Christian Beliefs & History - Midterm

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According to Wayne Grudem, regarding God's creation, it would be correct to say that:

Creation is distinct from God yet always dependent on God.

According to Wayne Grudem, in postmillenialism Christ's return occurs after the millennium where the church age is seen as ushering in the millennial reign of Christ.


According to Wayne Grudem, it could be said that our sanctification in Christ is more subjective in nature as we cooperate with the Holy Spirit in our Christian Growth, where as justification is more objective in nature and is entirely God's work in us.


According to Wayne Grudem, it was the reformer John Calvin who helped frame the Protestant view of the elements of communion being seen as a symbolic and spiritual presence of Christ.


According to Wayne Grudem, it would be accurate to say that it is very clear that Scripture nowhere shows God as directly doing anything evil.


According to Wayne Grudem, one indication of the distinct roles that Adam and Eve had before the fall was that Adam was created first, then Eve.


According to Wayne Grudem, there are many liberal Protestant churches that are in fact "false churches" today.


According to Wayne Grudem, to say that God's Word is sufficient is to say that we don't need anything else other than the Scriptures for salvation, for trusting Him, and for obeying Him.


According to Wayne Grudem, to say that the words of Scripture are self-attesting is to put forward a kind of circular argument.


According to Wayne Grudem, in the ordo salutis we play no active role whatsoever in the work of regeneration.


According to Wayne Grudem, the Gospel accounts maintain that not even Jesus Himself knows the hour of His return.


According to Wayne Grudem, the Latin phrase ex nihilo refers to the idea that God literally created everything "out of nothing."


According to Wayne Grudem, the kenosis theory regarding the deity of Christ suggests that Jesus gave up some of his divine attributes while on earth.


According to Wayne Grudem, theologically, it is safe to say that both the Father and the Son participated in the resurrection.


According to Wayne Grudem, to blame God for sin would be blasphemy against the character of God.


According to Wayne Grudem, regarding inherited guilt, it is safe to say that:

We are counted guilty because of Adam's sin.

According to Wayne Grudem, after His ascension, Christ received glory and honor that had not been his before as the God-man.


According to Wayne Grudem, common grace does not save people.


According to Wayne Grudem, for Christians death is not seen as punishment.


According to Wayne Grudem, the atonement is the work Christ did in his:

Life and death to earn our salvation.

According to Bruce Shelley, it was George Whitfield who was the father of modern mass evangelism in America.


According to Bruce Shelley, the great missionary David Livingstone served primarily in:


According to Bruce Shelley, the Greek word episcopos refers to:

A bishop

According to Bruce Shelley, monasticism has to do with:

A higher form of mortality that promotes celibacy and the renunciation of marriage.

According to Bruce Shelley, the word person did not mean to the early Christians what it means today. To us, a person means someone like Tom, Dick, or Harry. But the Latin word persona originally meant:

A mask worn by an actor on stage

According to Bruce Shelley, in receiving a papal bull from the Roman Catholic Church the great reformer Martin Luther was referred to as:

A wild boar

According to Wayne Grudem, God wants us to pray because:

All of the above (God wants us to trust Him, God wants us to love Him and fellowship with Him, God wants us to be involved in activities that are eternally important, we bring Glory to God when we pray).

According to Wayne Grudem, sin is any failure to conform to the moral law of God in:

All of the above (act, attitude, nature).

According to Bruce Shelley, orthodoxy generally means:

All of the above (good theology, right belief or practice, right belief that is officially embraced by the church, the opposite of that which is heretical).

According to Wayne Grudem, the creation of man as male and female shows God's image in:

All of the above (harmonious interpersonal relationships, equality in personhood and importance, difference in role and authority, reflecting the plurality of persons within the Trinity).

According to Bruce Shelley, in the early 1300's, it could be said that Boniface VIII was a Pope that:

All of the above (proclaimed a Jubilee - a Holy Year - to celebrate the new centenary of Christ's birth, appeared before the pilgrims in imperial robes crying "I am Caesar. I am emperor," had a papal crown that contained forty-eight rubies, seventy-two sapphires, forty-five emeralds, and sixty-six pears, kept two priests busy night and day "raking together infinite money").

According to Wayne Grudem, the doctrine of the trinity is:

All of the above (progressively revealed in Scriptures, is a mystery that we will never be able to fully understand, a description of the "trinity" or "three-in-oneness" of God, more completely revealed in the New Testament).

According to Bruce Shelley, under Charlemagne's rule, he became a dominant power over:

All of the above (the Muslims in Spain, the Germanic tribes of Bavarians and Saxons, the Barbarian Slavs and Avars, the Lombards in Italy).

According to Wayne Grudem, the church is:

All of the above (the community of all true believers, invisible yet visible, local and universal, the body of Christ and the bridge of Christ).

According to Bruce Shelley, to be an iconoclast is to be:

An image breaker

According to Wayne Grudem, systematic theology is any study that answers the question, "What does the whole Bible teach us today? about...

Any given topic

According to Wayne Grudem, common grace is the grace of God by which he gives people innumerable blessings that:

Are not part of salvation

According to Bruce Shelley, during the Age of Reason, Ben Franklin believed that questions about dogma seemed unimportant and hardly worth fretting about. What was immensely more important was:


According to Bruce Shelley, Augustine was the most influenced unto salvation by:

Bishop Ambrose of Milan

According to Bruce Shelley, Thomas Aquinas argued that:

Both philosophy and theology come from the same God.

According to Bruce Shelley, the Jesuits of the seventeeth century made many allowances for sinful human nature through forgiveness without contrition. Critics of this view called it:

Cheap grace

According to Bruce Shelley, one of the main causes of Christian suffering was because the Romans accused the Christians of being atheists.


According to Wayne Grudem, God's freedom is that attribute of God whereby He:

Does whatever He pleases

According to Bruce Shelley, the Christian church that focuses the most on its holy images known as icons is:

Eastern Orthodox

According the Bruce Shelley, in the late 1700s and into the early 1800s William Wilberforce was extremely instrumental in:

Emancipating African slaves in England.

According to Wayne Grudem, under the doctrine of conversion what two things must come together for salvation?

Faith and repentance

According to Bruce Shelley, Martin Luther and John Calvin didn't see eye-to-eye on the four central Protestant beliefs.


According to Bruce Shelley, in 1870 the first Vatican Council declared that the Pope had full authority but could still be fallible in his judgements and pronouncements.


According to Bruce Shelley, in the 1600's of New England, the denominational theory of the church insisted that the true church should be identified without single ecclesiastical structure.


According to Bruce Shelley, the Czech reformer John Hus was eventually burned at the stake for his assertion that the Pope was the head of the church and not Christ.


According to Bruce Shelley, the English Methodists always remained closely aligned with the Anglican Church.


According to Bruce Shelley, the God of the deists has sometimes been called the candlemaker God.


According to Bruce Shelley, the Oxford Movement in the early 1800s had to do with the need for the Church of England to recognize that its authority actually came from the state.


According to Bruce Shelley, the Society of Jesus was founded by Ignatius Loyola and approved by Pope Paul III in 1540 was also known as the Franciscan Order.


According to Wayne Grudem, Christ's sufferings for us is sometimes referred to as his "active obedience."


According to Wayne Grudem, generally speaking an ordinance of the church is seen by most Protestants as actually conferring saving grace to the participant.


According to Wayne Grudem, one of the lesser known metaphors that describes the church is the lampstand where we are the oil and Christ is the light.


According to Wayne Grudem, the first element of the ordo salutis is Regeneration (being born again).


According to Wayne Grudem, under the aspects of conversion true saving faith for an individual includes knowledge of who Christ is, personal approval (acceptance) of that knowledge, and personal election by God.


According to Wayne Grudem, with respect to the virgin birth of Christ the work of the Holy Spirit in Mary did not necessarily prevent transmission of sin from Joseph.


According to Wayne Grudem, concurrence means that God does not cooperate with created things in every action, directing their distinctive properties to cause them to act as they do.

False - "God cooperates with created things in every action, directing their distinctive properties to cause them to act as they do"

According to Wayne Grudem, God's jealousy means that God can become arbitrarily angry over various things that He does not tolerate.

False - "God's jealousy means that God continually seeks to protect His own honor"

According to Bruce Shelley, the Spanish inquisition was able to bring about the "amputation" of heretics from the church and it ultimately brought about "healing" within the church.

False - "it could amputate, but it could not heal"

According to Wayne Grudem, unanswered prayer is often a result of unfaithfulness on the part of the one who prays.

False - "sometimes God keeps hidden His own wise plans for the future and because sometimes we do not know how to pray"

According to Bruce Shelley, the Gnostics generally believe that the physical world surpasses the spiritual world in its design, form, and beauty.

False - "there were spiritual things that were regarded as inherently pure, while they regarded material things as intrinsically evil"

According to Bruce Shelley, one particular devoted monk, Benedict of Nursia, suggested that idleness was good for the soul and therefore the brethren should have fixed times of rest and contemplation.

False - he believed that idleness was "hostile" to the soul

According to Wayne Grudem, doctrines covered in a typical course in systematic theology would include the study of man, sin, and reincarnation.

False - reincarnation has to do with Hinduism

According to Bruce Shelley, the city that rivaled Rome with the development of the early church under Constantine was Antioch in the west where Christianity first took root.

False - the "political center of gravity" shifted to Constantinople

According to Wayne Grudem, the incommunicable attributes of God are those attributes that God shares with us.

False - the incommunicable attributes of God are what God "does not share or 'communicate' with others"

According to Bruce Shelley, the main theme of Jesus' teaching was that God hates sin but loves sinners.

False - the main theme of Jesus' teaching was the kingdom of God

According to Bruce Shelley, it is under "the Diocletian Persecution" that for no known reason the old emperor ordered the destruction of synagogues and the wholesale murder of Jews.

False - the persecution had nothing to do with the Jews

According to Wayne Grudem, for humanity to be a trichotomy in nature, man would consist of two parts: soul and body.

False - the trichotomy refers to body, soul and spirit

According to Bruce Shelley, the "new masters of Europe" were known as barbarians because during early contact with the Romans they didn't speak Hebrew or Latin.

False - they spoke GREEK and Latin

According to Bruce Shelley, the three sins that were forgivable by God and the church included: sexual immorality, murder, and the denial of the faith (apostasy).

False - they were forgivable by God, but not the church

According to Bruce Shelley, the first Protestants to attempt to reach distant peoples with the gospel were the Pietists.


According to Wayne Grudem, what is the most accurate way of describing the trinity.

God is one in essence and three in person.

According to Bruce Shelley, the Puritans came to think of themselves covenantally as:

God's new Israel

According to Bruce Shelley, the Hellenistic Jews were mainly influenced by the culture of the:


According to Wayne Grudem, which statement has nothing to do with God's providence. God is continually involved with all created things in such a way that:

He forces individuals to act against their wills.

According to Wayne Grudem, there are at least ten pieces of evidence in the New Testament showing that Jesus had a physical body after the resurrection. Which of the following is not considered evidence for Jesus' physical body after the resurrection:

He walked on the water

According to Bruce Shelley, according to the Roman historical Tacitus, the Germans were notoriously,

Heavy drinkers and gamblers

According to Bruce Shelley, the main purpose and intent of the Crusades was to thwart the ever dominant and fanatical expansion of Islam to the west.


According to Wayne Grudem, in the practice of communion which view the elements best represents the Lutheran view:

In, with, and under

According to Bruce Shelley, in 330 AD Constantine inaugurated his new city, Constantinople, as the new capital for Christianity. This city is now known today as:


According to Bruce Shelley, one of the earliest reformers who was intent on having the Latin Bible translated into the English language was:

John Wyclif

According to Bruce Shelley, through a movement during the 1700's in England, what became later known as the Methodist movement was founded by:

John and Charles Wesley

According to Wayne Grudem, specific aspects of our likeness to God include:

Moral, spiritual, and mental aspects

According to Wayne Grudem, Amillenialism has to do with:

Only one resurrection

According to Wayne Grudem, the Latin phrase ordo salutis simply means:

Order of salvation

According to Wayne Grudem, the main reasons why Jesus had to be fully man if He was going to be the Messiah and earn our salvation are that He was:

Our representative and our substitute

According to Bruce Shelley, with regard to Peter and Paul it is likely that:

Peter was crucified with his head down and Paul was beheaded.

According to Wayne Grudem, under the category of providence we have three subtopics which include:

Preservation, concurrence, and government

According to Bruce Shelley, the word Anabaptist means:


According to Wayne Grudem, Christ's propitiation has to do with:

Removing the wrath of God from us that we deserved

According to Wayne Grudem, a pretribulational view means:

That Christ will return before the great tribulation.

According to Wayne Grudem, justification has to do with legal declaration by God that declares:

That even though we are guilty sinners, we are nonetheless righteous in his sight.

According to Wayne Grudem, the clarity of Scripture means:

That with God's help the Bible is able to be understood by all who will read it.

According to Bruce Shelley, the nature of the trinity for the early church had to do with the meaning of homo ousion, "one substance," that in Jesus was seen as "True God of true God, begotten not made, of one substance with the Father."


According to Wayne Grudem, with respect to life after death which statement is true?

The Bible does not teach the doctrine of soul sleep.

According to Bruce Shelley, the Essenes were the ones who were responsible for creating the:

The Dead Sea Scrolls

According to Bruce Shelley, the American Revolution of the 1770s inspired other radicals in Europe which eventually brought about:

The French Revolution

According to Wayne Grudem, the Greek word graphe when used in the New Testament always refers to:

The Old Testament

According to Bruce Shelley, with regard to the importance of both testaments of the Bible:

The Old Testament promised; the New Testament fulfilled.

According to Bruce Shelley, historical teaching of the Roman Catholic Church was that Jesus established the papacy:

The apostle Peter in Rome.

According to Bruce Shelley, the word Catholic refers to the universal and orthodox natures of the early church.


According to Bruce Shelley, the Great Awakening in the early days of America had to do with:

The crucial development of Christianity in America with the first in a long history of revivals.

According to Wayne Grudem, the sins of Christ's return include all of the following except:

The fulfillment of Elijah's return

According to Wayne Grudem, the word paedobaptism means:

The practice of baptizing infants.

According to Bruce Shelley, the word canon from the Greek language originally meant measuring rod or a ruler.


According to Wayne Grudem, glorification is the final step in the application of redemption.


According to Wayne Grudem, according to the ordo salutis the nature of the Effectual Call of the Gospel is such that:

Those whom he predestined he also called

According to Bruce Shelley, Augustine argued extensively with Pelagius because Pelagius denied that human sin is inherited from Adam.


According to Bruce Shelley, as Christian missionaries pioneered the new world one of the early dilemmas they faced was whether the natives should be won to the holy faith by love or by force.


According to Bruce Shelley, in 1409 there was a moment in time when the Roman Catholic Church had not two, but three claimants to the papacy (chair of Peter).


According to Bruce Shelley, in 1521 Pope Leo X declared that Martin Luther was a heretic and worthy of excommunication (exclusion from the Eucharist) because of his views on justification by faith alone.


According to Bruce Shelley, in the 1700's Count von Zinzendorf sang of the soul's relation to Christ in vivid almost erotic images.


According to Bruce Shelley, throughout the three sessions of the council of Trent from 1545-1563, everything the Protestant Reformation stood for was:

Vigorously and "violently" received

According to Wayne Grudem, because God is infinite and we are finite or limited,

We can never fully understand God.

According to Wayne Grudem, all those who are truly born again:

Will by God's power most certainly preserve to the end.

According to Wayne Grudem, the three major purposes of the church include:

Worship, nurture, and evangelism

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