Classification of Organisms (Taxonomy)

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In the new 6-kingdom system of classification, like the old 5-kingdom system, organisms are basically grouped by ____ _________.

cell structure

Imagine you are in a new class of students and you want to identify everyone. You could make a dichotomous key to help you. The word dichotomous means what? The best either-or statement to begin with would be the most general: male or female.

divided into two parts

The Eubacteria Kingdom is made of unicellular prokaryotes. _______, ________, and __________ are composed of eukaryotic cells.

fungi ; plants ; protists

Taxonomy is the study of what?

grouping and naming organisms. In the classification system

Phylum is what?

the second highest taxonomic classification between kingdom and class.

A wolf-dog is the offspring of a wolf and a dog. Both the wolf and the dog have this scientific name Canis lupus. The wolf and the dog are able to breed and have pups because why?

the two animals are members of the same species

The lion's scientific name is Panthera leo. The leopard's scientific name is Panthera pardus. The tigers is Panthera tigris. All 3 animals share a what?

A Genus

An allele is not one of the levels of classification. What is an allele? What is the classification system?

An allele is an alternate form of a gene. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. Genus is the most specific classification of these four.

Fungi have cells with cell wall of chitin and are ______________ that _______ ________ and nutrients from dead and decaying organic matter. Plants are ___________ autotrophs with a cell wall of cellulose. Animals are multicellular ______________ without a cell wall. Protista are unicellular or multicellular; autotrophs or heterotrophs.

Fungi- heterotrophs ; obtain energy Plants- multicellular Animals- heterotrophs

The Morpho rhetenor butterfly is shown. The name Morpho refers to the butterfly's _______.


The main advantage of the present system of scientific naming for classifying organisms is?

It avoids the confusion of the same species having different common names in different places.

__________ ____ is the correct format for the scientific name for the African lion. (Bionomial Nomenclaure - Genus is capitalized, species is lowercase and italicized)

Panthera leo *italicized*

The species name of the orange-barred sulfur is philea. _________ _______ is the correct scientific name

Phoebis philea *is italicized*

While studying the classification of living things you are given a specimen that has cell walls. The ONLY kingdom you can rule out immediately is _________.


All organisms in the domain Eukarya have eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotes are divided into two kingdoms and two domains, __________ and __________.

archea ; bacteria

Class is what?

between Phylum and Order in Biological Classification scheme

Genus is a group of what?

organisms with one or more related species

There are 4 kingdoms within the domain Eukarya. They include the kingdoms that contain organisms with eukaryotic cells: _________, ______, _______, and __________.

protists ; fungi ; plants ; animals

Species are groups of what?

reproducing populations that are isolated from other groups

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