Chp 26/27

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Which of the following methods or molecules is used for secretion of hydrogen ion in the renal tubule?

Sodium ion antiporter

Which of the following is correct about the micturition reflex?

The detrusor muscles contract, and the internal urethral sphincter muscles relax The muscle fibers in both the external and the internal urethral sphincter relax The micturition center is located in the sacral segment of the spinal cord The micturition reflex is coordinated by the parasympathetic autonomic nerves

Which segment of the renal tubule is impermeable to the water molecules?

Thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle

Which of the following is the method or molecule used to reabsorb bicarbonate ion through the basal surface of epithelial cells lining the proximal convoluted tubule?


ligament that attaches the uterus to the sacrum

Uterosacral ligament

Is oogenesis completed before or after the ovulation?

after the ovulation

Found in the glomerular filtrate of a healthy nephron

amino acids

dilated, terminal portion of the vas deferens.


widest portion of the uterine tube and the preferred place for the fertilization.

ampulla of the uterine tube

Which pathway joins the duct of seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct?

ampulla of vas defernes

Which molecule binds to testosterone and keeps its level high in the seminiferous tubules?

androgen binding protein

What is the use of citric acid for the sperm?

atp production

part of the filtration membrane that prevents large plasma proteins to enter the capsular space

basement membrane of the glomerulus

When oogenesis begins?

before birth

Cells that secrete testosterone are located in which parts of the testes?

between seminiferous tubule

Which structure goes through implantation into the uterine wall?


The pressure due to the presence of plasma proteins such as albumin and globulins is

blood colloid osmotic pressure.

part of nephron that has the glomerulus as its center

bowman's capsule

ligament that attaches the uterus to the side of the pelvic cavity.

broad ligament

one of the two male glands located on either side of the membranous urethra.

bulbourethral gland

Which male glands secrete their secretion into the spongy urethra?

bulbourethral glands

In the renal corpuscle the weaker inward pressure

capsular hydrostatic pressure.

inferior, narrow portion of the uterus.


What type of epithelium lines the uterine tubes?

ciliated simple columnar epithelium

pathway that receives filtrate from the distal convoluted tubules of several nephrons

collecting duct

In which segments of the renal tubule, reabsorption of water depends on the presence of hormones such as ADH and aldosterone?

collecting duct and late distal convoluted tubule

Which of the following is correct about the scrotum?

contraction of its dartos muscles reduces heat loss from the testes contraction muscles that contract to regulate temp of testes

The fibrous scar tissue resulting from degeneration of an ovarian follicle is referred to as _____________.

corpus albicans

one of the two dorsolateral cylindrical masses of the penis.

corpus cavernousum penis

Which ovarian follicle releases four different female hormones?

corpus luteum

midventral cylindrical mass of the penis.

corpus spongiosum penis

Except the seminal glands, which other male glands secrete buffer and mucus?

cowpers gland

Vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole increases or decreases the glomerular filtration rate?


Part of the renal tubule that extends down into the renal medulla

descending limb of the loop of Henle

group of muscles in the wall of urinary bladder.

detrusor muscle

Glomerular (Bowman's) capsule:

double walled epithelial cup thatsurrounds the glomerulus

pathway that conveys sperm from the epididymis toward the urethra.

ductus deferens

beginning of the coiled tubule that is not attached to the glomerular capsule

early distal convoluted tubule

arteriole that drains blood from the glomerulus

efferent arteriole

pathway formed by union of the duct from the seminal vesicle and the ampulla of the ductus deferens.

ejaculatory duct

site of sperm maturation and the storage of sperm.


In females, except progesterone, which other hormone stimulates proliferation of the endometrial cells in the uterus?


In females, which hormone decreases the blood cholesterol level?


opening of cervical canal into the vagina.

external os

Which urethral sphincter contains the skeletal muscle fibers?

external urethra sphincter

opening of the pathway for urine to the exterior.

external urethral orifice

What kind of capillary is the glomerulus?


How long it takes for the myogenic mechanism to respond to the blood pressure change in the afferent arteriole?

few seconds

Movement of water and solutes from the glomerulus to the glomerular capsule


In females, which hormone initiates the follicular growth?

follicle stimulating hormone

In males, which hormone indirectly stimulate the process of spermatogenesis?

follicle stimulating hormone

The outward pressure promoting filtration in the renal corpuscle

glomerular blood hydrostatic pressure

In ovulation, which ovarian follicle releases the secondary oocyte into the pelvic cavity?

graafian follicle

Spermatogenesis occurs in which parts of the testes?

in the seminiferous tubules

-The components of juxtaglomerular appartus are found

in the thin ascending limb of the loop of henle and the afferent arteriole.

In females, except estrogens, which other hormone suppresses secretion of the follicle stimulating hormone?


In males, which hormone slows down secretion of the hormone follicle stimulating hormone?


The secondary oocyte can complete meiosis II if the secondary oocyte ______.

is penetrated by the sperm

-The effectors of the myogenic mechanism

juxtaglomerular cells

end of the coiled tubule that is not attached to the glomerular capsule

late distal convoluted tubule

Which cells produce and secret the hormone testosterone?

leydig cells

Which section of the spinal cord coordinates the ejaculation reflex, thoracic or lumbar?


In males, which hormone stimulates secretion of testosterone?

luteinizing hormone

Which one is a common pathway for both urinary system and genital system, male urethra or female urethra?

male urethra

What is the first step of spermatogenesis; mitosis or meiosis or differentiation?


A ball made of sixteen identical cells that leaves the uterine tube and enters the uterine cavity is referred to as ____________.


The vasodilator released from the parasympathetic nerves during erection is the _____________ molecule.

nitric oxide

Which epithelium lines urethra near the external urethral orifice?

non- keratinized squamous epithelium

What type of epithelium lines the vagina?

nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium

During erection, males experience a decreased blood into or out of the erectile tissues of the penis?

out of

-NFP equation

outward pressure- inward pressure NFP=GBHP-(BCOP+CHP)

ligament that attaches an ovary to the lateral side of the uterus.

ovarian ligament

location of oogenesis and follicular development.


Which cell unites with sperm to form a zygote?


In females, which hormone stimulates ejection of the milk to the exterior?


In the epithelial tissue lining the uterine tubes, the non-ciliated cells with microvilli are referred to as ____________ (cells).

peg cells

In females, oxytocin is released from the anterior lobe or the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland?

posterior lobe

In oogenesis, which cell completes meiosis I?

primary oocyte

In spermatogenesis, which cells start and complete meiosis I?

primary spermatocytes

In females, except estrogens, which other hormone inhibits secretion of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone?


In females, which hormone stimulates production of the milk in the glandular alveoli?


Which component of the semen stimulates motility of the sperm?


male gland located inferior to the urinary bladder and contains the first section of male urethra.


Ejaculatory duct passes through which male gland?

prostate gland

Seminalplasmin molecule is found in the secretion of which male gland?

prostate gland

type of macromolecules that forms the slit membrane covering filtration slits


first secretion of the renal tubule

proximal convulated tubule (PVT)

The pressure that the fluid in the capsular space applies on the wall of capsule promotes


In females, which hormone increases the flexibility of the pubic symphysis?


part of a nephron that filters the blood

renal corpuscle

Which nerves coordinate the erection reflex, sacral spinal nerves or lumbar spinal nerves?

sacral spinal nerves

In oogenesis, except the ovum, which other cell is the result of meiosis II?

second polar body

Reabsorption of an amino acid molecule through the apical surface of epithelial cells lining the proximal convoluted tubule is via which method or molecule?

secondary active transport

Which cell is released into the pelvic cavity through the process of ovulation?

secondary oocyte

one of the two male glands located posterior to the urinary bladder.

seminal gland

Which male glands release the clotting factors that cause coagulation of the semen after the ejaculation?

seminal glands

Which component of the semen can destroy bacteria?


part of the filtration membrane that prevents medium size plasma proteins to enter the capsular space

slit membrane

In spermatogenesis, which cells form at the end of meiosis II?


In the process of spermatogenesis, which cells squeeze and pass through the blood-testis barrier?


The last step of spermatogenesis, which is differentiation of the spermatids to spermatozoa, is referred to as ______________.


The longest portion of a male urethra is the __________________.

spongy urethra

In females, estrogens stimulate or inhibit protein anabolism/synthesis?


Ejaculation is a sympathetic or parasympathetic reflex


In males, which hormone suppresses secretion of the hormone gonadotropin releasing hormone?


site of spermatogenesis and the secretion of testosterone.


-The control center of the tubuluglomerular feedback system is

the juxtaglomerular apparatus

Part of the renal tubule that extends up toward the renal cortex that has a narrower diameter

thick ascending limb of the loop of henle

Part of the renal tubule that extends up toward the renal cortex and has a wider diameter

thick loop of Henle

The type of junctions between nurse cells that act as the blood-testis barrier is _____________ (junction).

tight junction

Which epithelium lines the urinary bladder?

transitional epithelium

movement of water and solutes from the renal tubules to the peritubular capillaries

tubular reabosrption

movement of solutes (ions) from the peritubular capillaries to the renal tubules

tubular secretion

Found in the glomerular filtrate formed by the renal corpuscle is

urea, bicarbonate ion, ammonia and glucose

interior of the body of the uterus.

uterine cavity

pathway for sperm to reach the secondary oocyte.

uterine tube

largest female reproductive organ.


pathway for eliminating the menstrual contents to the exterior.


When glomerular filtration rate increases, the macula densa cells detect increased level of

water and sodium and calcium ions.

Renal tubule

where filtered fluid passes through, reabsorptionand secretion occur between renal tubule and peritubularcapillaries )

Which of the following cells are haploid?

Secondary spermatocyte Spermatid first polar body Sperm Ovum

In testes, which cells build the intercellular junctions that act as the blood-testis barrier?

Sertoli cells

What percentage of glucose is reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule?


What percentage of semen is produced by the seminal vesicles?


What percentage of bicarbonate ion is reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule?


Which of the following is the effect of hormone atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)?

ANP inhibits reabsorption of Na+ and water in the collecting duct ANP inhibits reabsorption of Na+ and water in the proximal convoluted tubule ANP suppresses the secretion of aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone ANP decreases the systemic vascular resistance ANP causes vasodilation of the arterioles supplying non-critical organs

Which of the following hormones increases reabsorption of water in the late distal convoluted tubule?


Which of the following lists the correct sequence of milk pathway (from left to right)?

Alveoli> secondary tubule> mammary duct > lactiferous sinus > lactiferous duct

Which of the following hormones decrease the urine volume in order to increase the blood pressure?

Angiotensin II Norepinephrine Epinephrine Aldosterone Antidiuretic hormone

Which of the following is a source of CO2 found in the epithelial cells lining the proximal convoluted tubule?

CO2 diffuses from the lumen of renal tubule into the epithelial cells Epithelial cells produce CO2 through reactions such as aerobic cellular respiration CO2 is produced by several chemical reactions occurring inside the epithelial cells CO2 diffuses from the peritubular capillaries into the epithelial cells

Antidiuretic hormone affects water reabsorption in which segments of the renal tubule?

Collecting duct and late distal convoluted tubule

Effect of sympathetic stimulation on the nephrons

Decreased urine volume during sympathetic stimulation results in an increased blood volume and blood pressure, The blood flow in and out of the glomerulus decreases in a moderate sympathetic stimulation, During a strenuous exercise, predominantly the change of diameter occurs in the afferent arteriole During fight or flight, the glomerular filtration rate decreases which leads to a decrease of urine volume A greater sympathetic stimulation results in a greater drop of glomerular filtration rate

Reabsorption of the bicarbonate ion occurs in which of the following segments of the renal tubule?

Descending limb of loop of henle Collecting duct Ascending limb of the loop of Henle Late DCT

Which of the following processes are the steps occurring in the production of a concentrated urine?

Diffusion of urea molecules out of the collecting duct into the interstitial fluid (IF) causes the IF to become hypertonic Return of urea into the renal tubule occurs in the descending limb and thin ascending limb of the loop of Henle Due to reabsorption of Na+ and Cl- in the thick ascending limb, the interstitial fluid around the renal tubule becomes hypertonic Impermeability of the thick ascending limb to water is one of the factors contributing to concentrating the interstitial fluid

Which one correctly describes the pathway for sperm (from left to right) ?

Epididymis> ductus deferens> ejaculatory duct >prostatic urethra membranous> urethra> spongy urethra> exterior

Which of the following hormones decrease the glomerular filtration rate?

Epinephrine and angiotensin II

Pathway for urine drainage

Filtrate (filtered fluid formed bynephrons) drains into collecting duct → papillary duct →minor calyx (read the notebelow)→ major calyx → renalpelvis → ureter → urinarybladder → urethra → exterior

dome-shaped portion of the uterus located superior to the uterine tubes.

Fundus of the uterus

The order of molecule of water

Glomerulus>Glomerular capsule>Proximal convoluted tubule> Descending limp of the loop of Henle> Ascending limb of the loop of Henle> Distal convoluted tubule> collecting duct> papillary duct

portion of the uterine tube that is open into the pelvic cavity.

Infundibulum of the uterine tube

narrowest portion of the uterine tube that joins the uterus.

Isthmus of the uterine tube

Angiotensin II increases reabsorption of Na+, Cl-, and water in which segment of the renal tubule?


Which hormone increases reabsorption of calcium ion in the early distal convoluted tubule?

Parathyroid hormone

Which of the following is true about the anatomy and physiology of the uterus?

Proliferation of the stratum basalis is stimulated by estrogens and progesterone The stratum functionalis is one of the layers sloughing off during menstruation

The most reabsorption of solutes and water occurs in which section of the renal tubule?

Proximal convoluted tubule

function of a Sertoli/nurse cells?

Regulate the effect of follicle stimulating hormone Form blood-testis barrier Nourish the cells formed in the process of spermatogenesis Secrete the hormone inhibin Produce and secrete androgen binding protein

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