Classroom Management

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Steps in Win-Win Discipline (6) (Kagan)

1) Disruptive behavior occurs. 2) Teacher identifies disruptive behavior (ABCD). 3) Teacher asks behavior-specific questions, then identifies and validates student positions. 4) Teacher responds in the moment of disruption with a Win-Win strategy appropriate to the student's position. 5) Teacher may initiate a follow-up in order to ensure student's success. 6) Teacher may incorporate Win-Win long-term solutions appropriate to student position and need.

What are the stages of Cognitive Development according to Piaget?

1) Sensorimotor (birth-2 years) 2) Preoperational (2 - 7 years) 3) Concrete operational (7 - 11 years) 4) Formal operational (adolescence - adulthood)

Marshall's Discipline Through Raising Responsibility involves three phases, what are they?

1) Teaching the hierarchy. 2) Asking students to reflect on their behavior. 3) Eliciting changes in behavior.

Kohn's beliefs

"...if we want children to take responsibility, we must first give them responsibility." "We cannot expect children to accept ready-made values and truths all the way through school, and then suddenly make choices in adulthood. Likewise, we cannot expect them to be manipulated with rewards and punishment in school, and to have the courage of a Martin Luther King in adulthood." Democratic classrooms are important

Fundamental Hypothesis of Moral Intelligence by Borba

"Moral intelligence, comprised of seven essential virtues that can be taught and developed, controls students' ability to deal effectively with ethical and moral challenges they face in school and elsewhere."

Building a Community according to Kohn's Beyond Discipline

- Build a respectful relationship. - Develop the skills that lead to caring. - When an unpleasant situation arises, diagnose the problem and why it arose. -Look beyond the problem and question our own practices. - When problems arise, maximize student involvement. (Talk less; act more.) - Have students construct an authentic solution. - Make restitution or reparations. - Check back later. - Problem-solving requires flexibility. - If "doing to" is unavoidable, minimize the punitive impact.

How do the Wong's think teachers can affect student behavior?

- Establish and enforce appropriate rules for a safe and effective learning environment. - Expected behavior must be taught through discussion, demonstration, and practice. - Consequences (not punishment) must be attached to rules.

What do the Wong's think the first day of school should look like?

- Have the classroom inviting and ready for instruction. - Prepare exactly what you will do and say. - Plan for more than you expect to be able to accomplish. - Stand by the door and greet students as they enter. - Prepare a seating chart. - Stay close to the students. - Post an assignment that students can start immediately. - Dress in a professional manner to model success.

5 Strategies for Personal Responsibility according to the Wong's

- Increasing competence in specific academic areas. - Increasing classroom participation. - Reducing behavioral problems. - Social skills training focusing on providing student strategies to control reaction to peers. - Building positive student and peer attitudes.

What is Positive Interdependence? (Kagan)

- Unless each person does his or her part, the task cannot be completed. - "We sink or swim together."

What does Borba think teachers must do?

- connect with the students - show care for them - model essential character traits

What are the teacher's responsibilities according to the Wong's (5)

- to treat students individually with respect and care - to provide an orderly classroom environment - to provide the guidance necessary for success - to provide appropriate motivation - to teach required content

What are the student's responsibilities according to the Wong's (5)

- to treat the teacher with respect and care - to attend classes regularly - to be cooperative, rather than disruptive - to study and do the required work well - to learn and master the required content

What is the five step approach to Moral Intelligence by Borba

1) Accentuate a character trait or virtue - Draw the trait strongly to your students' attention - Example: emphasize one trait each month as a school-wide process 2) Tell the meaning and value - Explain the trait and why it is important - Point out real life, relevant examples 3) Teach what the trait looks and sounds like - Showing the behavior is more effective - Use many examples in curriculum and real life 4) Provide opportunities to practice the moral habits of the trait - Watch and analyze videos - Keep reflection logs - Assign character homework 5. Provide Effective Feedback - Reinforce students as they improve - Point out incorrect behavior and have students redo the behavior immediately

Three concepts Marshall believed in:

1) As students grow they naturally develop personal responsibility. 2) To aid development, teachers must abandon all rewards and punishment. 3) Self-discipline and responsibility replace attempts to overpower one another.

What are the "7 Habits for Highly Effective People"

1) Be proactive 2)Begin with the end in mind 3)Put first things first 4) Think Win/Win 5) Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood 6) Synergize 7) Sharpen the Saw

Least Coercive Road in Discipline Through Self-Restitution by Goosen (4 steps)

Four Steps: 1) Open up the territory 2) Establish the social contract 3)Establish the limits 4) Teach students how to make self-restitution

What did Kohn think students should be doing in the schools?

He believed in self-direction and student-centered classes, so he thinks it is good for students to: -Pick options -Vote on issues -Come together to make decisions -Make class decisions -Have older students make decisions But it is better if: -Students generate options -Hash out consensus -The approach is reflected throughout the day -Make schoolwide decisions -Have younger ones decide as well

Who is Douglas McGregor?

He created the x and y theory.

Who is Stephen Covey?

He wrote the book "7 Habits for Highly Effective People"

What does Discipline Through Self-Restitution by Goosen not focus on? What does it focus on instead?

Her approach does not focus on faults or mistakes, but instead helps students to make things right within themselves, as well as with whomever or whatever they have offended or damaged with their behavior.

Kohn's Conclusion

I have reluctantly concluded...that the New Disciplines are just as much about getting compliance as is the more traditional approach. The overriding goal is to get students to do what they are supposed to be doing...(and) to learn what's acceptable and what's not."

Cognitively-Based Strategies according to the Wong's

Involve examining one's inner thoughts, considering the consequences of actions under consideration, and selecting the most effective and positive course of action.

What is "Learned Responsibility" in Win-WIn Discipline?

Is it more likely that the student will behave more responsibly in the future? A good teacher uses the solution to make sure the student behaves better in the future.

The Trouble With Compliance according to Kohn

Schools are structured to force compliant behavior. Teachers want students to be: caring, happy, responsible, curious, and creative after they leave school. Teachers want children to continue reading and thinking after schooling but focus on grades. How does compliance foster these characteristics? "The more we 'manage' students' behavior and try to make them do what we say, the more difficult it is for them to become morally sophisticated people who think for themselves and care about others."

What is the difference between "self-discipline" and "self-direction?"

Self-discipline can be achieved through "carefully measured dollops of choice." Self-direction requires "a truly autonomy-supporting classroom" to achieve.

Fundamental Hypothesis for Discipline Through Self-Restitution by Goosen

Self-restitution, which involves regular reflection on personal behavior, helps students learn to profit from mistakes and become better able to conduct themselves in harmony with their needs and inner sense of morality.

What teaching approach does the Wong's believe is effective?

Speak a few sentences, then ask a question. An activity-question approach is more effective than textbook-lecture.

Discipline Structures in Win-Win by Kagan (6)

Spot the signs. Teacher offers support. Explore student reactions to consequences. Generate alternatives. Practice selected alternative. Plan follow-up.

How does Marshall feel about punishment?

Punishments deprive young people of taking responsibility for their own actions. In schools, punishment moves ownership of the problem from the student to the adult. Some young people test the limits of acceptability. Sometimes the use of authority is necessary. However, it can be used without being punitive.

Criteria for determining how defensible a given structure or limit is: (according to Kohn's Beyond Discipline) (6)

Purpose Restrictiveness Flexibility Developmental appropriateness Presentation style. Student involvement

What are the Three Pillars of Win-Win Discipline?

Same Side Collaborative Solutions Learned Responsibility

what were Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development?

Stage 1: Punishment- Obedience Orientation Stage 2: Instrumental Relativist Orientation Stage 3: Good Boy-Nice Girl Orientation Stage 4: Law and Order Orientation Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principles Orientation

Discipline Structures : Language of Choice (Win-Win by Kagan)

State a responsible behavior. State the logical consequence. Indicate the student must choose. Use encouragement. Conduct a follow-up conference.

What does Kagan mean by "3 Before B"?

Students are likely acting out for a reason deeper than it looks in the moment. We should look at the cause before just filing it under "breaking the rules."

Self-Monitoring and Control Techniques according to the Wong's

Students are taught to observe their own behavior, record it, compare it to a predetermined criterion, and acknowledge and reward their own success.

What do the Wong's believe about teaching and teachers?

Teaching is a highly skilled craft that can be learned The most important factor leading to success is the teacher; the more capable the teacher, the more successful the student.

Who is Michelle Borba?

The creator of Moral Intelligence

Who is William Glasser?

The developer of C. Edward Demming's workplace ideas, reality therapy, and choice theory.

Who is Spencer Kagan?

The developer of Cooperative Learning and Win/Win Discipline Structure+content=activity

The First Things You Should Teach according to the Wong's

The first few days should be devoted to: - clarifying proper roles and responsibilities of teachers and students - teaching the students exactly how to follow the expected procedures.

What is the Analogy for Win-Win? Moral of the story? (Kagan)

The river - People keep washing up Moral of the story- Teachers have a choice in dealing with discipline problems: Reactive: respond to each problem as it occurs Proactive: find the root of the problem and act at that point "The secret of Win-Win lies in looking beyond the behavior and seeing the position from which it springs."

What is Douglas McGregor's x and y theory?

Theory X Dislike of work Requires coercion, control, direction, threats to perform Preference for above in order to avoid responsibility; need for ambition. Theory Y Physical and mental effort natural Self-direction and self-control accompany commitment Internal rewards most successful People seek responsibility Capacity for high degree of imagination common in people Intellectual potential of average person only partially used

What does Gossen believe about rewards and punishment?

They are not effective

How does a teacher use the Raised Responsibility System? (Marshall)

They teach the four concepts or levels of social development. During inappropriate behavior, a guidance approach is employed using these concepts to foster self-evaluation. If disruptions continue, authority is employed without being punitive.

Three Types of Bullying

Verbal: uses words to torture and torment Physical: most visible and outwardly aggressive but accounts for less than 1/3 of incidents. Relational: shuns, isolates, excludes, or ignores others.

How does Marshall feel about rewards?

Young people do not need bribes to be good. Rewards can be wonderful acknowledgments. Rewards can be great incentives - if the person chooses to work toward the reward. Rewards for expected behavior are counterproductive. Rewards for expected behavior imply that good behavior is not inherently worthwhile.

Effective teachers according to the Wong's

begin by teaching students to follow classroom procedures that will help them become responsible learners.

Ineffective teachers according to the Wong's

begin the first day trying to teach a subject and spend the rest of the year running after students.

What do the Wong's believe is the single most important factor affecting student learning?

effective classroom management

How does Marshall feel about 'telling'?

often creates defensiveness. implies that something needs to be changed. People don't mind change as much as they mind being changed. People love to control but hate to be controlled. Responsibility can only be taken, not told.

Discipline Through Self-Restitution (Goosen)

provides a needs-satisfying environment for those who behave inappropriately: - reflect on behavior; - identify need prompting behavior; - create new, responsible lifestyle does not focus on student faults and mistakes; helps students to make things right: - within themselves and - the wronged or offended party.

What does Kagan think classifying disruptive behavior allows the teacher to do?

respond appropriately; be specific in dealing with misbehavior; be objective; communicate with students, colleagues, and parents; make things manageable.

Myths About Discipline

Punishments are necessary to change young people's behavior. Punishments engender enmity, not responsibility. Young people need to be constantly told what to do.

What are Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

1. Biological and physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep. 2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, stability, freedom from fear. 3. Love and belongingness needs - friendship, intimacy, trust, and acceptance, receiving and giving affection and love. Affiliating, being part of a group (family, friends, work). 4. Esteem needs - which Maslow classified into two categories: esteem for oneself (dignity, achievement, mastery, independence) and the desire for reputation or respect from others (e.g., status, prestige). 5. Self-actualization needs - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. A desire to become everything one is capable of becoming.

Three Points of Action for Win-Win (Kagan)

1. Moment-of-disruption structures. - (e.g., Make a Better Choice) - Teacher tells student to: - stop the disruptive behavior; - think of a better choice; - verbalize the better choice; - act on the better choice. 2. Win-Win followups. 3. Long-term solutions.

Who is Abraham Maslow?

A Psychologist who created the Hierarchy of Needs.

Who is Jean Piaget?

A psychologist who came up with stages of cognitive development

Moral Intelligence Foundation (3)

Ability to determine right from wrong Establishment and maintenance of ethical convictions Willingness to act on convictions in an honorable way *This is the foundation of what we might call "good character".*

Marshall's Discipline Through Raising Responsibility Level C: Cooperation/ Conformity

Acceptable listens cooperates Does what is expected Motivation - external Acceptable

Discipline Structures : Table the Matter (Win-Win by Kagan)

Acknowledge or ask about student's feelings. Indicate inappropriate timing. Suggest an appropriate time. Meet with the student.

Four Main Types of Disruptive Behavior (ABCD) according to Kagan

Aggression Breaking Rules Confrontation Disengagement

Marshall's Discipline Through Raising Responsibility Level D: Democracy

Always acceptable develops self-discipline shows kindness to others develops self-reliance Does good because it is the right thing to do Motivation - internal

Marshall's Discipline Through Raising Responsibility Level B: Bossing/ Bullying

Always unacceptable bosses, bothers, bullies others breaks classroom standards Needs to be bossed to behave Always unacceptable

Marshall's Discipline Through Raising Responsibility Level A: Anarchy

Always unacceptable noisy out of control unsafe

One of the biggest mistakes that teachers can make is to label students rather than behavior. What are the signs of each category of behavior? (Kagan)

Attention - seeking Avoiding failure Angry Bored Control - seeking Energetic Uninformed

Who is Alfie Kohn?

Author of Beyond Discipline and many other books Creator of Beyond Discipline Theory

Who are Harry and Rosemary Wong?

Authors of "The First Days of School"

Who is Lawrence Kohlberg?

Psychologist best known for his theory of stages of moral development

Discipline Through Self-Restitution by Goosen Explained in depth

Based on child-rearing practices of aboriginal families. Not a payback, which repairs harm, but a pay-forward, which provides an avenue to become a better person Meets the needs of the offended person, but more importantly, meets the needs of the offender and is restorative and healing Provides a means for dealing with the root causes of problems Focuses on solutions and restores and strengthens relationships Operates through invitation, not coercion Teaches persons to look inside themselves, identify the need behind problematic behavior, and visualize the kind of person they want to be Creates solutions to problems and restores the offender to the group

Who is W. Edwards Deming?

Businessman who William Glasser based his theory of choice on.

What is "Same Side" in Win-Win Discipline?

Can I relate to where the student is coming from? A good teacher relates to their students.

What is reality therapy and choice theory?

Choice theory concerns the way human beings choose their own behavior and how these choices can either satisfy or not satisfy basic drives and goals.

Who is Diane Gossen?

Created Discipline Through Self- Restitution Based on Reality Therapy Author of Restitution: Restructuring School Discipline and It's All About We: Rethinking Discipline Using Restitution

What is "Collaborative Solutions" in Win-Win Discipline?

Did we create the solution together? A good teacher creates solutions with their students.

What type of discipline did Marvin Marshall create?

Discipline Through Raising Responsibility

Three things of importance in Discipline Through Self- Restitution by Gossen

Discipline continues to be teachers' number one concern; Violence among youth is increasing; Research shows that students need a satisfying environment free from fear and coercion.

How does Kagan describe disruptive behavior?

Disruptive behavior is: - any behavior that disrupts the learning process. - a learning opportunity for the student. - a teaching opportunity for the teacher.

What are the Elements of Cooperative Learning? (Kagan)

Each activity must include: - Face-to-Face Interaction. - Social Skills. - Positive Interdependence. - Individual Accountability. - Evaluation and Reflection.

What is Individual Accountability? (Kagan)

Even though each individual contributes different components to a task, each one is individually responsible for the success of the entire group.

Follow-up Conferences for Win-Win Discipline by Kagan

Express caring. Describe disruptive behavior. Explore student's position. Generate solutions. Agree and plan.

What are the 4 levels of Marshall's Discipline Through Raising Responsibility?

Level D: Democracy Level C: Cooperation/ Conformity Level B: Bossing/ Bullying Level A: Anarchy

Seven Essential Virtues of Moral Intelligence by Borba

Moral intelligence consists of virtues, seven of which enable a student to maintain his or her character 1) Empathy 2) Conscience 3) Self-Control 4) Respect 5) Kindness 6) Tolerance 7) Fairness

Kohn's thoughts on theories

Prevent problems before they occur (Agrees) (Coloroso) Secure compliance with demands (Disagrees) (Canters) Rewards and punishment for behavior (Disagrees) (B.F. Skinner). Do children have needs that have to be met? (Agrees) (Piaget/Dewey) Student centered approaches (Agrees) Ginnott, Gordon, Coloroso "...their theories are built on a foundation of respecting children and taking them seriously."

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