CJ 322 Public leadership Ch 10-16

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Blank is the author of the human side of enterprise

Douglas McGregor

Edwin Ghiselli identified six traits as being important for effective leadership. Which of the following best describes supervisory ability?

Getting the job done through others

Which of the following statements is most likely true conceptual skills

It includes the ability to think abstractly

Which of the following was viewed by Aristotle (384-322 BC) as the central and most significant trait distinguishing humankind from other creatures?


Ethics has both ________ and ________ roots.



Required for speaking effectively

. In the context of dealing with burnout, which of the following is most likely an example of an emergency aid?

Taking a physical retreat

The effective leader is sensitive to the diverse cultural backgrounds, and considers the character and the needs of each individual, case-by-case


The empowerment of people is a key element for successful organizational change.


The four steps in the typical path to burnout are enthusiasm, slowdown, stagnation, and apathy.


The trainee should practice newly acquired skills after training is completed to enHance the learning process


They need to receive an express love can be powerful motivators of human behavior


Traditionals provide systems and procedures that allow a lot of people to work together and organize way


The political theorist Karl Marx observed that..

the manner in which a society does its work shapes most of the other things the society believes and does.

Effective leaders match the tools of rhetoric to the five senses of the audience. For logos, they mostly use


Leader should delegate Blank tasks so that the subordinate can see a project or assignment through to completion, and they should allow time to get jobs done


Employee training does six important things that include

All of these, building skills and raising morale, cutting avoidable turnover and absenteeism, raising loyalty and reducing mistakes, increasing productivity.

In the context of setting performance objectives, which of the following statements is most likely true of timeliness?

It involves the development of new and workable approaches

Which of the following statements is true about secular ethics?

It is based on a scientific understanding of the world.

Identify a characteristic of participative leadership.

It is based on the idea that influence is based on technical competence and knowledge.

Which of the following is the central message of Theodore Rosevelt's passage on caring leadership?

It is better to try and fail rather than to never try at all

In the context of recognizing stress across cultures, which of the following defines the Japanese term Karoshi?

It is defined as a fatal mix of apoplexy, high blood pressure, and stress

Unlike today, which of the following conditions are most likely had an impact on leadership in earlier times?

Mass education was unknown

Who among the following said, "Momentum comes from having a clear vision of what the organization ought to be..."?

Max DePree

The characteristics of a stress-resistant person include all but one of the following:

social status.

In the contacts of principles of developing others and judging differs from coaching in that judging is

standardized for all individuals

Personal conditions conducive to growth

So need encouragement specific actions self-esteem internal commitment

Positive group member roles include

All of these, Encourager, clarifier, harmonizer, idea generator, ignition key, standard center, detail Specialist

Leader ship tips for a high morale work place include

All of these, being enthusiastic, setting an example, keeping promises, always being fair

Which of the following best describes caring leadership?

Caring about the task to be done and caring about people

________ thinking is needed when there is only one right answer; ________ thinking is needed when there can be many right answers.

Convergent; divergent

According to John Holland's model of personality and occupational types enterprising people

Enjoy leading, speaking and convincing others

________ writes, "The narcissistic person has built an invisible wall around himself. He is everything, the world is nothing. Or rather: He is the world."

Erich Fromm

Tell managers typically spend a large proportion of their time coordinated facilitating and supporting their work of subordinates


When exerting leader ship strength, pushing down through intimidation is infinitely more effective than pulling up to delegation


Let people know what is expected of them give them materials and equipment to get the job done right give them the chance to do what they do best provide recognition and praise for good work encourage their development

Felt need encouragement specific action self-esteem in ternal commitment

In the context of the elements of leadership performance, which of the following is defined as the generation of new and usable ideas?


And effective cross-cultural leader uses an blank approach


In American society, the most-cited quality people want in a leader is.....


________ is understood as honesty, strength of character, and courage.



Important leadership skill

Which of the following statements is true about the aesthetic person?

In personal relations, this person tends toward individualism, self-sufficiency, and idealism.

Which of the following best describes the participative leadership process?

Involving people, which is necessary to achieve understanding, which is necessary to achieve commitment

Given the importance of civility, which of the following should leaders ask in every interaction with an employee?

Is my behavior lifting people up, or is my behavior shutting them down?

Which of the following questions must a leader ask to test his or her vision?

Is this the right direction?

Identify a true statement about the Hawthorne studies

It followed a period of American history marked by administrative management

Identify a true statement about crystallized intelligence.

It includes comprehension of information and the ability to communicate in oral and written forms.

Which of the following statements is true of organizational citizen behavior OCB?

It includes loyalty sportsmanship and civic virtue

Which of the following statements is true about fluid intelligence?

It includes reasoning, creative thinking, and memory

In the context of performance management, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of performance coaching?

It involves the development and encouragement of people

Which of the following standards is identified by ISO 1401?

Standards for environmental performance

In the context of changes in a workplace, mergers and acquisitions are most likely classified as changes in


In the context of the styles of interpersonal relations, traditional's are most likely Characterized by need for blank

Structure order and consistency

In how to Win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie prescribed all of the following principles except

Studying psychology

And effective way to learn is by

Studying the Masters

Bill Gates

Successful leader

Maslow identified all the following as characteristics of a self actualized person except


In the context of improving leadership performance, which of the following best describes the term "statesmanship"?

The ability to work with and through other people

Which of the following rules is at the heart of Google's culture?

Think of your work as a calling with a mission that matters and give people more trust, freedom, and authority than you are comfortable giving.

Which of the following statements is most likely true about employees who score high on the need for power?

They gain satisfaction from influencing others.

Which of the following statements is true about authentic leaders?

They have a genuine desire to serve others.

Which of the following statements is most likely true about leaders who score high on affiliation-oriented social motives?

They have a strong concern for human welfare.

Which of the following is most likely true of individuals who have interpersonal intelligence?

They learn best by relating, sharing, and participating in cooperative group environments.

Which of the following statements is most likely true about pragmatists?

They maintain that what is true must be based on evidence.

In the context of managing people through change, which of the following is most likely a response of frontline employees to change?

They shut down and become morale casualties.

Which of the following statements is most likely true about front-line managers in organizations

They supervise and coordinate the activities of operating employees

Which of the following statements is most likely true about the people high in openness to experience

They tend to be broad minded Creatives insightful and curious

Which of the following statements is most likely true of free-rein followers?

They usually do their best work on special assignments and independent projects.

Identify a true statement about modern managers in Western society.

They view their task as motivating employees to do their best

Which of the following statements is most likely true of participative followers?

They want open communication and active involvement in the decision-making process.

Which of the following statements is most likely true about leaders who score high on achievement-oriented social motives?

They want to discover, create, and build.

Which of the following statements is true about the economic person?

This person wants education to be practical and regards unapplied knowledge as wasteful.

Which of the following statements is true about cardinal disposition

This powerful disposition shapes a persons core identity

According to conscience competence performance model in level four of performance effectiveness a performer is

Unconsciously competent

Elements of the art of persuasion include

Understanding people the effective use of words the ability to manage conflict

In the context of the attitude curve in response to change, which of the following is a characteristic of the denial phase?

Unpleasant thoughts are ignored or dismissed in favor of more satisfying thoughts.

Which of the following conditions is not conducive to the growth of people

When they are coerced by an autocratic leader

Two out of three employees say their ________ play(s) a bigger part in creating stress at work than any other personal, organizational, or environmental factor.


Unlike organizational structures that are flat, tall organizational structures tend to ________.

undermine employee satisfaction and organizational commitment

All of the following are important situational factors that influence the leadership process in an organization EXCEPT the ________.

wages of the employees

In "100 Best Companies to Work For," Fortune magazine cites ________ as the most important criterion.

work-life balance

If more than Percent of your job is painful there is a moral problem

20 percent

Which of the following is not a positive role someone would play in building a community

Above it all person

In the context of workplace morale, physical withdrawal includes blank


Characteristics of a Self fulfilled person include

All of these

Techniques that can be Employed to reduce groupthink include

All of these

When people come together to accomplish something, certain questions are on their minds. These Include

All of these

Fully functioning Groups are characterized by

All of these, clear mission, informal atmosphere, lots of discussion, actively listening, trust/openness, disagreement, issue oriented criticism, effective leader ship, shared values

Characteristics of high-performance team include

All of these, clear, elevating go, competent team members, a collaborative climate, principled leader ship

Time tested practices for developing successful teams are

All of these, showing enthusiasm, making timely decisions, practicing Innovacion, admitting mistakes, being flexible, being persistent, giving credit to others, keeping people informed, keeping promises, putting others first and self last

Proven policies and techniques that have positive effects on employee morale include all the following except

Allowing workers to determine their own work methods

In the context of dealing with problem behavior in a group, when an individual's behavior in the group becomes irritating, the leader of the group should

Avoid the impulse to withdraw

Martha is a highly skilled employee at distant tool editorial. She specializes in web designing. Recently, she has been assigned to a project that only requires rudimentary skills. In this scenario, while working on the project, Martha will most likely

Bead board and less creative than usual

In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs an organization most likely meets the belonging needs of its employees by

Celebrating holidays, birthdays, and special events

Blank involves reconciling underlying differences so that issues are resolved to the mutual benefit of all parties


To avoid groupthink, when charging a group with the task, the leader should adopt a partial stance and state personal opinions and preferences.


In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, when a person is motivated by blank needs, his or her primary concern is to attain personal values and to experience growth


The nature of one's work is particularly critical in satisfying _________ needs.


In the context of Work morale the single best way to achieve high morale is to

Get the right person for the job

Dimensions of flow include all the following except

Honor and recognition for work performed

Which of the following is true of the Hawthorne studies?

It concluded that there is a tendency for workers to set up their own standards for output

Which of the following statements is true in the context of force Field analysis

Leaders often get better results of the focus on reducing barriers

Identify a true statement in the context of employee morale

Low morale predicts moonlighting and social and cyber loafing

In the face of virtuality of work relationships brought on by advances in information technology, and effective leader will

Maintain high standards of written and spoken communication and take it vantage of speed, convenience, and cost of electronica communication while maintaining as much FaceTime as possible

Which of the following statements is true in the context of personal communication in the art of active listening

Majority of feelings and attitudes are communicated by body languages

In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, people motivated at the first level are concerned with

Physical an economical survival

In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, an organization most likely meets the fulfillment needs of its employees by

Providing opportunities for personal growth

In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, an organization most likely meets the survival needs of its employees by

Providing safe equipment, tools, and materials

According to Maslows hierarchy of human needs, the needs that are taken as the starting point for motivation theory are

Psychological needs

Google study, codename project Aristotle, found one strong pattern that blank, more than anything else, is critical to team success

Psychological safety

In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs an organization most likely meet his employees needs for recognition by providing

Public a claim for outstanding contributions

In the context of sexual harassment, blank is asking for or forcing an employee to perform sexual favors in exchange for receiving some reward

Quid pro quo

In the context of basic beliefs about people, when we view people as ends we

Reflect the humanistic view

After survival, security, and belonging needs are satisfied, people are motivated by the need for


Blank needs are closely related to the nature of the work and depend upon aspects of the job itself for satisfaction


In the context of Maslows hierarchy of human needs, the need for blank is the need to be considered favorably by self and others


In the context of accomplishing a task in different stages in the life of a group, Norming involves

Sharing interpretations and perspectives

In the context of raising employee morale, which of the following positively affects employee satisfaction and job performance?

Soliciting and utilizing direct feedback from users

According to warren Bennis , which of the following is not one of the principles of effective leader ship?

Spending time Only with people who can help you

The leader as team builder does all of the following except:

Takes credit for work done by others

In the context of dealing with problem behavior in a group, when an individual's behavior harms the group, the leader of the group should

Talk it over in a calm patient way

The need for cross-cultural in virtual teams has been caused by globalization in the nature of work


Effective group rules or norms of behavior Include all the following except

Voting early, voting often

In the context of the basic beliefs about people, if we assume that people are inherently bad,

We are prone to assume that miss behavior or something within a person that cannot be altered directly

In the context of the basic beliefs about people, if we assume that people are basically good,

We can believe that miss behavior is a reactive response

Physical and emotional needs that motivate behavior include

all of these

Factors that can lead to groupthink include

all of these Pressure to conform to majority view, group cohesiveness, isolation, stress

Many leaders view blank as the most rewarding of all their tasks

Developing others

A Satisfied need blank

Is not a motivator

relational skills

Equally important at all levels of management

Blank is based in mental reasoning


Regarding moral behavior, which of the following statements was written by Thomas Jefferson?

"In matters of style, swim with the currents; in matters of principle, stand like a rock."

In the context of dealing with burnout, which of the following is most likely an example of a long-term solution?

) Clarifying values

. In the context of dealing with burnout, which of the following is most likely an example of a long-term solution?

) Developing personal competencies

. In the context of dealing with burnout, which of the following is most likely an example of a short-term action

) Setting priorities

The meaning of the "grapefruit syndrome" is to

) be less judgmental.

Depression and loss of sharpness in thinking and feeling are symptoms of ________ fatigue.

) psychological

Research shows blank of all employees field management isn't listening to them


If less than blank percent of your job is enjoyable, there is a moral problem

20 percent

One-minute goal setting involves identifying ________ goals, and writing these on one sheet, in 250 words or less

3 to 5

Approximately 90 percent of Fortune 1000 companies use some form of multisource assessment, including evaluations from employees, employers, peers, and customers. These assessments are called ________ feedback and are rarely included in an individual's formal appraisal.

360 degree

A recent survey shows that ________ of the North American companies engaged in eleven or more change initiatives within a five-year period

42 percent

Recent replication of the Milgram experiments show that approximately ________ percent of both men and women will follow morally offensive orders of complete strangers who they believe occupy a position of authority.


According to Robert Greenleaf, which of the following best describes servant leadership?

A calling to serve

Which of the following factors when combined with cohesiveness fosters group think?

A highly insulated group with restricted access to external information

Which of the following is effective only for a short period of time?

A leader's use of psychological bigness and overbearance

The meaning of why can't Roger learn is that

A leader/teachers ability is to teach an important determinant of learners performance

Three elements are important for effective discipline. Which one is NOT one of them?

A reward system for good work

In the context of the 10 qualities that mark a leader and help influence the leadership process, identify the first requirement for a leader.

A strong sense of purpose

Innovation can be increased by

ALL OF THESE keeping an open mind. having a questioning attitude. using a new ideas system.

Which of the following is a basic rule for succeeding in one's work career

ABNC are correct

Sources of job stress for increasing number of people are

ALL OF THESE A) new technology. B) global competition. C) changing work systems. D) workforce diversity.

A blueprint for protecting the health and well-being of American workers includes

ALL OF THESE A) well-designed jobs. B) education of workers. C) evaluation systems. D) improved mental health services.

Identify a way in which the servant leader stays in touch with the challenges and problems of others.

ALL OF THESE By getting out of the executive suite and onto the shop floor By getting out of the headquarters and into the field By getting out of the ivory tower and into the real world

Identify the red flags that help an organization assess if it needs to clarify or reinforce its values.

ALL OF THESE Identify the red flags that help an organization assess if it needs to clarify or reinforce its values.

Identify the beliefs and common values of the participative leadership.

ALL OF THESE Setting high standards Improving job training Providing a high level of supervision Removing barriers to pride of work

Which of the following situational factors influences the leadership process?

ALL OF THESE Size of an organization Social and psychological climate Employment patterns Type, place, and purpose of the work performed

Which of the following ideas gave Henry Ford's vision life?

ALL OF THESE The moving assembly line Paying workers as much as was fair Vertical integration

Which of the following is required for organizational success?

ALL OF THESE A vision Skills Incentives Resources Action plans

Powell motors, an Engine manufacture, forms a team that is led by Jacob to design and develop a new jet engine.Jacob, after setting the objectives And benchmarks, assigns clearly define task to his teammates to achieve the desired goal. In the context of the role of a leader in the team concept it is evident that Jacob facilitates the work of the team to accomplish


Behavior of members in a group in stage four of its life is characterized by

Active resolution of conflict

In the context of a servant leader ship mindset, leaders generate feelings of both uniqueness and belongingness and employees by

Admitting errors

Education sessions on valuing diversity usually involve

All of these

Personal conditions conductive to growth include

All of these

Principles to follow in developing others include

All of these

The practices that are considered most important in dealing with diversity are

All of these

Types of leader ship training interventions include

All of these

Types of training provided to ensure organizational performance include

All of these

Which of the following is a reason why leaders failed to delegate

All of these

Which of the following is proven principle for assigning work affectively

All of these

Which of the following should a leader do when assigning work effectively

All of these

Women in the high leadership positions typically have a passion for success, a superior track record, outstanding people skills, and

All of these

Which of the following is an important dimension of a supportive organizational climate?

All of these The reward system Warmth and support Organizational clarity

The seven rules to guide leaders in implementing change include

All of these having a good reason for making a change. implementing change thoughtfully. telling the truth. waiting patiently for results.

How to keep morale high in the leader ship ranks includes

All of these, creating a one team attitude, cutting red tape in reducing paperwork, recognizing jobs well done, pink sufficient wages based on merit.

Group member rolls that reduce group success are

All of these, ego tripper, negative artist, above it all person, aggressor, jokester, avoider

A leader can create a high performance team by

All of these, showing enthusiasm for the work of the group, making timely decisions based on group goals, keeping people informed about progress, putting others first and self last

Identify a provenprinciple for assigning work effectively

All these

Identify a rule for effective delegation

All these

Several factors can side tracked the advancement of women in the workplace including

All these

In the context of the three ethical climates, identify a true statement about the trusteeship climate.

An organization behaves to conform to the expectations of others and to satisfy higher authorities.

In the context of the three ethical climates, identify a true statement about the profit-maximizing climate.

An organization's focus is on self-gain and avoidance of punishment.

The Hawthorne Studies

Analyzed working conditions and work relationships

In the context of the three tools of rhetoric identified by Aristotle ethos is

Argument by character

In the context of the three tools of rhetoric identified by Aristotle pathos is

Argument by emotion

In the context of the three tools of rhetoric identified by Aristotle, logos is

Argument by logic

Research on Brett best practices in coaching And mentoring shows all except that

Asian and success are inverselyrelated

Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of power-oriented leaders?


To avoid groupthink, a leader should

Assign the role of critical evaluator to each member of the team

In the context of the three tools of rhetoric identified by Aristotle, ethos is

Based in the credibility of the speaker

In the context of the protocol dues and don'ts in Europe, one should blank in France

Be punctual for appointments

Dealing effectively with diversity means

Behaving in a way that creates a sense of community among people and gains benefits from their differences

In the context of Maslows hierarchy of human needs, when survival and security needs are satisfied, the need for blank emerges


________ is a careful search for excellence—taking the absolute best as a standard and trying to surpass it

Bench Marking

Blink said, develop your people to do their jobs better than you can. Transfer your skills to them. This is exciting but it can be threatening to a manager who worries that he is training his replacement. Smart managers like to see their employees increase their responsibilities because they freeze the managers to tackle new or undone tasks.

Bill gates

Widget Corp. an electric gadget manufacturing company, Forms a team that is led by Adam to design and develop a new product. Adam, upon agreement on direction, set objectives and benchmarks with his teammates to achieve the desired goal. In the context of the role of a leader in the team concept, it is evident that Adam facilitates the work of the team to accomplish blank

Buy in

Organizations must effectively manage five team processes for the team concept to work these processes are

Buying, accountability, learning, infrastructure, partnering

In the context of the principles to follow in developing others, which of the following is a difference between judging and coaching

Charging is unilateral, one-way, where is coaching is interactive to way

________ is a special personal quality that generates others' interest and causes them to follow.


In My American Journey and It Worked for Me, which of the following rules is identified by Colin Powell that is gleaned from his years of experience?

Check small things

In American society, Rosa Park's courage helped determine the course of....

Civil Rights

In addition to concern for others, which of the following aspects must be present for caring leadership to occur?

Commitment to task

Which of the following is a culturally contingent behavior that varies across cultures


According to the consciousPerformance model in level III performance effectiveness a performer is

Consciously competent

Ann Fudge provides leadership advice for women and men in all organizations, including all the following except

Continually changing

According to W. Edwards Deming, which of the following points is essential for a successful workplace and is most likely applied in both private and public organizations?

Creating consistency and continuity of purpose

Individualist provide blank


In the context of the five phases in the life of an organization, which of the following occurs in phase 3?

Crisis of control

Which of the following qualities is common to both effective leaders and effective followers and is necessary for organizational success?

Critical thinking

The Blink style of problem-solving involves observing, Recording fax, and identify any alternatives.


In the context of workplace morale, psychological withdraws include blank


According to the steps for effective delegation, identify the immediate next steps after selecting a suitable person for the required task

Defining the task

Winston Churchill thought his voice was weak, and he suffered from stage fright that he overcame by

Determine practice, using single words, vividly imagery, bold delivery, notes in hand

Identify a true statement about participative

Discussion and agreement which others are the basis of action for them

When delegating work which of the following sets of three D's should you follow for all work

Do it delegate it or ditch it

Which of the following best describes leadership?

Influencing the behavior of others through ideas and deeds


Effective leader in multi cultural environment

The contacts of the five types of leaders your coaches to develop others which of the following is a type of leader or coach who drives power not only from their own experience but also from the mandate of their followers

Elected leaders

Understanding people, defective use of words, the ability to manage conflict

Elements of the art of persuasion

Which of the following patterns of leadership is autocratic and hierarchical?


Which of the following big five personality traits as most strongly associated with leader ship effectiveness


In the five Dysfunctions of a team, Patrick Lencioni identifies the five dysfunctions that are lethal 14 success, including all the following except

Failure to accommodate

Which of the following is the most serious derailment pattern for leaders?

Failure to meet performance objectives

AccordingTo Lawrence peter the overpromotion syndrome results in enhancing employee morale and productivity


Appreciative inquiry is a marketing Technique used to increase sales


Diversity is limited to race, religion, gender, and ethnicity


In general, the least stressed workers are those at the bottom of the job ladder.


In the context of the five types of leaders are coaches who help in developing others, elected leaders are agents of omnipotent authority and the people who follow them or talk to see themselves as set apart from others


Individualist are the harmonizing agents needed by every family work group an organization


Participative most likely bring roots, stability, and discipline that every organization needs if it's going to grow and prosper


Study show that women leaders tend to be more autocratic and less participated than male leaders


Kurt Lewis developed blank As a tool to better understand organizational change

Force Field analysis

The Blank style of problem-solving focuses on deeds and actions more than contemplation and ideas.


A culturally contingent leadership behavior that varies across cultures is being


Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of the directive style of leadership?

Formal structure

In the context of diversity practices in US based private and public organizations as reported by ann Morrison, which of the following is one of the most important practices

Forming internal advocacy groups

In the context of employee morale and role of the management, compared with younger workers, older workers are more interested in

Fringe benefits

According to Abraham Maslow, at the Blink level of motivation, a musician must make music, an artist most paint, and a poet must write, if she/he is to be at peace with her/him self


In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, the need for blank is the most complex need


In order to understand why people do what they do, one must

Gain insight into unsatisfied needs

It is proven fact that self expectation of failure can bring failure conversely self expectation of success can help bring about success this phenomenon is called the

Galatea effect

In the context of the styles of interpersonal relations, individual list are most likely to

Generate new ideas and creativity

Who among the following referred to the quality of persistence when advising that things do not just occur in one's life and encouraged people to believe, be persistent, and struggle to overcome life's obstacles?

Golda Meir

Low expectation of success either by supervisors or individuals and selves leads to poor performance is known as the

Golem affect

The context of the employer employee relationship which of the following is one of the big three qualities employers want an employee

Good problem-solving ability

The word "ethics" is derived from the ________ word ethos, referring to a person's fundamental orientation toward life.


In the context of enthusiasm, a quality that marks a leader and helps influence the leadership process, who among the following said, "The successful man has enthusiasm. Good work is never done in cold blood; heat is needed to forge anything. Every great achievement is the story of a flaming heart"?

Harry Truman

If an organization values and manages diversity as an asset the organization will most likely blank

Have a broader range of knowledge and skill

Jonathan is a highly skilled employee at Arrow Works Inc. he specializes in designing drones. Recently, his manager assigned a challenging project to him. This project requires him to use all his skill and knowledge to building a drone. In this scenario, while working on the project, Jonathan will most likely

Have the experience of flow

Recognition techniques that build morale including all the following except

Health insurance

In the context of the employer employee relationship which of the following is one of the big three qualities that employee should have

Here she should take initiative and be a self starter

Research shows that blank blank and blank represent a common underlying characteristic broadly described as getting along

High conscientiousness high agreeableness low neuroticism

The qualities that are associated with jobs requiring high social contact in service to others are most likely found in People high in

High conscientiousness underlies deliberation

Which of the following statements is true in the context of employee morale?

High morale predicts problem-solving in organizational commitment

The message of the human equation is that

High-performance companies Provide good pay and and in Riched work environment

Although people across generations tend to have different experiences and develop different taste, they tend to share important ethical values such as


Which of the following is the most important leadership value and is also the single most important ingredient in the leader-follower relationship?


Identify the six instrumental values of caring leaders in every field and level of responsibility.

Honesty, consideration, responsibility, persistence, excellence, and commitment

According to Roger Staubach, which of the following is the key to self-confidence in leadership?

How hard the leader works

Studying masters

How to learn leader ship

Researcher Barbara Kellerman states valuable insights can be gained by examining qualities of poor leaders. According to her analysis, identify the six negative behaviors or flaws.

Incompetence, rigidity, intemperance, callousness, corruption, and cruelty

In the context of the importance of discipline, which of the following should be avoided because it makes it difficult for employees to understand what behavior is appropriate and what is not allowed?


Participation of women in the US workplace is expected to


Which of the following is a major issue in stage III in the life of a group?

Increased conflict from power struggles for influence

Which of the following is a major issue in stage two in the life of a group?

Increased conflict from power struggles for influence

Identifying a culturally contingent behavior that varies across culture


Who among the following prefers grow through introspection and self analysis


Which of the following statements is most likely true about legitimate power?

It is the capacity to influence others by virtue of formal authority or the rights of office.

Which of the following statements is most likely true of reward power?

It is the capacity to offer something of value as a means of influencing others

Disney's culture teaches and reinforces the values

It is the study of cause and effect.

Which of the following statements is most likely true of technical skill

It refers to having knowledge about and being proficient in a specific type of work or activity

According to Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of one-minute praising?

It should be specific and immediate

According to Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of one-minute reprimand?

It should encourage an individual

Effective leaders understand that getting the respect and loyalty of people depends on demonstrating

Job knowledge and technical skill

In the book the human equation, Jeffrey Pfeiffer Identifies seven practices that successful company share. Among those practices, blank addressesLower level needs

Job security

According to research conducted by Japan's Institute of Public Health, patterns of work behavior that include extremely long hours that interfere with normal recovery and rest patterns and high-pressure work without breaks lead to death

Karoshi syndrome.

In the context of the styles of interpersonal relations Meeting the needs of participative's most likely includes blank

Keeping human relations smooth and considering personal feelings

A team should be

Large enough to provide competencies and perspectives, and small enough to maintain involvement and coordination

What a job transition is not made successfully, the result is the overpromotion syndrome popularized by author

Lawrence Peter

Based on styles of leading, which of the following is an important factor in determining leadership effectiveness?

Leader-follower compatibility

In a major study of leadership effectiveness, the Forum Corporation reports on the characteristics of successful leaders at middle to senior levels of responsibility. Identify a key finding of the study.

Leaders inspire others to take on the tasks of leadership.

Which of the following is the weakest link in business,industry, and government today?


Which of the following theories holds that multiple leadership variables determine the probability that leadership will occur, including the qualities of a leader, the characteristics of followers, and the nature of a situation?

Leadership contingency theory

In the context of leadership ethics, identify a true statement according to Ronald Heifetz.

Leadership involves the use of authority to help followers uphold important values in the workplace.

Nothing demonstrates respect more than blank

Listening respectively to another person

A self-fulfilled personPossesses all of the following except

Mental anguish

The term blank is derived from the Odyssey by Homer


In the context of burnout, which of the following refers to burnout victims who do their job well but who do not like what they are doing?

Midcareer coasters

________ once said, "Nonviolence is the first article of my faith."

Mohandas Gandhi

Which of the following is a major issue in stage four in the life of a group?

Monitoring and taking pride in group accomplishments

The Jack Welch Management Institute reports that

More than one-Half of working adults have suffered under a bad boss at some point in their career


Most important factor for business success

The role of leader ship is critical in meeting human needs and preventing blank

Motivation problems

In the context of the four-step method for solving performance problems, which of the following refers to step 3?

Mutually agreeing on action to be taken to solve the problem

In the context of the five types of leaders or coaches who develop others which of the following is a type of leader or coach who seeks the source of illness and health in followers personality

Mystical healer

In the contact of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, if people have ever felt a need for love or a need to express love, they have experienced a

Need for belonging

Cultural Sensitivity

Needed in a diverse and global work environment

In the context of the vehicles of communication, during this time, Lincoln mastered blank


The character requirement for long-term leader ship success can be summarized with the phrase

Nice guys finish first

Survival security belonging respect fulfillment

Normal human needs

According to educator SI Hayakawa, which of the following is the primary goal of a human being

Not self preservation but preservation of the symbolic self

If an organization values and managers diversity as an asset, the organization will most likely blank

Noticed an increase in workforce creativity

According to the conscience competence performance matter which of the following is true of level one of performance effectiveness

One Is unconsciously incompetent

The lifespan of most businesses is blank. It takes successors only half a working generation to put the company out of business most likely because of the lack of blank

One and a half generations; delegation

In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs an organization most likely meet his employees needs for recognition by providing

Opportunities to improve job status through training programs

Which of the following is most likely a motivating force for employees who score high on the need for achievement?

Opportunities to work on challenging jobs

Peter Principle

Overpromotion syndrome

IN american society, which of the following qualities is the third most-cited quality people want in a leader and is the ability to teach,counsel,and otherwise develop others to higher levels of performance?

People-Building skills

Calvin Coolidge saw a Blink as the most important requirement for problem-solving


Hey successful leader must understand why people do what they do and master the art of


Which of the following is one of the three basic steps of Peak performance process

Picturing the completed thing

Which of the following factors has been viewed by many philosophers as the most universal and most fundamental of human motives?


In the context of leadership styles, which of the following statements is true about the autocratic style?

Power is exercised by a dominant and dictatorial individual.

People products profit

Prescription for business success

The time perspective for individualist is the


In the context of conducting performance reviews, which of the following should employees most likely do during a performance review?

Present ideas to improve future performance

In dealing with moral dilemmas regarding people, products, prices, and profit, which of the following ethical climates are typically reflected by organizations?

Profit-maximizing, trusteeship, and quality-of-life management

In the context of diversity practices in US based private and public organizations as reported by and Morrison which of the following is one of the most important practices

Promoting targeted recruitment

Know exactly what you want to communicate before giving an order; ask rather than tell, but leave no doubt that you except a complaint; we consider it but never apologetic when asking someone to do a job; take responsibility for the orders you give; give people the opportunity to ask questions and express opinions; follow up make sure assignments are carefully been carried out properly

Proven principles for assigning work affectively

In the context of conducting performance reviews, which of the following should supervisors most likely do before the performance review?

Provide advance notice of the performance review

Which of the following guidelines is most likely useful in meeting the needs of participatives

Providing growth opportunities through in-service training and staff development programs

Which of the following guidelines is most likely useful in meeting the needs of individual lists

Providing immediate reward for good performance

In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, an organization most likely meet the security needs of its employees by

Providing job aids, such as training manuals and technical assistance

Which of the following guidelines is most likely useful in meeting the needs of traditional's

Providing organization chart showing reporting relationships

In the context of motivation at work place, identify a true statement about human motivation

Psychological needs and social values are not the same

Which of the following is NOT one of the principles of effective coaching?

Publicizing performance improvement results

Two ways of exerting leader ship strength are blank and blank

Pushing down through intimidation; pulling up through delegation

Which of the following is a form of sexual harassment?

Quid pro quo

The two primary messages of a class divided are

Recognizing the evil of discrimination in the power of self fulfilling prophecy

Identify an essential ingredient of total quality management (TQM).

Reducing Psychological size of leaders


Requirement for managing conflict effectively

Effective communication across generations requires blank

Respectful behavior

In the context of the levels and stages of moral development, which of the following statements is most likely true about Level II, stage 4?

Right conduct is doing one's duty, as defined by those in authority positions.

Don't delegate a bad job saving the good ones for yourself; use delegation is a developmental to; delegate work fairly among all employees; insist on clear communication; live to learn with work styles that are not like your own

Rules for effective delegation

To improve and maintain investor confidence, which of the following acts was passed by the U.S. Congress in response to a series of corporate scandals?

Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002

In the context of the attitude curve in response to change, which of the following is a characteristic of the resistance phase?

Security and other needs are threatened, so overt defenses are employed.

An employee concerned primarily with the seniority system, insurance plan, and retirement policy is motivated by

Security needs

According to the dimensions of emotional intelligence, blink is the ability to regulate one's own emotions, keeping harmful impulses in check

Self management

According to the dimensions of emotional intelligence, blank is the ability to recognize and understand the meaning of one's own emotions, moods, and drives and their impact on others


Flying planes have Thomas J. Watson Junior developed blank which helped him become a successful business leader


Identifying essential element of rational expertise

Sensitivity in human relations

Understanding others requires blank

Sensitivity to the needs of others

According to researchers Janine prime and Elizabeth salib, the best cross cultural leaders are

Servant leaders

Identify the essence of lean manufacturing, an approach developed by Toyota as a way of achieving quality, flexibility, and cost effectiveness.

Servant leadership

To avoid groupthink, a leader should

Set up outside evaluators to work on the same policy question

Jimmy, a floor manager at Latsy's restaurant, passes lewd comments about his subordinance personal appearances. This is an example of blank.



Should be included in the decision making process

In the context of burnout, which of the following refers to burnout victims who want to do everything themselves because no one else can or will, and they have never let anyone down?


In the context of the diffusion of innovation curve, the point at which an innovation or change is accepted by enough people for it to take root and grow is known as the


. According to the diffusion of innovation curve, at the tipping point, an innovation or change is accepted by enough people for it to take root and grow.


In the context of performance management strategies, the goal of the leader must involve reinforcing and developing the skills and attitudes of middle performers.


Gordon Lippitt identified eight communication problems, including all of the following EXCEPT ________.


. In the context of improving leadership performance, which of the following best describes the term "entrepreneurship"?

The ability to achieve results, regardless of obstacles

What is Critical thinking?

The ability to think clearly, skeptical, and unbiased, and evaluate based on facts, not emotion.

Emotional intelligence EE

The ability to understand and deal effectively with people

Which of the following theories focuses on leadership style, such as autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire, as well as leadership dimensions, such as initiating structure and showing consideration?

The behavior theory of leadership

In the context of the strategies for dealing with change, which of the following phases of the attitude curve includes fact-finding and visioning an ideal future?

The exploration phase

To accomplish a goal, a team approach works best when

The highest quality or most effective solution is desired

Which of the following messages is illustrated by the story the mask

The importance of self concept

In the context of the negative flaws or behaviors of poor leaders studied by researcher Barbara Kellerman, which of the following statements best describes intemperance?

The leader lacks self-control in personal habits and conduct.

Which of the following three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed Bertrand Russell's life?

The longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind

Which of the following statements is true in the context of personal communication in the art of active listening?

The majority of feelings and attitudes or communicated by body language.

Identify a true statement about the theoretical person.

The primary interest of this person is the discovery of truth.

Which of the following statements is true in the context of employee morale?

The relationship between job satisfaction and job performance is positive for most employees

The Peter principle refers to

The tendency of organizations to promote individuals to their level of incompetence

A company that promotes communication, employee relations, and the open door policy would Interest an applicant at

The third motivation level

Which of the following best describes "the dark side of leadership"?

The toxic effect a destructive leader has on individuals and organizations

Satisfaction with blank is the single strongest driver of overall satisfaction

The work itself

Girls have been traditionally conditioned to emphasize:

Their connections and similarity

Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of employees who score high on the need for affiliation?

They actively support others and try to smooth out workplace conflicts.

According to John Holland's model of personality and occupational types, which of the following statements is most likely true of investigative people

They are detailed oriented and prefer working alone

Which of the following statements is most likely true about middle managers in organizations

They are responsible for implementing the policies in plans developed by top management

Identify a true statement about individualists

They assign first responsibility for their own actions to their own conscience

Identify a true statement about traditional's

They believe highest allegiance should go to subordinate powers

In the context of the five types of leaders are coaches who help in developing others which of the following statements is most likely true of missionaries

They believe in a utopia view of the future in a program for achieving reforms

In the context of managing people through change, which of the following is most likely a response of the middle management to change?

They feel pressure to implement organizational change.

In the context of the managerial (leadership) grid for leadership effectiveness, which of the following statements is true about country club managers?

They focus on being agreeable and keeping human relations smooth.

Which of the following statements is most likely true of service cultures?

They focus on customer satisfaction by putting customers first.

The contacts are the five types of leaders are coaches who help in developing others which of the following statements is most likely true of shamans

They focus the intention of the followers on themselves

Which of the following statements is most likely true about the top-down view of leadership authority?

This view holds that leadership authority is based on position in a social hierarchy.

Identify the primary purpose of leadership.

To produce change and movement

Who among the following is comfortable with rules policies and procedures,


According to the Forum Corporation, which of the following characteristics is most likely needed in successful leaders at middle to senior levels of responsibility for steering organizations through periods of change?

Treating people with respect and dignity

. Important keys for success in implementing work-site health promotion include long-term commitment, top management support, clearly defined objectives, and family involvement


. Strategies for dealing with burnout include emergency aid, short-term actions, and long-term solutions.


According to the American Society of training and development leader ship development technical procedures in information technology or three months are the types of training provided two employees in the United States


According to the Pygmalion effect Others expectation of failure can bring about failure and expectation success can bring about success


And organization makes better decisions if it's values and manages diversity as an asset


Conceptual skills become more important than tactical skills as individuals move from first level manager to mid-level manager to top level manager


In the context of peak performance process exhilaration results from performing at one's full potential in a given endeavor at a certain point in time


In the context of the measurement of learning effectiveness the four factors of training effectiveness our peace relevance value and participation


Leaders Who manage men and women working together, should make business decisions based on competence rather than gender


Leaders of teams should evaluate performance case by case, versus requiring a distribution of ranking regardless of the quality of performance of each group member


Majority of companies do not hire people and motivate them; they hire already motivated people and then inspire and support them


Mini leaders have grown through the example, advice, and encouragement


Organizational benefits gained by valuing in managing diversity includes increase in workforce creativity and better services provided to diverse populations


Organizational citizenship involves cooperation and helpfulness.


Organizations can manage diversity effectively by developing mentoring and partnering programs that cross traditional, social, and cultural boundaries


Relational skills are important throughout one's career at every level of management


Research shows training pays off in terms of higher net sales and gross profit ability per employee


Self-concept is singularly the most important determinant of the quality of a persons life


Participators are who

Value teamwork provide communication

Traditionalists are who

Value tradition providing organization

Individualist are who

Valuing freedom providing creativity

Assigning work affectively

What are the most important skills of successful leader

All of the following are important questions to ask during team building exercises except

Who are we to blame?

The servant leader is committed to people, and this commitment is shown through ________, ________, and ________.

access; communication; support

In the context of stress resistance, the ability to transcend adversity and emerge stronger than before is known as

adaptive capacity.

The three basic motives underlying the desire of a person to be a leader are

affiliation, achievement, and power

Ann Morrison identifies 10 practices considered to be important in dealing with diversity including:

all of these

Visioning content principles include all of the following EXCEPT ________.

an allocation of budget

The term "Hawthorne effect" describes ________.

an artificial change in behavior due merely to the fact that a person or group is being studied

Unlike promoted leaders, derailed leaders most likely ________.

are unable to delegate or build a team

The three most important influences on character formation are

associations (family and friends), books (and other media), and self-concept.

A person who is power-oriented strives for leadership because of its associated ________.


The German philosopher Immanuel Kant ________.

believed that if an individual act is from a good motive and a sense of duty, the act is good regardless of the consequences

The English philosopher John Locke viewed a newborn child as a "tabula rasa", or a(n) ________.

blank tablet

Relevant subject matter expertise helps a leader

build a team, set the right goals, and achieve results.

Sam Walton wrote that success came from

building a team, hard work, and breaking old rules.

Long-term solutions to avoiding burnout are

clarifying values and renewing commitments

In the context of setting performance objectives, which of the following, apart from quantity, quality, and timeliness, is most likely an important area to be addressed?


According to philosopher-psychologist Rollo May, ________ is the foundation that underlies and gives reality to all other virtues and personal values.


Management authors Warren Bennis and Philip Slater define participative leadership as ________.

democratic management

Social psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg explains that each person makes ethical decisions according to three distinct levels of moral ________.


The three styles of leadership are

directive, participative, and free-rein.

Sergio Marchionne uses the ________ style of leading, Robert Selander uses the ________ style of leading, and Daniel Amos uses the ________ style of leading.

directive; participative; free-rein

Professor William Shadle identifies three fears to avoid in building trust with employees, which are

don't be afraid to say "I don't know," don't be afraid to say "I made a mistake," and don't be afraid to say "please" and "thank you."

The five highest stress jobs in the United States for 2015 were

enlisted soldier, fire fighter, newspaper reporter, airplane pilot, and police officer

The four stages in the typical path to burnout are

enthusiasm, slowdown, stagnation, and apathy.

Artifacts of an organizational village include all of the following EXCEPT ________.

external alliances

Frederick Winslow Taylor has most likely been criticized for advocating a(n) ________.

extreme division of labor

Transactional leaders ________.

focus on exchanges between leaders and followers

The servant leader shows commitment to his or her people through all of the following EXCEPT ________.


Gandhi, the Indian spiritual and political leader, believed that effective leaders ________—not ________.

guide and inspire; command and control

Individuals who have verbal-linguistic intelligence most likely ________.

have a good memory for names and places

Qualities that mark a leader and help influence the leadership process include all of the following EXCEPT ________.

hearing and size

The three types of leaders are

heroes, rulers, and teachers.

The trend from 1979-2009 for married and middle-income U.S. parents has been to work ________ number of hours per week.


The quality of doing the right thing for the right reason even in the face of adversity and personal loss is called ________.


Individuals who are comfortable focusing inward on thoughts and feelings, following personal instincts, and pursuing goals that are original most likely have ________.

intrapersonal intelligence

People who enjoy doing activities in sequential order and learn best by classifying information, engaging in abstract thinking, and looking for basic principles most likely have ________.

logical-mathematical intelligence

Different kinds of intelligence include all of the following EXCEPT ________ intelligence.


In the context of setting performance objectives, which of the following is most likely a part of the area pertaining to cost?


Stanley Milgram's social research showed that

ordinary people can be induced to perform inhumane acts.

)Performance management is a critical element of effective leadership. One part establishes direction and clarity of assignment. It is

performance planning.

The Deloitte performance review process is based on four questions called a(n) ________ and is conducted at the end of every project or once a quarter

performance snapshot

According to the philosopher Plato and his allegory of the cave, ________.

philosophers who understood the form of the good should rule as kings

. Entrepreneurship requires all of the following EXCEPT

possessing unlimited financial resources.

Both responsibility and ________ come with the office of leadership.


Performance reviews should include three steps:

preparation, implementation, and follow-up.

Discipline problems include

preserving human dignity

Two important criteria for benchmarking are ________ and ________.

product quality; service quality

In dealing with moral dilemmas regarding people, products, prices, and profits, organizations typically reflect one of three ethical climates, which are

quality-of-life management, profit maximizing, and trusteeship.

In the context of the 360-degree feedback for improving performance, research shows that improvement is most likely to occur when

recipients believe change is possible

In contrast to the political type, the social person ________.

regards love as the most suitable form of human relationship

In essence, Six Sigma seeks to

remove variability from a process.

All of the following are important qualities of leadership EXCEPT ________.


People with well-developed visual-spatial abilities are most likely found in professions such as ________.


In the context of changes in a workplace, changes in products and processes are most likely classified as changes in


In the context of leadership styles, the laissez-faire style pertains to a form or style of leadership ________.

that is characterized by minimum control and maximum freedom

Performance improvement is likely to occur when four conditions are true that include all of the following EXCEPT

the recipient being young.

Benjamin Franklin prescribed taking time for

thinking, playing, reading, love, friends, laughter, giving, and working.

. Research shows that the more overworked employees feel, the more likely they are to make costly mistakes and the less committed they feel toward their employers.


The five major forces or trends that are sources of stress for increasing number of American people are new technology, workforce diversity, global competition, organizational restructure, and changing work systems


The stress resistant person has adaptive capacity traced to five characteristics of a hardy personality—personal commitment, sense of control, positive attitude, balanced perspective, and caring relationships.


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