Christianity Test

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What are two sacraments that most Christians celebrate?

Baptism and Communion


Christians hold that there are Three Persons in the one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This doctrine of the Holy Trinity is central to Christian faith.

:List two ways in which Christians use the Bible in their lives.

Christians use the bible as both part of their prayer life and as part of family devotion.

How did rationalism and empiricism affect Christianity during the modern period?

Rationalists stressed the power of human reason and empiricists taught that reality is perceivable only in the five senses. It helped create missionary efforts.

Give examples of two different ways Christians have interpreted the Great Commandment.

Some Christians believe that to love and follow God, they have to destory those who do not share the same beliefs. Others have interpreted loving God as loving what God created, including imperfect human beings. A more strict interpretation some have of loving God is h abstaining from alcohol, dancing, or card playing.

Why did the early Christians change their Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday

Sunday is associated with the resurrection of Jesus, so they celebrated it as "Little Easter"

According to the Apostles' Creed, what do Christians believe about God?

That God is the father almighty and creator of heaven and earth.

How is the Christian calendar different from the civil calendar?

The Catholic Christian calendar begins with the first Sunday of Advent which is four Sundays before Christmas.

Briefly trace the events that led to the division between the Church in the East and the Church in the West.

The East churches believed that respect should be given to the bishop of Rome, but they disagreed that the bishop of Rome should have primacy over them. The east used leavened bread and the west used unleavened bread. The east would ordain married men in the east. There were also differences in Lenten observances. There were also arguments over the Nicene Creed. this all led to the Great Schism.

Name two important Christian doctrines that were defined at the Church councils between the fourth and fifth centuries.

The doctrine of the Trinity, the Nicene Creed, and that Mary was indeed the human mother of Jesus as well as the mother of God.

Who was Benedict?

The founder of Monte Cassino. He wrote a rule for his monks that became a foundation for monasticism throughout the centuries. It emphasized a balanced life of prayer, work and study. compiled eastern monastic writtings

Name the four literary genres represented in the New testament

The four literary genres: gospels, narrative history, letters, and apocalyptic book

Describe the various church architecture depicted in the photos on pages 116-117.

The pictures show a wide variety of different types of architecture. Some, like the mission church, show a simple structure. Others, like the cathedral, are ornate and may have a gothic style. It does not always show the denomination like the outside does.

Define ecumenism.

The responsibility of all Catholics to recover the gift of unity of all Christians and promote Christian unity.

What is sola scriptura?

The scripture alone. It was to limit the authority of the Catholic Church to what was in the Bible.


When one who turns away from wrongdoing and returns to God. There is no sin that God cannot forgive. Christians believe that those who truly follow Jesus and his way of living are saved.


sin is an offense against God, but thanks to Adam and Eve Original Sin is part of human condition however Original Sin can be washed away in Christian Baptism

What does it mean to say that the Catholic Church possesses the "fullness of the means of salvation"?".

the means of salvation are free divine gifts given to the Church through the Holy Spirit and include the fullness of faith, the fullness of the Seven Sacraments, and the fullness of the ordained ministry passed down from the Apostles.

What are the special events in the Christmas cycle?

Advent and some orthodox churches celebrate Christmas on January 7. 12 days after Christmas, tEphiany is celebrated.

What are the two understandings of inerrancy described in this section?

All Christians believe that there is no error in the Bible with regard to truths necessary to people's salvation. Some Protestants believe that the Bible is completely inerrant, or free from error. That the Bible is not only free from error in the areas of faith and morals but also in its history, geography, and science. They do not believe that God's words need to be interpreted.

what were the Intentions of apologetic writings?

Apologetic writings are tools for Christians to defend their faith.

Define fundamentalism, evangelism, and Pentecostalism.

Fundametlism means returning to what was understood as the basics or fundamentals. Evangelism emphasizes a personal faith in Jesus Christ and the Bible as an individual's sole religious authority. Pentecostalism emphasizes the gifts of Holy spirit as recoreded at the first Penecost in the Acts of the Apostles.

Explain the significance of the Emperor Constantine in the history of Christianity?

He proclaimed official toleration of all religions in his Edict of Milan. This included Christianity. He was baptized a Christian on his deathbed.

What was the role of Paul in the spread of Christianity?

He was originally a Pharisaic Jew who persecuted Christians, but after a conversion experience, he helped found Christian communities in Asia Minor and Greece.

Name some of the characteristics of prayer.

It is a two-way conversation between God and an individual. There can be signing, and a person can do it anytime/anywhere

Why is Pentecost significant to Christians?

It is the day that a number of Jews became followers of Jesus. It is known as the birthday of the Church.

How did Anglicanism begin?

It started when King Henry wanted to divorce Catherine and marry Anne Boleyn, so Henry started his own Church of England.


Jesus is both fully human and fully divine

What are the special events in the Easter cycle?

Lent leads up to Easter, there is HOly Saturday

What major doctrines and beliefs do most Protestants share?

Most hold that salvation is by faith alone, defer authority on matters of faith to what is written in the Bible, and accept just two sacraments, Baptism and Communion

Why are Protestant churches often less formally decorated that Catholic, orthodox, or Anglican churches?

Protestant churches tend to not have icons and the more ornate items found in an orthodox church. They usually only have a pulpit at the center of the sanctuary.

Why does the Catholic Church say that both Scripture and Tradition are sources of authority for Catholics? What is the difference between describing the relationship between the Church and the Bible as " the book of the Church" versus "the Church of the book" ?

The words of the bible need to be interpreted by the leaders of the Church. Followers must go beyond what was written to find the real meaning. The Catholic Church interprets Scripture not from the view of when it was written, but what it means to the community now and in the future. Multiple interpretations are allowed as long as they don't interfere with the Church's tradition.

Name and explain the significance of several sacred places in the Holy Land.

There are several places in the Holy Land where Jesus was born, where he grew up, and where he did his preaching and healing. In addition, the Jerusalem and areas surrounding it are holy spaces where Jesus preached and healed the sick. Inside the walls of Jerusalem, Jesus was tried as a criminal, and outside, he dies, was buried, resurrected and ascended into heaven.

What is the difference among the various Christian branches with regard to the understanding of the Word of God?

There is a wide range of its interpretation regarding the Word of God However, all Christians believe that the Bible reveals God's divine plan to human kind.

What do Christians believe about Jesus of Nazareth?

They believe that Jesus was the son of God, and he is the central figure of their faith. They believe that is Lord of all and has risen from the dead.

What is the ecumenical movement?

This movement brings about understanding among the various Christian groups.

Define Church.

gathering of people who proclaim Jesus as God.

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