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Which of the following groups were considered nonwhite racial groups?

-Jews -Finns -Italians

A misconception about hormones in society is that

-Sex-specific hormones cause particular behaviors -They are important only for sexual functioning -Certain hormones are linked solely to a specific sex

Anthropologists reject the idea that same-sex sexuality is a fixed and exclusive condition because

-Sexuality is variable throughout a lifetime -Of the research of Dr. Alfred Kinsey -Of cross-cultural research on sexual practices

To understand aggression in society, we have to understand which of the following factor(s)?

-The availability of weapons -The role of the state in promoting conflicts -Cultural attitudes toward violence

Which issue(s) would you focus on if you wanted to understand changing ideas about masculinity in the United States?

-The expectations of men in their workplaces -The relationships between working mothers and their families -The relationships between men and their children

Sexual dimorphism refers to

-how men and women have a different sexual forms -The differences of hormones in men's and women's bodies -The difference in chromosomal structures for men and women

If you wanted to study ethnographically how LGBTQ identities are being normalized on your campus, you would likely be sensitive to

-how people make meaning of these identities and differentiate them -Any ethical quandaries that emerge in the course of your research -How social differences intersect with these identities

Anthropologist Don Kulick did ethnographic research among the travestis and believes he was accepted into their group because he was

-not fluent in Portuguese -European -a gay man

3 key concerns shaped the foundation of professional anthropology in the 1850s:

1) Disruptions caused by industrialization in Europe and America 2) The rise of evolutionary theories 3) The spread of European colonialism

When did anthropology emerge as an academic discipline?


Anthropologists generally approved of feminist activism against FGM in the Sudan because:


Anthropologists hope to encounter a wide range of significant social phenomena through:


Before entering the field site to conduct research, most anthropologists:


Cultural relativism is at times challenged by the concept of:


If Jakob Grimm, who developed what has come to be known as Grimm's law, were analyzing the historical relationships among the so-called dialects of Chinese (such as Cantonese and Mandarin), what data would he be looking for in his linguistic fieldwork?


If a hijra is not properly paid for performing a wedding ceremony, she may:


In cases where specific "athletic" genes may be identified, genetic factors may still not be the most important in determining success. This is because:


Like hijras, s?dhins function in an additional gender role. When a female becomes a s?dhin, she:


The "outsider" status of an ethnographer:


The author argues for an activist interpretation of anthropology's "do no harm" ethic. In her view:


The key identifying characteristic of hijras is their:


When language speakers use slang or metaphor, they are engaging in which concept suggested by French linguist Ferdinand de Saussure?


Which of the following features are characteristic of language?


Which of the following is a feature of language?


Within orthodox Hinduism, hijras are generally regarded as:


The difference between a survey and a structured interview is: a.survey questions are asked as written; in a structured interview they are not b.survey questions are closed-ended; Structured interviews are not c. the goal of using survey questions is typically to produce quantitative data, while for structured interviews it is to produce qualitative data

All of the above

Koko and Washo were two primates who had learned

American sign language

Who was responsible for the theory of functionalism?

Bronislaw Malinowski

The thinker who developed evolutionary theory in the nineteenth century was

Charles Darwin

When Americans recognize that people are born into a particular social position due to the economic situations of their families, they are recognizing the existence of


All societies differentiate between male and female, but one way Americans are unique in how we do it is that we link gender to


The nineteenth-century British anthropologist who is credited with the development of the concept of culture through an evolutionary perspective where the most evolved societies resembled the British societies in which he lived was

E.B. Tylor

Who was responsible for the theory of social evolution?

E.B. Tylor

What social distinction classifies people according to descent?


If you wanted to study patterns of kin relations in a community, which method would you use?

Genealogical method

What process involves shifting from an agricultural economy to a factory-based one?


Mary Douglas compared food's structure in society with _______________ and a formal dinner with a _______________

Language, sentence

Talking about sports as a battlefield is an example of


A preformed, usually unfavorable, opinion about people who are different is


The theorist most connected with post-structuralism is

Renato Rosaldo

Hijras interest anthropologists mainly because they are

a reflection of a gender/sex system that sees meaning in combining male and female

Which project would be best suited to parachute ethnography?

a study of community response to a disaster

The idea that Ongee ancestors make tidal waves and earthquakes would be understood by an interpretive anthropologist as

a way of explaining how the world works

A cross-cultural perspective on eating insect larvae would reveal

all of the above

A social consequence of introducing coffee into the highlands of Papua New Guinea was that

all of the above

An anthropologist might consider doing "anthropology at a distance" because

all of the above

Anthropologists study food holistically, which means that they focus on

all of the above

During fieldwork cultural anthropologists

all of the above

Eating practices mark

all of the above

Edward Sapir, who had been a student of Franz Boas's, saw himself as both a cultural anthropologist and a professionally trained linguist. He urged cultural anthropologists to pay close attention to language during field research because

all of the above

Examples of social institutions are

all of the above

Fieldwork involves

all of the above

Foodways are dynamic because

all of the above

Increasingly, professional anthropologists are

all of the above

The Canadian government helps preserve the use of French by requiring all official documents to be written in both English and French. The provincial government of the Canadian province of Quebec has implemented further regulations that require that signs have French letters larger than English letters. Why is the size of letters important?

all of the above

The comparative method

all of the above

What is the type of information written in field notes?

all of the above

What kind of data do anthropologists gather from doing interviews?

all of the above

When anthropologists go into the field

all of the above

Which of the following is a contributing factor to the development of creoles, pidgins, and other hybrid forms of language?

all of the above

All biological approaches to race are problematic because

all of the above -The sampling is too specific and focuses only on visible traits -They rarely describe an actual individual or characterize whole groups of people -One trait tends to be representative of other characteristics like intelligence and personal character

An ethical approach to anthropological research would emphasize

all of the above -a commitment to doing no harm -the rejection of clandestine research -responsibilities toward the host country and the people you are studying

Cultural determinism is unproductive for cultural analysis because

all of the above -it denies the influence of factors like physical environment and biology on humans -it can justify atrocities -it explains all human action as the product of culture alone

In which of the following locations would you find an anthropologist doing fieldwork?

all of the above.

The application of the comparative method in his research in Papua New Guinea led coauthor Robert Welsch to focus on

all of the above.

The subfield of anthropology that studies human evolution, including human genetics and human nutrition, is called

biological anthropology

A quantitative approach to studying the archaeological past would be most interested in

building and testing hypotheses by collecting, classifying, and measuring the remains of past cultures

Cultural anthropologists do research by

building trusting relationships with people over a long period of time

Sex-assignment surgery is important because it a. improves the biological functions of intersexed people b. shows that "sex" is a biological phenomenon c. shows that "sex" is constructed upon cultural assumptions d. is performed only on girls

c. shows that "sex" is constructed upon cultural assumptions

Animal call systems

can only communicate in response to real-world stimuli

A key difference between caste and social class is

caste divides people in terms of moral purity, class in socioeconomic terms

When Kay Warren presented her anthropological research, a group of Maya intellectuals, activists, and political leaders

challenged her right to study the Maya culture as a foreign anthropologist

Words that came from the same ancestral language and originated from the same word are called

cognate words

Multisited ethnography is an example of which method?

comparative method

A number of societies have the notion that men are __________ and women are _________.

created; born

The subfield of anthropology that studies human diversity, beliefs, and practice is called


The moral and intellectual principle that one should withhold judgment about seemingly strange or exotic beliefs and practices is

cultural relativism

Ethical issues facing ethnographers include all of the following except a. ensuring informant confidentiality b. protecting informants' blood samples and other biological information c. controlling and protecting access to field notes d. being open about their research e. all of the above

d. being open about their research

The key scenario differs from other kinds of symbols because it a. helps us talk about difficult emotions b. synthesizes everything important to society in a single symbol c. implies how people should act d. explains complex relationships in a single symbol

d. explains complex relationships in a single symbol

What is the main implication of Don Kulick's story about "coming out in the field" for other anthropologists who do not necessarily study in a gay community?

developing rapport sometimes relies on sharing a lot in common with your subjects

Negative or unfair treatment of a person because of his or her group membership or identity is


Anthropologist Sidney Mintz observes that most people around the world usually

eat a common patterned diet of core-legume-fringe foods

For pastoral groups such as the Dinka and the Nuer, the cow acts as which kind of symbol?

elaborating symbol

The process of learning culture from a very young age is called


Assuming your culture's way of doing things is the best is


The study of how people classify things in the world is called


A major problem with the approach to race that defines race as reproductively isolated breeding populations is that

every breeding population qualifies as a race

Diversity defined anthropologically is

focuses on multiplicity and variety

Which term refers to expressions of sex and gender that diverge from the male and female norms which dominate in most societies?

gender variance

The success of Jamaican sprinters is better explained by _______________ than by a genetic-gift hypothesis.


Which of the following is a dilemma facing an ethnographer of transgender people in the United States?

how one's research or advocacy can reinforce social inequalities and suffering

The "one drop rule" enlarged the slave population by

including the mixed-race children of slaveholders in the enslaved population

The defining feature of historical particularism is

individual societies develop particular cultural traits and undergo a unique process of change

The people anthropologists gather data from are called


Because our values and beliefs include many elements of life such as clothes, food, and language means that culture is


Which term refers to the knowledge about other people that emerges from relationships?


Why did Liberian rebel soldiers cross-dress during the civil war in the 1990s?

it distinguished them from the government's soldiers

Why was meat eating important for human evolution?

it provides high-quality protein for human brain development

Anthropologists are interested in a situation like the way the new heart drug BiDil was created and approved because

it shows how cultural, political, and economic processes can work together to promote the idea that race is biologically based

The US government's prohibition of Native American children speaking their indigenous languages in Indian schools has contributed most profoundly to

language death

The use of mock Spanish reinforces a common impression that Hispanic people are socially inferior. This is an example of the power of which of the following?

language ideology

Which method is important for understanding past social institutions and how they change?

life histories

The subfield of anthropology that studies language use is called

linguistic anthropology

"Going native" refers to a process whereby the anthropologist

loses the ability to be an engaged observer

If you studied sex workers in your city as Philippe Bourgois studied crack dealers in New York City, you might find that

maintaining confidentiality is an ongoing challenge

If you studied speech patterns such as those analyzed in Robin Lakoff's study of gendered speech, you might find that "talking like a lady"

marginalize women voice in work context

"Owning" culture

means controlling symbols that give meaning

How words fit together to make meaningful units is called


The process by which inheritable traits are passed along to offspring because they are better suited to the environment is

natural selection

Sherry Ortner, a feminist anthropologist, observed that the roots of female subordination lay in the distinction all societies make between

nature and culture

If you wanted to study ongoing racialization processes in the United States, you would most likely focus on

new patterns in which people are dropping ethnic identification in favor of whiteness

The human diet is


When anthropologists study the way people use language in real settings rather than as a set of grammatical rules, they are focusing on


Norms are stable because

people learn them when they are young

The structuralist approach to culture theorizes what?

people make sense of the world through binary oppositions ie. raw/cooked

_____________ refers to the structure of speech sounds


Linguists refer to mixed languages with a simplified grammar that people rarely learn as a mother tongue as

pidgin language

If you were conducting a symbolic analysis of TV programs and wanted to identify a key scenario such as the Horatio Alger myth, which of the following would you focus on?

plots that are repeated in many of the programs that American viewers interpret as commonplace social experiment

The idea that embraces dynamic cultural processes and the idea that the observer of cultural processes can never see culture completely objectively represent


Western colonial powers understood the different customs and cultures of the people they colonized as

proof of their primitive nature

An important ethical concern for anthropologists is to

protect their informants

Techniques that classify features of a phenomenon and count, measure, and construct statistical models are collecting and analyzing

quantitative data

The social, economic, and political processes of transforming populations into races and creating racial meanings is called


What is an important factor in making race real?


If you were a linguistic anthropologist interested in language change in smaller American cities, building on William Labov's studies from the 1980s, what method would you use?

record how younger people, middle-aged people, and senior citizens pronounce ordinary American words

Which of the following groups of people were instrumental in the development of categorizing humans into distinct races?


Anthropologists overcome ethnocentrism by

seeing matters from the point of view of another culture

Indiana University biologist Dr. Alfred Kinsey conducted a series of sexuality studies during the 1940s and found that

sexuality exists on a continuum

A stoplight is a visual example of which of the following?


In Latin America, "blackness" and "whiteness" are based on

social behaviors

People everywhere establish their gender/sex identities, including normative categories like "man" or "woman," through

social performances

According to anthropologist Sherry Ortner's analysis, the American flag is an example of

stands for 'the American way,' a conglomerate of ideas and feelings including democracy, hard work, national superiority, freedom etc... stands for all of them at once

If you wanted to have consistent responses, what kind of interview would you use?

survey interview

A relativistic perspective on the meanings of Coca-Cola in Tzotzil Maya communities in Chiapas, Mexico, would emphasize

that those meanings are only sensible within a culturally specific set of ideas about religion and spirituality

What prompted intellectuals to start systematically explaining the differences among people?

the Industrial Revolution

Even though anthropologists use parts of the scientific method, some don't see what they do as science because

the complexity of social behavior prevents any completely objective analysis of human culture

Cross-dressing rebel soldiers in Liberia is an excellent illustration of what?

the fact that gender identities are rooted in local concepts and practices

The controversy between Native Americans and National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) schools using mascots illustrates

the power of tradition

A biocultural perspective on gender variance would emphasize all of the following except

the relative allocation of sex-specific hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, that influence whether a person is male or female

An evolutionary perspective would be most likely to explain colonialism as

the superior natural abilities of one group of people allowing them to control an inferior group of people

A key element of the scientific method, which both explains things and guides research, is


The most important thing about "the invisible knapsack" idea is that

these privileges exist whether or not the person carries racial supremacist ideas

French existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoir argued in her book The Second Sex that

throughout history women have been treated as inferior

Why would English colonial leaders portray Africans as uncivilized heathens?

to justify African slavery

Using life history interviews, researchers are able to

understand how a person's age affects his or her role in the community

A word that best describes participant observation is


How would a critical relativist explain Native American criticisms of cultural appropriation?

while it is important to understand Native American claims from their point of view, it doesn't mean we should accept them as the only way to view the issue

Which of the following explanations of whiteness would be least likely to come from an anthropologist who studies population dynamics?

whiteness is created through social processes that naturalize race

A key finding of anthropologist Matthew Gutmann's fieldwork on masculinity in Mexico is that

women challenge men's domination over them by arguing and issuing ultimatums

Does race have biological consequences?

yes, because of racism

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