Christian Faith and Living Unit 7

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Select the five activities of the antichrist against God and His saints. a. sits in the temple of God b. shows himself as God c. destroys the city of the Most High d. speaks great words against the Most High e. establishes his high priest in the temple of God f. makes war with the saints of the Most High g. thinks to change times and laws or opposes or exalts himself against God e. declares the temple of God as his own

a b d f g

Select five ways Daniel sought the Lord when he learned of the seventy-year desolation of Jerusalem. a. prayer b. supplications c. repentance d. fasting e. sackcloth f. study of the Word g. ashes

a b d e g

Check five terms applied to the wise men of the Babylonian kingdom. a. magicians b. astrologers c. wizards d. sorcerers e. Babylonians f. Chaldeans g. soothsayers h. chandlers

a b d f g

Select the four mighty monarchs to whom Daniel ministered in his lifetime. a. Nebuchadnezzar b. Belshazzar c. Meshach d. Belteshazzar e. Darius f. Shadrach g. Cyrus h. Sirius i. Abednego

a b e g

Select the three periods of weeks into which the seventy sevens are divided. a. one b. two c. seven d. sixty-two e. fourteen f. forty-eight g. six

a c d

Select the name of the five kings of Persia mentioned in this section. a. Cyrus b. Ahasuerus c. Cambyses d. Belshazzar e. Smerdis f. Darius Hystaspis g. Xerxes h. Alexander

a c e f g

The book of Daniel is written in both _____ and _____, and in the Hebrew Bible, it is included among the Writings. a. Hebrew b. Greek c. English d. Aramaic e. Latin

a d

Select the three powerful prophets of God in Judah in Daniel's younger years. a. Jeremiah b. Elijah c. Amos d. Habakkuk e. Zephaniah f. Isaiah

a d e

From Daniel 1:4 select four requirements of Nebuchadnezzar concerning the young men who were to be trained for his service. a. no blemish b. of great stature c. skillful in arts d. cunning in knowledge e. high report with people f. well-favored g. skillful in all wisdom

a d f g

Occult practices were considered _____ in the Lord's eyes, according to Deuteronomy chapter 18. 1: abominable 2: interesting 3: an option


When the king saw God's preservation of the three Hebrew young men, he _____ the true God. 1: blessed 2: rejoiced in 3: forgot


Daniel's _____ was involved in the operation of God's gifts in his life. 1: administrative ability 2: faith 3: talent


Moses and _____ showed the superior power of God to the Egyptians. 1: Jethro 2: Aaron 3: Jephthah 4: Daniel


The heathen hierarchy saw a fourth form walking in the fire, like _____. 1: a demon 2: the others 3: the Son of God


The king promoted Daniel over all the wise men in the whole province of Babylon and made him chief of the: 1: rulers 2: magicians 3: astrologers 4: eunuchs 5: governors


The colossal statue erected by Nebuchadnezzar was _____ cubits high and _____ wide.

60 6

Thy kingdom is divided


The city of _____ or Susa was the chief capital of the Persian Empire.


In the vision, Daniel saw himself in the palace of _____ by the river _____ by the river _____.

Shushan Ulai Elam

wisest king of Israel


In the great battle occurring at the end of the age as depicted in Daniel 11:39-43, the king of _____ will come against _____.

South antichrist

Thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting


In present Hebrew Bibles the book of Daniel is included among the:


Check the three rewards promised to Daniel for delivering the interpretation of the handwriting on the wall: a. scarlet clothing b. a chain of gold about his neck c. marriage to the king's daughter d. third ruler of the kingdom e. riches

a b d

The content of the vision and the circumstances surrounding the giving of it were so powerful that Daniel was _____ for several days.


The period during which the Jews were persecuted was described by Gabriel as the:


the third beast


In what year of Belshazzar's reign did Daniel's second vision of the ram and he-goat come?


a term used to represent God the Father

Ancient of Days

Check four things that were changed with the specific purpose to influence the Hebrew boys to accept heathen gods and to obliterate their relationship to their heritage and to their God: a. location b. names c. language d. relationships e. learning f. diet g. habits

b c e f

Select six different qualities or abilities found in Daniel, as described by the queen to Belshazzar: a. humble b. light c. understanding d. friendly e. wisdom f. excellent spirit g. knowledge h. magician i. interpreting of dreams j. Statesman

b c e f g i

After reading about the seventy years, Daniel asked the Lord to _____, _____, hearken, and _____ that which he requested. a. understand b. hear c. protect d. forgive e. do f. start

b d e

the second beast


Daniel held important positions of influence in the _____ empire and the _____ and _____ empires. a. Arabian b. Assyrian c. Babylonian d. Median e. Persian f. Mesopotamian

c d e

Prophets received instruction from the Lord through _____ and _____. a. meditation b. trances c. dreams d. writings e. visions

c e

The purpose of the last verse of the book of Daniel was to give _____ and _____ to Daniel. a. instruction b. admonition c. warning d. assurance e. comfort

d e

a leading astray morally


According to 1 Corinthians, Chapter 10, the heathen Gentile nations sacrificed their food to _____.


The ram in the vision did not push _____.


Daniel complained bitterly because he was taken captive. T/F


Daniel delighted in giving Nebuchadnezzar God's judgment. T/F


Daniel had this vision revealed in the first year of Cyrus. T/F


Daniel was wide awake when this vision came to him. T/F


Extension of dominion was given to the beasts. T/F


No imagery nor symbolism was in the visions of Daniel T/F


Only one accepted interpretation of Daniel's vision in Chapter 9 is valid. T/F


The antichrist is referred to in every interpretation of this prophecy. T/F


The final termination of the seventy sevens is clearly stated. T/F


The fourth beast looked like a particular animal. T/F


The fourth king of Daniel's vision became weak through his wealth. T/F


The prince of Persia withstood Gabriel in spiritual battle for fourteen days. T/F


The vision of the four beasts came to Daniel in the second year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign. T/F


The vision of the kings was given to Daniel in the fifth year of Darius T/F


Balatsu-usur is the Babylonian _____ after whom Daniel was named.


the fourth beast

had ten horns

According to Daniel 6:4, ". . . they [the presidents and princes] could find none _____ nor fault [against Daniel]; forasmuch as he was _____

occasion faithful

The Temple at Jerusalem was desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanes when he sacrificed a _____ on the altar.


Daniel was told to _____ the prophetic vision because it was for a long time in the future.


the first beast

winged lion

The "mighty king" has clear reference to _____. 1: Jesus Christ 2: Alexander the Great 3: Julius Caesar 4: Nebuchadnezzar


master or prince of Nebuchadnezzar's eunuchs


The Hebrew name _____ means "Jehovah is keeper."


The four Hebrew children were probably versed in all the wisdom of ____ , as Moses was learned in all the wisdom of _____.

Babylon Egypt

Daniel's vision came in the first year of his reign


could not read the handwriting on the wall


Daniel's name in Babylon


another name for Babylonians


God is judge


The Hebrew name _____ means "God is judge."


had understanding in all visions and dreams


plain in which the image was set up in Babylon


The Grecian Empire was divided into four kingdoms: ______ under Ptolemy, _____ under Seleucus, _____ under Cassander, and _____ under Lysimachus.

Egypt Syria Macedonia Asia Minor

The Lord commanded the angel _____ to reveal to Daniel the interpretation of the vision.


The Hebrew name _____ means "Jehovah is gracious."


Daniel may have been a descendant of a godly king who was of the lineage of King David. Who was this king?


prophet who delivered God's Word to King Hezekiah


The Lord mentions the righteousness of Daniel with that of Noah and:


interpreted dreams of the Egyptian Pharaoh


Daniel compares with two other godly men who influenced the heathen empires in which they lived: _____ , who was sold into slavery in Egypt; and _____ , who led the Hebrews out of slavery there.

Joseph Moses

As a young boy, Daniel probably saw the righteous reforms of a godly ruler of Judah. Who was this king?


Two of the most important Babylonian gods were Nebo and:


subordinate whom Ashpenaz set over Daniel


God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it


Daniel chapter 12, revealed that at the time of the antichrist, _____ the archangel will protect God's people, delivering only those whose names are written in the Lamb's ______ those who are committed through faith to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Michael Book of Life

The Hebrew name _____ means "Who is what God is."


refused to bow to the golden image


showed God's power to the Egyptian magicians


called Daniel master of the magicians


had a dream like Daniel's vision in some respects


mighty monarch of the Babylonian Empire


Some scholars see a double reference in Daniel 11:21 to Antiochus Epiphanes, the great persecutor of the Jewish people and the _____.


Daniel was _____ and his thoughts were _____ when he learned the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's second dream.

astonished troubled

Nebuchadnezzar found Daniel and his three friends ten times better than all the king's magicians and _____.


Daniel himself should be regarded primarily as a _____ , who also had the gift of _____.

statesman prophecy

Alexander the Great's kingdom, after his death, was eventually divided up four ways. T/F


Daniel offered a creative alternative to avoid disobeying God. T/F


Daniel prayed three times a day toward Jerusalem consistently. T/F


Daniel's prayers were filled with praise and thanksgiving. T/F


Darius signed a petition to prevent people from petitioning the true God for thirty days. T/F


Gabriel helped Michael in the overthrow of Babylon. T/F


King Darius fasted all night when Daniel was in the lions den. T/F


The Babylonian Captivity lasted for seventy years. T/F


The book of Daniel can be considered an apocalyptic writing. T/F


The despised one profanes the sanctuary. T/F


The king of the North and the king of the South go against the mighty king. T/F


The leopard or panther had four wings and four heads. T/F


The prophecy in this passage is centered around God's people. T/F


The rebuilding of Jerusalem may be discussed in the prophecy. T/F


The vision was sent through Gabriel in answer to Daniel's prayer. T/F


The Lord answered Daniel's prayers and those of his companions by showing him the dream and interpretation in a night _____.


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