals hailing from divorced families are less likely to get divorced than are individuals from two-parent families.C) Children from divorced families are less likely than those from two-parent families to develop mental health problems and addictions later in life.D) Divorced couples have an aversion toward future sexual relationships.

A) Divorced individuals often face stigmatization by family, friends, and co-workers.

29) Why is being gay more problematic for an African American man?A) The Black community is generally less accepting of homosexuality than is the White community.B) There is overt discrimination in stores, homes, and businesses within the male gay subculture.C) There is always a difficulty in finding same-sex partners outside the country.D) The Black community is filled with pressures to marry and become a father.

A) The Black community is generally less accepting of homosexuality than is the White community.

25) In the context of dating, which of the following statements is true of the singles world?A) The most frequent means of meeting others are introductions by friends, the Internet, parties, and social groups.B) Single adults generally de-emphasize recreation and entertainment, sociability, and physical attractivenessC) The singles world is often liberating, and there is a high tolerance for casual affairs.D) Singles who are working have more opportunities than do college students to meet available people.

A) The most frequent means of meeting others are introductions by friends, the Internet, parties, and social groups

7) Which of the following statements is true of college students who identify themselves as sexual minorities?A) They find campuses to be more accepting of sexual diversity than is society at large.B) They often experience subjugation of their sexual identity in the college environment.C) They have limited access in college campus to open circumstances that permit meaningful relationships to develop and mature.D) They have less opportunity to meet available people in the college environment than sexual minorities do in their work environment.

A) They find campuses to be more accepting of sexual diversity than is society at large.

37) In the context of recent trends, identify the reason that has made cohabitation widespread and accepted in the United States.A) Young adults defer marriage longer, and cohabitation is seen as a viable living arrangement.B) More gay and lesbian couples are "coming out" and living together.C) Cohabitators disregard sexual exclusivity with partners and redefine fidelity as faithfulness to all sexual partners involved in the relationship.D) Young adults are able to maintain intimate relationships with more than one sexual partner in a cohabitation.

A) Young adults defer marriage longer, and cohabitation is seen as a viable living arrangement.

62) David, a 50-year-old man, suffers from diabetes, obesity, and urinary tract infections. During sexual intercourse, his erection is not firm and ejaculation takes longer. This decreases his interest in sex. In this scenario, David is most likely experiencing the symptoms of ________.A) andropauseB) hyperthermiaC) hyperplasiaD) rhabdomyolysis

A) andropause

66) About half of men over the age of 50 are affected byA) benign prostatic hyperplasia.B) prostate cancer.C) cervical cancer.D) intimal hyperplasia.

A) benign prostatic hyperplasia.

30) The extent to which a gay Latino man participates in the gay world depends on hisA) degree of acculturation.B) degree of self-respect.C) ethical values.D) religion.

A) degree of acculturation.

) Which of the following is NOT a developmental task of early adulthood?A) expanding the range of sexual experiencesB) making fertility decisionsC) practicing safer sexD) evolving a sexual philosophy

A) expanding the range of sexual experiences

12) Feelings of sexual attraction to members of the same sex are referred to asA) homoeroticism.B) bisexuality.C) heteroeroticism.D) heteronormativity.

A) homoeroticism.

82) Sexual intercourse is only one erotic bond among many in committed relationships.A. TrueB. False

A. True

42) After age 60, the average frequency of sexual intercourse among individuals isA) 80 times per year.B) 20 times per year.C) 56 times a year.D) 12 times a year

B) 20 times per year.

55) Diana has reached menopause. Her age is most likely to be aroundA) 12 years.B) 51 years.C) 29 years.D) 37 years.

B) 51 years.

31) Which of the following is true of the sexuality of lesbian women, gay men, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) African Americans in the United States?A) The African American community is generally more accepting of homosexuality than is the White community.B) Individuals in the African American community often experience a conflict between their African American and gay identities.C) Strong fundamentalist Christian beliefs influence the African American community to be accepting of sexual minorities.D) The internalization of the stereotyping of African Americans as highly sexual beings prompts individuals to express their true sexuality.

B) Individuals in the African American community often experience a conflict between their African American and gay identities.

24) Judy, a university student, is a lesbian woman. She has multiple same-sex partners within the university campus. What kind of reaction is Judy most likely to experience from her peer group?A) Judy may be vehemently picked on and abused verbally within the university premises.B) Judy's orientation may be accepted by her peers because of the liberating college environment.C) Judy's orientation may not be accepted because homosexuality is not a recognized sexual orientation.D) Judy may be a subject of curiosity for her peer group because of her relationships with multiple same-sex partners.

B) Judy's orientation may be accepted by her peers because of the liberating college environment.

43) Which of the following statements about marital sexuality is FALSE?A) Married couples engage in forms of erotic behavior other than intercourse.B) Married couples view declining frequency in sex as a major problem even if the overall relationship is good.C) Fatigue and lack of privacy often get in the way of marital sexual expression.D) One reason for declining sexual frequency is biological aging and a declining sex drive.

B) Married couples view declining frequency in sex as a major problem even if the overall relationship is good.

46) Which of the following is true about the consequences of divorce on children?A) Improving children's well-being in postdivorce families is sufficient to counter the full range of problems associated with divorce.B) The more traumatic the transition is experienced by a child the more he or she experiences emotional problems.C) Children of divorced parents will have or will develop adjustment problems.D) Most children with divorced parents are unable to keep familial commitments and connections.

B) The more traumatic the transition is experienced by a child the more he or she experiences emotional problems

4) According to Storms' model of sexual orientation, identify a true statement about bisexual individuals.A) Their sexual orientation is a continuum from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual.B) They are high on both homoeroticism and heteroeroticism dimensions.C) Their sexual behavior pattern changes across a lifetime.D) They are heterosexual individuals trying to be homosexual.

B) They are high on both homoeroticism and heteroeroticism dimensions.

58) A period of intense warmth, flushing, and perspiration often found in menopausal women is calledA) a power surge.B) a hot flash.C) perimenopause.D) osteoporosis.

B) a hot flash.

17) Publicly acknowledging one's homosexual orientation is calledA) outing.B) coming out.C) self-labeling.D) closeting.

B) coming out.

8) Kinsey suggested that sexual orientation was best viewed as aA) dichotomy—heterosexuality and homosexuality.B) continuum from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual.C) cognitive structure, which develops when we are rewarded or punished.D) two-dimensional concept—asexuality and heterosexuality.

B) continuum from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual.

23) Separated or divorced men and women tend to haveA) double standards when it comes to choosing a partner when compared with never-married young adults.B) different expectations about relationships because of their previous marital experience.C) relationship expectations similar to that of never-married young adults.D) little or no expectations owing to previous marriage experiences.

B) different expectations about relationships because of their previous marital experience.

5) Which of the following is a behavior of sexually healthy adults?A) enjoying sexual feelings by always acting on themB) expressing love and intimacy in appropriate waysC) seeking prenatal care only if deemed extremely necessaryD) respecting only those sexual orientations that one approves

B) expressing love and intimacy in appropriate ways

3) Which of the following almost always precedes lesbian or gay activity by several years?A) depressionB) homoeroticismC) promiscuityD) dissipation

B) homoeroticism

18) Negative attitudes and affects toward homosexuality in other persons and toward same-sex attraction in oneself are referred to asA) heteronormativity.B) internalized homophobia.C) self-labeling.D) closeting.

B) internalized homophobia.

9) Kinsey's research on sexual orientation is important becauseA) he was able to prove that every individual is bisexual.B) it challenged the dichotomized model of sexual orientation.C) it was the first study to find that homosexual subjects were just as well adjusted as heterosexual subjects.D) he did a large-scale observational study that showed that homosexuality indicated a person's sexual orientation.

B) it challenged the dichotomized model of sexual orientation.

45) According to Laumann et al., 1994, which of the following types of relationships has the highest levels of sexual satisfaction?A) bisexual relationshipsB) marital relationshipsC) extramarital relationshipsD) casual relationships

B) marital relationships

61) Abigail, a 45-year-old woman, is experiencing changes in her menstrual period. She finds sexual intercourse uncomfortable because of vaginal dryness. She also experiences decline in her muscle mass and loss of sleep. Which of the following is the most likely reason for the symptoms described in this scenario?A) menarcheB) menopauseC) ovulationD) thelarche

B) menopause

15) The exact numbers of sexual minorities in the country cannot be estimated correctly becauseA) researchers use the same methodologies and interviewing techniques for identifying different sexual minorities.B) same-sex attractions and behaviors are often stigmatized.C) sexuality depends on the culture and shared practices of a community.D) many young adults claim to be homosexual in order to gain attention.

B) same-sex attractions and behaviors are often stigmatized.

36) A succession of marriages or relationships rather than permanence is sometimes known asA) domestic partnership.B) serial monogamy.C) open relationship.D) free union.

B) serial monogamy.

52) Among older lesbian and gay couples, the happiest are thoseA) who are legally married.B) with a strong commitment to the relationship.C) in the earliest stages of a relationship.D) who have more than one partner.

B) with a strong commitment to the relationship.

What is the problem with depending on media as a source for sexual attitudes and information

Because of its entertainment orientation there are few realistic depictions of sexuality

What is the problem with depending on media as a source for sexual attitudes and information?

Because of its entertainment orientation, there are few realistic depictions of sexuality

1) In the context of the study conducted by the American Association of Retired People (AARP), which of the following statements is true of adults aged 45-70+?A) A decline in sexual function was more affected by physical health for women than for men.B) The persistence and vitality of sexual activity are quite insignificant in their lives.C) They feel quite positive and satisfied with their sex and relationships.D) The frequency of sexual activity increases in late adulthood.

C) They feel quite positive and satisfied with their sex and relationships.

7) Which of the following factors has affected the shift from two-parent to one-parent families?A) a larger proportion of early marriage among couplesB) a lack of acceptance of adopted children among same-sex couplesC) a larger proportion of births to unmarried womenD) a decrease in teenage pregnancies

C) a larger proportion of births to unmarried women

65) Which of the following is NOT a change that a man can expect as he ages?A) a longer refractory periodB) a decrease in the frequency of sexual activityC) a slight increase in the amount of ejaculateD) a less firm erection

C) a slight increase in the amount of ejaculate

21) Which of these is NOT an outcome of an increase in unmarried young adults?A) unintended pregnanciesB) increased numbers of abortions and births to single womenC) fewer separated and divorced men and womenD) greater sexual experience

C) fewer separated and divorced men and women

20) Tamar, a young woman, hails from a religious family, and her family has an aversion toward homosexuals. Even though she is attracted to women, her cultural background prevents her from embracing her sexuality. Eventually, she marries a man of her parents' choice. This scenario exemplifies the concept of ________.A) domestic partnershipB) reverse discriminationC) internalized homophobiaD) serial monogamy

C) internalized homophobia

44) William and Danielle, both professionals, have higher levels of sexual satisfaction and pleasure than most of their friends. They often go for candlelight dinners and hand-in-hand walks. They are committed to learning each other's likes and dislikes and are sensitive to each other's needs. They also provide emotional and financial stability to one another. In this scenario, William and Danielle are most likely to be ________.A) datingB) cohabitatingC) marriedD) divorced

C) married

19) The dramatic increase in the number of unmarried adults is largely a result ofA) the high costs involved in marriages.B) the greater availability of birth control measures.C) men and women marrying later.D) a decline in morality in society as a whole.

C) men and women marrying later.

60) Alexis, a middle-aged woman, is very moody and becomes irritable at the slightest provocation. Recently, her waist size has increased remarkably, and she has joint and muscle aches very often. She has not had her menstrual period in the last 12 months. Identify the most likely cause for the symptoms experienced by Alexis.A) hypoglycemiaB) hyperthermiaC) menopauseD) rhabdomyolysis

C) menopause

56) One long-term effect of the lower estrogen levels resulting from menopause isA) cervical cancer.B) liver problems.C) osteoporosis.D) leukemia.

C) osteoporosis.

1) Which of the following is NOT a developmental concern of early adulthood?A) establishing sexual orientationB) integrating love and sexC) planning marriage timetablesD) making fertility/childbearing decisions

C) planning marriage timetables

7) Which theory proposed a dichotomous model of sexual orientation?A) Kinsey's theoryB) Storms' theoryC) psychoanalytic theoryD) cognitive-behavioral theory

C) psychoanalytic theory

49) Which of the following is the amount of all divorces that involve children?A) about a quarterB) just over one-thirdC) slightly over halfD) two-thirds

C) slightly over half

54) Menopause is best defined asA) the onset of menstrual irregularities.B) the recurrent dysplasia of the cervix.C) the complete cessation of menstruation for at least a year.D) the period during which women are highly fertile.

C) the complete cessation of menstruation for at least a year.

28) Higher levels of psychiatric distress among sexual minorities may be partly due toA) the presence of lower levels of sex hormones.B) genetic anomalies.C) the social hazards associated with being a sexual minority, such as discrimination.D) All of the answers are correct.

C) the social hazards associated with being a sexual minority, such as discrimination.

10) In his childhood, Andrew—a student—was more attracted to the girls in his class than to the boys. However, he is attracted to his male friends during his adolescence. He is confused about his sexual orientation because his sexual orientation has changed from being heterosexual to being homosexual. Identify the model of sexual orientation that most likely depicts Andrew's sexual orientation.A) dichotomous—psychoanalytic modelB) two-dimensional—orthogonal modelC) unidimensional—bipolar modelD) ego-dystonic model

C) unidimensional—bipolar model

57) Which of the following reduces the physical effect of menopause in elderly women?A) a diet high in saturated fatB) a diet low in fiberC) weight-bearing exerciseD) dietary supplements containing vitamin A and sodium

C) weight-bearing exercise

The thick, clear fluid that often appears on the tip of the penis before ejaculation is produced by the

Cowper's Gland

40) Which of the following is a developmental issue in middle adulthood?A) redefining sex in marital relationshipsB) reevaluating one's sexualityC) accepting the biological aging processD) All of the answers are correct.

D) All of the answers are correct.

63) Which of the following is a way in which menopausal hormone therapy is administered?A) as an oral medicationB) as a patch applied on the skinC) as a spray or gelD) All of the answers are correct.

D) All of the answers are correct.

16) Joseph has had sexual intercourse with a few men during his adolescence. However, as he enters adulthood, he finds himself more attracted to beautiful women than to men and he has intimate relationships with his female partners. According to the unidimensional model of sexual orientation, which of the following can be concluded about Joseph's sexual orientation?A) He is heterosexual.B) He is homosexual.C) No conclusions can be drawn because he is high on both homoeroticism and heteroeroticism dimensions.D) No conclusions can be drawn because his sexuality has been varying over time.

D) No conclusions can be drawn because his sexuality has been varying over time.

26) Which of the following statements is true of college students with regard to their sexuality?A) They have limited opportunities to explore their sexuality because they have increased parental influence.B) They do not have more role flexibility than other young adults.C) They often tend to reject sex outside of marriage.D) They have more focus on sexuality than do high school students as it relates to developing their own identity.

D) They have more focus on sexuality than do high school students as it relates to developing their own identity.

22) Which of the following is seen as a viable living arrangement as young adults defer marriage longer?A) concubinageB) codependencyC) polygamyD) cohabitation

D) cohabitation

50) Contrary to stereotypes, most older individualsA) have intercourse as often as they did when they were young.B) have few restrictions on their activities until they are about 85.C) evaluate their own sexual attractiveness in terms of fertility.D) express high levels of satisfaction and well-being.

D) express high levels of satisfaction and well-being.

2) Which of the following is a developmental concern of early adulthood?A) making moral decisions based on authorityB) practicing recreational sex at all timesC) treating love and sex as different entitiesD) forging intimacy and making commitments

D) forging intimacy and making commitments

9) Jennifer, a 51-year-old woman, feels very hot at times, and red blotches appear on her skin. The blotches are accompanied by heavy sweating and sometimes cold shivering. This condition persists for about an hour, and then she feels normal. In this scenario, Jennifer suffers from ________.A) osteoporosisB) hyperthermiaC) perimenopauseD) hot flashes

D) hot flashes

41) Which of the following produces a feeling of connectedness and bonding in sexual interactions?A) morphineB) dopamineC) estrogenD) oxytocin

D) oxytocin

4) Which of the following is NOT a behavior of sexually healthy adults?A) enjoying sexual feelings without always acting on themB) appreciating one's own bodyC) identifying and living according to one's own valuesD) recognizing that human development primarily includes sexual experience

D) recognizing that human development primarily includes sexual experience

Which of the following statements about Implanon is TRUE?

It is one of the most effective contraceptives

How do coercive and noncoercive paraphilic disorders differ?

Noncoercive paraphilic disorders are victimless.

Which of the following is true of "coming out" stories on television programs with gay characters?

Now focus younger characters than they did previously

Which of the following statements about same-sex relationships in ancient Greece is accurate?

Same-sex relationships between an older man and a young adolescent male were considered the highest form of love

A healthy male will produce __________ of sperm every day

Several Hundred Million

One of the most important findings in Kinsey's work was that...

There was extraordinary diversity in sexual behavior

Robyn has no ovaries, but her external genitals are those of a normal female. As she grows up, her body remains short, she does not develop a mature feminine physique, and she does not menstruate. Robyn most likely has

Turner syndrome.

The highly successful approach to treatment of sexual problems developed by Masters and Johnson was based on...

a behavioral therapy

When someone moves from adolescence to adulthood, they reevaluate their moral standards and move from moral decision making based on authority to standards based on their personal principles. This is an example of

an evolving sexual philosophy.

Autoeroticism is

an intrapersonal activity.

An oocyte is

an unfertilized egg

Which of the following sexual practices is most risky for the transmission of STIs?

anal sex

For most people, anatomical sex, gender identity, and assigned gender

are congruent.

11) Individuals who are sexually attracted to both women and men are consideredA) androgynous.B) transsexual.C) bisexual.D) ambiguous.


33) Which of the following refers to the practice of living together and having a sexual relationship without being married?A) serial monogamyB) cohabitationC) common law marriageD) open marriage


34) Ryan and Hannah, both college students, are in a sexual relationship with each other and live together in a rented apartment. They share their expenses and split the rent. However, they do not intend to get married to one another in the future. Identify the living arrangement of Ryan and Hannah in this scenario.A) serial monogamyB) polyamoryC) living apart togetherD) cohabitation


For a woman who postpones pregnancy until she is over the age of 35 will likely find that her chances of conceiving ______________, whereas her risk of having a live baby with chromosome problems _____________.

decrease; increase

The main difference between a value judgement and an objective statement is that objective statements...

describe actual behavior

Which of the following is NOT considered a paraphilic disorder?

domination and submission

According to the text, when we label a sexual behaviour natural or unnatural, we are

expressing whether the behaviour conforms to our culture's sexual norms

76) A growing body of evidence indicates that sexual minorities in the United States exhibit lower levels of psychiatric distress than do their heterosexual counterparts.A. TrueB. False


79) The American Academy of Pediatrics states that parents' sexual orientation plays a major role in the emotional, cognitive, and social development of children.A. TrueB. False


According to Storms' model of sexual orientation, an asexual individual is high on both homoeroticism and heteroeroticism dimensions.A. TrueB. False


Although acceptance of sex outside of marriage is widespread among college students, there are more boundaries placed on men.A. TrueB. False


The tendency to morally censure women who "hook up" or "sleep around" is often low in colleges.A. TrueB. False


According to your text, compared to other developed countries, the infant mortality rate in the United States is:

far higher

The sexual activity most commonly performed by prostitutes on men is


The male scrotum is homologous to the

female labia majora.

Which of these is NOT a predictor that a teen will be to be sexually active?

having older brothers

When do psychosexual development and the ability to love begin?

in infancy, with loving touch and handling

The phases of the ovarian cycle include all of the following EXCEPT the

menstrual phase

The most important consideration when choosing a contraceptive method for yourself is the

method you will use consistently and correctly.

Increased muscle tension accompanying the approach of orgasm is called


The position of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) along with most major mental health organizations regarding "reparative" therapy for homosexuality is that is should...

not be done

Most sex researchers view sexual behaviours

on a continuum of typical to atypical of a specific group

Sex therapists consider fantasies about other lovers while having sex with a partner to be

perfectly normal and very typical

In order for an embryo to develop male genitals, the embryo must

receive hormonal and genetic signals

A bias in scientific inquiry causes us to...

select information that supports our view or belief

A bias in scientific inquiry causes us to

select information that supports our view or belief.

38) Helene lived with Ben for 2 years. When she was 24, she and Ben got married, but they divorced when Helene was 31. A year later, she married Michael. They divorced just after Helen turned 40. Five years later, she married Jeremy. Helene's way of life is best described asA) serial monogamy.B) serial cohabitation.C) intermittent cohabitation.D) open marriage.

serial monogamy

The sole function of the clitoris is

sexual arousal

According to the DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5, the key criterion for a diagnosis of sexual sadism disorder is

sexual arousal by the real infliction of physical or psychological harm to another

Which of the following phrases best defines sexual variations?

sexual behavior that is not statistically typical

Because human sexual activity is manifested with such diversity, most sex researchers have advocated that in place of such terms as normal/abnormal or natural/unnatural we use the term...

sexual variation

According to cognitive social learning theory, we learn attitudes and behaviors as a result of

social interactions with others.

Jed states that all men want sex all the time. Although several of his friends have tried to convince him otherwise, he maintains that "we're all that way." This is an examples of a(n)...


One of the major problems with studies conducted on the prevalence of sexual behaviors is that

the data are gathered from self-reports of a certain group of people and may not reflect actual behaviors.

What part of a male's penis is permanently removed in circumcision?

the prepuce

in response to younger girls' earlier maturation, the American Psychological Association published a report that concluded that

the sexualization of girls negatively affects their cognitive functioning and physical and mental health.

Michael is a 70-year-old man. He notices that ejaculation takes longer during sexual intercourse and its force is less than it was before. Also, the refractory period extends up to 48 hours after an erection. He is depressed and consults a sexologist. The doctor is most likely to advise that

this is perfectly normal

1) Married individuals express greater satisfaction with their sexual relationships than do either singles or persons engaged in extramarital relationships.A. TrueB. False


67) It can take longer to establish a homosexual orientation than it takes to establish a heterosexual orientation.A. TrueB. False


7) African American gay and lesbian persons often experience a conflict between their Black and gay identities.A. TrueB. False


78) One difference between heterosexual and gay relationships is that gay and lesbian cohabitating couples resist the traditional heterosexual provider/homemaker roles.A. TrueB. False


8) Unlike relationships involving lesbian women, gay men, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals, most heterosexual relationships support the traditional provider/homemaker roles.A. TrueB. False


80) Generally, sexual frequency drops as a couple gets older.A. TrueB. False


83) Negative attitudes of older men and women toward sexuality can affect their likelihood of seeing themselves as sexual beings.A. TrueB. False


9) Bisexuality is seen by some researchers as a third type of sexual orientation.A. TrueB. False


Many gay men and lesbian women experience some of the same negative attitudes toward homosexuality as their heterosexual counterparts.A. TrueB. False


The postponement of marriage until later in life paves way for cohabitation as a viable living arrangement.A. TrueB. False


The process by which gay men or lesbian women publicly acknowledge their sexual orientation is called coming out.A. TrueB. False


vas deferens

tube that extends into the abdominal cavity and carries sperm from the testes to urethra for ejaculation

All of the following make up the vulva EXCEPT the


To increase the likelihood of fertilization, a couple should have intercourse

within 5 days before and 1 day after ovulation

Seth genuinely cares about his animals, yet he derives sexual pleasure from having sexual contact with them. Seth is practicing


Which is the correct sequence of development for a fertilized ovum?

zygote, blastocyst, embryo, fetus

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