CLEP Exam - Information Systems & Computer Applications

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(Metropolitan Area Network) A type of WAN that covers a city or the campus of a college.


(Value Added Network) A type of WAN in which one company acts as an agent between two parties to provide network connections and some additional services for a fee.


(Wide Area Networks) Networks that can cover very large areas.

CMOS Memory

- A small, battery-backed memory bank in a computer that holds configuration settings -Contains a small battery on the motherboard which provides power to start the computer -All computers require a boot process which takes place between the time the computer is turned on and when it is ready to receive user commands


-"Try before you buy" software -Instead of purchasing software after a certain trail period, usually of 30 days, must send in a registration fee.

CPU machine cycle

-1. Fetch instruction. -2. Decode instruction. -3. Execute instruction. -4. Store results.

Six hardware categories:

-1. Input -2 Processing -3. output -4. storage -5. communication -6. network

Things that a computer and a human brain have in common:

-1. Perform simple and complex tasks. -2. Enter, receive, and store information. -3. Give instructions. -4. Have short-term and long-term memory capabilities.

Logic Errors

-A bug in a computer program that causes it to operate incorrectly, by not to crash -Occur when the program doesn't do what the programmer expects it to do -Are the most difficult errors to debug -Happen even though the program contains no syntax errors.


-A combination of a keyboard and computer screen that function as an input and output device for a microcomputer -Does not have processing capability like a microcomputer does (Processing requests input from the terminal are transmitted to the computer (e.g. minicomputer or mainframe) which processes data as necessary, then sends the results back to the terminal)


-A computer program or set of programs that converts source code (the original code written by the programmer) into object code (an executable file) that the computer operating system can understand. -The compiled program is saved as object code for later execution. -Examples of complier programs include C, C++, visual basic, and Pascal.

Spreadsheet Software

-A computer program that shows rows of figures and performs calculations with them. -The calculations are based on numbers and formulas the user enters. (An example is Microsoft Excel, Lotus, etc.) -Often used by businesses to keep track of inventory, sales, etc.

Storage Medium

-A device for recording (Storing) information (Data) -Anything that contains data-a disk, tape, CD, paper, or DVD

Peripheral Device

-A device that is connected to a host computer (Is not considered to be part of the host computer) -Expands to computer's capabilities but does not form part of the core computer architecture. -Is often partially or completely dependent on the host -3 different types of peripherals: (-Input, which provide input to the computer from the user (mice, keyboard, etc.) -Output, which provides output to the user from the computer (monitors, printers, etc.) -storage, which store data (hard drives, flash drives, etc.)


-A file in a format that the computer can directly execute (e.g. a program that tells the computer how to perform a specific task) (-unlike source files, executable files cannot be read by humans. -To transform a source file into an executable file, it must be passed through a complier or assembler.) -A piece of software-a program-consists of one or more executable files, plus the data files -The executable is the file that contains the actual instructions to the computer. (-Other files just contain supporting data needed by the program (i.e. saved documents, pictures, etc.)

Flash Memory Drives

-A flash memory data storage device integrated with a USB (Universal Serial Bus) -When connected, appears as an external drive. -Provides a convent way to transport and transfer data


-A group of sectors within a hard disk -The grouping by which disk files are organized -A disk drive normally handles a cluster at a time to speed up the reading and writing process -The size of a cluster depends on the capacity of the disk and the disk drive's technical specifications.

Binary Name System

-A method of representing numbers in which only the digits 0 and 1 are used -Used by digital computers -Every piece of information boils down to 1's and 0's (e.g. a character is one byte of information; a byte consists of 8 bits, eight 1's and 0's)


-A phenomena in which storage space is used inefficiently, reducing capacity and often performance. -Occurs when files are stored in many noncontiguous (non back-to-back) clusters. (These files are said to be fragmented) -Is undesirable because it slows down computer performance -Defragmentation utilities are run to put files back in order and optimize the performance.

File Specification

-A reference to the name and location of a file in the file system -Also known as a file path

Radio Buttons

-A series of on-screen buttons that allow only one selection to be made from the group. -Contrasts with checkboxes, which allow selection of some or all of the options. -Radio buttons are round while checkboxes are square.

Decision Support System

-A set of related computer programs and the data required to assist with analysis and decision-making within an organization. -Allows users to create data models of "what-if" scenarios -Provides the tools the decision maker needs to examine the data -Does NOT override human decision making-the ultimate decision is still make by the human


-A set of step for carrying out a task or solving a problem -The exact format of the algorithm depends on the programming language that will be used to write the program -Programmers develop an algorithm outlining all the steps required before writing the actual program to carry out the task -One example would be "if variable A ='Yes' the print 'Hello World'" -Can be expressed in several different ways-either structured English or pseudocode


-A single integrated circuit in a personal computer that holds the CPU. -Processing units each have two main parts: (-Arithmetic Logic Unit, which performs arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction. -Control Unit, which direct and coordinates processing)

File Manager

-A software program that helps users find, rename, move, copy, and delete files or folders -One example is Windows Explorer


-A special area in computer memory that holds data that the user is likely to use soon. -Used by a computer to increase the speed of data access. (-Cache memory can be accessed much more quickly than the hard drive. -By storing data that is likely to be used in the memory cache, the system can run much faster)


-A symbol that stands for one more unspecified characters, used especially in searching text and in selecting multiple files or directories. (-The asterisk is a wildcard used in Windows to select files that have filename that include the letter combinations the user types in (typing in "st*" in the Windows file search would cause it to search for all filenames that start with "st") -The question mark is another wildcard example (typing in "st?re" would return both "stare" and "store"


-A symbolic name given to some unknown quality of value -Values are stored in structures called variables when written in a programming language. (-e.g. if Value 1=200, Value 1 would be the name of the variable which contains the number 200. -In the example above, the variable could also be a test string)

Flat Text File

-A text file having data but no internal hierarchy -Similar to information stored on index cards -Simplest kind of file-a computer writes straight to it without encoding it in computer language or doing any special kind of formatting.

Multi-Processor System

-A tight coupled computer system having two or more processing units -Also called parallel systems -Instructions form different programs can be processed simultaneously by different processors -Offers great speed and reliability -When one processor fails the system can still continue to operate at a lower performance level.

Random Access Memory (RAM)

-A type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly; that is, any byte of memory can be accessed without touching the preceding bytes. -The most common type of memory found in computers and other devices, such as printers -Retains its contents only as long as the computer is powered on -Programs which are currently running are stored in RAM -RAM can be written to and erased, in contrast to ROM, which is read only memory, and contains the basic instructions for the computer -Whatever is stored in RAM disappears when the computer is turned off, so if it's important, it needs to be transferred to storage media (i.e. the hard drive) -It is much faster to access RAM than the hard drive, so it is used to currently running programs.

CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing)

-A type of microprocessor design where computing is based on a CPU with a complex instruction set -Contrasts with RISC, which involves a reduced instruction set


-A unique set of letters and numbers that identifies a file (It is a good idea to name files in a way that describes what is in them) -Is often followed by a extension which normally describes the type of file. (-e.g. Microsoft Excel document often end with the extension ".xls" (i.e. myspreadsheat.xls) -e.g. the extension "exe" means that the file is an executable (i.e. program.exe))


-A unit of measurement for computer data -Each byte is eight binary digits long -One byte represent one character (or space), so the phrase "Hello World" takes 11 bytes.


-A word or identifier that has a particular meaning to a specific programming language. -Holds a predefined meaning for the complier which translates each line of programming code into the machine language that the computer can understand. -Examples of keywords include, READ, WRITE, IF, and THEN.

Online Banking

-Allows customers to conduct financial transactions on a secure website operated by their bank. -Computers are used to view balances, transfer funds among accounts, download transactions directly from the bank, and pay bills.


-Also known as personal computers -Typically found in homes and small businesses. -Prices range from $500 to $5000 but consumers typically purchase systems in the middle of this range, spending from $1000 to $2000. -Measured by the speed of the processor, which is quantified by megahertz (Mhz) or gigahertz (Ghz)

Graphics Card

-An electronic device that converts information in memory to video output to a display -Allows the computer to communicate with the monitor, formatting output so that images and text can be seen on the screen.

Parity Bit

-An extra bit of information added to every piece of transmitted data to ensure the accuracy of the transmission -Allows some basic error-checking to verify that the data that has arrived on the other end is accurate. (e.g. no info was lost or changed in the transmission)

Random Access Devices

-Any computer memory device in which it is possible to find any particular record as quickly, on average, as any other record. (A computer's internal RAM and disk storage devices (floppy disks, hard drives, CD and DVD drives) are examples of random-access devices) -Access data much quicker than sequential devices, since the can jump directly to the sector they need -Contrast with Sequential Access Devices (Such as tapes) (A tape (Sequential Access Device) needs to be read from the beginning, rewound and fast forwarded to reach certain locations. -A CD (Random Access Device) can skip to any section at any time.)

Expansion Port

-Any connector that passes data in and out of a peripheral device or computer -Also called "connectors" or "jacks"

Storage Media

-Any device or material on which data can be electronically placed, kept, and retrieved -Includes hard drives, tape backups, DVDs, and CDs.


-Any part of a computer system that might be used by a computer program -Examples include disk drive space, processor time, or memory capacity.

Magnetic Storage

-Any storage medium in which different pattern of magnetization are used to represent stored bits or bytes of information. -Storage technology used for tapes, floppy disks, and hard disks.


-Basis of today's World Wide Web -When a hypertext link is clicked on, you are taken to a new webpage

Boot Disk

-Bootable floppy disk that contains minimal operating system files and is often used for troubleshooting or installing a new operating system -Used during troubleshooting problems

Undelete Utility

-Can restore deleted files because they are not truly deleted until you overwrite the portion of the disk that file is on. -When users first delete a file, the operating system simply records to the FAT (File Allocation Table) that there is no file in that area -The data actually remains intact until overwritten, which is what makes it recoverable.

Computer Network

-Collection of computers and other devices that have been connected in order to share hardware, software, and data. -Network users can send messages to other users on the network and retrieve data from a centralized storage device. -The Internet is the world's largest network.

Read Only Memory (ROM)

-Computer memory on which data has been prerecorded -Once data has been written onto a ROM chip, it cannot be removed and can only be read -Cannot be overwritten -An area in the computer system unit that temporarily hold data before and after it is processed -RAM can be written to and erased, in contrast to ROM, which is read only memory, and contains the basic instructions for the computer.


-Computer of medium power, between a microcomputer and a mainframe. -Capable of carrying out processing tasks for several people working at its terminals.

File-Sharing Network

-Computer services set-up for the purpose of distributing or providing access to digitally stored information -Examples of peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing networks include BitTorrent and Napster (a peer-to-peer network is one in which each computer can act as a client or server for the other computers in the network, allowing shared access to various resources such as files, peripherals, and sensors without the need for a central server.

Application Software

-Computer software designed to help the user perform specific tasks -Examples include word processors, accounting software, graphics programs, media players, and spreadsheet programs.

Office Automation Systems

-Computer systems that execute a variety of office operations, such as word processing, accounting, voice mail, scheduling, database management, and e-mail. -Computerized day-to-day office tasks -Does not include network management, since that isn't a day-to-day office task.

Java Programs

-Consists of two basic types: Applications and Applets (-Applets are Java programs created for the Internet that can't run on their own. -Applications are Java programs created to stand alone and generally run from the command prompt) -Java and Javascript are two different languages. (-Many of their programming structures are similar. -JavaScript contains a much smaller and simpler set of commands than does Java)

Data File

-Contains pictures, words, and numbers that can be viewed, saved, printed, edited, and sent using executables made specifically for that task. -To access a data file, the right program, or executable, is needed. -The data file doesn't tell the computer how to do anything, it simply holds information for programs to use.

Remote Control Software

-Controls another computer remotely -Includes VNC, LapLink, and PC anywhere


-Data representation code used on most mainframes and microcomputers

Tape Backup

-Data storage or backup written on a readable magnetic tape -Tape drives use tape cartridge modules, which are similar to cassette tapes (A tape cartridge is the cartridge containing the magnetic tape)

Modem Card

-Device that allows users to connect to the Internet using network -Transmits data over a phone line -Come in two different formats: (-external modems are a box. -Modem cards fit inside of a computer)


-Drawings which show the series of steps required to solve a problem -Considered to be pseudocode presented in a graphical format

Peripheral Devices

-Electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a compute -Include printers and scanners -Must be connected to the computer before it can run

Mail Merge

-Feature supported by many word processors that enables you to generate form letters -Could be used to send out a hundred different form letters, each with only the greeting changed to match the person's name.

High-Light Programming Languages

-Includes most programming languages -Programmers input instructions very similar to a conversation in the English language. -Operating systems don't know what to do with high-level instructions written in English -Compliers must translate those instructions into object code, also known as low-level instructions, before the operating system can run the program


An internet protocol that lets organizations tie together workgroups and division LANs and connect with the internet.

Command Line

-Interface that requires the user to type commands. -Contrasts with a graphical user interface (GUI) which is based on graphics and is navigated with mouse clicks more than typing on a keyboard.


-Large, fast, and fairly expensive computers -Generally used by business or government to provide centralized storage, processing and management for large amounts of data. -Similar to a minicomputer in the way they carry out processing tasks for multiple users who input processing requests from terminals. -Services more users than a minicomputer (some mainframes handle thousands of users)


-Legal contract which defines the ways in which you may use a computer program -Commercial software packages require that you agree to the terms of a license before you are allowed to install the software -Site license allows the software to be used on all computers in one location.


-List of files maintained by the operating system for each CD-ROM, DVD or disk. -Each directory contains subdirectories, or subfolders, to order a computer's files -Each directory stores information about the files under it. -The main directory of a drive is sometimes referred to as the root directory.

User Interface

-Means by which the user and a computer system interact, in particular the use of input devices and software. -Accepts user input and return computer output.


-Method of expressing an algorithm that looks more like a programming language than structured English. -Easier for humans to understand than conventional programming languages; not intended to be read by machines -A high-level description of a computer programming algorithm

Program Control Statement

-Modifies the order in which the computer executes the statements -Computers normally read a program from top to bottom


-Operating system developed in 1969 by AT&T's Bell Laboratories -Originally made for microcomputers, but has since gained popularity for server use due to its extreme stability -Usually not run on personal computers.

Computer Programming

-Process of designing, writing, testing, debugging, and maintaing the source code of computer programs. -Source code is written in a programming languages such as Java, C++, C#, or Python. -Creates a set of instructions that computers use to perform specific operations or to exhibit desired behaviors. -Writing source code often requires expertise in many different subjects, including knowledge of the application domain, specialized algorithms and formal logic.

Backwards Compatibility

-Product or technology that can work with input generated by an older product or technology (e.g. Windows XP can run programs meant for earlier versions such as Windows 95) -Also known as downwardly compatible.

Setup Program

-Program that enables the user to set up a program or suite of programs on the computer's hard drive. -Leads users through the installation process for new software.

Defragmentation Utility

-Program that rearranges files on a disk so that they are stored in contiguous, or back to back sectors of the disk. -After many files have been erased and written, a hard drive's data becomes disorganized, or fragmented -Defragmentation reorganizes data so that the operating system can read and write data quickly and efficiently.

Search Engines

-Programs for the retrieval of data, files, or documents from a database or network, especially the Internet. -Includes Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Altavista


-Programs used to direct the operations of a computer -Required for computer function

Internal Services

-Provided by the operating system to ensure that the computer is functioning properly -Operate "behind the scenes" so they don't bother users -Examples include managing the hard drive, detecting hardware failure, a real-time clock, and allocating memory to programs that require it.

Device Letter

-Provides a way to refer to a particular storage device in Microsoft Windows -Necessary so that the computer knows which device to use for reading or writing -For example, most machines have Drive C as the main hard drive and Drive A is the floppy drive.

Tapes of Memory

-Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM)

Syntax Errors

-Refer to typographical errors and incorrect use of the programming language. -Includes incorrect or punctuation errors, spelling errors, and omitted keywords.

POST (Power On Self Test)

-Refers to a basic check for problems in the computer during boot up -Occurs when the computer is turned on, before the operating system gets a chance to start up. -Runs various checks on hardware and diagnoses problems in the computer -For example, POST would check to see if the graphics card is working

I/O (Input/Output)

-Refers to the collection of data for the microprocessor to process and transport of results to an output device (devices that use I/O include monitors, printers, and hard drives)


-Refers to the computer itself and to components called peripheral devices that expand the computer's input, output, and storage capabilities. -Examples of hardware include the monitor, hard drives, memory, the CPU, printer, etc.

Computer Output

-Results produced by a computer -"Output" also means the process of producing output -Examples of computer output include reports, documents, music, graphs, and pictures. -Output devices displays, prints, or transmits the results of processing-such as a printer or scanner.


-Set of instructions for the computer and its associated data that direct the computer to accomplish certain tasks -Windows, Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, and computer games are examples of software that tells the computer to perform a specific function -People who illegally copy, distribute, or modify software are often called pirates. -Software companies lose millions of dollars every year to software piracy. -Illegal copies of software are referred to as pirated software


-Set of principles and beliefs that govern a person or group's actions or behavior -The ethical and moral implications of living in the digital age include information and intellectual property rights. -Traditional intellectual property rights are difficult to enforce in the age of computers (for example, it is easy to pirate and distribute copyrighted materials)


-Set of rules that specify the sequence and punctuation for command words and parameters in computer programming -Syntax errors occur when: Command words are misspelled Required punctuation is left out Words are typed in the wrong order -Computers display an error message when a syntax error occurs.


-Simultaneous execution of multiple tasks (programs) under the control of an interrupt-driven operating system -Allows users to run many different computer programs at once

Units of Memory

-Smallest unit of memory is 1 Bit -8 bits make up 1 byte -Memory us usually measured in bytes or larger units -1 byte is minimum amount of memory required to store 1 character -There are 256 different characters that can be stored in 1 byte of memory


-Software designed to facilitate project collaboration by a number of different users. -Designed to allow team members to work together even though they are in different physical locations -Popular examples include Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange -Users can view the same information by copying files across a distributed system (Calendars, email, and documents can be shared) -Users can synchronize scheduling, project management, video conferencing and instant messaging.

Programming Languages

-Software that allow programmers to create programs that translate English commands into instructions computers understand. -There are many different computer languages a programmer can choose from, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. (Some examples include C, C++, Pascal, Java, BASIC and assembly) -Consists of a set of keywords and grammar rules used to create instructions for a computer.


-Software that allows users to find and read encoded documents in a form suitable for display -Software used to "Surf the Web", A program that allows the user to find and view pages on the world wide web.

Public Domain Software

-Software that has been donated to the public, so it is not owned by the author. -Also called freeware -License for "freeware" allows people to distribute, copy, and even resell it -Nobody is allowed to copyright freeware.

Operating System

-Software that supports a computer's basic functions, such as scheduling tasks, executing applications, and controlling peripherals. -Most personal computers are based on one of two major platforms, Windows or Macintosh -PC's usually run Windows -Apple Computers are also called Macs because they run the Macintosh operating system. -Some people run other operating systems instead of Windows on their PC's, such as Linux, Ubuntu, Redhat, or Unix. -Controls all activities that take place on a computer -First piece of software installed on a brand new computer -The most common operating system is Windows

Programming Errors

-Softwares error resulting from bad code in some program involved in producing the erroneous result -There are two types: logic and syntax errors (-Logic errors-where conditions or variables are not correctly described -Syntax errors-where a variable is misspelled or a function is used incorrectly)


-Special high-speed memory that gives the CPU (Central Processing Unit) access to data very quickly -Affects the speed of the CPU, since the CPU not only needs to be able to be fed quickly as well as process it quickly.

Hard Drive

-Storage device for digital data that stores billions of characters on a non-removable disk platter -External light indicates when the hard disk drive is in use.


-Synonymous with multi-tasking in the computer environment -Ability of a computer system to execute two or more applications simultaneously -Operating systems will keep several jobs in memory simultaneously and then select a job from the job queue and execute it -When that job needs to wait for input or output, the CPU is switched to another job.

Device Driver

-System software which helps the computer control a peripheral device, such as a printer or sound card.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

-The Brain of the computer -The hardware within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the system.


-The basic unit of information in computing -Each 1 or 0 that represents data -At the most basic level of hardware, computers consists of millions of "switches" that are on or off -Switches that are on are represented by a '1', and switches that are off are represented by '0' -Strings of these 1's and 0's, known as bits, make up data -8 bits (or one byte) represent one character of data.


-The basic unit of the composition of an image on a television screen, computer monitor, or similar display. -Monitors look like they are displaying one big picture, but are actually made up of thousands of little dots called pixels -Thousands of pixels are displayed on a monitor screen -The more dots or pixels a screen displays, the higher its resolution and the crisper the picture -The number of pixels you have is called your resolution -Common screen resolutions are: 800x600 pixels 1024x768 pixels, and 1920x1080 pixels

Distributed Processing

-The distribution of multiple computers throughout an organization in contrast to a centralized system -Stand-alone computers are linked by communications networks -Processing is shared between PCs, mainframes and other computers -Work is divided between computers so that the machine that can most efficiently execute the task is given that task -This increases efficiency -Two popular forms of distributed processing are the client/server and peer to peer models of computing -Peer to peer computing can connect computers on the Internet or in private networks so that they can distribute jobs. (workstations share responsibility for processing storage, printing, and communications tasks without a server) -The client/server model is generally what is used in companies on local area networks (LANs)

File Allocation Table (FAT)

-The part of a floppy or hard disk where information is stored about the location of each piece of information on the disk. -When a file is saved to a disk, the operating system records the cluster number that contains the beginning of the file, essentially the location of the file on the hard drive, in a table called a file allocation table.


-The part of the Windows operating system that contains the files needed for a computer to correctly use its software and hardware devices -Usually used only touched by more computer-savvy users


-The place where data is held in an electromagnetic form for access by a computer processor. -Includes hardware such as hard drives, disks, CDs, and tapes -Stores data permanently while it is not needed for processing

Optical Storage

-The storage of data on an optically readable medium -Includes CD and DVD storage technologies

Virtual Memory

-The use of space on a hard disk drive that simulates additional main memory (Random Access Memory, or (RAM) -When the computer's RAM isn't enough to handle all of the computers temporary memory needs, the hard drive serves as a second source of memory (a place where programs can store temporary information they need while running)

Millions of Cycles (Mhz)

-Time to complete a computer's instruction cycle -The original IBM PC's microprocessor performed at 4.77 MHz, while today's processors perform at speeds exceeding 4000 MHz.


-To prepare something for use on an operating system Before you can store data on a hard drive, it must be formatted. Floppy disks almost always come already formatted. -Formatting a disk also erases the contents of the disk.

Parallel Processing

-When a computer which uses more than one processor at a time to increase the amour of processing it can accomplish in a certain amount of time.


-World's Largest network -Provides many information services -Its most popular service is the World Wide Web -Many business and home users are connected to the Internet today -Offers other services as well, such as FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

In an IP address, the number in each group is between _____.

0 and 255


1 and 0. The smallest units of information.

Font size is measured in points, which are about _____ of an inch in height.


Standard CRT monitors today usually display up to a maximum of _____ pixels.

1600 x 1200 pixels

A typical microcomputer system has a ______-inch floppy disk drive that stores as many as 1.44 million characters of data on one floppy disk. A light indicates when the floppy disk drive is in use--a warning not to remove your disk until the light goes out.

3 1/2

It would take a computer _____ to discover a password with 10 characters (assuming 1 million tries per second).

59 years

Virtual memory

A certain portion of the hard disk set aside by the operating system to act as RAM.


A collection of text, numbers, audio, video, and images that have not yet been processed.

Categories of Software

Application Software: -Programs designed for use by end-users -Most programs you use-word processors, spreadsheets, web browsers, the banking program you interact with, fall into this category. System Software: -All the programs and utilities (e.g. operating system, compilers) that enable a computer to function at a very basic level.

There are two basic categories of software. ____________ software is a program designed for use by end-users.


Coax layer 2

A flexible insulator known as the dielectric insulator that insulates the copper wire in the first layer of coax cable.

Hard disk platter

A hard disk is made up of a number of platters. Each one is a rigid material and is mounted on the same spindle as other platters. Each platter is made up of a number of tracks and sectors.

Organized information is _____.

Arranged to suit the needs and requirements of a decision maker.


A named collection of data that exists on a storage medium such as a floppy disk, hard disk, or a CD.

Client/Server Computer Architecture

A network in which one computer (the client) request information from another computer (the server).

In a spreadsheet, how would you reference the range of cells in column B including rows 3 through 11, using relative addressing? ______


COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language)

A programming language particularly suited for writing programs to process large files of data, using a vocabulary of common English words, phrases, and sentences. -Writing computer software is similar to writing a message to the computer containing instructions. -Must be written in a computer language that the computer can understand. -Because computers only understand 0s and 1s, a compiler needs to change commands written by humans into 0s and 1s.

With _____, the computer collects data over time and processes all transactions later, as a group.

Batch Processing

Coax layer 3

A thin, woven copper shield that acts as a conducting layer in coax cable.

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)

A transmission medium and high-speed internet service that transmits digital signals using telephone network cables. Sends voice and data signals on separate physical channels.

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)

A transmission medium that digitally transmits voice, video, graphics, and text data using a digital telephone network.

Shielded twisted-pair cables

A type of twisted-pair cable. Expensive and difficult to install. Used mainly in European countries.

Unshielded twisted-pair cables

A type of twisted-pair cable. Installed using a Registered Jack 45 connector.


A universal coding system that uses 16 binary digit (2 bytes) patterns to represent the 65,536 characters of many languages.


A vertical section of a track that passes through all platters. A single movement of the read/write head accesses all the platters.

UNIX is an operating system that was developed in 1969 by AT&T's ____ Laboratories.



A wireless local area network technology that uses radio signals to connect devices through the internet for data transmission. Follows IEEE 802.11.

Artificial Intelligence is often referred to as ___.


The internet has its roots in _____, a network that became functional in 1969, linking scientific academic researchers across the United States.

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency)

Expansion cards

Added to the computer system to provide additional functionality. Examples: video graphics card, modem card, network interface card.

Internet advertising firms often use software, called _____, to collect information about the user's Web-browsing habits.


Decode instruction

After an instruction is brought to the CPU, the control unit decodes that instruction and gives the necessary data to the ALU.

A common netiquette rule is to avoid _____, which is the equivalent of shouting.

All Capital Letters


Allows people to communicate all over the world without being connected via wired phone or cables. The latest version is Wireless 4G.


Also called a file allocation unit. It is the smallest unit of space used for storing data on a hard disk. It is made up of one or more sectors.


Also called an amplifier. Amplifies the strength of the incoming signals on a network and re-transmits them so that they can travel long distances without losing their integrity.


Also called frames, blocks, cells, or segments. The units that messages sent over a packet-switched network are subdivided into. Each stores one unit of binary data. Their size is usually between 1,000 and 1,500 bytes.

A _____ is the smallest unit of data a computer can process.


Most e-commerce actually takes place between businesses, which is called _____.

Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce

A _____ is a graphical element that you activate to cause a specific action to take place.


The compiled program is saved as object code for later execution. Examples of compiler programs include C, ____, visual basic, and Pascal.


_____ typically consists of self-directed, self-paced instruction on a topic.

CBT (Computer-Based Training)

During a cold boot on a personal computer, the POST (power-on self-test) results are compared with data in a _____ chip.

CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor)

_____ is a combination of databases, software, and procedures that organizes and allows acces to various forms of documents and other forms called metadata.

CMS (Content Management System)

A computer processes data in a device called the ___.


Computer memory heirarchy

CPU registers, cache memory, RAM, permanent or secondary storage, virtual memory, and ROM.

_____ is the inflammation of the nerve that connects the forearm to the palm of the wrist.

CTS (Carpel Tunnel Syndrome)

Coaxial cables

Cable made of copper that carry two parallel physical channels separated by an insulation material and each channel can carry a signal. Has four layers. Connects radio networks, TVs, computer networks in consumer devices and military equipment.

In a spreadsheet, a _____ is the intersection between a column and a row.


Communications Satellite

Also known as space stations. Receive microwave-transmitted signals from a station on earth, amplify the signals, and send them back to a number of stations on earth.


Central Processing Unit. Processes data.

_____ is the most widely used coding scheme used to represent data.

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)


American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Uses 8 binary digit patterns consisting of 1s and 0s that represent the 256 characters in the English language.

A program determines the _____ by applying a formula to the numbers in the primary key.

Check Digit

Modem, NIC (network interface card)

Communication devices

Twisted-pair cables

Composed of two individual copper wires that are wrapped with an insulation material and twisted, then wrapped again with an insulator.


Computer programs. Can be system software or application software.


Connects all the computers in a LAN and enables them to communicate with each other. Also handles the exchange of data between computers in the network.

A _____ tests the data in two or more associated fields to ensure that the relationship is logical.

Consistency Check

Root directory

Created during the formatting of a hard drive. All the data on the disk is stored in folders and filed in a hierarchical format. The root directory is at the top of the hierarchy directory on the hard disk.

File Allocation Table (FAT)

Created during the formatting of a hard drive. Creates a table of contents to keep track of all the files stored on the disk by specifying the name of each file, its size, and the number of the sector where it begins.

A data warehouse contains _____, _____, _____.

Current and historical transactions and summarizations of this data.

An enterprise ASP _____.

Customizes and delivers high-end business applications.

A CD-ROM drive and a ___ drive are storage devices that use laser technology to read data from optical disks.


A DBMS uses the _____ to perform validation checks.

Data Dictionary


Data is entered into the computer via hardware.


Designed to perform complex mathematical calculations at a very high speed. Extremely powerful, large, and expensive.

Job titles in the management area of an IT department does not include a _____.

Desktop Publisher

PCs (personal computers)

Desktop computers for personal use.

A _____ usually lists just transactions.

Detailed Report

Large-scale applications sometimes refer to a graphics tablet as a _____.


If you type the formula a1+b1/2 into a spreadsheet cell. What is the first mathematical operation that occurs? ________


A _____ is the text version of an IP address.

Domain Name

Coax layer 1

Electrical copper wire (center core) that conducts AC in coax cable.

A T3 line is _____.

Equal to 28 T1 Lines; Expensive

______ are a set of principles and beliefs that we as free human beings follow to guide our actions and behavior.


An example of a spreadsheet program is Microsoft ______. You can enter numbers and formulas. Businesses often use spreadsheets to keep track of their inventory, sales, etc..


Web page authoring software includes all of the following EXCEPT:


Lotus Notes and Microsoft _________ are popular examples of groupware applications. They allow users to view the same information by copying files across a distributed system, share calendars, and handle email.



Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code. Uses 8 binary digit patterns consisting of 1s and 0s that represent the 256 characters in the English language.

An ERM system _____.

Facilitates communications between human resources personnel and employees.

The Internet refers to the world wide network which many business and home users are connected to today. The World Wide Web, which is what most people are actually talking about when they refer to "surfing the Web," is just one part of the Internet. The Internet offers other services as well, such as FTP (_______________ Protocol).

File Transfer

____________ drives plug into the computer's USB ports and have memory capacities of up to many gigabytes.

Flash memory

A _____ is a window on a screen that provides areas for entering or changing data in a database.


_____ is copyrighted software provided for an unlimited time at no cost to a user.


Popular search engines include _______, Altavista, etc..


An example of word processing software is Microsoft Word--it allows you to type up letters and other documents. Mail Merge would be the feature you use to send out a hundred different form letters, each with only the _________ changed to match the person's name.



Group of eight bits. Computers use them to represent any character typed.

_________ provides a way for people to collaborate their efforts on a project.


Widely used procedural programming languages that the industry recognizes as standards include all of the following EXCEPT:


Web Protocols



Handles and controls the data in transmission to a computer whose destination address appears on the data packet.


Hardware that holds data that is waiting to be processed -Computers needs to store data so that it will be available for processing -This data is typically stored in more than one location, depending on how the data is being used.

OSI Model

Has seven layers that allow all network devices to communicate effectively. Each layer provides services to the layer above it and receives service from the layer below it.

_____ is a job title in the end-user computing area of an IT department.

Help Desk Specialist

Special purpose registers

Hold the status of the computer program.

General purpose register

Holds data as well as addresses of data and instructions.

Data register

Holds the data items that are being processed.

Storage register

Holds the information and final results of processing.

A _____ is any computer that directly connects to a network.


An employee at IBM( would probably have the domain name _______ after the "at" symbol in his work e-mail address.

A _____ is similar to an electronic filing cabinet that provides acces to exact reproductions of the original documents.

Image Processing System

Keyboard, mouse

Input devices

Information Processing Cycle (IPOS)



Instruction telling a computer to carry out a computer programming task.


Interfaces between two networks using different protocols.

The world's largest network, the ________, provides many information services, but the most popular is the World Wide Web, often referred to simply as the Web.


An information system must share information, or have _____, with other information systems within an enterprise.


_____ is a set of technologies by Sun Microsystems that allows programmers to develop and deploy Web services for an enterprise.

J2EE (JAVA 2 Platform Enterprise Edition)

Of the graphics formats that exist on the Web, the two more common are _____ formats because of their smaller file sizes.


A _____ is equal to exactly 1,024 bytes, but computer users often round it down to 1,000 bytes to simplify memory and storage definitions.

Kilobyte (KB or K)

Popular remote control software includes VNC, ________, and PCanywhere.


A bar code scanner uses _____ to read the bar code on a product.

Laser Beams

CD/DVD data storage

Laser beam technology is used to write data using land and pit on CDs/DVDs.

Network Router

Links two or more networks through wires or radio signals and enables them to deliver data to the destination computer.

Some people run other operating systems instead of Windows on their PC (i.e. ______ Redhat).


A _____ is a network that connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area, such as a home, school computer laboratory, or office building.

Local Area Network (LAN)

Ethernet ports

Looks similar to a phone jack. Connects a computer to another computer, a local network, or an external DSL or cable modem.

_____ are often integrated with transaction processing systems to generate accurate and timely reports for analysis.



MOdulates and DEModulates. Used to convert digital signals to analog signals and vice-versa. Modulating is digital to analog; demodulating is analog to digital.

Most of the computers used in people's homes are based on one of two major platforms--PCs and ____ (or Macintosh).


Fiber optic cables

Made from transparent fiberglass or plastic fibers. Data is sent in the form of light pulses emitted by a laser or LED. Used for LANs.

Hard disk

Magnetic storage device that holds information by means of iron filings on the disks surface that can have one of two states: magnetized (1), or not magnetized (0). Every computer must have at least one to store the operation system.

__________ are large, fast, and fairly expensive computers, generally used by business or government to provide centralized storage, processing and management for large amounts of data.


_____ is a common data type in a database that consists of lengthy text entries.


______ is an area of a computer that holds data that is waiting to be processed.


Application Software

Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.

____________ is a service which allows you to work on several projects at a time.


Which of the following is not a plug-in?

Netscape Navigator

A program that stores and distributes newsgroup messages is called a _____.


Each computer or device on a local area network, called a _____, often shares resources such as printers, large hard disks, and programs.


Hypermedia is made up of a _____ combination of text, audio, video, and graphical components that are linked electronically.


With _____, the computer processes each transaction as it is entered.

OLTP System (Online Transaction Processing)

______ automation systems include E-mail, word processing, voice mail, scheduling, databases, and more.


In a recent report, the U.S. government attributed _____ of the country's economic growth to digital technologies, resulting in tremendous increases in productivity.

One Third

______________ is a way to use your computer to transfer funds among accounts, download transactions directly from your bank, and pay bills, all via the Web.

Online banking

_____ devices read hand-drawn marks such as small circles or rectangles.

Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)

A _____ uses devices that emit and sense light to detect the mouse's movement.

Optical Mouse

Categories of Computers

Ordered from least to most powerful: -Microcomputers -Minicomputers -Mainframe computers -Supercomputers Organized by: -Technology -Physical size -Performance -Cost

Monitor, printer

Output devices

A _____ network is an internet network on which users connect directly to each other's hard disks and exchange files directly.


Windows normally runs on the __ platform.


Many companies distribute documentation and reports in _____, which allows files to be easily downloaded and viewed on a vaariety of platforms using Adobe Acrobat Reader software.


Most PDAs today include, among other features, _____ functionality.

PIM (Personal Information Manager)

A _____ is a special kind of order processing system that records purchases, processes credit or debit cards, and updates inventory.

POS System (Point of Sale)

The technique of breaking a message into individual packets, sending the packets along the best route available, and then reassembling the data is called _____.


_____ consists of running the old system alongside the new system for a specified time.

Parallel Conversion

Examples of programming languages include C, C++, _______, Java, BASIC and assembly.


ALU (arithmetic/logic unit)

Performs all required arithmetical and logical operations to complete a task.

Unary Operator

Performs operations on only one operand. An example is -, a negation operator.

Binary Operator

Performs operations on two operands. An example is +, which adds two numbers.

The two major platforms are PCs (____________________) and Macs.

Personal Computers


Physical components of the computer such as the keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

A _____ is the smallest element in an electronic image.


The _____ for a project begins when the steering committee receives a project request.

Planning Phase

FireWire ports

Ports that allow digital devices to transfer data very quickly.

Connectivity ports

Ports that help a computer communicate with networks or other computers. An example is a modem port.

Serial ports

Ports that send only one bit of data at a time.

Parallel ports

Ports that send two or more bits of data at a time.

System Software

Pre-loaded software like an operating system. It is required to interface with the computer and manage all the hardware and software. It allows users to run applications and programs.

With _____ software, a mobile user can create and deliver a presentation to a large audience by connecting a mobile computer or device to a video projector that displays the presentaiton on a full screen.

Presentation Graphics


Processed data that is potentially useful for making decisions, answering questions, or getting results that take a meaningful form.

CPU, memory

Processing devices

During _____, a systems analyst identifies the processing requirements for each program in the system.

Program Design

A ____________________ allows a programmer to create a program using english-like instructions.

Programming Language

Wireless Access Point

Provides wireless internet connections to mobile devices at various places. The two types are Hotspots and 3G.

_____________ software, or "freeware", is software that has been donated to the public, so it is not owned by the author.

Public domain

A _____ is a seperate area of a hard disk that holds an infected file until the infection can be removed.



Reads the destination address of a packet and decides the best path on which to send the packets so that they reach their destinations.

In a database, each row, called a _____, contains data about a given person, product, object, or event.


_____ is an operating systems certification that tests basic knowledge of setting up and managing a Linux operating system.

Red Hat Certified Technician (RHCT)

Most _____ database products for midrange servers and mainframs include SQL.


With a _____, the vendor selects the product that meets specified requirements and then quotes the prices.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

_____ option buttons sometimes called "radio buttons," allow you to select only one of the options.


One purpose of using test data is to try to cause a _____, which is an error that occurs while a program is executing.

Run-Time Error

_____ software helps salespeople manage customer contacts, schedule customer meetings, log customer interactions, manage product information, and take order from customers.


Sharing resources on a network _____.

Saves time and money

You can search for information on a specific topic using a _____________.

Search Engine

_____, which allows users to choose an encryption scheme that passes between a client and a server, requires that both the client and server have digital certificates.

Secure HTTP (S-HTTP)

A _____ is an interpreted program that runs on the server.


_________ is "try before you buy" software.


A _____ is an icon on the desktop that provides a user with immediate access to a program or file.


Expansion slots

Slots where expansion cards can be inserted into the motherboard.

With a ____, a company can select a word in a page to be automatically linked to another page chosen by the company.

Smart Tag

________ is normally thought of as a set of instructions for the computer and its associated data, which are stored in electronic format, that direct the computer to accomplish certain tasks.


_________ companies lose millions of dollars every year to software piracy.


Software piracy continues for all of the following reasons except that _____.

Software piracy drives down the price of software for all users.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Software

Software used with a scanner to convert images to text and input the resulting data into a computer

A _____, also called program logic, is a graphical or written description of the step-by-step procedures to solve the problem.

Solution Algorithm

A ring network _____ to install.

Spans a larger distance than Bus network but is more difficult

___________ software makes calculations based on numbers and formulas the user enters.


______ Checkboxes allow you to select any or all of the options.


_______(hard drives, disks, tapes, etc.) is the area where data can be left on a permanent basis while it is not needed for processing.



Storage Device that use laser technology to read data from optical disks.

CPU registers

Storage areas of the CPU meant for use solely by the CPU. Any data that needs processing must be present in one of these.

Floppy Disk

Storage device composed of a thin, flexible "floppy" magnetic disk.

A voice mailbox is a _____ in a voice mail system.

Storage location on a hard disk

CDs, flash drive, memory card

Storage media

_____________ are physical materials that provide long-term storage for computer data.

Storage media

Secondary storage

Stores all kinds of data that can be retrieved, altered, and saved again. Examples: RAM, hard disks, hard drives, flash drives.

Cache memory

Stores data frequently used by the ALU. Has three levels.

Address register

Stores the addresses of each data item or instruction in RAM.

A _____ consolidates data, usually with tools, tabes, or graphs.

Summary Report


Symbol that appears on a monitor to indicate that the computer is ready to receive user input.


Symbols used to manipulate numeric values and perform operations on one, two, or three operands and return a single result. Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, and / symbols. Comparison operators: <, >, <=, >=, and != symbols.

______ specifies the sequence and punctuation for command words and parameters.


Most programs you use--word processors, spreadsheets, web browsers, the banking program you interact with, are all applications software. The other type of software is ________ software, which are programs that interact with the computer at a very basic level (i.e. operating systems, compilers).


The most popular T-carrier line is the _____.

T1 Line

Internet transmissions commonly use _____.


Examples of keywords include READ, WRITE, IF, and _____.


The primary input device for a _____ is a digital pen, which allows users to write on the device's screen.

Tablet PC

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) uses _____ to specify how a document should be formatted.


_____ measures whether a company has or can obtain the hardware, software, and people needed to deliver and then support a proposed information system.

Technical Feasibility


Technology that measures characteristics of humans, such as fingerprints, retinal scans, voice recognition, etc.

_____ is a work arrangement in which employees work away from a company's standard workplace and often communicate with the office through the computer.


Through _____, health-care professionals in seperate locations can have live conferences on the computer.


Execute instruction

The ALU performs all necessary operations according to the program's instructions.

Artificial Intelligence

The ability of computers to solve problems and perform tasks that were once thought to be uniquely human.


The assignment of particular areas of a magnetic disk to particular data or instructions. -E.g. when a file is stored on a disk, the operating system records the cluster number that contains the beginning of the file in a table called an allocation.


The computer displays the results of the processing on hardware like a monitor.


The computer performs operations on the data. Performed by the CPU.


The computer stores generated output.

Fetch instruction

The control unit requests RAM to provide the first instruction of a program that is stored at a particular address in RAM. The instruction is placed in an instruction register.

Dot pitch

The distance between the centers of two pixels of the same color.

Store results in CPU registers

The generated result is stored in one of the CPU registers.

Coax layer 4

The insulating plastic jacket that surrounds the third layer in coax cable.


The main circuit board of a computer. It includes a CPU, RAM, a chipset (with a north and south bridge), expansion slots, BIOS, ports for peripheral devices, a clock, controllers, and expansion buses.

P2P Networks

The most common locally controlled network. Each node on the network can communicate directly with every other node on the network.


The most popular operating system for personal computers today. -Popularity is due to the wide array of applications and games available for this operating system and its user friendly interface.

Control unit

The part of the CPU that manages all the operations of the computer, including the machine cycle. Receives and interprets every instruction of a computer program, then gives instructions to the different parts of the computer to complete the task.

Formatting a hard disk

The process that divides a hard disk into concentric circles called tracks, then into pie-shaped arcs, called sectors. Each track and sector has a number, called an address. No data can be stored on a hard disk until it is formatted.

Enterprise Network Architecture

The use of collaborative software to enable different departments or people of an organization to network. Integrates all different computer platforms, such as Windows, Unix, and Apple, and different types of computers such as mainframes and minicomputers.

Data type

The value stored in a data item. The basic types are text, graphic, audio, video, date/time, etc.


The way in which data is turned into information.

With a procedural language, often called a _____, a programmer uses a series of English-like words to write instructions.

Third-Generation Language (3GL)

Layer 2: Data-Link

This layer contains the source and destination addresses. Also handles the delivery of data to the receiving computer using the physical layer. Switches and bridges communication handle this layer.

Layer 6: Presentation

This layer converts and formats the data into the proper syntax or form so that when sent to another node, it is correctly understood. The formatting may include converting data from one coding system to another, as well as encryption and decryption of data.

Layer 7: Application

This layer involves programs that respond to a user's request as well as the responses to that request to use the network for things like email and file transfer.

Layer 4: Transport

This layer is responsible for completing data transfer between the nodes by placing data in packets and adding the destination address, header, and other info.

Layer 1: Physical

This layer is responsible for sending bits of data stream from the sending computer to the receiving computer. Encodes and decodes data. Hubs and repeaters handle this layer.

Layer 5: Session

This layer manages all of the aspects that deal with the exchange of data between applications. This includes establishing and ending communication and mode of communication.

Layer 3: Network

This layer routes and forwards the packets to their destinations by addressing messages and converting the logical address into the physical address of the receiving node. Routers handle layer three.

Some Web sites use ____ on their pages because graphics can be time-consuming to display.



Transmits data between two different LANs.


Transmits voice and data at high speeds using radio waves. Does not require line of sight. Works on a spread-spectrum frequency hopping technology.

A _____ is a malicious-logic program that hides within or looks like a legitimate program and usually is triggered by a certain condition or action.

Trojan Horse

A _____ shows actors, which are drawn as stick figures, that connect to each function the actors can perform with an arrow.

Use Case Diagram

USB (universal serial bus) ports

Used to connect many different input, output, or peripheral devices.

Hard disk read and write heads

Used to retrieve data from and save data to a hard disk.

The entire collection of Internet newsgroups is called _____, which contains thousands of newsgroups on a multitude of topics.



Uses infrared light waves to transmit data between computers and peripheral devices. Requires line of sight.


Uses microwave and integrated technologies for high-speed data transmission. Sends signals from one microwave station to another, usually located on top of buildings or mountains because it must be line of sight.

RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) Machines

Utilize a microprocessor with a streamlined set of instructions -In 1975, an IBM research scientist, by name if John Cocke, discovered that the most of the work done by a microprocessor required only a small portion of the available instruction set. -This led to the realization that about 20% of the instructions actually did about 80% of the work, which eventually led to the development of RISC machines.

Mainframe Computers

Very large, expensive, and powerful computers that allow thousands of users to perform tasks simultaneously.

The _____ directs a company's information service and communications functions.

Vice President of IT/Chief Information Officer (CIO)

RAM (Random Access Memory)

Volatile, temporary working memory of the computer. Stores all data, instructions, programs, and documents while the computer is in use. All contents are lost once the computer is turned off.

Businesses are the primary users of _____ because this technology provides a means for departments to communicate with each other, suppliers, vendors, and clients.

Web Services


When Information System functions are hired out to a third party contractor (e.g. when companies send out work to an outside provider to cut costs)

Instruction register (IR)

When an instruction begins, this holds instructions currently being executed.

The operating system is the first piece of software installed on a brand new computer. The most common operating system is ________, for PC's. Other operating systems are Linux, and MacOS.


Examples of network operating systems include all of the following EXCEPT:

Windows XP

_____ is designed for workstations that use an Itanium 2 processor.

Windows XP 64-Bit Edition

Groupware is a component of a broad concept called _____, which includes network hardware and software that enables group members to communicate, manage projects, schedule meetings, and make decisions.

Workgroup Computing

Software for accessing the ______________ is called a browser.

World Wide Web

The emerging combination of _____ with EDI allows a standard framework to exchange different types of data via the web.

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

The _____ processor is/are ideal for workstations and low-end servers.

Xeon and Itanium

If you have free email from yahoo, your address might be [email protected]. "__________" is the domain name for your email.

A _____ looks similar to a floppy disk but has much greater storage capabilities - up to the equivalent of 170 standard floppy disks.

Zip Disk

In a spreadsheet, referring to a cell with an address such as $B$5 is called using a ________ address.


The basic concepts of ethical behavior are responsibility, ______________, liability and due process.


Writing computer software is like writing a message to the computer containing instructions. It must be written in a computer language for the computer to understand. There are many computer languages of different types. COBOL is a compiled language; it is NOT an __________ language. You will learn more on this later.


This is mainly because of the wide array of ______________ and games available for this operating system and its user friendly interface.


For example, you might be running Windows XP, but programs designed for an older version of Windows (i.e. Windows 95), should still run on your operating system. This is sometimes called __________ compatibility.


A computer processes data in a device called the central processing unit or CPU. The CPU could be considered the ______ of the computer.


This could be a set range, like 2 km or it could be limited to one _________.


This word comes from the Greek word ethos and means __________.


The means by which humans and computers ___________ is referred to as the user interface.


Computers that operate in essentially the same way are said to be __________.


Many operating systems are downwardly __________ which means that they can run programs meant for earlier versions.


COBOL is a ________ language.


This is the system in society that determines who took the actions in question and who is responsible for those actions. Responsibility means accepting the ______________ of your actions. Liability refers to the legal system that places responsibility on the guilty party and punishes them accordingly. Due process explains the established legal process and appeals procedure to ensure that the laws were properly applied.


Peripheral devices (i.e. printers, scanners, modems) don't just control themselves; they need pieces of software called device drivers which are specially designed to ________ them.


An Operating System is essentially the __________ of all activities that take place on your computer.


The license for "freeware" allows people to distribute, copy, and even resell it. They may not, however, apply for a __________.


With computerization, traditional intellectual property rights are difficult to enforce. For example, it is easy to pirate and distribute _____________ materials.


Computers store and process ______ to generate _______.

data; information

Logic errors occur when the program does not do what the programmer expects it to do and are the most difficult errors to ______. They occur even though the program contains no syntax errors.


Network users can send messages to other users on the network and retrieve data from a centralized storage device. Using a computer on a network is not much different from using a stand-alone computer, except that you have access to data and software kept on other computers and devices not _________ connected to your machine.


Before you can store data on a disk, it must be formatted. Floppy disks almost always come already formatted. Formatting a disk also _______ the contents of the disk.


A parity bit allows some basic ______-checking to verify that the data that has arrived on the other end is accurate; in other words, no info was lost or changed in the transmission.


In a math equation, the computer will calculate whatever is in the parentheses first. It then processes _________ next.


When plugged into a USB port, flash memory drives show up as an _________ drive and are a convenient way to transport and transfer data.


A ____ text file stores information in a text file similar to how you would on index cards.


A ______ disk drive is a storage device that writes data on floppy disks.


Mail Merge is a feature supported by many word processors that enables you to generate ____ letters.


Before you can store data on a disk, the disk must be _________.


There are many types of software. Windows, Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, whatever computer games you play, are all examples of software; they tell the computer to perform a specific _________.


An interface that requires the user to type commands is referred to as a command-line interface. This is in contrast to a ___________________________ (GUI) which is based on graphics, and typically a mouse to manipulate the graphics instead of a keyboard to type commands. If you use Windows, you're using a graphical user interface--you click on commands, you don't type them.

graphical user interface

A __________ can store billions of characters on a non-removable disk platter.

hard drive

Examples of storage media include _____________, tape backups, etc..

hard drives

Examples of _________ include the monitor, hard drives, memory, the CPU, printers, etc.


Artificial Intelligence refers to the ability of computers to solve problems and perform tasks that were once thought to be uniquely _____.


People who _________ copy, distribute, or modify software are often called pirates.


Computer software is what tells the computer what to do. There are many types of software--for instance, right now you are using web browsing software to view this website. Computers can become even more effective when connected to other computers so that people can share _____________.


A prompt is a message displayed by the computer that asks for _____ from the user.


Through the user interface, the computer accepts your ______ and presents you with output.


hard disk drive is mounted _______ the system unit; an external light indicates when the hard disk drive is in use.


New software you purchase will typically come with a setup program that leads you through the ____________ process.


Examples of groupware capabilities include shared document control, scheduling, project management, video conferencing and _______ messaging.


A command is an ___________ you input to tell the computer to carry out a task.


An accceptance test _____.

is performed by end-users and verifies that the new system works with actual data.

Common syntax errors include incorrect or missing punctuation, spelling errors, and omitting _________.


A _______ is a legal contract which defines the ways in which you may use the computer program.


Hypertext allows one or more words in a document to act as a ____ to another document.


A site license allows the software to be used on all computers in one ________.


The purpose of groupware is to allow team members to work together even though they are in different physical __________.


A keyword has a predefined meaning for the compiler which translates each line of programming code into the _______ language that the computer can understand.


Microcomputers are also known as personal computers, and is most likely the type of computer you are using right now to access the internet. One measure of microcomputer speed is the speed of the processor, which is measured in __________ (Mhz) or gigahertz (Ghz).


Examples of internal services are managing the hard drive, detecting hardware failure, and allocating _______ to programs that require it.


It was originally made for ________________, but has since gained popularity on the larger computers, since it is extremely stable. It is not usually run on personal computers.


A ____________ is somewhat more powerful than a microcomputer and can carry out the processing tasks for several people working at terminals that are connected to the minicomputer.


A ________ looks like it's displaying one big picture, but it is actually made up of thousands of little dots called pixels. The more pixels your screen has, the crisper the picture. The number of pixels you have is called your resolution. Common resolutions are 800x600 pixels, 1024x768 pixels, etc..


A computer _______ is a collection of computers and other devices that have been connected in order to share data, hardware, and software.


Those are examples of office automation systems. Office automation systems computerize day-to-day office tasks. Things that are not office automation systems would be tasks which are not day-to-day tasks, like ________ management.


Most major banks (i.e. Bank of America, Wachovia) offer _______ banking from the convenience of your home.


A ______ bit is an extra bit of information added to every piece of data that is transmitted to make sure it is transmitted accurately.


A computer is placed in one of these categories based on its technology, physical size, _____________, and cost.


System software which helps the computer control a __________ device, such as a printer or sound card, is called a device driver.


The term "hardware" refers to the computer itself and to components called __________________ that expand the computer's input, output, and storage capabilities.

peripheral devices

Microcomputers, also known as ________ computers, are typically found in homes and small businesses. Prices range from $500 to $5,000 but consumers typically purchase systems in the middle of this range, spending from $1,000 to $2,000.


Windows is the most popular operating system for ________ computers today.


Illegal copies of software are referred to as _______ software.


Computer output is the results produced by a computer. The word "output" is also a verb that means the process of producing output. Some examples of computer output include reports, documents, music, graphs, and pictures. An output device displays, _______, or transmits the results of processing.


Computers have a mathematical order of operations--certain operations get _________ over others. Its order of operations is actually the same as the one used in everyday math. Specifically, you always do what's in parentheses () first. After that, exponents get priority, and then multiplication and division always come before addition and subtraction. In this case, whatever is in cell B1 would be divided by 2, then added to A1. For instance, given the following piece of spreadsheet, the answer would be 33+55 = 88.


Unlike a microcomputer, however, a terminal does not have ___________ capability. When you input a processing request from a terminal, your request is transmitted to a computer (i.e. a minicomputer or mainframe) which processes data as necessary, then sends the results back to your terminal.


Examples of system resources are disk drive space, __________ time, or memory capacity.


There are many different computer languages a ___________ can choose from, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Some examples are C++, Fortran, and COBOL.


A ___________ language is a set of keywords and grammar rules used to create instructions for a computer.


The two types of ___________ errors are logic and syntax errors.


n addition to providing external services, an operating system will also provide internal services, which are "behind the scenes" and ensure that the computer is functioning ________.


The main ethical and moral implications of living in the digital age include information and intellectual ________ rights


Square checkboxes allow you to select any or all of the options, as opposed to ______ buttons, which allow you to select only one option.


Instead of purchasing software, you initially get a copy for free. If you want to use the product after a certain trial period, you must send in a ______________ fee.


You can use ______________ software to control another computer remotely.

remote control

The more dots your screen displays in the matrix, the higher its __________.


Any part of a computer system that might be used by a computer program is called a ________.


The _______ produced by a computer are known as computer output.


An example of a minicomputer would be a mid-range _______.


A computer stores information on storage media such as hard drives and floppy disks. It stores the information in files, in a variety of formats. A flat text file is the _________ kind of file, the computer just writes straight to it, without encoding it in computer language or doing any special kind of formatting to it.


Computer hardware in and of itself does not provide a particularly useful tool. To be useful, a computer requires a computer program or ________, which is a set of instructions that tells a computer how to perform a particular task.


A compiler converts ______ code (the original code written by the programmer) into object code (an executable file).


Application software helps the user carry out a ________ task.


Application software helps the user carry out a task. Examples of application software are word processors, graphics programs, and _____________ programs.


Radio buttons allow you to select one of the options. This is in contrast to checkboxes, which allow you to select some or all of the options. Radio buttons are round, checkboxes are _______. Below is an example of a situation using checkboxes (select as many as you want), versus a situation using radio buttons (only select one):


A computer must ______ data so that it will be available for processing. Computers typically have more than one location for storing data, depending on how the data is being used. Memory is an area of the computer that holds data that is waiting to be processed.


A computer must store data so that it will be available for processing. Computers typically have more than one _________ for storing data, depending on how the data is being used. Storage is the area where data can be left on a permanent basis while it is not needed for processing.

storing data

Traditionally, computers have been classified into four categories, from least to most powerful, are microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframe computers, and ______________.


A web browser is used to "_____ the Web."


f you misspell a command word, leave out required punctuation, or type the command words out of order, you have made a ______ error and the computer will display an error message.


n computer programming, ______ errors refer to typographical errors and incorrect use of the programming language.


A ________ is an input and output device that resembles a microcomputer because it has a keyboard and screen.


For most software packages, you must agree to the ______ of a license before you are allowed to install the software.


Like a minicomputer, one mainframe computer carries out processing tasks for multiple users, who input processing requests from terminals. However, a mainframe generally services more users than a minicomputer--some mainframes handle __________ of users.


An interface that requires the user to ____ commands is referred to as a command-line.


When typing command words and the associated parameters, there is a correct "syntax" to use for the computer to ___________ your command.


Windows has multi-tasking; it allows you to run many different programs at once. For example, you might be running your email program (i.e. Outlook) in one window, surfing the web in Internet Explorer in another window, and running the Calculator program in a third _______.


Hypertext allows you to click on text to be taken to another part of the same page, or a different document or web page altogether. Hypertext is the basis of today's ________________--you click on hypertext links to be taken from one webpage to the next.

world wide web

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