chp. 3 test

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A picture of the flower is first processed by your right hemisphere. It takes approximately _________ of time to be shared across the _____________ with your left hemisphere.

200 ms; corpus callosum


Before the 1970s, what was the only technology used to glimpse a view of brain tissue in a living human?

medulla and brain stem

Breathing, heart rate, vomiting, salivation, coughing, sneezing Loss of consciousness, coma, or death

Jerky, uncoordinated movements

Cerebellum Movement - specifically, smooth, coordinated movement; balance and coordination. Examples: throwing a baseball, walking, balancing on one foot.


Computerized axial tomography creates an image of brain tissue from

Cannot form new long-term memories but can remember the past

Hippocampus Formation of new long-term memories, but can remember past events


Important to eating, drinking, and sexual behavior. Damage can disrupt these basic survival functions. Example: Damage to a specific nucleus within this structure can result in eating behavior leading to extreme obesity.

In which method is it necessary to inject a person with a radioactive chemical to measure blood flow to a part of the brain?


True or false? A person like Dr. Sack's patient "Mrs. S" with left hemineglect can visually see the left side of her plate of food just fine; instead the problem is that she ignores it completely.


True or false? A person with damage to her right hemisphere would not understand what you meant if you used a figurative phrase such as, "My heart is heavy."


True or false? Even though Wernicke's area is typically only in the left hemisphere, the right hemisphere is perfectly capable of understanding language - identifying letters, and reading words and sentences.


more oxygen and cushioning

Ventricles containing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF0), Loss of brain cells through any type of brain damage can result in overly large ventricles that fill with CSF. Certain types of brain infections can result from bacteria crossing the blood-brain barrier and collecting in the CSF. These infections can be deadly.


What is a good inexpensive technique that you might first use to detect seizure activity (epilepsy)?


Which technique is used to either disrupt or stimulate brain activity?

Initiating movements and controlling resting movements

basal ganglia, Parkinson's disease is a result of low levels of dopamine in the basal ganglia. Parkinson's patients experience resting tremors; have trouble starting movements they wish to make; and have "Parkinson's mask" - a lack of emotion in their facial expressions

Sharing neural signal between the 2 hemispheres and Allows you to function with one whole brain

corpus callosum, If severed, it's like you have two separate brains ("split-brain patient"). This is important if one hemisphere controls a function that the other hemisphere does not. Example: speech production (Broca's area) in the left hemisphere.

True or false? In the DVD we watched, Dr. Gazzaniga's split-brain patient Joe showed that the left hemisphere is better at processing "big picture" or global information, while the right hemisphere is better at processing the little details.


In the DVD of split-brain patient Joe, Dr. Gazzaniga showed Joe's left and right hemispheres a picture of a bowl of fruit that looked like a face. When his left hemisphere "saw" the fruit bowl, Joe pointed to ______. When his right hemisphere "saw" the same thing, Joe pointed to _______


What major function do up to 15% of left-handers have in the right hemisphere that everyone else has in the left hemisphere?


An electroencephalograph measures

the overall activity of the cells across the surface of the brain

True or false? In most people - either right handed or left-handed - the left hemisphere is dominant for speech.


True or false? If you ask someone with left hemineglect to close their eyes and imagine a place they are very familiar with (like the backyard of their house), they have no trouble describing everything on both the left and right sides from memory.


If you went to any hospital with a possible brain injury, the first relatively inexpensive technique that doctors would be likely to use is an x-ray. (TorF)


Why might you choose not to use a PET-scan?

It is invasive A radioactive chemical is injected. You can only give a patient about one scan a year. BOTH that it is invasive and you can only give a patient about one scan a year.

parietal lobe

Location of the post-central gyrus AKA the primary somatosensory cortex; navigation and your "mental map" of space; and some attention functions. Damage to the post-central gyrus can result in loss of sensation. Damage to other areas of this structure can result in the inability to navigate through space or find your way around familiar places (mapping). Example: Alzheimer's patients with damage to parts of this structure will get lost easily, even in their own homes.

frontal lobe

Location of the pre-central gyrus AKA the primary motor cortex. In the LEFT hemisphere, this structure contains Broca's area (speech production). Additionally, other higher cognitive functions such as planning, impulse control, aspects of personality are found in this structure. Damage to the primary motor cortex can result in problems with movement. Damage to Broca's area will result in almost a complete inability to speak.

temporal lobe

Location of the primary auditory cortex. In the LEFT hemisphere, this structure contains Wernicke's area (language comprehension). Damage to the primary auditory cortex will result in problems hearing sounds. Damage to Wernicke's area will result in problems understanding what someone says to you.

If you're listening to your friend talk about a problem he had at work, which hemisphere would help you understand his facial expressions?


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