CJ 213 - Review of Chapter 6

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Outpatient Drug-Free Programs

A nonresidential form of drug treatment that emphasizes the provision of a supportive highly structured, family-like atmosphere within which a patient can be helped to alter his or her personality and develop social relationships conducive to conforming behavior

Breaking the Cycle program

A program that seeks to identify offenders with substance abuse problems early in their system processing, assess the appropriate treatment needs of the offender, and establish an integrated set of interventions

Reciprocal Relationship

A relationship in which two behaviors being studied feed one another

Spurious Relationship

A relationship in which two occurrences have no casual connection yet it may be inferred that they do, due to a certain third factor that causes both behaviors being studied

Therapeutic Communities

A residential form of drug treatment that emphasizes the provision of a supportive, highly structured, family-like atmosphere within which a patient can be helped to alter their personality and develop social relationships conducive to conforming behavior

Just Say No

A school and media based program designed to encourage children to make a personal decision to refuse any offer to use illicit drugs in the face of peer influences

Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)

A school-based, police-taught program aimed at elementary students that attempts to reduce drug use by focusing on enhancing the social skills of the individual

National Survey on Drug Use and Health

A self-report survey on youthful drug use conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Monitoring the Future

A self-report survey, administered annually to high school seniors, college students, and young adults that include both serious and less serious offenses, such as robbery, aggravated assault, hitting teachers, use of weapons, group fighting, and drug usage

National Survey on Drug Use and Health

A survey of the prevalence, patterns, and consequences of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drug use and abuse if the general US civilian non-institutionalized population, age 12 and older


A treatment approach that attempts to remove an individual from an addiction by weaning him or her off drugs

Delinquency to Drugs

A variety of studies suggest that the dominant direction in the relationship is from DELINQUENCY TO DRUGS/ DRUGS TO DELINQUENCY

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Almost _____% of youths in custody report having tried alcohol compared to the ______% of youths in the general population


Collins, Hubbard, and Rachal point out that daily __________ users tend to commit substantially more property offenses than nonusers or weekly users

30 54

Fagan and Pabon note that _____% of school students report drug use in the past year, but ____% of high school students drop out who report drug use over the same time period

Individual and Group Counseling

Forms the cornerstone of outpatient drug-free programs

Drug Court

Specialized courts that attempt to help drug offenders stop using drugs by providing services and judicial supervision


Johnston conducted a longitudinal study of ________ high-school students and claimed that general delinquency predates most drug use

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Johnston, O'Malley, and Bachman point out that roughly ____-____% of students drop out and are not included in the senior survey each year

The National Institute on Drug Abuse

Offers 16 Principles of Effective Drug Prevention

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Roughly ______% of juveniles arrested for drug abuse were committed by juveniles under the age of _______


Simpson and Sells report lower drug use, lower criminal behavior, and improved employment status for clients after their end of treatment for up to _____ years


TRUE/FALSE: Detoxification programs prove to be effective after short-term follow-ups, but has not be adequately evaluated over long-term


TRUE/FALSE: Evaluations of maintenance programs generally report reduced drug usage and the commission of fewer crimes by patients when they are in the program


TRUE/FALSE: Mandatory sentences for drug use is the norm in most communities


TRUE/FALSE: Relatively few youths use drugs on a regular basis


TRUE/FALSE: The data shows that the use of illicit drugs i not rampant in society; however, any use of an illicit drug by juveniles is a problem


TRUE/FALSE: The data suggests that drug use is not the rampant problem portrayed by the media or assumed by the public


TRUE/FALSE: The failure of affective approaches to have an impact on drug use is the failure to include other elements along with building self-esteem


TRUE/FALSE: The use of more serious drugs has been relatively rare and has remained low throughout the years

Drug use causes delinquency

The Drug-Delinquency Relationship that focuses on high cost of drugs and the need for youths to commit property crimes in order to secure the funds needed to buy drugs

Delinquency causes drug use

The Drug-Delinquency Relationship that views drug use as a form of deviance and youths who associate with others who participate in drugs, will use drugs themselves

Levels Types

The MTF Project gathers information on a wide variety of behaviors, including ________ and _______ of drug use.


The MTF Project presents drug use information for different time frames, ranging from "ever" using a drug to "daily use" in the past ______ days

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The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reflect drug use among a sample of youths ages ____-____


The Survey of Youths in Residential Placement indicated that _____% of the youths said that they were in custody due to a drug offense


The ____ also asks students about the ease of availability of different drugs


The ______ surveys school students yet ignores the fact that many youths drop out of school


The average age of onset for drug use is OLDER/YOUNGER than the average age of onset for offending


The best-known drug prevention program

8th 61 55.5 41

The ease of availability are lowest for _____ grade respondents. The ease is ____% for alcohol, _____% for cigarettes, and ____% for marijuana


The fact that no consensus has emerged on the correct drug-delinquency relationship suggests that the more plausible explanation is that the relationship is ________

Multi-dimensional Family Therapy

The intent of the ______________ is to ensure that youths and their needs go unaddressed


The most common maintenance program involves the use of _________

Just Say No

The most direct and simplest prevention program

72 41

The most prevalently used substance (alcohol) has seen a significant decrease in use over the past 30 years - from _____% in 1980 to _____% in 2010


The primary source of information on drug use are ___________

Big Brothers/Big Sisters

The program that matches adult mentors with at-risk children in the community. The goal is to provide a positive role model and help build self-esteem

Psychopharmacological Effects Systemic Violence

The relationship view that drug use causes delinquency, says it can be caused by _______________ or _______________


The second most used substance (marijuana) has been approximately ______% since 1995


The typical response to drug use in the US is increased _______


The utilization of a drug

Multi-Dimensional Family Therapy

Therapy centered on the family, peers, and community influences around youths

Heroin Marijuana

There is a call to decriminalize the use of ______ and ______

Drug Courts Breaking the Cycle

Two examples of programs that use enforcement and treatment


Up to ____% of those entering drug treatment centers drop out before completing the program


Use and Abuse are considered to be ___________ by most authors when juveniles are considered

Group Counseling

Used to explore the reasons for drug use and to suggest alternative methods for dealing with factors that lead to substance abuse

Systemic Violence

Violence due to factors related to the sale and marketing of drugs


What is known about the impact of drug treatment programs comes mainly from the study of programs focusing primarily on JUVENILES/ADULTS

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___% of youths in custody report using marijuana compared to the ____% of youths in the general population

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____% of youths in custody admit to trying illegal drugs other than marijuana, compared to the ____% of youths in the general population


____% or more of 12th grade respondents claim that drugs are either very easy or fairly easy to obtain


________ programs rely heavily on individual and group counseling and the establishment of behavioral guidelines

Counseling Therapy

_________ and ________ appear in virtually all of the programs

Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana.

__________ is the most commonly used substance, followed by ________ and _________


_______programs target a wide range of drugs and can be found in many hospitals

Maintenance Programs

A drug treatment program that seeks to establish a state in which the individual does not experience withdrawal symptoms


Evaluation of therapeutic communities and residential treatment programs HAVE/HAVE NOT revealed success in reducing recidivism and drug use


Evaluations of knowledge/education approaches often suggest that the programs INCREASE/DECREASE drug use by participants


Experts are concerned that marijuana use has been rising in the last ____ years

Drug use causes delinquency Delinquency causes drug use Reciprocal Relationship Spurious Relationship

4 Possible Drug-Delinquency Relationships

Maintenance Detoxification Therapeutic/Residential Outpatient Multi-Dimensional Family Therapy

5 Treatment Programs

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Altschuler and Brounstein note that ____% of Washington DC, in-school respondents claim drug use in the past year, but _____% of out-of-school respondents make the same claim

Knowledge Approach

An approach to drug use prevention that entails providing youths with information on different types of drugs and possible legal consequences of using them

Affective Interventions

An approach to drug use prevention that focuses attention on the individual in order to build self-esteem, self-awareness, and feelings of self-worth


Any use of a drug by a juvenile beyond legally prescribed is considered to be _________

Resistance/Life Skills Training

Appears to be the most promising at reducing the level of drug use


Approximately __________ youths entered juvenile court for drug violations.


Argues that there is no difference between responsible use of alcohol and responsible use of illegal drugs

Less contaminated needles Reduce street crime Acceptance of society Reduce African-American arrest rates

Arguments for the legalization of drugs


Coerced treatment is MORE/LESS effective than voluntary participation

National Youth Survey

Collected data on delinquency, drug use, and demographic factors on a yearly basis from a representative sample of youths and allowed for the inspection of changes in behavior over time and the identification of the temporal order in the data


Because of _____, some addicts simply find it easier to give up drugs rather than suffer the more adverse side effects


Changes in the _____ and level of substance abuse typically precede significant changes in the level of other delinquent activity

Delinquent Behaviors

Drug use becomes a greater issue if it engender further _________. The degree to which drug use causes delinquency, however, has been the subject of much debate

Monitoring the Future

Drug use by juveniles has been measured on a yearly basis since the 1970s by the _________________


Drug use is greater when LONGER or SHORTER time frames are considered

Life Skills Training

Educational programs that include basic personal and social skills development as well as specific resistance skills aimed directly at substance abuse issues


Group sessions called "_______" often involve attention on one member


Heroin was developed to solve _______ addiction


How many respondents report the use of something


How many times something was used


In 2009, more than ________ juveniles were arrested for drug abuse, liquor law, or drunkenness violations in the US

Treatment Prevention

Interventions aimed at drug use and abuse have 2 forms:


Modified TRUE/FALSE: Drugs are used by a small, but significant number of youths


Modified TRUE/FALSE: Only a *small* fraction of respondents uses any drug other than alcohol or tobacco on a regular basis


Modified TRUE/FALSE: There is *little* evidence that many youths are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs at the time they commit delinquent acts


Most attempts at determining which of the 4 Drug-Delinquency Relationships is most correct, focuses on uncovering the _______ order between the two variables

6 3

Only ____% of juveniles claim daily use of marijuana, and about ____% claim daily alcohol use

Multi-dimensional Family Therapy

Outpatient drug-free program that is centered on family, peers, and community influences around the youth


Outpatient drug-free programs often follow similar approaches to those in therapeutic communities, but the greatest difference is the lack of a _____________ component

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Provided the 13 Principles of Effective Treatment


Refers to the chronic use of a drug to the point at which the individual develops a need to continue to use the drug


Refers to the use of any drug beyond the legally prescribed for a medical condition

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