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Le Corbursier

"A house is a machine to live in"

Richard Josef Neutra

"A house is like a flower pot in which you can root something out of its family life and will bloom"

Eliel Saarinen

"Beauty grows from necessity, not from repetition of formulas"


"Central Nation" or as the "Middle Kingdom"

Louis Sullivan

"Forms follow function"

Eero saarinen

"Function influence but does not dictate form"

Hwangnyongsa Temple

"Golden/Yellow Dragon Temple" or "Emperor/Imperial Dragon Temple"; designed to be a place where monks prayed for the welfare of the nation by asking for the divine protection of the Buddha and a means to impress foreign dignitaries.

Louis Khan

"Job done by each design component"

Paul Rudolph

"Less is a bore"

Alvar aalto

"Maximize the number of..."

Kenzo Tange

"Modern Architecture need not be western"

Neolithic Age

"New Stone Age"; About 10,000 years ago marked by advances in the production of stone tools. Shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture

Otto wagner

"Nothing that is not practical can be beautiful"

Adolf Loos

"Ornament equals crime"

Antonio Gaudi

"Straight line belong to man, the curve one to god"

Daniel Burnham

"make no little plans, they have no magic to stir man's blood"

Colleoni Chapel

(Giovanni Amadeo) A chapel in Bergamo, Italy; a church and mausoleum for Bartolomeo Colleoni; Its facade is encrusted with rose-colored marbles in patterns and profuse elements

Offering Chapel

(Parts of a Pyramid)

Selection process of Comparative analysis

-Invitation -Pre qualification -Interview -Verification -Evaluation and Ranking -Negotiation

0.80 m for all doors

0.80 m for all dors.Minimum WIDTH of EXIT DOORS as per BP 344


1 1/2 column diameter (Intercolumnation in terms of COLUMN SPACING)

Subjects for Examination.

1. History and Theory of Architecture; Principles of Planning and Architectural Practice; 2. Structural Design, Building Materials, and Architectural Specifications, and Methods of Construction and Utilities; 3. Urban Design and Architectural Interiors; and 4. Architectural Design and Site Planning.

Gothic revival architecture

1769 - 1840. ; Characterized by strong associational values of religions and nature

Lean To (Prehistoric)

1st Form Man Made dwelling from indigenous materials

pilgrimage church, steinhausen

1st bavarian Rococo Church, light and white instead of dark and mystical

Hinduism and Buddhism

2 Major religions of Nepal

Sikhara and Pagoda

2 kinds of Nepalese Temple

Shinto and Buddhism

2 major religious traditions in Japan


3 berms or terraces, platform (Parts of a Dagoba)

Geometric Forms, Animals, Plants

3 types of ornamentation of Egyptian architecture

Helm Roof

4 gables forming a pyramidal roof with 4 diamond-shaped sides meeting at the apex.

Four animals

4 quarters of the compass

King Hammurabi

6th Babylonian king to write the first code of laws in human history called Hammurabi's Code.

Fondacco dei Turchi

A 12th century mercantile palace on the Grand Canal. It is an example of a high level domestic architecture as the outcome of her prosperous trade with the East.

Villa Style

A 19th century style used for prominent country houses in Britain and the United states based on rural italian models, particularly those in tuscany. Characteristics include a low roof, rounded windows, and an informal plan with wings.

La Zisa, Palermo

A 3-storey Norman castle; is entirely of Moslem influence as seen in its muqarnas (stalactite or honeycomb moulding).

Peterborough Cathedral

A Benedictine Abbey with Norman interior & timber ceiling

Durham Cathedral

A Benedictine Monastery. The nave is the earliest to incorporate pointed ribs.

Maria Laach Abbey

A Benedictine church built of local lava. The the exterior is a fine grouping of 6 towers, double transepts, & east & west apses.

Ely Cathedral

A Benedictine monastery with Norman nave & transepts.

S. George, Thessalonica, Greece

A Christian church, later a mosque and now a Greek Orthodox church


A French Cathedral; Is remarkable for the absence of transepts and its shortness in proportion to the width.

Chateau de Pierrefonds

A French castle; was a defensive military architecture from the middle ages by Louis I de Valois; Classified as a monument historique by the French Ministry of Culture

Cyma Recta

A Greek moulding; anthemion or honeysuckle

Astragal (Bead)

A Greek moulding; bead and reel


A Greek moulding; egg and dart (or egg and tongue)


A Greek moulding; the guilloche or plait, ornament, or with bundles of leaves tied by bands


A Greek moulding; usually painted with the fret ornament (also called key pattern)

Cyma Reversa (Ogee)

A Greek moulding; water-leaf tongue


A Greek temple that is similar to dipteral but the inner range of columns is omitted


A Greek temple with 2-4 columns at the front


A Greek temple with 2-4 columns at the front and rear


A Greek temple with a double line of columns surrounding the naos


A Greek temple with a flank of columns attached to the naos wall


A Greek temple with a portico of columns at the front


A Greek temple with a portico of columns at the front and rear


A Japanese religious architectural style which emerged in the late 12th or early 13th century on the basis of contemporary Chinese architecture (Styles of Japanese Buddhist Temple)

S. Clemente, Rome

A Romanesque but has now been decorated in Baroque style

S. Basil the Blessed Cathedral, Red Square, Moscow

A Russian Orthodox cathedral built by Ivan IV in 1555. It is the most recognizable symbol of Russia


A bamboo pipe through which water flows (Element of Japanese Garden)

Hose Box

A box or cabinet where fire hoses, valves and other equipment are stored and arranged for fire fighting.

Curb Cut Out

A break in the sidewalk or traffic island provided with an inclined surface to facilitate mobility of wheeled chairs, carriages and other similar conveyances.


A broad pit below ground covered with a rectangular flat mound with sides sloping at 75°. It has a shaft descending to the tomb chamber. Heavy stones (portcullises) are dropped through the slots to seal the chamber

Assembly Hall

A building or a portion of a building used for the gathering together of fifty or more persons for such purposes as deliberation, workshop, entertainment, amusement, or awaiting transportation or of a hundred or more persons in drinking and dining establishments.


A building or portion thereof in which a motor vehicle containing gasoline, distillate, or other volative, flammable liquid in its tank, is stored, repaired, or kept.

Accessory Building

A building subordinate to the main building on the same lot and used for purposes customarily incidental to those of the main building such as servants quarters, garage, pump house, laundry, etc.

Fire Trap

A building unsafe in case of fire because it will burn easily or because it lacks adequate exits or fire escapes.

Non-Conforming Building

A building which does not conform with the regulations of the district where it is situated as to height, yard requirement, lot area, and percentage of occupancy.


A canvas awning drawn over to protect the audience from rain or sun


A caryatid with a basket on her head, used either as a support or as a freestanding garden ornmanet


A certain proportionate size, extent, or degree, usually judged in relation to some standard or point of reference.


A chamber beneath an arena, where bodies of dead gladiators are dragged and piled

Color wheel

A circular scale of the colors of spectrum, showing complementary colors opposite each other.


A circular temple

Campanille, Pisa

A circular tower, 16m in diameter, rising in 8 storeys of encircling arcades

Cold Climate

A climate classification where that main problem is the lack of head (under heating), or an excessive heat dissipation for all or most parts of the year?


A clubhouse, historically, a pavilion, lodge, or summerhouse (a type common in the Italian Renaissance), or a place for dancing (especially in the 18th century). In the 20th century. A gambling hall


A collegiate church of Roman style situated in Poitiers. Its facade is carved masterpieces universally recognized religious art of this period. There are frequent motifs of Roman art: foliage, bestiary, corbels carved heads of grimacing and fantastic figures. A marquee is elephant faced. Above the portal, has a frieze depicting biblical scenes.

Additive color

A color produced by combining lights of red, gree, and blue wavelengths

Subtractive colors

A color produced by mixing cyan, yellow and magenta pigments. Each of which absorbs wavelengths


A combination of three colors-forming an equilateral triangle on a color wheel

Double complementary

A combination of two analogous colors and their complementary colors on a color wheel?


A comprehensive design concept developed in 1918 by Amedee Ozenfant and Le Corbusier in reaction to Cubism, favoring simplicity and a machine Aesthetic

Design concept

A concept for the form, structure, and features of a building or other construction, represented graphically by diagrams, plans, or other drawings.

Ideal City

A concept, much discussed in Italian Architectural treatises of the 15th and 16th centuries, of planning cities, most having radial plans and few actually realized. The philosophy reemerged in 1900 with the garden city, the city beautiful, and the New-Town movements.

Duct System

A continuous passageway for the transmission of air.

Common Hall

A corridor or passageway used in common by all the occupants within a building.


A cream-colored limestone quarried near Caen, France, for use in building & sculpture.


A dark and gloomy place that houses the divine deity; literally means 'womb house' (Parts of a Hindu Temple)

Cremona Cathedral, Lombardy

A dazzling example of Romanesque architecture. The marble façade has two rows of colonnades, rose windows and a porch surmounted by a shrine.


A decorative column in the figure or half figure of a man


A deep and wide trench filled with water around the rampart of a fortified castle


A deep hollow moulding

S. Giovanni Laterano, Rome

A double-aisled basilica but had lost its original Early Christian character due to alterations

Graphic Sign

A drawing, painting, diagram engraving, etching or other similar illustrations which from a single glance conveys a given message; a visual aid.

Stijl De

A dutch group of artists and designers who came together in 1917. Architecture associated with the movement shows a non-subjective, geometrical style emphasizing space and using primarily colors.


A finely powdered substance which, when mixed with air in the proper proportion and ignited will cause an explosion.

Fire Door

A fire resistive door prescribed for openings in fire separation walls or partitions.

Water Fountain

A fixture consisting or a shallow basin, together with a water jet designed to provide potable water for human consumption.


A foot racecourse where games were celebrated

Hypostyle Hall

A forest of columns, portraying the illusion of infinity and vastness of space (Parts of an Egyptian Temple)


A form of construction composed of stone, brick, concrete, gypsum, hollow clay tile, concrete block or tile, or other similar building units of material or combination of these material laid up unit and set in mortar.

Hagia Sohpia, Istanbul

A former Orthodox patriarchal basilica, later a mosque and now a museum


A fortuitous circumstance, quality or characteristic


A fountain with a large basin of water.


A full sized model of a building or structure, built accurately to scale for study, testing or teaching.


A fundamental and comprehensive law, truth, or assumption governing action, procedure, or arrangement.

Gloucester Cathedral

A fusion of Norman Romanesque and Perpendicular gothic


A german school, founded by Walter Gropius, which brought together a large number of talented designers, craftsmen, and architects between 1919 and 1933. The fame of the _____ is due to its methodology and to the development of a widely accepted functional aesthetic.

Solar path diagram

A graphic depiction of the path of the sun within the sky vault projected onto a horizontal plane

Monolith or Maenhir

A great upright stone

Khajuraho Group of Monuments

A group of Hindu and Jain temples in Madhya Pradesh, India, about 175 kilometres (109 mi) southeast of Jhansi; one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India

School of Fontainebleau

A group of Italian Architects, stuccoists, and mural painters who were invited by king francis I of France to decorate his palace at Fontainebleau school, a major influence in Renaissance architectural decoration elsewhere in Europe. Sometimes called the "first school" to distinguish it from a later group.

Cantabrian Circle

A group of horse archers or mounted javelin throwers would form a single-file rotating circle.

Performance Bond

A guarantee of good faith on the part of the Contractor to execute the Work in accordance with the Contract

Payment Bond

A guarantee of good faith on the part of the Contractor to faithfully comply with the Contract

Guarantee Bond

A guarantee of the quality of the materials provided, the equipment installed, and the workmanship performed by the Contractor

Hand Rail

A hand support along a stairway or ramp consisting of rails and their supporting posts, balusters or pillars and constituting an enclosure or a line of division.


A hemispherical dome or mound built over a sacred relic, either of Buddha himself or a sanctified monk or a sacred text.

Tower of London

A historic monument in the centre of London, England, on the north bank of the River Thames.


A hosting and lowering mechanism equipped with a car or platform which move in glides, in a vertical direction serving two or more floors of a building or structure.


A hot piece or lump that remains after a material has partially burned, and is still oxidizing without the manifestation of flames

Accessories or Row House

A house of not more than two storeys, composed of a row or dwelling units entirely separated from one another by partly wall or walls and with an independent entrance for each dwelling units.


A kind of Chinese color painting

Tulou, Hakka or Fujian Dwelling

A large enclosed and fortified earth building, circular or rectangular, made out of thick load bearing rammed earth walls, multi-storey and housing several families


A large stone used to construct a structure either alone or together with other stones, utilizing an interlocking system without the use of mortar or cement

Gothic Revival (Neo Gothic)

A late 18th and 19th century movement in Europe and North America, continuing into 20th Century in the church and collegiate architecture. It was used for public and domestic buildings and was widely discussed from both a spiritual and an archaelogical point of view.

2 Points

A line is ?


A long interior passageway proving access to several rooms. A public means of access from several room or spaces to an exit.


A loophole through which guns could be fired ot arrows shot


A masonry projecting from a wall, provided to give additional strength to the same, and also to resist the thrust of the roof or wall, especially when concentrated at any one point.

Panic Hardware

A mechanical device consisting of linkages and horizontal bar across a door, which when pushed from the inside will cause the door to open and facilitated exit from the building, structure or facility


A mental image or formulation of what something is or ought to be, especially an idea generalized from particular characteristics or instances


A miniature representation, usually build to scale, to show the appearance or construction of something


A movable shelter supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building and of a type which can be retracted, folded, or collapsed against the face of a supporting building.

Catalan school

A movement in Catalonia, Spain, from the late 1880's through the early 1900's focusing on the revival of regional art - the Renaixensa ___ - and the absorption of the new Art Nouveau style, locally called Modernismo

Prairie School

A movement in the American Midwest during the early 1900s which focused on the work of Frank Lloyd Wright and is so far his "Prairie House" plans-

Classical Revival

A movement in the early 19th century particularly in England and the United States based on Ancient Greek and roman models. Specific forms are identified as Greek____, Federal_____, or Roman _______

Garden City Movement

A movement in the first decade of the 20th century, particularly in England and later Germany, to a build suburban communities in which civic buildings, residences, parks and agricultural areas are planned.


A normally open device installed inside an air duct system which automatically closes to restrict the passage of smoke or fire.

San Cataldo

A notable example of the Arabian - Norman architecture which flourished in Sicily under the Norman domination of the island. Founded around 1160 by admiral Majone di Bari, in the 18th century the church was used as a post office.


A one-story frame dwelling or cottage, often having a veranda, first used in India and popular in England and the United States in the 20th century. One type, associated with the Arts and Crafts movement, is called Craftsman _____


A parcel of land on which a principal building and its accessories are placed or may be placed together with the required open spaces. A lot may or may not be the land designated as lot or recorded plot.

Gate of All Nations

A part of the Palace of Persepolis; Xerxes' name was written in three languages and carved on these entrances


A part of the Palace of Persepolis; also the Reception Chamber and Guard Room


A part of the Palace of Persepolis; smallest of the palace buildings in Persepolis; constructed using the finest quality stone creating an almost completely black, polished surface


A partial intermediate floor in any storey or room of a building having an area not more than one-half of the area of the room or space in which it is constructed.


A partially enclosed portion of an assembly building which is designed or used for the representation of plays, demonstrations, or other entertainment wherein scenery, drops or other effects may be installed or used, and where the distance between the top of the prosecenium openings and the ceiling above the stage is more than 1.50 meters.

Enclosed Platform

A partially enclosed portion of an assembly room the ceiling of which is not more than 1.50 meters above the prossenium opening and which is designed or used for the presentation of plays, demonstrations, or other entertainment wherein scenery, drops, decorations, of the effects may be installed or used


A pave footwalk at the side of a street or road way.

Urban Heat Island

A phenomenon where the urban temperature is hotter than rural temperature

Saracenic Architecture

A philosophy favoring a romantic interpretation of styles, popular especially in Germany in the late 19th century. The major romantic movement, Romantic Classicism, was establish by the late 18th century and continued to 1850


A philosophy favoring a romantic interpretation of styles, popular especially in Germany in the late 19th century. The major romantic movement, Romantic Classicism, was established by the late 18th century and continued to 1850


A philosophy of emphasizing the architectural characteristics of a particular region by either using local forms and/or materials or designing in a manner that develops the potential of the regional style.

Picturesque Movement

A philosophy of landscape architecture in England in the late 18th and Early 19th centuries characterized by the use of buildings of various styles - often asymmetrical - as focal points. _____ taste is based upon the informal, sometimes rugged, and "sublime" scenes depicted in French Paintings.


A philosophy of using the past historical and architectural features. Since the decline of the Beaux-Arts style and the beginning of the Modern Movement, there has been little expression of ______


A philosophy, popular in the late 18th and 19th centuries, of using earlier styles in the design of new buildings, Major types of revival architecture are the Greek and the Gothic, while a combining of styles was often used to create eclectic design. _______ styles are often designated by the use of the prefix "neo" with a previous historical style, such as "neo-tudor" or "neo-futurist"

Combination Standpipe

A pipeline system filled with water and connected to a constant water supply for the use of the BFP and the occupants of the buildings solely for fire suppression purposes


A place for physical exercises

Valley of the Queens

A place near the Valley of the Kings where wives of Pharaohs were buried in ancient times


A portion of a building between floor and ceiling which is partly below and partly above grade but so located that the vertical distance from grade to the floor is less than the vertical distance from grade to ceiling.


A portion of the seating space of an assembly room, the lowest part of which is raise 1.20 meters or more above the level of the main floor.


A process where impurities and/or deleterious materials are removed from a mixture in order to produce a pure element of compound. It shall also refer to partial distillation and electrolysis.


A production of an original

Julius Caesar

A professional army gave rise to a succession of military dictatorship led by ____


A raised rim of concrete, stone or metal which forms the edge of street, sidewalk, planted area, etc.

Hindu Temple

A representation of the macrocosm (the universe) as well as the microcosm (the inner space). These temples are built in key geographical points, such as a hill top, near waterfalls, caves and rivers, which makes worship easier - to contemplate to their God


A revival style based on the buildings and publications of the 16th century architect Andrea Palladio marked by the ancient roman architectural forms. It was most popular in 18th Century England, particularly because of the publications of Lord Burlington, and is sometimes called Palladan Classicism

Corfe Castle, Dorset

A ring and bailey castle built in early Norman times during the era of William the Conqueror.

Great Temple, AbuSimbel

A rock-hewn temple with 4 rock-cut colossal statues of Rameses II, over 20m high


A roof plaited by rice straw of Korea


A room or suite of two or more rooms, designed and intended for, or occupied by one family for living, sleeping, and cooking purposes.


A room providing facilities for washing; a lavatory or toilet room.


A rope enclosing a royal name thereby serving as the protector of that name


A rough sketch done at the beginning of a project, comparable to a written outline for a literary work.


A russian movement in the 1920's, particularly influenced in the design field; emphasizing the use of geometric shapes and industrial materials

National Romanticism

A scandinavian movement of the first decades of the 20th century, particularly strong in Sweden, which showed a taste for the informal and the vernacular


A sculpted female figure serving as a column or a pillar supporting an entablature on her head


A sculpture-like quality

Harmonic Progression

A sequence of numbers of reciprocals of which an arithmetic progression

Harmonic Series

A series in which the terms are in harmonic progression


A series of points multiplied in uniform distances from each other and carried out in uniform distances

Rock Shelter

A shallow cave-like opening at the base of a bluff or cliff

Public Telephones

A shelf unit telephone with coin operating functions for the use of the public.

Palace of Persepolis

A showcase for the empire, was begun by Darius I, mostly executed by Xerxes I and finished by Artaxerxes I about 460 BC


A shrine enclosing a bodhi tree which consists of two platforms, with the tree on the upper platform roof was neither circular nor square


A similarity in some particulars between things otherwise dissimilar, specifically, a logical inference based on the assumption that if two things are known to be alike in some respects then they will probably be alike in other respects.


A similarity in some particulars between things otherwise dissimilar, specifically, a logical inference based on the assumption that if two things are known to be alike in some respects then they will probably be alike in other respects.


A simple hollow moulding

Tuscan Order

A simpler version of the Doric, has an unfluted shaft and a simplified base, capital, and entablature.


A slight curvature on the column's profile


A sloped surface connecting two or more planes at different levels.


A small entranceway or transitional space from the exterior to the interior of a building and opens into a larger space.


A small plain face to separate other mouldings


A small recessed space in a room or wall


A small round stone bound with straw rope in the shape of a cross. It indicates to guests that the area beyond it is out of bounds (Element of Japanese Garden)

Caste System

A social group, based partly on occupation which grew up with Hinduism

Passageways or Passage

A space connecting one area or room of a building with another.


A special chamber built out over the wall of the castle. Its floor could be opened downwards to drop rocks onto the heads of attackers trying to scale the walls.

Opus Signinum

A special mixture of ground terra cotta and lime used for the lining of water channels, aqueducts and reservoirs.


A spouting jet fountain


A square embattlement which forced anyone entering the castle to make a right-angled turn before he could pass through the gate


A squareshaped three-story building that was built in the middle of the Joseon Dynasty. This is a very rare style of wooden pagoda found in Korea


A standard, rule, or principle on which a judgement or decision may be based.


A stone basin and ladle used by guests to wash their hands and rinse out their mouths before entering the teahouse (Element of Japanese Garden)


A stone lantern (Element of Japanese Garden)


A strip fastened to the floor beneath a door usually required to cover the joint where two types of floor materials meet;may provide weather protection at exterior doors.

Nemes Crown

A stripped head cloth worn almost exclusively by the king in representations like a sphinx of falcon

St. Philbert, Tournus

A structure of the early First Romanesque style & early Gothic styles during the beginning of the 11th cent.


A style associated with a group formed in Tokyo in 1960, emphasizing the organic relationship between individual buildings and between different parts of an urban area.


A style developed in art and architecture in Japan during the Heian period by the esoteric sects Tendai and Shingon on the basis of contemporary Chinese architecture. (Styles of Japanese Buddhist Temple)

Neoclassical Architecture

A style in European architecture of the late 18th and 19th centuries, showing a formal or correct use of elements and on over-all severity of form, somewhat as a reflection against the more expressive Rococco style of the 18th century.


A style in the architecture of Italy in the second half of the 16th century and to a lesser extent elsewhere in Europe ____ falls between the Renaissance and baroque periods and uses classical elements in an unconventional manner


A style minka have vast roofs that are a large form of the sasu structural system. (Types of Japanese Folk House)


A style of Japanese Architecture showing the influence of the traditional teahouse, including the use of unfinished materials to create a natural effect.

Art Nouveau

A style of architecture and decoration popularized in France and Belgium in the 1890's Characteristics include the use of glass and metal, organic and undulating lines, and a non historical and often whimsical mood. It was sometimes called "style ____" after the name of a Paris shop that opened in 1895. Counterparts of _____ in other countries are Jugendstil (Germany), Secession (Austria), Stile Liberty (Italy), and Modernismo (Spain)

Queen Anne Style

A style of domestic architecture popular from the 1870s through the 1800s in England and the United states. Strictly speaking, the Queen Anne was a revival of the simple vernacular architecture forms used in England in the early 18th Century. The term is also used for houses based on Elizabethan and Tudor Models, Particularly in the United States.


A style of the 1950's emphasizing the use of raw forms of concrete, often heavy and/or dark. The term derives from beton brut (naked concrete) and is known alternately as New


A style which takes its name from its creator, the Buddhist Zen sect, and which emerged in the late 12th or early 13th century on the basis of contemporary Chinese architecture (Styles of Japanese Buddhist Temple)

International Style

A style, first identified by this term in the 1930's. that was functional, nontraditional, and non-regional. The ______ is widely recognized at the time of the 1932 International Exhibition of Modern Architecture in New york and was practiced worldwide in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s

Parthenon, Athens

A supreme example of Classical Greece, dedicated to Athena Parthenos


A system of brackets inserted between the top of a column and a crossbeam. Unique structural component and one of the most important elements in traditional Chinese architecture.


A system of supporting blocks and brackets supporting the eaves of a Japanese building, usually part of a Buddhist temple or Shinto shrine

Standpipe System

A system of vertical pipes in a bldg. to which fire hoses can be attached on each floor, including a system by which water is made available to water outlets as needed


A systematic classification or study of types according to structural features.


A tall 4-sided narrow tapering column terminating in a pyramidion, its most scared part (Parts of an Egyptian Temple)

Rock-cut Tombs

A temple or tomb excavated in native rock without the aid of masonry, or with but little masonry; usually presents an architectural front with dark interior chambers, of which sections are supported by masses of stone left in the form of solid pillars


A term used to describe Korean traditional houses


A term usually applied to colonial buildings constructed in America by English immigrants to the New World.

Hahoe Folk Village

A traditional village from the Joseon Dynasty. The 'Ha' is short for river and 'hoe' means to 'turn around, return, come back."

Post modernism

A trend, appearing in the late 1960s, away from the functional aesthetic of the international style and the severity of Brutalism, and favoring a return to historical references and individualized and emotionally satisifying solutions in Architecture design.


A triangular curved overhanging surface to support a circular dome over a square or polygonal compartment

Heddal Stave Church

A triple nave stave church and is Norway's largest

Hopperstad Stave Church

A triple-nave stave church & one of the oldest still standing


A type of compass, is an essential tool for feng shui experts to interpret the Earth's energy


A type of reinforced concrete invented and used by Peter Luigi Nervi

Dry Standpipe

A type of standpipe system in which the pipes are normally not filled with water. Water is introduced into the system thru fire service connections when needed.


A type of tenement housing unique to Shanghai


A vertical opening through a building for elevators, dumbwaiters, mechanical equipment, or similar purposes.

Curtain Board

A vertical panel of non-combustible or fire resistive materials attached to and extending below the bottom chord of the roof trusses, to divide the underside of the roof into separate compartments so that heat and smoke will be directed upwards to a roof vent.

Trompe L'oeil

A visual illusion archive artistically, particularly in painting. Fictive architecture and quadratura are two techniques used in Architecture


A wall or facade to hide backstage action on the Greek stage for costume changing (Parts of the Greek Theater)

Wall Bearing

A wall which supports any load other than its own weight.

Dead Wall

A wall without openings


A wooden bridge leading to a gateway, capable of being raised or lowered to either accommodate or prevent entry into the castle

Palsangjeon (Hall of Eight Pictures)

A worship hall found on a Korean Buddhist temple complex that contains the "Palsang", the series of painted murals depicting the eight stages in the life of the historic Buddha, Sakyamuni.


A wrestling school. The events that did not require a lot of space, such as boxing and wrestling, were practiced here.


A young pharaoh at the age of 9 so his uncle Ay, who was the highest minister, ruled for him while he was a boy




ABYDOS TRIAD ; Child of isis and osiris


ABYDOS TRIAD ; mother of Horus

Space Management Studies

Aanalysis of space requirements based on organizational structure and functional set up pin points linkages and interaction of spaces

United Silla Architecture

Absorbed the culture of the T'ang dynasty in China, and at the same time developed a unique cultural identity. Period of peace and cultural advancement in all fields of the arts


Abstract thought or speculation resulting in a system of assumptions or principles used in analyzing, explaining, or predicting phenomena, and proposed or followed as the basis of action

BP 344

Accessibility Act

St. Gereon, Cologne

According to the medieval legend, the name patron of St. Gereon was a Roman officer, who died along with 318 legionaires for his faith.

Kabuki Theater

Actors with painted faces and extravagant costumes perform traditional stories to the accompaniment of chanting and shamisen music


Actual performance or application of principles as distinguished from theory

Supplementary Specifications

Additional information which may be issued as an addition to or amendment of the provisions of the Specifications


Aegean civilization which flourished in Crete under the legendary King Minos Knossos


Aegean mainland civilization, after one of the great centers, Mycenae


Aggressive formation used to 'crack open' enemy lines.


Aisle like areas that surround moya

Siddharta Gautama

Aka Buddha, founder of Buddhism

Hagia Irene

Aka Hagia Eirene "Holy Peace", sometimes known also as Saint Irene, is an Eastern Orthodox Church located in the outer courtyard of Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, Turkey


Aka Mahavira

Meridian Gate

Aka noon gate; parts of the forbidden city

Examination Required

All applicants for registration for the practice of architecture shall be required to undergo a licensure examination to be given by the Board in such places and dates as the Commission may designate in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 8981.

Bid Documents

All documents provided or made available to prospective bidders


All laws, ordinances and other governmental rules


All successful candidates in the examination shall be required to take an oath of profession before any member of the Board


All the portions of the building or structure below the footing, the earth upon which the structure rests.


Alleyway formed by the courtyard houses

Parking Area

Allocated space composed of marked off portions for single motor vehicles on a short time storage basis.


Also called the Bracketed Style Characteristics of this style include elaborate eave brackets, segmental windows, and decorative hood molding

Colonial Revival

Also called the neo-Colonial style, this usually is used in reference to the revival of North American Colonial architecture during the late 19th century.


Also known as Bhaktpur "city of devotee". Home of medieval art and architecture; regarded as the oldest city of the valley.

Dharma Dida (Island of Buddhist Doctrine)

Also known as Ceylon

Dura-Europos Church

Also known as the Dura-Europos house church; the earliest identified Christian house church

Treasury of Atreus, Mycenae

Also known as the Tomb of Agamemnon

Taj Mahal (Palace of the Crown)

Also known as the pearl of India represents absolute perfection. It is erected by Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved queen, Arjumand Banu Begum, called Mumtaz Mahal

Group 9

Alterations, renovations, rehabilitation

Opus Mixtum

Alternation of courses of bricks and small squared stones

Pradakshina Patha

Ambulatory passageway for circumambulation (Parts of a Hindu Temple)

Contract Price

Amount in money or other consideration to be paid by the Owner to the Contractor for the execution of the Work in accordance with the Contract

Garden style

An 18th and 19th century landscaping style emphasizing an informal picturesque quality, sometimes referred to as "gardenesque" and widely known as the "English Landscape Garden" (Ie Jardin anglais, der engllische Gartin, Il giardino inglese). It is indirect contrast to the highly planned French formal garden

Rococco Architecture

An 18th century style which originated and developed most fully in France, It has extensive, rich architectural decoration, usually light and elegant and employing natural motifs in the ornamentation of rooms.

Bristol Cathedral

An Augustinian priory. It has a rectangular chapter house with bold interlaced wall arcades.

Rationalist Movement

An Italian branch of Modern Movement of the 1920s and 1930s, known in italy as the Movimento Italiano per I'Architectura Razionale, or MIAR


An aesthetic concept applied to literature and art popular in England and France during the 18th century. Sublimity was discussed along with Beauty and was an ideal in Landscape design and the use of nature

City beautiful movement

An american movement of the early 1900's inspired by examples of planning at world fairs and favoring a greater use of parks and attractive boulevards and waterfronts in town planning.

Shingle Style

An american style of domestic architecture first used in the late 1870s and popular on both coasts and in the Midwest during the 1880s. It is characterized by the use of shingles on both roofs and walls and an informality and fluidity in exterior wall surfaces. Influences were American colonial buildings and the work of English architects such as R. Norman Shaw and Philip Webb.

Necropolis, Cerveteri

An ancient Etruscan burial city

Stave Church

An ancient style of church constructed entirely of wood and unique to Norway

Ergonomics (human engineering)

An applied science concerned with the characteristics of people that need to be considered in the design of devices and systems in order that people and things will interact effectively and safely.


An apse having a surrounding ambulatory of which are chapels;

Barrel vault

An arch slide in a straight line?


An architectural philosophy emphasizing the uses of a building and its parts and revealing its structure and materials. It emerges in the 20th century and was a major principle in the International Style.

Beaux-arts style

An architecture of grand scale based on the historical and eclectic ideas taught during the 19th century at the Ecole des _______ in Paris. The influence of ____ design was particularly great in North America in the early 20th century.

Color scheme

An arrangement or pattern of colors conceived of as forming an integrated whole.


An artificial pond in the place located in Gyeongju, the capital of the Silla Kingdom


An assumed, given, or otherwise determined fact or proposition from which conclusion may be drawn or decisions made.


An early and typical example that exhibits the essential features of a class or group and on which later stages are based or judged

Barrow/ Tumulus

An earthen mound burial


An enclosed room containing the statue of the deceased (Parts of a Mastaba)

Vertical Shaft

An enclosed vertical space of passage that extends from floor to floor, as well as from the base to the top of the building.


An entranceway

Act of God or Force Majeure

An event which cannot be foreseen, or which though foreseen, was inevitable

Church of the Holy Apostles

An example of Byzantine architecture and is the oldest church in Athens

Tombs, Beni Hasan

An example of a Hillside Tomb with 39 ancient elaborately decorated tombs carved into the limestone cliffs

Valley of the Kings

An example of a corridor tomb. It was the royal necropolis of Ancient Egypt where the kings and powerful nobles were buried


An example serving as a pattern for imitation or emulation in the creation of something


An exit, or a means of going out

Theater Epidaurus

An impressive open-air theater renowned for its nearly perfect architecture and acoustics.


An insolated mass of masonry forming support for arches, columns, girders, lintels, trusses, and similar structural parts.

Sprinkler System

An integrated network of hydraulically designed piping installed in a building, structure or area with outlets arranged in a systematic pattern which automatically discharges water when activated by heat or combustion products from a fire.


An intense effort to complete a design project within a specified time


An interval of 1 triglyph


An interval of 2 triglyphs


An interval of more than 2 triglyphs


An object, activity, or idea used in place of another to suggest a likeness between them.


An occupied space between building lines and lot lines other than a yard; free, open, and unobstructed by appendages from the ground upward.


An open place of assembly and a center of social and business life


An opening through a wall of a building to the outsider for the purpose of admitting natural light.

Corinthian Order

An order invented by Callimachus

Doric Order

An order that has masculine quality, no base and has 20 flutes

Ionic Order

An order that is originated from nautilus shell and ram's horn


An original model or pattern on which all things of the same kind are copied or based

Schedule of Materials and Finishes

An outline specification enumerating the type or trade names of materials required to be used by the Contractor for the Work

Scheme project

An underlying organizational pattern or structure for a design. The original scheme for a design presented in the form of a sketch outlining its specific character, to be developed in detail in later studies

Architectural Programming

Analytical problem seeking process that leads to the statement and identification of both horizontal and vertical requirements in offering a solution.


Ancient name for Sri Lanka/Ceylon in Sanskrit and Sinhalese


Ancient name for the northeastern part of modern Iraq

Vedic Religion

Ancient religion of India that was contemporary with the composition of the Vedas and was the precursor of Hinduism


Another type of gong, where the emperor prepared himself for abstinence before he offers sacrifice at grand ceremonies

Bid Bond

Any acceptable form of bond accompanying the Bid submitted by the bidder as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the Contract with the Owner for the construction of the Work


Any act that would remove or neutralize a fire hazard


Any building or any portion thereof which is not an "apartment house", "lodging house", or a "hotel" as defined in this Code which contained one or two "dwelling units" or "guest rooms", used, intended or designed to be built, used, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied, or which are occupied for living purposes.

Public Assembly Building

Any building or structure where fifty (50) or more people congregate, gather, or assemble for any purpose.


Any building space or thoroughfare which has been dedicated or deeded to the public or for public use as a passageway with a width of not more than three meters.

Fire Hazard

Any condition or act which increases or may cause an increase in the probability of the occurrence of fire, or which may obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with fire fighting operations and the safeguarding of life and property.


Any feature that provides or increases comfort, convenience or pleasure


Any new construction which increases the height or area of an existing building/ structure

Functional dimension

Any of the dimension determined by bodily position and movement,as reach stride or clearance

Agency of Government

Any of the various units of the government including a department, bureau, etc.


Any person actually occupying and using a building or portions thereof by virtue of a lease contract with the owner or administrator or by permission or sufferance of the latter.


Any portion of a building above the first floor projecting over the sidewalk beyond the first storey wall used as protection for pedestrians against rain or sun.

Combustible Fiber

Any readily ignitable and free burning fiber such as cotton, oakum, rags, waste cloth, waste paper, kapok, hay, straw, Spanish moss, excelsior and other similar materials commonly used in commerce.

Habitable Room

Any room meeting the requirements of this Code for sleeping, living, cooking, or dining purposes, excluding such enclosed spaces as closets, pantries, bath or toilet room, service rooms, connecting corridors, laundries, unfinished attics, storage, space cellars, utility rooms, and similar spaces.

Public Way

Any street, alley or other strip of land unobstructed from the ground to the sky, deeded, dedicated or otherwise permanently appropriated for public use.


Any thoroughfare of public space which has been dedicated or deeded to the public for public use.


Any three colors which are side by side on a 12 part color wheel, such as yellow-green, yellow and yellow-orange

Fire Alarm

Any visual or audible signal produced by a device or system to warm the occupants of the building or fire fighting elements of the presence or danger of fire to enable them to undertake immediate action to save life and property and to suppress the fire.

Fire Wall

Any wall which subdivided a building so as to resist the spread of fire, by starting at the foundation and extending continuously through all storeys to, or above the roof. Extension above the roof is 1.00 meters.

Referral Codes

Applicable provisions of the various agencies and technical professional codes.

Value Management

Applied in the cost management process to minimize effects of simplified operations associated with many cost reduction programs, to achieve an unimpaired program at minimum cost.

Lump Sum or Fixed Fee

Applied to government projects as they entail more paperworks and time consuming efforts

Approved, Directed and Acceptable

Approved, directed by or acceptable to the owner


Architect directly and professionally responsible and liable for the CONSTRUCTION supervision of the project


Architect directly involved in the total design of the project, who shall assume civil liability for the PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, CONTRACT DOCUMENTS signed.

Donato Bramante

Architect of St. Peter's Basilica ; Greek cross plan

Raphael Santi

Architect of St. Peter's Basilica ; Proposed plan in Latin Cross

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Architect of St. Peter's Basilica; Succeeded antonio da sangallo after ten years ; the present building owes most of its outstanding features to his genius

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Architect of St. Peter's Basilica; erected the Piazza, 650 ft. Wide surrounded by 284 columns

Carlo Maderno

Architect of St. Peter's Basilica; lengthen the nave to form a Latin Cross plan and added the gigantic facade

Consulting Architect

Architect who is professionally and academically qualified and with exceptional or recognized expertise or specialization in any branch of architecture;

Giacomo da Vignola

Architects of St. Peter's Basilica; Added the side cupolas

Antonio da Sangallo

Architects of St. Peter's Basilica; After the death of Peruzzi, he superseded and altered the plan with an extended vestibule, lofty campanile and an elaborate central dome.

Baldassare Peruzzi

Architects of St. Peter's Basilica; Succeeded Raphael Santi and reverted it back to the Greek cross plan.

SPP Document 208

Architectural Design Competition

Ornamental Pillar

Architectural ornament, often seen on the grounds of palaces, imperial gardens and mausoleums. It is also seen at some crossroads to mark the thoroughfares.

Joseon Architecture

Architectural style followed throughout Korea based on the Aesthetics of Neo-Confucianism: - Practicality - Frugality - Harmony with nature

RA 9266

Architecture Act of 2004

Hindu Architecture

Architecture in India well known for its intricate carvings and stone work.

Elizabethan Architecture

Architecture in the second half of the 16th century, representing the beginning of Renaissance architecture in England. Named for Queen Elizabeth I, it exhibits ornamentation such as strap work and Mullion Decoration.

Victorian Architecture

Architecture of Great Britain and the United States from 1830 to 1901, named after Queen Victoria. Revival and eclectic philosophies, particularly the Gothic Revival, were a major force in the Victorian period/

Shinto Architecture

Architecture of Japanese Shinto shrines

Colonial Architecture

Architecture of the western hemisphere, which was introduced from Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. In the context of Latin America and the southwestern United States, this means spanish and Portuguese styles; While in the eastern part of North America, Colonial Architecture is either Dutch Colonial, Georgian, or in the New England Style.

Vernacular Architecture

Architecture representative of local or regional types and using traditional materials

Korean Architecture

Architecture that: - Create perfect harmony with nature - Reflected the human scale - Create visual elegance in external forms several design skills were contrived - Has variety of decorations and colors - Can be aesthetically characterized by moderate elegance in decoration and humble openness in architectural design

Goryeo Architecture

Architecture was inspired by Buddhism - temples and pagoda

Organic Architecture

Architecture with shapes and structure based on natural forms and usually blending with the landscape. Theoretical interest in organic design- began in the 19th century and is best demonstrated in 20th century buildings, above all by Frank Lloyd Wright


Are panels found above shoji or fusuma that are designed to let light into rooms (Elements of a Japanese House)

Etruscan tombs, Tarquinia

Are renowned for their vivid wall paintings

Bridges (Pons)

Are simple, solid & practical in construction & designed to offer a well-calculated resistance to the rush of water

Security Evaluation and Planning

Arranges and formulates methods of rating and ascertaining the value of structures or facilities which must be fully secured, kept safe, protected, assured, guaranteed and provided sufficient safeguards for the conduct of any work or activity

Crenellations (Battlements)

At the top of curtain walls. The merlons are upstanding parts of an embattled parapet between 2 crenels. The crenels allow the firing of arrows.


Average needed to pass a subject in the board exams

Tudor Gothic

BRISTISH GOTHIC STYLE: Also called Late Perpendicular

Transitional Gothic

BRISTISH GOTHIC STYLE: This style was characterized by pointed arches introduced into structures with Romanesque character

Norman Gothic

BRISTISH GOTHIC STYLE: This style was characterized by semi-circular arched windows.

Perpendicular Gothic

BRISTISH GOTHIC STYLE: also called 3rd Pointed or Rectilinear This style was characterized by strong vertical lines in window tracery and wall paneling.

Early English Gothic

BRISTISH GOTHIC STYLE: also called Lancet or First Pointed Style

Decorated Gothic

BRISTISH GOTHIC STYLE: also called Second Pointed, Geometrical or Curvilinear

Elizabethan Gothic

BRITISH GOTHIC STYLE ; was characterized by the use of mullioned windows.

Post-Design Services

Basic knowledge of Pre-Construction, Construction, Post-Construction and the other services under SPP Documents 204, 206 and 207

Architectural Research Methods

Basic knowledge of Research Methods, Philippine Architecture and its History, Architectural Materials and Finishes, Building Types and Standards, Architectural Design Trends, Architectural Writing and Architectural Photography

Contract Documentation and Review Services

Basic knowledge of Specification Writing, Estimation and Quantity Survey, Architectural Production, Architectural Software, Architectural Support Services and Contract Document Review are required

Special Building/Facility Planning and Design

Basic knowledge of the Planning and Design Processes required for Housing Developments, Recreational and Tourism Estates, Health Care and Hospitality Facilities, Transportation and Telecommunications Facilities, Production and Extractive Facilities, Utility-related Developments, Secure Facilities, Business and Industrial Parks, Economic Zones and Community Architecture and the like are required.

Building Components

Basic knowledge of the Planning and Design Processes required for Housing Developments, Recreational and Tourism Estates, Health Care and Hospitality Facilities, Transportation and Telecommunications Facilities, Production and Extractive Facilities, Utility-related Developments, Secure Facilities, Business and Industrial Parks, Economic Zones and Community Architecture and the like are required.

Management of Architectural Practices

Basic knowledge of the Types of Architectural Office Operations, Architectural Office Management, Accounting / Finance / Taxation / Audit, Labor Code, Architectural Marketing and Project Development, Proposals/ Negotiations/ Contracts, Contract Administration, File Management and Limitations of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) Operations

Dispute Avoidance and Resolution

Basic knowledge of the various modes of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is required


Basic unit of the house floor space in Chinese Architecture


Belief in a cosmic principle of ultimate reality


Belief in the transmigration of souls when a person dies, his soul enters the body of a newborn child/new person or even the body of an animal


Birth of early Egyptian civilization


Birthplace of Christianity

Talus/ Glacis

Bold sloping thickness at the foot of walls

Semi-Circular or Barrel or Wagon-headed or Tunnel Vault

Borne throughout its length on the TWO PRALLEL WALLS of a rectangular plan

Barrel/ Wagon-Headed/ Tunnel Vault

Borne throughout its length on the two parallel walls of a rectangular plan.


Bow-shaped brackets

Opus Testaceum

Brick facing with pyramidal ends

Shendao (The Sacred Way)

Broad ways at the entrance of Chinese tombs

Mahayana and Theravada

Buddhism's 2 major branches

Gakhwangjeon Hall

Buddhist temple in Gurye, Jeollanam-do, South Korea. It is one of the monastery's two principal halls and overlooks the northwest end of the courtyard. It is an outstanding example of Joseon Dynasty Buddhist architecture and was designated National Treasure 67 in 1962


Building dedicated to Noh or the sacred kagura dance (Parts of the Shinto Complex)

Building Environment Certification

Building environment rating system


Building material used for ornaments in Nepal Architecture


Building material used for structural purposes in Nepal Architecture

Rubble or Cut Stone

Building materials of houses and palaces in Greek Architecture

Group 3

Buildings of exceptional character and complexity of plan

Group 2

Buildings of moderate complexity of plan

Group 1

Buildings of simplest utilization and character.

S. Francesco, Ravenna

Built by Bishop Neone and was run by the Franciscan friars

Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem

Built by Constantine over the reputed tomb of Christ

St. Apollinaire in Classe, Ravenna

Built by Emperor Justinian

S. Maria Maggiore, Rome

Built by Pope Sixtus III

Baptistry of Constantine, Rome

Built by Sixtus III, was among the oldest of Italian Baptisteries

St. Apollinaire Nuovo, Ravenna

Built by Theodoric the Great

Ely Cathedral

Built by william the conqueror

Temple of Horus, Edfu

Built from sandstone blocks, is the most completely preserved of all temple remains

Gyeongbokgung Palace

Built in 1395, also commonly referred to as the Northern Palace because its location is furthest north when compared to the neighboring palaces of Changdeokgung (Eastern Palace) and Gyeongheegung (Western Palace) Palace. It is arguably the most beautiful, and remains the largest of all five palaces

Dromore Caste, Limerick, Ireland

Built in the 2nd half of the 19th century by the 3rd Earl of Limerick and designed by Edward William Goodwin.

Flatland Mountain Castles (Hirayamajiro)

Built on a hill or high plateau in the middle of a lord's domain with residences (Types of Japanese Castle)

Bulguksa (Pulguksa) Temple

Built on a stone platform at the foothill of Mt. Toham near Gyeongju, is the oldest existing temple in Korea. The temple was first founded early in the sixth century and was entirely rebuilt and enlarged in 752

S. Paolo Fuori Le Mura, Rome

Built over the grave of S. Paul and was the largest basilica in Rome until St. Peter's was completed in 1626


Bulwagan Silid Gilir/Paglutuan Silong Kamalig

Dome des Invalides

Burial site for many of France's distinguished military figures, most notable being NAPOLEON BONAPARTE

S. andrea, Vercelli

By Cardinal Guala Bicchieri; Closest in spirit and form to the french gothic style; facade finished with grey-green stones

Iconoclastic Movement

By Emperor Leo III, forbade all representations of human or animal forms in sculptures which affected Byzantine church architecture

Palazzo dei Normanni (Royal Palace)

By King Roger houses La Capella Palatina, known for its marvelous & colorful mosaics.

King's college chapel

By reginald Ely; one of the finest examples of late gothic

Hagia Irene

Byzantine; "holy piece" is an orthodox Church located in the outer courtyard of topkapi palace in Istanbul, Turkey


Called by Shanghai local people


Capital of South Korea


Capital of the Empire during the rule of Constantine in Early Christian Period


Careful, thrifty, and efficient use and management of resources

Water Castles (Mizushiro)

Castle that is jut out into a body of water (Types of Japanese Castle)


Castle tower


Caves and Rock Shelter, Lean To, Banaue Rice Terraces


Ceiling or wall painting that creates an Illusion, a technique commonly practices in the baroque period by artists called quadraturista

Sculptured Memorials

Cenotaphs or monumental blocks in honor of persons buried elsewhere (Class of Tomb)

Station of Brahma

Center of mandala, the first of beings and the engineer of universal order


Center ridge of a Greek temple


Central floor heating system in a thermae


Ceylon counterpart of Indian stupa. This is usually the focal point of an alahana complex and were originally cone shaped mounds called "paddy heaps"

50 mm

Change in FLOOR LEVELS at doors as per PD 1096

13 mm

Change in FLOOR LEVELS at doors as per RA 9514


Change in the use or occupancy of a building which has different requirements


Characteristic domestic unit of Aegean


Characterized or produced by removal of a part or portion without destroying a sense of the whole

Forbidden City

Chinese Imperial palace from the Ming dynasty to the end of Qing, built by Emperor Yunglo, Son of Heaven

Pinyin Ta

Chinese name of pagoda

Torana (Gateway)

Circular stone gateways around the 4 axis of the stupa (Parts of a Stupa)

Vatadage/ Wata de ge/ Chethiyagara

Circular structure that encloses a small stupa for protection


Circular termination of the church (Parts of a Basilican Church)

Mycenaean or Helladic Greece

Citadel palaces were built

Notre Dame Du Port

Clermont-Ferrand, built in sandstone, is one of the Romanesque churches in Auvergne known as the "greater" churches,

Coastal Fortifications

Coastal ports were fortified to secure the sea links. (Types of Castles)


Cold bath

Saltbox Colonial Revival

Colonial Revival: This style has two stories at the front and one story at the rear. The gable roof covers both levels, sloping sharply down in the rear (catslide).

Garrison Colonial Revival

Colonial Revival: has a cantilevered front at the 2nd storey

Tudor Revival

Colonial Revival: is dominated by steeply-pitched side-gabled roofs and the half timbering


Color that reflects more light

Pillars of Victory

Column erected to record triumphs


Column-head bracket, brackets are placed only at the head of the columns (Korean Wooden Architecture Element)

Noh Stage, Nara

Combines acting, a chorus and orchestra used by shrines and temples to explain religious concepts to common people

Beaux Arts

Combining classical Greek and Roman architecture with Renaissance ideas


Combining of separate, often diverse parts or elements so as to form a single or coherent whole. Discovering constraints and opportunities, and hypothesizing possible alternative solutions.

Bent Entrance

Compels the invaders to follow a confined route while exposed to lateral fire hazards of retaliation

Double complementary

Complementary colors are any two colors which are directly opposite each other. such as red and green and purple-red and yellow-green

SPP Document 206

Comprehensive Architectural Services

Structural Conceptualization

Conceives, chooses and develops the type, disposition, arrangement and proportioning of the structural elements of an architectural work, giving due considerations to safety, cost-effectiveness, functionality and aesthetics


Confucian academies in Korea


Congregational hall or temples, where monks and the people meet and interact, also a place of worship

Koth Kerella

Conical spire (Parts of a Dagoba)

Cothay Manor

Considered being the most perfect of small, classic, medieval buildings in England today.

Imperial Forums

Consist of a series of monumental public squares (Types of Forum)

Design Development Phase

Consist of the design development documents such as plans, elevations, sections and other drawings, make specifications, layout of construction system.


Consisted of a central hall with small cells all around in which the monks lived


Consists of an upright column, the base and the capital and the horizontal entablature

SPP Document 204 B

Construction Management Services

Group 10

Consultancy projects.

Gal Vihara Rock Temple

Containing the four statues of Buddha; two seated image, one standing image, and one reclining image

Coemeteria or Subterranean Vault

Contains both the columbaria and loculi (Class of Tomb)


Contains the statue of a god or goddess (Parts of a Greek Temple)

Separate Contract

Contract between Architect and other ENGINEERING and ALLIED profession

Single Contract

Contract solely between architect and owner, and contract with other professionals


Contractor duly registered and licensed by the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board having a direct contract with the Contractor who acts for or in behalf of the Contractor in executing any part of the Contract


Contractor-provided labor or materials or both as well as equipment transportation, or other facilities necessary


Core of a Japanese building

1.20 m

Corridor width as per BP 344

1.10 m

Corridor width as per PD 1096


Corridor wings

Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses

Cost based method of compensation is applicable only to non creative works.


Country houses; main body of the building is roofed in the gothic style


Courthouse; built by ROULLAND LE ROUX in late gothic style

Si He Yuan

Courtyard house

Sumo Ring

Covered with Shinto Roof suspended by 22mm. thich cable from ceiling of the large stadium

Comprehensive Planning.

Covers the range of all services from primary data gathering through the formulation of the MDP and the parallel preparation of the environmental impact assessment/ statement which may include physical component, economic component, socio-cultural component, transport component and legal and administrative component

Kathmandu Valley

Crossroads of ancient civilization of Asia; named after a structure in Durbar Square called "Kaasthamandap" (wood + covered shelter)


Cube form above the dome, usually painted with a pair of eyes


Cycle of life, death and rebirth/ teaching of Buddha


Cycle of rebirth

Hatharas Kotuwa

Cylindrical nech with statues of deities carved on the surface (Parts of a Dagoba)


Dancing hall (Parts of a Hindu Temple)

Often Built forts and fortifications to intimidate

Datus and Rajahs

Relative proportion

Deals with the relationship between the different parts of the whole to the various parts?


Decorative stone lanterns (Parts of the Shinto Complex)

Temple of Mars Ultor, Rome

Dedicated to Mars by Augustus to avenge the death of Caesar

Torcello Cathedral, Venice

Dedicated to Sta. Maria Assunta

Ishtar Gate

Dedicated to the goddess Ishtar with bas-relief of lions in blue glazed tiles


Defensive earthen bank surrounding a castle or a fortress


Defensive formation in the shape of a complete circle which could be taken by a unit which had become detached from the army's main body.

Pailous/ Bailous/ Paifang

Derived from Indian toranas; erected in memory of virtuous people; ceremonial entrances/ archways to temple, tombs or occasionally spanning a street

Combustible, Flammable or Inflammable

Descriptive of materials that are easily set on fire.

SPP Document 207

Design Build Service


Designating a color having low lightness and low saturation, and reflecting only a small fraction of incident light.

Florence Cathedral

Designed by Arnolfo di Cambio; exterior faced with polychrome marble panels in various shades of green and pink bordered by white

Feasibility Studies

Detailed analysis of the project based on pre feasibility studies. It will set the project against present and future trends to forecast how it will perform over time.

Space Planning

Determination of adequate size and appropriate configuration and assemblage for a proposed project in consideration of the use, allocation and interface of spaces for given activities.


Deterrent to mining and to deflect missiles


Devoted to the glory of the Warrior God, Skandha

6.00 m (HORIZONTAL distance between landings)

Distance between landings as per BP 344

0.76 m (VERTICAL distance between landings)

Distance between landings as per RA 9514

Height Above Floor

Distance between two points aligned vertically with one of the points on the floor.

0.75 m

Distance of eaves from property line as per PD 1096


Dividing wall at the center of a circus


Divinity/man's salvation

Bid Bulletin

Document containing additional information on Bid Documents issued to bidders before date of bidding

Building Permit

Document issued by the BO to an owner/ applicant to proceed with the construction.

Contract Documents

Documents attached to the Agreement identified therein as Contract Documents, including all additions, deletions and modifications incorporated therein


Dome (Parts of a Stupa)

Simple Dome

Dome and pendetive are parts of the same sphere (Types of Dome)

Sikhara or Shikhara

Dome and steeple (Parts of a Hindu Temple)

Compound Dome

Dome constructed separately from the pendative (Types of Dome)

S. Giovanni e paolo, venice

Dominican church with beautiful brick work

Stele Pavilion

Double-eaved pavilion, located about halfway down the spirit road and surrounded by four huabiao, houses the great Shisanling Stele that announces the site.


Dry garden


Dug in hillsides and were used as shrines or temples by monks.

Takuyaka Shiki

Dwellings elevated used mainly for storehouses used to protect rice, eventually developed into early Shinto shrine




EARLY ENGLISH RENAISSANCE: reign of Queen Elizabeth

Withdrawing Room

ELIZABETHAN MANSION PARTS: is a room for receiving and entertaining visitors and usually led to a formal or "state" bedroom.

Great Hall

ELIZABETHAN MANSION PARTS: is centrally positioned connecting the various parts of the mansion.

Long gallery

ELIZABETHAN MANSION PARTS: is designed as a connecting corridor, a covered promenade or a picture gallery.

Decorated Vaulting

ENGLISH GOTHIC VAULTING: addition of lierne ribs (short intermediate ribs) produced the star-shaped pattern called stellar vaulting.


ENGLISH GOTHIC VAULTING: projecting ornament that covers the intersection of ribs

Perpendicular Vaulting

ENGLISH GOTHIC VAULTING: the intricate stellar vaulting led to the type known as the fan, palm or conoidal vaulting.

Early English Vaulting

ENGLISH GOTHIC VAULTING: the quadripartite ribbed vault came into general use.

Tudor Vaulting

ENGLISH GOTHIC VAULTING: use of the four-centered (Tudor) arch and fan vaulting


Earthen conical mound of a castle

Paoay Church

Earthquake Baroque architecture with enormous buttresses (24)


Eaves tile


Elevated citadel

Sherpa House

Elongated in shape, two-storey house with a ridge roof

Endless Knot

Emblem of eternity


Emblem of immortality and resurrection


Enclosed courtyard formed from the intersections of closely space buildings and offer small opening to the sky through the roof space from the floor up

Tai Chi

Encompasses the whole concept of Feng Shui, it shows balance completeness, and it also gives the impression of movement

Decorated style

English Gothic Architecture during the late 13th century and first half of the 14th century, known for its richness of decoration, extensive ribbing, and use of ogee curves in tracery and arches. The decorated style followed the early English style, preceded the perpendicular style, and itself has two phases, the Geometric and the Curvilinear, It was revived in Great Britain in the 19th century.

Architectural Research

Entails the conduct of primary and secondary researches and assembled facts used as basis for conclusion

Site Selection and Analysis

Entails the formulation of site criteria, assistance to the client in site evaluation and analysis to determine the most appropriate site.


Entrance to the chorus (Parts of the Greek Theater)


Erected on columns over the altar (Parts of a Basilican Church)

Flatland Castles (Hirajiro)

Erected on plains where surrounding castle towns could be built to serve as administrative centers (Types of Japanese Castle)

Basilican church

Erected over the burial place of the saint to whom the church was dedicated

Rostral Columns

Erected to celebrate naval victories; decorated with prows of ships and figures

Triumphal Arches

Erected to emperors and generals commemorating victorious campaigns


Established in the 6th c. BCE by Vardhamana, called Mahavira "the Great Hero" or Jina, the "Victorious One". Based on asceticism and ahimsa, theory and practice of non-violence (non-injury to all living things)

Cyrus the Great

Established the Persian Empire as the most powerful state in the world

Colonial Period

Europeans had a distinct influence in India and their culture, first by trade and by conquest


Every new or established theory applied


Evolved from the shoin and teah house, more simpler and smaller, less formal

The Palace of King Minos, Knossos

Example of Aegean architecture

Building Official

Executive Officer of the OBO appointed by the Secretary

205 mm maximum

Existing Stair RISER dimension as per RA 9514

230 mm minimum

Existing stair TREAD dimension as per RA 9514

Per Diem, Honorarium plus Reimbursible expenses

Expenses which may be reimbursed


Extensions or projecting wings on either side of the proscenium (Parts of the Greek Theater)

Pilaster Strips

FEATURES OF ITALIAN RENAISSANCE: are also used and marble often appear as points of special interest.

Astylar façade

FEATURES OF ITALIAN RENAISSANCE: wall treatment without columns


FIRST FLOOR: Zaguan Cuadra Bodega Entresuelo Patio Aljibe

Tertiare Pd.

FRENCH GOTHIC PERIOD: also called "FLAMBOYANT", is a florid style of late Gothic & characterized by flame-like window tracery.

Secondaire Pd.

FRENCH GOTHIC PERIOD: sometimes called "RAYONNANT" & distinguished by circular windows with wheel tracery

Primaire Pd.

FRENCH GOTHIC PERIOD: sometimes called "lancettes" & distinguished by pointed arches & geometric traceried windows.

Miagao Church

Facade displays an example of Filipono Folk Art

Japanese Garden

Faithful representation of nature, impart a sense of simple and unspoiled beauty


Farmers, merchants, lawyers, and doctors. Born from the thighs. Varna color: yellow.


Favoured for temples and tombs during early Egyptian civilization


Fence surrounding the honden (Parts of the Shinto Complex)


Festival to worship the holy cows

Not less than 200k

Fine for those who will force/ coerce etc. an architect to sign a plan without a written contract

Not less than 100k but not more than 5 mill

Fine to pay upon violating the law.

RA 9514

Fire code of the Philippines

Class K Fires

Fires in cooking appliances that involve combustible cooking media (vegetable or animal oils and fats).

Class D Fire

Fires involving combustible materials, such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, and other similar materials.

Class C Fires

Fires involving energized electrical equipment.

Class B Fires

Fires involving flammable liquids and gases.

Class A Fires

Fires involving ordinary combustible materials such as wood, cloth, rubber and plastics.

0.40 m

Firewall extension ABOVE ROOF as per PD 1096

0.30 m

Firewall extension UNDER EAVES as per PD 1096

0.60 m

Firewall extension from OUTERMOST EDGES (walls) as per PD 1096

Emperor Qin Shi Huang

First Chinese emperor

Vasco da Gama

First Portuguese explorer to reach India, open up trade routes from Europe to India, spice trade


First few ranks of soldiers would project their spears out over the first rank of shields.


First invaders came from the northwest settling at Punjab


First part in the circular base (Parts of a Stupa)


First recorded use of the word "China"

Theater of Dionysus, Athens

First stone theater ever built, cut into the southern cliff face of the Acropolis ; was a major open air theater that could seat 18000, plays were performed at festivals in honor of the god Dionysus


Flattened fluted melon shaped massive stone member crowning the top of sikhara; dome (Parts of a Hindu Temple)


Flavian Amphitheatre; capacity of over 80,000 seats


Florentine architect who was the first great architect of the Italian Renaissance (1377-1446)

Colored Glazed

For decorative purposes (Types of Bricks)


For facing important buildings (Types of Bricks)


For horse and chariot-racing


For horse and chariot-racing

Valley Building

For interment and embalmment (Parts of a Pyramid)


For ordinary finish (Types of Bricks)

Niche/ Hemicycle

For retaining earth (Types of Roman Buttresses)

Cult Temple

For the worship of the ancient and mysterious gods (Types of Temples)

Mortuary Temple

For the worship of the dead (Parts of a Pyramid)


Formal dining room on roman houses

Chi Rho

Formed by superimposing the first two letters of the word "Christ" in Greek. It involves the crucifixion of Jesus as well as symbolizing his status as the Christ.

Cross Vault

Formed of 2 semi-circular vaults of equal span


Former name of Sri Lanka

Kyoto Imperial Palace

Former ruling palace of the Emperor of Japan

Little Hagia Sophia

Formerly the Church of the Saints Sergius and Bacchus, is a former Eastern Orthodox Church dedicated to Saints Sergius and Bacchus in Constantinople, converted into a mosque during the Ottoman Empire.

Little Hagia Sophia

Formerly the church of the Saints Sergius and Becchus


Forms the imposing entrance to the Acropolis

Albi Cathedral

Fortress church with large vaulted hall, 18m , THE WIDEST IN FRANCE

Vesara or Mixed Style

Found between Krishna and Vindhyas, mixed of the two styles, circular in plan, hard to distinguish, although one element that may help is the lower height of Vesara temple, characterized by a beehive shaped tower made up of layer upon layer of architectural elements or ornamentations (Style of Hindu Temple)

Nagara Style (North)

Found between the Vindhyas and Himalayas. This style is typified by the use of a square or cruciform plan. Prasada or vimana rises vertically from its base in a curvilinear form. Characterized by a beehive shaped tower made up of layer upon layer of architectural elements. (Style of Hindu Temple)

Dravidian Style (South)

Found in the temples between the Krishna River and Cape Comorin. Its temple towers are pyramidal, multiplication of storey after storey, with a roof that is vaulted octagonal or domical (Style of Hindu Temple)


Founded and headed the first Indian Empire


Founded by Lao Tzu offered a doctrine of universal love as solution to social disorder; main religion of China


Founder of Jainism

Dangun Wanggeom

Founder of the first Joseon kingdom or Gojoseon

Chōzuya or temizuya

Fountain to cleanse one's hands and face (Parts of the Shinto Complex)

4.5 m

Front Setback as per PD 1096


Front porch or the main entrance of the temple leading to the mandapa (Parts of a Hindu Temple)


Front portico (Parts of a Greek Temple)

Repel Cavalry

Front rank formed a tight wall of shields with their pila protruding to form a line of spearheads ahead of the wall.


Frontispiece, face the 4 cardinal points, heavily ornamented (Parts of a Dagoba)

SPP document 204 A

Full Time Supervision


Furnish and install


GOTHIC CATHEDRAL: coronation church of the French kings and one of the finest gothic structures ever built. Its vast scale, masterful design and rich sculptural adornment are virtually without equal.


GOTHIC CATHEDRAL: has slightly projecting transepts and sweeping chevet of 7 chapels. It was inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1981.


GOTHIC CATHEDRAL: has the highest spire in France (151m.), erected in 1876. It was the world's tallest building from 1876 to 1880.


GOTHIC CATHEDRAL: has the most complete collections of medieval stained glass in the world. 152 of the 186 windows are original


GOTHIC CATHEDRAL: is called a Decorated Gothic Cathedral "par excellence."


GOTHIC CATHEDRAL: is famous for its library of chained books and for the 'Mappa Mundi', a 13th-century map of the world.


GOTHIC CATHEDRAL: is the city's principal Dominican church & the first great basilica in Florence .


GOTHIC CATHEDRAL: is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for the British monarchs.

Salisbury Cathedral

GOTHIC CATHEDRAL: it contains the world's oldest working clock (AD 1386).


GOTHIC CATHEDRAL: was once home to the French royal court. It was built of French late Gothic Flamboyant style

The Cathedral of Palermo

GOTHIC CATHEDRAL: was turned into a mosque by the Saracens after their conquest of the city in the 9th cent.

Wells Cathedral

GOTHIC CATHEDRAL: west front is said to have the finest collection of statuary in Europe, retaining almost 300 of its original medieval statues


GOTHIC CATHEDRAL:has most precious religious relics in all Christendom - the "true cross" of Christ, the "Crown of Thorns" and other relics connected to the actual passion of Christ


GOTHIC CATHEDRAL:is the most daring achievement of Gothic architecture, having the HIGHEST NAVE IN EUROPE (48.5m.). It has 3 tiers of flying buttresses.


GOTHIC CATHEDRAL:s the burial place of Leonardo da Vinci.


GOTHIC IN CENTRAL EUROPE: It has been the place of some of Austria's most historic moments, including Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's 1791 Paupers Funeral.


GOTHIC IN CENTRAL EUROPE; Built with cream colored limestone and a softer green sandstone


GOTHIC IN CENTRAL EUROPE; Contains the tomb of many BOHEMIAN KINGS and was the CORONATION church of several holy Roman Emperors


GOTHIC IN CENTRAL EUROPE; is the largest Gothic church of N. Europe (8,400 sqm.)



Barcelona Cathedral

GOTHIC IN SPAIN AND PORTUGAL; Roof is notable for its gargoyles featuring a wide range of animals both domestic and mythical

Burgos cathedral

GOTHIC IN SPAIN AND PORTUGAL; is the most poetic of all the Spanish Cathedrals.

Seville Cathedral

GOTHIC IN SPAIN AND PORTUGAL; the largest Mediaeval Cathedral in Europe, with the exception of St. Peter's, Rome. It houses the tomb of Christopher Columbus.


GOTHIC IN THE NETHERLANDS; a masterpiece of lace work in stone in late flamboyant gothic, remarkable for is great width, a nave flanked by triple aisles;


GOTHIC IN THE NETHERLANDS; built largely of black tournai marble

ST. GUDULE (1325-1520)

GOTHIC IN THE NETHERLANDS; largest church in Benelux


GOTHIC ORNAMENTS: are functional waterspouts & are said to scare off evil spirits.

chimera or a grotesque

GOTHIC ORNAMENTS: figure serves only an ornamental function.


GOTHIC TOWN HALL: The town's Belfry from 1512, is a former town hall and is the symbol of liberty


GOTHIC: a historic fortified city, was restored in 1853 by Eugène Viollet-le-Duc.

Foo Lion

Gate of Heavenly Purity, Imperial Palace; also called "Foo Dogs," these guardian creatures typically flanked the entrances to Chinese palaces and other buildings

Torii Shinto Gate

Gate without doors - entrance to a Shinto shrine precint


Gemstone place on top of the kotha (Parts of a Dagoba)


General average needed to pass the board exams.


Generic name for any plan or chart which symbolically represents the cosmos (magic diagram of the cosmos). An expression of sacred geometry.

Durbar Square

Generic name used to describe plazas opposite old royal palaces in Nepal

Arabesque Pattern

Geometric shapes and pattern


God of wine

Gupta Period

Golden age of India, revival of Hinduism and the beginning of free-standing Hindu temples

S. Croce, Florence

Gothic version of Basilican church by Arnolfo di Cambio


Grand Audience Hall, persepolis by Darius


Graphical presentations of the work

Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva

Greatest Hindu deities


Greatest Mauryan King


Greek temples rest on a platform composed of 3 or more steps


Groin vault , quadripartite rib vault , complex rib vault

Monastic Village

Group of buildings designed for all the occupations of the monks

Ziggurat of Ur

Had a solid core of mud brick and faced with burnt brickwork. It carried the usual temple at the summit.


Hall of justice & commercial exchange. Their central position indicates the importance of law & business in Old Rome.

Throne Hall

Hall of the hundred columns, persepolis; constructed for the king to receive the nobles and dignitaries


Hall of worship or oratory (Parts of the Shinto Complex)

Geunjeongjeon (Throne Hall)

Hall where the king granted audiences to his officials, presided over large official functions and met foreign envoys. Largest and most formal hall in Gyeongbokgung.

0.8 to 0.9 m

Handrail height of STAIRS as per PD 1096

0.76 to 0.865 m

Handrail height of STAIRS as per RA 9514

0.70 to 0.90 m

Handrail height of ramps as per BP 344

0.76 to 0.865 m

Handrail height of ramps as per RA 9514


Has a complex and advance design, and uses early principles of concentric fortifications; ONE OF EARLIEST EUROPEAN CASTLES TO USE MACHICOLATIONS

Angouleme Cathedral

Has a long aisle less nave, transepts with lateral chapels and an apsidal choir with four chapels forming a latin cross. The western facade is rich with tiers of arcades divided in five bays by lofty shafts.

Spoleto Cathedral

Has a notable external porch & the belfry was added in the 15th and 16th century respectively.


Has a notable tower built in late gothic flamboyant style

San Zeno Maggiore, Verona

Has a stern simple façade. It has a fine projecting porch and above it is a great wheel window which lights the nave

St. Gille-De-Gard

Has an elaborate sculptured façade & is among the most beautiful of the great Romanesque portals.

Abbey of St. Sernin, Toulose

Has an octagonal tower with a spire, 66 m. high that belongs to the Gothic period.


Has an upward curvature at its center of 2-3/8" on the shorter sides and 4-5/16" on the longer sides.

Worms Cathedral

Has apse ate both ends

Santa Sabina, Rome

Has been altered often but retained its original character

Le Mans Cathedral


St. Madeleine, Vezelay

Has one of the earliest pointed cross vaults in France.

Basilica di San Nicola, Bari

Has square appearance; seemingly more suited to a castle than to a church & was indeed used several times as castle during its history.

Temple-shaped Tombs

Have mortuary chapels with colonnaded portico and sepulchral vault (Class of Tomb)


Having an intercolumniation of 2 1/4 diameters.


Having an intercolumniation of 3 diameters.


Having an intercolumniation of two diameters


Having human or animal figures as decoration


Having no saturation and therefore no hue as white black or gray


Having objective, verifiable and independent existence as opposed to be being artificial or illusory


Having only one color or exhibiting varying intensities and values of a single hue


Having or exhibiting a variety of colors

Marcus Vitruvious Pollio

He is the author of oldest research on Architecture and wrote an extensive summary of all the theory on construction?

Owen Jones

He used forms inspired from nature, especially plants

0.80 m to 1.06 m ( 0.9 m preferred)

Height of door knob as per BP 344


Hemispherical dome (Parts of a Dagoba)

Mount Fuji

Highest mountain in Japan


Hill garden


Hindu initiation ceremony

Bell tower

Holds one of the largest astronomical clocks in the world; built in 1933 by the Ungerer Company of Starbourg


Holds the position as a holy sanctuary and cult center in ancient Greece. It was a sacred place with splendid buildings and sanctuaries. It was included in the World's Cultural Heritage, protected by the UNESCO.

Indus Region

Home to the largest of the four ancient urban civilizations


Horizontal walkway between the lower and upper tier of seats (Parts of the Greek Theater)

Chaitya Arch

Horseshoe shape arch that decorates the facade


Hot bath or sauna


House cave, earth shelter dwelling carved out of a hillside or from a sunken courtyard

Insula (Apartment Blocks)

Houses for the lower classes Romans

Group 7

Housing projects using one plan.

Goguryeo Tombs

Huge stone-pile tombs with murals on the inside depicting various scenes from the life of the deceased, but later tombs shifted from realism to symbolism (Stone Tomb Culture of 3 Korean Kingdoms)


Identity with the individual soul


If a line acquires the properties of Width, weight and sense of placement. What is it called?


If a point is extended, it acquires length and direction. What is it called?


If owner fails to render a decision within ___ days after parties have presented their evidence, either party may demand arbitration

Da Du

Imperial palace established by Genghis Khan

Donjon (Dungeon)

Important feature of a Japanese castle

Not more than 6 years

Imprisonment duration for those who will force/ coerce etc. an architect to sign a plan without a written contract

Not less than 6 mos but not exceeding 6 years

Imprisonment upon violating the law

Bahay na Bato

Improved version of Bahay Kubo

Chicago School

In 1880's where is the concentration of architectural development?


In a color wheel, a color scheme composing of 3 colors adjacent to each other?


In architectural interior, which of the architectural material is highly considered to have a highest embodied energy in term of production, transportation and installation on the building

Surface Articulation

In articulation, there are certain changes in material color and texture. This is done by removing the corner and articulating it thru change of material or lighting the form so as to produce differences of form?

Subtractive form Cluster

In articulation, there are certain changes in material color and texture. This is done by removing the corner and articulating it thru change of material or lighting the form so as to produce tonal differences of form?

Provide smaller openings to introduce natural ventilation

In hot-dry climate, what solution is recommended to improve the comfort level of the interior?

Yard timber-

In terms of material production and transportation which of the following flooring materials as considered to have the lowest carbon footprint


In the design consideration with regards to spatial part which is not a consideration?


In the theory of proportion which is not a consideration?


In town planning, a band of parks or open land which has been protected from development


Indentifying a problem and its social, economic, and physical context.

Shinto, Kami-No-Michi

Indigenous religion which started around 660 BCE. Way of the Gods (Kami) with sun as the most important god

Written Notice

Information, advice or notification pertinent to the project delivered in person or sent by registered mail

Pre Design Services

Initial problem identification service to conceptualizaztion of an array of architectural and allied solutions. Includes consultation, pre feasibility studies, feasibility, site selection and analysis, site utilization and land use studies.

Keep or Donjon

Inner tower for refuge during a siege

1.1 m x 1.4 m

Inside dimension of car as per BP 344

Special Provisions or Conditions

Instructions which are issued prior to bidding to supplement and/or modify the Drawings, Specifications and/or General Conditions of the Contract

Bid documents

Intelectual property of architect


Intercolumniation of 3 1/2 column diameter

Philip Johnson

Introduced the element of discovery

Project Definition Phase

Involves the definition of requirements of the project. Architect informs owner the technical requirements of the project.

Site Utilization and Land-Use studies

Involves the identification of a site's development potentials through proper utilization

Campanille, Pisa

Is a circular tower, 16m diameter rising in 8 storeys of encircling arcades ; WORLD FAMOUS LEANING TOWER ( 5.5 deg)

Skirmishing Formation

Is a widely-spaced line giving enough room for the soldiers to move.

Theater epidaurus by Polykleitos

Is an impressive open air theater renowned for its nearly perfect architecture and acoustics

Fish (Ikhthus)

Is mentioned and given symbolic meaning several times in the Gospels. It is also a symbol for Jesus

Temple of Olympian Zeus

Is renowned as the largest temple in Greece and housed one of the largest cult statues in the ancient world.


Is the angle of horizon deviation, measured clockwise, of a bearing from a standard south direction

Sri Lanka

Island Jewel of the Indian Ocean


Island of Buddhist doctrine


Island of the Buddhist doctrine

Island of Crete

Island that arose the first great sea-power of the Mediterranean, which flourished a thousand years before the Greek civilization reached its peak

Temporary/ Special Permit

Issued to foreign architects who want practice in the PH provided there is a Filipino Architect counterpart

Professional Identification Card

Issued upon passing the board exams, bearing the registration number, date of issuance, expiry date, duly signed by the chairperson of the Commission

Pentagon Pyramid

It has 6 planes, 8 edges


It has 6 planes, different orientation?

Grid form

It has two or more intersecting sets of parallel lines with regular spacing and produced geometric patterns with regular space fields in between as a result of the intersection


It is a built-in recessed space in a Japanese style reception room, in which items for artistic appreciation are displayed


It is a comparison showing differences, the opposite of similarity


It is a door, window or room divider consisting of translucent paper over a frame of wood which holds together a lattice of wood or bamboo (Elements of a Japanese House)


It is a mental process by which knowledge is acquired?

History of Architecture

It is a record of man's effort to build beautifully. It traces the origin , growth and decline of architectural styles which have prevailed lands and ages.


It is a style of Japanese residential architecture used in the mansions of the military, temple guest halls, and Zen abbot's quarters of the Azuchi-Momoyama (1568-1600) and Edo periods (1600-1868). (Types of Japanese Folk House)

Semi-Circular Vault

It is a theory by Virtue


It is a typically wooden strip of flooring immediately before windows and storm shutters inside traditional Japanese rooms (Elements of a Japanese House)


It is an architectural style born in Japan during the Muromachi period from the fusion of elements from three preceding styles, the wayō, the daibutsuyō and zen'yō. It is exemplified by the main hall at Kakurin-ji (Styles of Japanese Buddhist Temple)


It is an architecture built as a gate for entering a sacred place in Korea. It literally means „gate with red arrows‟, referring to the set of pointed spikes on its top.

Jain Architecture

It is considered almost an offshoot of Hinduism and Buddhism. It developed their own unique style of architecture that is reflective of their principles of austerity. The main monuments within the architectural repertoire of the Jain style are rock-cut architecture, temples and monoliths.


It is one type of Japanese residential architectural style. Suki means refined, well cultivated taste and delight in elegant pursuits and refers to enjoyment of the exquisitely performed tea ceremony. (Types of Japanese Folk House)


It is the first gate at the entrance to many Korean Buddhist temples. Called the "One-Pillar Gate", because when viewed from the side the gate appears to be supported by a single pillar.

Temple Church, Northampton

It is the largest and best preserved of the remaining round churches in England connected with Knights Templar. It is also the oldest standing building in Northampton.


It is the main entrance to a house that has a lower level floor where you remove your shoes. This area is considered extremely dirty. (Elements of a Japanese House)


It means equality


It refers to the style of domestic architecture developed for palatial or aristocratic mansions built in Heian-kyō (today's Kyoto) in the Heian period (794-1185), especially in 10th century Japan. (Types of Japanese Folk House)

Appian way

It used to be known as the ―Regina Viarum,‖ the queen of all roads.

Theater of Dionysus

It was the first stone theatre ever built, cut into the southern cliff face of the Acropolis

Temple of Isis, Philae

It was the last pagan temple to exist in the Mediterranean, dedicated to goddess Isis, wife of Osiris and mother of Horus.

Batanes Castles

Ivatan people, entrance via rope ladder


Japanese carpenters developed advanced joinery techniques and occasionally constructed large buildings without using any nails; traditional frames (Elements of a Japanese House)


Japanese cypress or white cedar

Nippon and Nihon

Japanese names for Japan


Joints of Japanese structural elements

Speyer Cathedral, Germany

Keeps the coffins of 4 kings and 4 emperors

Sacrificial Offering

Kind of worshipping activities in the form of showing and offering material objects


Kindred type to the theater, where musicians performed


Known as Gyusu room; situated deep inside the house so that it is secretive and quiet (Section of Jeonju Hanok Village)


Known as the "Cradle of Civilization"

Hannibal Barca

Known for his clever war tactics and was considered ROME's NIGHTMARE

Temple of Vespasian

Known for its ornate entablature


Korean clan memorial halls; became common in many villages where extended families erected facilities for common veneration of a distant ancestor


Korean cornerstones upon which the pillars rest


Korean floor panel heating system, was found in the architectural remains of early Proto-historic; means "warm stone"


Korean kingdom found in 18 BC established friendships with China and Japan


Korean memorial shrines; were established by the government to commemorate exceptional acts of filial piety or devotion


Korean name given by merchants of the Middle East, which then came to be spelled Corea and Korea


Korean raised platform


Korean traditional paper


Krakow is Poland's national sanctuary. Krakow has a 1000-year history and was the traditional coronation site of Polish monarchs.


LATE ENGLISH RENAISSANCE: reigns of Anne, George I, II, III and IV.


Land beyond china where gold abounds, written by Arab traders


Landowners who swore allegiance to a shogun


Large House/ Big House of Datu

Gassho Style House

Large houses with steeply pitched thatched roof


Large single building in traditional Chinese architecture and generally referred to as dadian (grand hall).

Mireuksa Temple, Iksan

Largest and earliest stone pagoda shows the transitional features from a wooden pagoda to a stone one

Basilica of Trajan

Largest basilica in Rome, designed by Apollodorus


Largest of the 3 Korean kingdoms, renowned for its mountain fortresses built horizontally and vertically along the slopes


Last capital of the ancient kings' era of Sri Lanka


Last of the three Korean kingdoms to develop into a full-fledged kingdom


Legionaries became virtually invulnerable to arrows or objects dropped from defensive walls.


Lengths of laid rice straw used for ritual purification in the Shinto religion

Mies Van Der Rohe

Less is more



Spirit Road

Lined with men and animals, leading to the burials.

Instruction to Bidders

List of instructions regarding the manner bids are to be prepared and the conditions for the award of the Contract

Breakdown of Work and Corresponding Value

Listing of the different parts of the work indicating each part and its corresponding value


Local schools in Korea


Located between the atrium and the church, was used by penitents (Parts of a Basilican Church)


Located on both sides of the nave (Parts of a Basilican Church)


Long, colonnaded covered walkways used around public places


Lotus position


Low screen wall enclosing the choir (Parts of a Basilican Church)

Red Crown

Lower Egypt




MEMPHIS TRIAD ; protector of two lands


MEMPHIS TRIAD ; the deity chief of Memphis and patron deity if CRAFTSMEN

King Menkaure

MENKAURE TRIAD ; Last great pyramid builder


MENKAURE TRIAD ; the goddess of MUSIC and LOVE

Art Moderne

MODERN STYLES: Its architectural style emphasized curving forms, long horizontal lines, and sometimes nautical elements.

Prairie Style

MODERN STYLES: The style is usually marked by horizontal lines, flat or hipped roofs with broad overhanging eaves, windows grouped in horizontal bands, integration with the landscape.

Mission Revival

MODERN STYLES: The style was considered the "California counterpart" to the Georgian-inspired Colonial Revival popular in Northeast.


MODERN STYLES: are detached, low-rise (single or one-and-a-half stories).

International Style

MODERN STYLES: developed in Europe and the U.S became the dominant tendency in Western architecture during the middle decades of the 20th century.

Art Deco

MODERN STYLES: is a forerunner of Art Nouveau style, but with a more Modernist esthetic. It represents a "graciousness of form" from a simpler time.

opus sectile

Made from larger, specially cut pieces, usually of tile or stone

Opus Sectile

Made from larger, specially cut pieces, usually of tile or stone.

Tutankhamun's outer Coffin

Made of gilded wood covered with gold

Tutankhamun's Death Mask

Made of solid gold and inlaid with semi - precious stones, it weighs 11kilograms

Tutankhamun 's Inner Coffin

Made of solid gold and weighs 110 k

Tutankhamun 's middle coffin

Made of wood covered with gold, semiprecious stones, glass and obsidian

Leandro Locsin

Main Theatre, CCP Complex Folk Arts Theater CCP PHILCITE Ph Con Cen, CCP Manila Hotel renovation NAIA


Main building material of Greek Architecture


Main gate (Parts of a Japanese Buddhist Temple)


Main hall, enshrining the kami. On the roof of the haiden and honden are visible chigi (forked roof finials) and katsuogi (short horizontal logs), both common shrine ornamentations (Parts of the Shinto Complex)

Daeungjeon (Hall of Great Enlightenment)

Main hall; enshrines the Sakyamuni Buddha and was built in 681 CE. (Parts of Bulguksa Temple)


Main material of Roman Architecture

Donhwamun Gate

Main palace gate of Changdeokgung Palace

Construction Phase

Making of decisions on all claims of the owner, prepare change orders, make periodic visits and assist construction phase.


Marble commemorative pillars are set up at the four corners of the stele pavilion, where they symbolize the four quarters of the world.

Gate/ Men

Mark the entrance to the temple grounds. Usually one main gate, and possibly several additional gates, along the temple's main approach (Parts of a Japanese Buddhist Temple)

Himeiji Castle

Masterpiece of wooden construction, the finest surviving example of early 17th-century Japanese castle complex in design and layout, comprising 83 buildings (Types of Japanese Castle)

Tatami Mat

Material used for floor covering in Japanese Architecture


Materials used as final coating of a surface for ornamental or protective purposes.


Maximum Number of cars per hoistway as per PD 1096

60 m

Maximum TRAVEL DISTANCE to exit WITH SPRINKLER as per PD 1096

45 m



Maximum cross slope of ramp as per RA 9514

6 m

Maximum length of DEAD ENDS as per PD 1096

15 m

Maximum length of dead ends for BUSINESS WITH SPRINKLER as per RA 9514

15.5 m

Maximum length of dead ends for INDUSTRIAL as per RA 9514

6.10 m

Maximum length of dead ends for PLACE OF ASSEMBLY as per RA 9514


Maximum length of dead ends for RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT BUILDINGS as per RA 9514


Maximum slope of ramp as per BP 344


Maximum slope of ramp as per RA 9514


Maximum solar heat factor for walls in warm humid tropics

3.6 m

Maximum vertical distance between landings as per PD 1096

3.66 m

Maximum vertical distance between landings as per RA 9514

1.2 m

Maximum width of door as per PD 1096

1.22 m

Maximum width of door as per RA 9514

Kandariya Mahadeva Temple

Meaning "the Great God of the Cave", is the largest and most ornate Hindu temple in the medieval temple group found at Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh, India.

in the Roman style or Roman-like

Meaning of the word Romanesque

Architect In-charge of Construction

Means an architect registered and licensed under this Act, who is directly and professionally responsible and liable for the construction supervision of the project


Means the architect registered and licensed under this Act, who is directly and professionally responsible for the total design of the project for the client and who shall assume the civil liability for the plans, specifications and contract documents he/she has signed and sealed


Meditation or reflection on a subject or idea, resulting in a conclusion inferred from incomplete or inconclusive evidence


Meeting place for the democratically-elected councils. They were either rectangular or semi-circular in plan


Metaphor for heaven without beginning or end, signifying timelessness, eternity and perfection

Professional Fee plus expenses

Method of compensation used where there is continuing relationship involving a series of Projects. establishes a fixed sum over and above the reimbursement of the architect's technical time and overhead.


Methods adopted by Rome for extending their influence

Mesolithic Age

Middle Stone Age ; made body covering from animal hides, canoe for fishing, built huts from bones animal hides and reed and grass


Military general, held the real power supported by wealthy landowner

Kotha (Silumina)

Mineret or pinnacle made of metal (Parts of a Dagoba)

Beifung Fu

Ming capital constructed on top of the Mongol City

3.0 cubic m (Allot 1.0 sqm per person)

Minimum Air Space Requirement for SCHOOLS as per PD 1096

12.0 cubic m

Minimum Air space requirement for OFFICE AND FACTORIES as per PD 1096

14.0 cubic m

Minimum Air space requirements for HABITABLE ROOMS as per PD 1096

2.7 m

Minimum Ceiling height of any floor that is naturally ventilated as per PD 1096

2.0 m

Minimum HEIGHT of EXIT DOORS as per BP 344 and PD 1096

1.10 m (corridors)

Minimum WIDTH OF EXITS as per PD 1096

0.915 m

Minimum WIDTH OF EXITS as per RA 9514

0.90 m

Minimum WIDTH of EXIT DOORS as per PD 1096

2.0 m

Minimum ceiling height FOR MEANS OF EGRESS as per RA 9514

2.7 m

Minimum ceiling height of GROUND FLOOR that is artificially ventilated as per PD 1096

2.4 m

Minimum ceiling height of SECOND FLOOR that is artificially ventilated as per PD 1096

2.1 m

Minimum ceiling height of SUCCEEDING FLOORS that is artificially ventilated as per PD 1096

2.0 m

Minimum ceiling height of WALKWAYS as per BP 344

0.6 m

Minimum deep pit of elevators as per PD 1096

2.0 m

Minimum dimension for habitable rooms as per PD 1096

1.5 m

Minimum dimension for kitchens as per PD 1096

0.9 m

Minimum dimension for toilets as per PD 1096

2.0 m

Minimum dimension of COURT as per PD 1096

2.0 m

Minimum headroom as per PD 1096

2.0 m

Minimum headroom as per RA 9514

1.8 m

Minimum height of MEZZANINE floors as per PD 1096

2.00 m

Minimum height of door as per BP 344

2.00 m

Minimum height of door as per PD 1096

2.00 m

Minimum height of door as per RA 9514

1.50 m

Minimum landing length of ramp as per BP 344

6 sqm

Minimum room area for habitable rooms as per PD 1096

3 sqm

Minimum room area for kitchens as per PD 1096

1.2 sqm

Minimum room area for toilets as per PD 1096

0.915 m

Minimum width of EXISTING STAIR as per RA 9514

0.915 m

Minimum width of NEW STAIR with 0-49 occupant load as per RA 9514

1.42 m

Minimum width of NEW STAIR with 2000 or more occupant load as per RA 9514

1.12 m

Minimum width of NEW STAIR with 50-1999 occupant load as per RA 9514

1.20 m

Minimum width of court passage way as per PD 1096

0.8 m

Minimum width of door as per BP 344

0.9 m

Minimum width of door as per PD 1096

0.71 m

Minimum width of door as per RA 9514

1.20 m

Minimum width of ramp as per BP 344

1.12 m

Minimum width of ramp as per RA 9514

0.90 m

Minimum width of stair for 10 - 50 occupant load as per PD 1096

0.75 m

Minimum width of stair for LESS THAN 10 occupant load as per PD 1096

1.10 m

Minimum width of stair for MORE THAN 50 occupant load as per PD 1096

Baclaran church

Modern Romanesque, seating capacity of 2000 but 11000 with standing


Modern day name of Mesopotamia


Monasteries, centers of preaching and teaching

Group 5

Monumental buildings


Monumental gateway (Parts of an Egyptian Temple)

Stambhas or Laths

Monumental pillars standing free without any structural function, with circular or octagonal shafts. On top of this shaft is the Persepolitan bell or the inverted lotus shaped base. Above this is the abacus on top of which rests the crowning sculpture. These three portions were carved out of a single stone.


Moral order, duty and right action

Preliminary Services

More than the basic knowledge of Site Analysis, Space Planning and Management, Architectural Programming, and the other services under SPP Document 201 are required

Paoay Church

Mortar-sand and lime with sugarcane juice boiled with mango leaves, leather, and rice straw


Most elementary means of organizing forms and spaces in architecture?


Most extensively researched Harappan coastal site

Winter Solstice

Most important ceremony, when the emperor prayed for good harvest

Hall of Supreme Harmony

Most important hall in the forbidden city; also called Hall of Golden Chimes


Most important religious text of Hinduism

Palais De Louvre

Most imposing palaces in europe; many of the world's greatest works of art are housed in its galleries

Buddhism and Confucianism

Most prominent religions in Korea

S. Basil the blessed Cathedral, Red square, Moscow

Most recognizable symbol of russia, buildings design shaped like flame of a bonfire rising into the sky, has no analogues in Russian Architecture; has 9 UNIQUE ONION DOMES with 9 individual chapels


Most reflective color


Most sacred part of the temple (Parts of a Greek Temple)

Temple of Luxor

Mostly built by menophis III, dedicated to the Theban Triad of Amin, Mut and Khons


Multi-bracket, additional brackets between columns (Korean Wooden Architecture Element)


Multi-storey buildings

1.5 to 2.5

Multiplier for Multiple of direct personnel expenses

ASAMKIRCHE ( St johann Nepomuk)

Munich, built by the brothers Egid Quirin Asam and Cosmas Damian Asam as their Private church; MOST SPLENDID ACHIEVEMENT OF BAVARIAN LATE BAROQUE ARCHITECTURE OR ROCOCO

Greek Mythology

Myths and legends of the ancient Greeks concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. Part of Greek religion.

Wind direction of amihan


Federal Style or Adam Style

NEOCLASSICAL STYLES: Elliptical and round spaces were introduced during this period and the simple exterior box was often modified by projecting wings.


NEOCLASSICAL STYLES: This is a French-inspired neoclassical style that takes its name from the Empire style under Napoleon's rule.

Jeffersonian Style

NEOCLASSICAL STYLES: is an American form of Neo-Classicismor Neo-Palladian based on U.S. president and patriot, Thomas Jefferson

Seokguram (Sokkuram) Grotto

Named as "The Parthenon of the East," "the most exemplary classical work of the Orient," and "An eternal masterpiece". It was built on an artificial cave and consist of a stone chamber, passageway and round dome. The Statue of Buddha sits beneath the dome and was finished with an external earth covering (Parts of Bulguksa Temple)


Named before Iran, was once a major empire of superpower proportions


Naos that measures 100ft long

Leandro Locsin

National Artist in Architecture

PD 1096

National Building Code of the Philippines


Natural light and Ventilation should be prioritized for the


Network of subterranean chambers and galleries used for burial purposes by peoples of the Mediterranean world, especially the early Christians


New code of social conduct and philosophy of life. Produced concepts of the universe and beliefs about the future closely allied with superstition, astrology and necromancy which have controlled the planning of society and cities as well as design of buildings.

Mughal Period

New era of architecture that fully embraced the Islamic and Classic Hindu style to a new style

100-180 mm

New stair RISER dimension as per RA 9514

280 mm minimum

News stair TREAD dimension as per RA 9514


Niches that receive the ashes of the dead


Nonviolence and respect for all living things


North Korea


North, Winter, feminine principle embodied in earth, phoenix and Empress

Nijo Palace

Noted for carved wood, black lacquer, gold decorations, and screen paintings

1 exit

Number of FIRE EXITS with 0-10 occupants as per PD 1096

2 exits

Number of FIRE EXITS with 0-500 occupants as per RA 9514

2 exits

Number of FIRE EXITS with 10-499 occupants as per PD 1096

4 exits

Number of FIRE EXITS with 1000 or more occupants as per PD 1096

4 exits

Number of FIRE EXITS with 1000 or more occupants as per RA 9514

3 exits

Number of FIRE EXITS with 500-999 occupants as per PD 1096

3 exits

Number of FIRE EXITS with 501-999 occupants as per RA 9514


Number of elevators in CONDOS 5 STOREYS or HIGHER


Number of exit per elevator lobby as per RA 9514


Number of storeys of an insula

Zen Buddhism

Observe the Buddhist's teachings in everyday life through the arts - poetry, painting, calligraphy, and garden design

3.25 sqm

Occupant load on CHILDREN's NURSERIES as per PD 1096

1.80 sqm

Occupant load on CLASSROOMS as per PD 1096

1.90 sqm

Occupant load on CLASSROOMS as per RA 9514

18.60 sqm

Occupant load on COMMERCIAL KITCHEN as per PD 1096

0.65 sqm

Occupant load on CONCENTRATED USE as per RA 9514

1.40 sqm

Occupant load on CONFERENCE ROOM, EXHIBIT ROOM, GYMS as per PD 1096

1.4 sqm

Occupant load on DRINKING ESTABLISHMENTS as per PD 1096

3.30 sqm

Occupant load on DRY NURSERIES as per RA 9514

28.0 sqm

Occupant load on DWELLINGS as per PD 1096

9.30 sqm

Occupant load on FLOORS NOT USED FOR SALE as per PD 1096 and RA 9514

8.40 sqm

Occupant load on HOSPITALS, SANITARIA as per PD 1096

18.60 sqm

Occupant load on HOTELS, APARTMENTS, DORMITORIES as per PD 1096

22.0 sqm

Occupant load on IN PATIENT TREATMENTS as per PD 1096

22.30 sqm

Occupant load on IN PATIENT TREATMENTS as per RA 9514

1.40 sqm

Occupant load on LESS CONCENTRATED USE as per RA 9514

7.40 sqm

Occupant load on NURSING HOMES as per PD 1096

0.65 sqm

Occupant load on PLACE OF ASSEMBLY as per PD 1096

18.60 sqm

Occupant load on RESIDENTIALS as per RA 9514

4.60 sqm

Occupant load on SHOPS, LABORATORIES, VOCATIONAL ROOMS as per PD 1096 and RA 9514

11 sqm

Occupant load on SLEEPING DEPARTMENTS as per PD 1096


Occupant load on SLEEPING DEPARTMENTS as per RA 9514

0.28 sqm

Occupant load on STANDING ROOM as per RA 9514

2.80 sqm

Occupant load on STREET FLOOR OR BASEMENT USED FOR SALE as per PD 1096 and RA 9514

5.60 sqm

Occupant load on UPPER FLOORS USED FOR SALE as per PD 1096 and RA 9514


Occupational class


Of or pertaining to shapes and forms having an intellectual and affective content dependent solely on their intrinsic lines, colors, and relationship to one another


Offering hall (Parts of a Hindu Temple)

Office of the Building Official (OBO)

Office authorized to enforce provisions of the code and its IRR


Official language of India

Royal Abbey of Fontevraud

Often described as the royal necropolis of the 'Angevin Kings and Queens of England„.

Mammisi Temple

Often referred to as a birth house of the gods located within the temple precinct.

Paleolithic Age

Old stone age; stone and bones, lived in caves and rock shelters, learned to make fire


Old walled city of Manila, destroyed by bombs of WW2

Forum Romanum

Oldest & the most important in the city (Types of Forum)

Changu Narayan

Oldest Hindu temple complex in Nepal; located on a hilltop known as Changu ; dedicated to Lord Vishnu

Wooden Pagoda

Oldest all-timber pagoda still standing in China

Geumcheongyo Bridge

Oldest bridge still extant in Seoul, located in Changdeokgung Palace

Trier Cathedral

Oldest in the country & listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1986.


Oldest of the world's major religions. It evolved from the Vedic religion of ancient India.

Great Stupa

Oldest stone structure in India

Foguang Temple

Oldest wooden Chinese temple


On site work done from site preparation.

Eugéne Viollet-Le-Duc


Philibert de L'orne

One of French theorist who are critical of Italians

Todalji (Great Eastern Temple), Nara

One of Japan's most famous and historically significant temples and a landmark of Nara

Church of the Apostles, Koln

One of a series of 'trefoil' churches in the city. The towers are crowned with the helm roof.

Borgund Stave Church

One of the 28 surviving churches of this type in Norway. It is classified as a triple nave stave church.

Mt. Grace Priory, Yorkshire

One of the best preserved Carthusian Charterhouses

Stokesay Castle

One of the best preserved fortified manor houses

Stokesay Castle, Shropshire

One of the best preserved medieval manor houses in Britain.

Cuneiform Script in Clay Tablets

One of the earliest known forms of written expression.

Cloaca Maxima

One of the earliest sewage systems

Pisa Cathedral

One of the finest of the Romanesque period

Pisa Cathedral

One of the finest of the Romanesque period, with Baptistry, Campanille and Campo Santo from one of the most famous building groups in the world

Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire

One of the largest Cistercian structures in England.

Palais de Fontainebleau

One of the largest French Royal Chateau

ST. Alban

One of the largest churches in the world in the middle ages

Jethavana Stupa

One of the largest stupa and was once considered the tallest stupa until the spire was destroyed; largest brick structure in the world

Rameses II

One of the longest ruling pharaohs of ancient Egypt for 67 years. He lived for over 80 years with a dozen wives and more than 100 children

Limburg Cathedral

One of the most accomplished buildings of the late Romanesque.

Strasbourgh Cathedral

One of the most beautiful late gothic cathedral in europe; worlds tallest building from 1647-1874 142m ; 6th tallest church in the world today


One of the most famous sites in the world and composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones

Zamora Cathedral

One of the most important examples of Romanesque-Gothic architecture in Spain.


One of the most important medieval cathedral in ENGLAND, Prominent landmark visible for miles around

S. Michele, Pavia

One of the most striking examples of Lombard-Romanesque style finished with sandstone.

Ruwanweli Maha Stupa

One of the most venerated stupa in Sri Lanka

Notre Dame Cathedral

One of the oldest french gothic cathedrals was begun by Bishop Maurice de Sully; was restored and saved from destruction by Eugéne Viollet-le-Duc, one of france famous architects

Monastic Village

One of the predominant building types in the Romanesque era; a group of buildings designed for all the occupations of the monks


One of the well known examples of Sillan architecture, said to be the first stone observatory in Asia, astronomical observatory "Star-Gazing Tower"


Only medieval english cathedral with 3 SPIRES and dedicated to St. Chad and St. Mary


Open court of a castle


Open courtyard (Parts of a Hindu Temple)


Open forecourt surrounded by arcades (Parts of a Basilican Church)


Open pavilions

Greek Theaters

Open-air structures, generally hollowed out of the slope of a hillside

Doric , Ionic , Corinthian

Orders of Greek Architecture

Tuscan Composite

Orders of Roman Architecture


Orientation of Chinese Architecture


Orientation of Hindu temples


Orientation of main entrance in Romanesque Architecture

Papyrus, Lotus, Palm

Ornaments of Egyptian Architecture


Outer railing composed of a framework consisting of vertical posts and cross bar that encircles the stupa (Parts of a Stupa)


Owner's action on payment request within ___ days after receipt of request for payment


Owner's right to terminate contract after giving ___ days written notice to contractor or to his surety

Manueline Style

PORTUGUESE RENAISSANCE STYLE: a peculiarly Portuguese phenomenon was taken from the name of King Manuel I. It is decorative rather than structural in character.



Fictive Architecture

Painting depicting architecture features so realistically that they look 3-dimensional. This form of illusionism was popular in the 16th and 17th centuries particularly in Italy.


Painting style in Korean temples and palaces




Palace proper with the king's residence, state halls, men's apartments and reception courts (Parts of the Palace of Sargon)

Capuchin Catacombs

Palermo, italy; Total of 8000 mummies are housed in niches along the walls ; soon became apparent


Part between the curtain and the orchestra (Parts of the Greek Theater)


Part of a Thermae; open space for foot-racing


Part of an ancient Greek house where a it is a room reserved for males to entertain male guests

Pedestrian Crossing

Part of road where pedestrians going across the road have priority over traffic.


Passageway (Parts of a Pyramid)


Pavilion or house in terraces

Tai No Ya

Pavilion or opposed house



Final Payment

Payment of the final progress billing and all approved claims

5% of floor area ( 240 sq mm minimum)

Percentage of window space BATHROOMS as per PD 1096

10% of floor area (1 sqm minimum)

Percentage of window space FOR ROOMS as per PD 1096

Goryeo Period

Period of Korean history wherein referred to the ancient kingdom of Goguryeo

Time Limit or Completion Time

Period of time allowed by the Contract for the completion of the project or any stipulated portions thereof


Person ACADEMICALLY qualified, licensed and registered under the PRC, responsible for advocating the fair and sustainable development, welfare and cultural expression of society's habitat in terms of space, forms and historical context;


Person or entity or authorized representative thereof who signed the Contract as Owner


Person's misfortune are the result of his or her own misdeeds in a previous life


Person, firm or corporation which issues the bond required of the Contractor


Person, firm, etc., applying for the issuance of permits and certificates


Pertaining to the measurement of the human body.

Schematic Design Phase

Phase consists of the preparation of schematic design studies derived from the project definition phase.

Hellenistic Greece

Philip of Macedonia unified greece and his son, Alexander the great embarked on a national crusade against Persia Death of Alexander at 32 led to division of empire among his generals Greece became ROMAN PROVINCE


Philosophical Vedic texts


Physical change made on a building/structure to increase its value.


Pillared halls (Parts of a Hindu Temple)


Pillars-and-beams; load of the roof is transferred to the beam then to the pillars


Pillars-and-transverse-tie-beams; pillars are directly supporting the roof, greater number of pillars and the horizontal tie beams are joined directly to the columns to form an interlocking framework

Mahabodhi Temple

Place where Siddharta Gautama sat under a Bodhi tree for 49 days of meditation


Place where the priest officiates the mass (Parts of a Basilican Church)

Ambo/ Pulpit

Place where the priest reads the gospel and delivers the homily (Parts of a Basilican Church)

Imperial Vault of Heaven

Place where the tablets of god of heaven are stored

Pinnacle Buttress

Placed on top of a spur buttress to help by their weight drive the oblique thrust more steeply down to earth (Types of Roman Buttresses)

Building Appraisal

Places value on the building/ structure condition and defects, and on its repair and maintenance, including the required improvements

Latin Cross

Plan of Romanesque Architecture

Architectural Interiors

Planning and design of the indoor area covering all architectural and utility aspects of the interior, the interrelationship of spaces

Sacred Bodhi Tree

Planted in Anuradhapura by Sanghamitta Thera (daughter) considered as one of the oldest trees in the world

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Plants grew on the roof and terraces


Point of entry into a building; an exterior door, a vestibule, or a lobby.

St. Mark, Venice

Popular for the representation of the incidents from the old and new testaments

SPP Document 205

Post Construction Services

Juan Arellano

Post Office Building, Metropolitan Theater

Building Systems Design

Practice engages in methods of producing building components in a highly engineered, efficient and cost-effective manner, particularly for residential and commercial applications


Practiced nature worship, their religious ceremonies included sacred games and ritual dances

SPP Document 201

Pre design service


Precious roof crown

Bidding/ Negotiation Phase

Preparing of bid documents such as written forms of contracts for invitations etc.

Contract Document Phase

Preparing the contract documents consisting of detailed designs and construction drawings, technical specifications, bill of materials.


Prevailing motif of Byzantine architecture

Art Deco Style

Primary and an American style, ________ was popular in the 1920's and 1930's and is characterized by the use of straight and angular lines and a sleekness of design. The term originated with the 1925 Paris Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels.

Tokyo Imperial Palace

Primary residence of the Emperor of Japan


Principal building material of Nepal Architecture

Houses and Palaces

Principal building types of Greek Architecture


Principal material of China

Mud Brick

Principal of building material for domestic buildings during early Egyptian civilization


Principal side elevation was in elaborate renaissance style

Post and Lintel

Principle construction during early Egyptian civilization


Private family apartments (Parts of the Palace of Sargon)

Gernrode Abbey (St. Cyriakus)

Probably the earliest instance of a church with an apse at both ends

Opus Sectile (cut work)

Produced geometrical patterns

Opus Vermiculatum (small pieces of tiles)

Produced pictorial patterns

Opus Spicatum

Produced the herringbone or chevron pattern

SPP Document 209

Professional Architectural Consulting Services

Machicolations (Murder Holes)

Projecting wall or parapet allowing floor openings, through which, molten lead, boiling oil or stones are dropped down below

Group 8

Projects involving extensive detailing

Promotional Services

Projects require promotional activities in order to develop and generate financial support and acceptance from governing agencies or from the general public.

Daniel Burnham

Proposed grand plan for Manila with GRIDIRON street pattern

Strategic Inland Castles

Protect the coast roads, safeguard mountain passes & provide visual command of the approach routes. (Types of Castles)

Mountain Top Castles (Yamashiro)

Protected by the rough terrain as well as the reluctance of Japanese to attack the habitat of spirits associated with nature (Types of Japanese Castle)

Peasant, Farmers, Skillworkers

Protected by the samurai

Historic and Heritage Conservation and Planning

Provides research, assessment, recording, management, interpretation and conservation of historical heritage

Facilities Maintenance Support

Provides the Owner/Client with means and measures to ensure the proper function and maintenance of the building/structure and site after final inspection

Feng Shui

Pseudo science - based on the belief that forces exist in every locality which act on all buildings, towns, and cities for good or ill and sites were chosen or adapted accordingly.


Public and private buildings and other related structures of public use. Those designed to accommodate and serve persons in the pursuit of educational, commercial, recreational religious, occupational, medical, political, social activities and other of similar nature as enumerated and provided herein.


Purchase and/or fabricate and deliver to the jobsite or other location when so designated

Miliang Pingding

Purlin-and-rafter; rows of pillars support purlins, which carry horizontal rafters creating a flat roof, common in Tibet, Mongolia


Quadrangle, an open space surrounded by buildings connected with one another either directly or through verandas


Queen of the Nile, was the last pharaoh of ancient Egypt though she was not of Egyptian lineage, being the daughter of Ptolemy XII (Greek)


RENAISSANCE CHURCH: It has the first truly baroque façade


RENAISSANCE CHURCH: marks the spot where St. Peter was martyred.


RENAISSANCE IN ITALY: was the earliest municipal hospital


RENAISSANCE STYLE: Churches are typified by wide naves & low ceilings crowned by high cupolas (domes). Also evident in the works of Michelangelo & Bernini as not fully developed Baroque

Rococo or Late Baroque

RENAISSANCE STYLE: is increasingly ornate, florid, and playful.


RENAISSANCE STYLE: is opulent and dramatic with irregular shapes and extravagant ornamentation.


RENAISSANCE STYLE: popularized by Andrea Palladio, is marked with the round arch flanked by 2 small square-headed openings.


Raised platform on the altar (Parts of a Basilican Church)

2.0 m

Rear Setback as per PD 1096

Epinaos/ Opisthodomos

Rear portico (Parts of a Greek Temple)


Recesses for corpses

Building Testing and Commissioning

Recommends the systematic process of ensuring that a building/structure's array of systems is planned, designed, installed and tested to perform according to the design intent and the building's operational needs

Opus Quadratum

Rectangular and square blocks of stones in regular ashlar courses


Rectangular anteroom lined with large stone slabs carved with the figures of the protectors of Buddhism on each side of the walls and at the entrance passageway to the main chamber (Parts of Bulguksa Temple)


Referred to a Seonbi room; where the men dwell (Section of Jeonju Hanok Village)

Lamb (Good Shepherd)

Refers to Jesus' role as a sacrifice atoning for the sins of man in Christian theology


Refers to features that enable disabled persons to make use of the primary functions for which a structure is built.


Refers to the 7 halls comprising the buddhist temple complex - pagoda, main hall (Kondo/Butsuden), lecture hall (Kodo), bell tower, repository for sutras (kyozo), dormitory and dining hall

Augustan Age

Regarded as a Golden Age


Regarded as cradle of Sinhalese Buddhism

SPP Document 202

Regular Design Service

Mindori Style

Regular Korean houses that were built without the use of brackets


Relating to construction or building


Relating to or based on the sense of smell


Relating to or based on the sense of touch


Religion and philosophy founded in NE India in the 5th cent. BCE based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. It takes as its goal the escape from suffering and the cycle of rebirth and the attainment of nirvana, and it emphasizes meditation and the observance of moral precepts.

Gwanghwamun Gate

Remarkably, the most representative edifices of the Joseon Dynasty, Gyeonghoeru Pavilion and Hyangwonjeong Pond, have remained relatively intact

Group 6

Repetitive Construction Buildings


Represented a "social" activity

Feather of Ma'at

Represents justice, truth, morality and balance

Sun Disk

Represents light, warmth and growth


Represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work. Opposing qualities in a phenomenon, bound together as parts of a mutual whole; dynamic equilibrium

Mainz Cathedral

Represents the high point of Romanesque cathedral architecture in Germany.

Required or Necessary

Required or necessary for the complete execution of that portion of the work

Monumental Tombs

Resemble Etruscan tumuli with a conical crown of earth (Class of Tomb)

Group 4

Residential buildings.


Rest house for travelers


Rock-cut or chamber tomb is cut within the slope of a hillside and approached by a passageway which is open to the sky

Domus (Private House)

Roman home of the wealthy and the middle class


Roman public bath


Roof eave termination of a Greek temple

Nipa Hut/Bahay Kubo

Roof with cogon grass, rice stalks, sugar cane leaves, split bamboo, anahaw

Ifugao House

Roof with reed and grass resting on brace


Roofed bridges


Rooms along roofed corridors

Corbel Table

Row of corbels


Ruled herself as the first woman pharaoh after the death of her husband Thutmose II. She ruled with her nephew Thutmose III who was too young to be the heir.

Darius I

Ruled the Persian Empire from 522-486 B.C. He developed infrastructure projects, the largest being the building of the new capital of Persepolis.


Rusticated wall angles


SECOND FLOOR: Caida Sala Comedor Cocina Dispensa Comun/Latrina Banyo/Paliguan Azotea Cuarto Balcon


SPANISH RENAISSANCE: originated from Jose de Churriguera. It is marked by extreme, expressive and florid decorative detailing, normally found above the entrance on the main facade of a building.


SPANISH RENAISSANCE: was characterized by minuteness of detail and its similarity to silversmith's work. The style is extremely florid and decorative.


Sacred Enclosure

Golden Temple of Dambulla

Sacred pilgrimage site for 22 centuries. The cave monastery comprises of five sanctuaries with impressive Buddhist mural paintings and 157 statues and is the largest and best-preserved cave-temple complex in Sri Lanka.



Mañosa Brothers

San Miguel Corporation Head Office, Mandaluyong Rizal


Sanctuary as a whole and consists of Sikhara and Garbhagriha (Parts of a Hindu Temple)


Screen of pictures

Veda (knowledge)

Scripture with a collection of hymns composed between 1500 and 900 B.C.E.


Sculptured gateway or watch tower gateways (Parts of a Hindu Temple)


Seating area (Parts of the Greek Theater)


Seating area for the worshippers (Parts of a Basilican Church)

Comparative Selection

Selection by committees representing institutions or corporations


Semicircular space in front of the stage used by the chorus in ancient Greek theaters (Parts of the Greek Theater)


Senate house for the city council


Separated buildings used only for the sacrament of baptism during Easter, Pentecost and Epiphany


Separation the whole into its constituent parts or elements, especially as a method of studying the nature of the whole and determining its essential features and their relations.


Served as the armory and storehouse , persepolis by darius

Matouqiang (Horse Head Wall)

Serves as fire deterrent from drifting embers


Service chamber (Parts of the Palace of Sargon)

Acoustic Design

Service involves the design and control of sound transmission for compatibility with the architectural design concept.

Architectural Lighting and Layout Design

Service involves the detailed planning of the design of the light transmission, timing and control for compatibility of the architectural design concept.

Changdeokgung Palace

Set within a large park in Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea. It is one of the "Five Grand Palaces" built by the kings of the Joseon Dynasty. It is the most favored palace of many Joseon princes and retained many elements dating from the Three Kingdoms of Korea period that were not incorporated in the more contemporary Gyeongbokgung.


Shinto gate (Parts of the Shinto Complex)

2.0 m

Side Setback as per PD 1096


Side attack


Side projections of the church (Parts of a Basilican Church)

Stone Circle

Similar to dolmen, but circular layout

Katsura Palace

Simple and elegant and its merging of outdoor and indoor spaces


Simplified variation of the bracket styles, featuring a bird bead-like protrusion as its main decorative element (Korean Wooden Architecture Element)

Lean To (Prehistoric)

Single pitched roof supported by rafters

Ifugao House

Single room (4m x 6m rectangular plan and elevated by 1.5m x 2m high)

Soissons Cathedral

Single tower dates from the mid 13th century and is an IMITATION OF THOSE OF NOTRE DAME DE PARIS

Site and Physical Planning.

Site planning requires a composite arrangement of several buildings/structures and their requisite amenities, facilities, services and utilities within a natural or built setting

Pilgrim Forts

Sited to secure the routes from coastal ports to Jerusalem. It has a thin curtain wall with rectangular corner towers, a large fosse or ditch & an outer earth rampart. (Types of Castles)

Pyramid of Chephren (Khafre)

Slightly smaller than the great Pyramid of Cheops and guarded by the Sphinx believed to bear the face of King Chephren


Small House

Sessha/ Massha

Small auxiliary shrines (Parts of the Shinto Complex)


Small private baths in palaces and houses

Opus Incertum

Small rough stones with pyramidal ends set irregularly in mortar


Small stone tower built to enshrine the sarira or cremated ashes of eminent monks (Korean Architecture)

Baekje Tombs

Smaller than Goguryeo, use of brick tombs (Stone Tomb Culture of 3 Korean Kingdoms)

Main Hall/ Hondo

Sometimes called Golden Hall. Building that contains Buddhist statues (Parts of a Japanese Buddhist Temple)


South Korea


South, Summer, masculine principle imaged in the sky (heaven), dragon and Emperor


Space between columns

Teahouses/ Chashitsu

Spaces designed to be used for tea ceremony (chanoye) gatherings; usually small, simple wooden buildings, located in the gardens or grounds of private homes and/or temples

Antipolo Church, Baclayon Church, Barasoain church, Bamboo church, Loboc Church, Miagao Church, Paoay church

Spanish Colonial Era churches


Spanish and American era

Temple Oval, Khafaje

Special sanctity was attached to the temple by digging down to virgin soil before its construction. The dug area was filled with clean sand to assure the purity of the foundation.

SPP Document 203

Specialized Architectural Services

Hundred School of Thought

Spiritual movements including Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism and Mohism being formed

Opus Reticulatum

Square stones set diagonally, forming a net-like pattern

Palace of Sargon, Khorsabad

Square-planned with a defensive parameter and covered nearly one square mile. It was built by Sargon II of Assyria

Kiri Vihara

Sri Lanka's best preserved dagoba

200 mm maximum

Stair RISER dimension as per PD 1096

250 mm minimum

Stair TREAD dimension as per PD 1096


Staircases going to the terrace (Parts of a Stupa)


Stalls that held the contestants' chariots and horses

San Miniato al Monte, Florence

Stands atop one of the highest points in the city & is one of the most beautiful churches in the city.


Stepping stones (Element of Japanese Garden)

Bahay na Bato

Stone at ground Floor and Wood at 2nd floor

Lotus Mandapa

Stone lotus stalks

Pagoda/ Butto

Store remains of the Buddha such as a tooth, usually in form of a representation (Parts of a Japanese Buddhist Temple)


Storied Pavilion


Storm shutters that are used to completely seal a home or apartment for security, privacy and safety (Elements of a Japanese House)

Pre-Feasibility Studies

Studies involved procurement, analysis, and use of secondary information gathered to aid client.


Stupa-like monument, receptacle of offerings

Subtracting transformation

Subtracting a portion of a forms volume to create another?

Villa (Country House)

Summer house of the wealthy Romans

Great Court

Surrounded by columns (Parts of an Egyptian Temple)

Photo voltaic cell system

Sustainable design, Which would be the best option for an alternative energy source for which the building to use?

Square Shape

Symbol of earth, signifying the four directions which bind and define it


Symbol of joy and happiness and refers to the North Star (the abode of the Celestial Emperor).


Symbol of peace and unity


Symbol of wealth

ibis (egyptian architecture)

Symbolizes Reincarnation


Symbolizes divine power and strength


Symbolizes effluence or good fortune


Symbolizes life, health & strength


Symbolizes power, dominion and control

Eye of Horus

Symbolizes protection and royal power


Symbolizes reborn from its own ashes symbolizes continuity and divinity.


Symbolizes resurrection and rebirth

Uraeus/ Cobra

Symbolizes royal protection and the falcon is for divine kingship. They also represent the unification of Lower Egypt (cobra) and Upper Egypt (Falcon)

Crook and Flail

Symbols of royalty, kingship, majesty and dominion. The crook is a scepter symbolizing government.

Japanese Occupation Architecture

Systematic attempt by the Empire of Japan to destroy native Korean architecture and replace it with Japanese architecture


Systematic dismantling or destruction of a building


THEBAN TRIAD : Consort to Amun & queen of the gods


THEBAN TRIAD : King of the gods


THEBAN TRIAD. Son of Amun and Mut; god of the MOON & TIME

Located In Palawan, shelters of the early Filipinos

Tabon Cave

Francisco Mañosa

Tahanang Filipino, CCP The Coconut Palace

Pyramidal Tombs

Taken from Egyptian ideas (Class of Tomb)

Imperial City

Takes a square form, each side is nine in length and encircled by city walls on all sides, three gates, nine vertical and nine streets crisscross the inside city.


Tea garden

Bunaraku Stage

Telling stories with puppets and music. Raised platform is called Yuka


Temple Hall, pillared hall for the assembly of the devotees (Parts of a Hindu Temple)


Temple is perched atop a platform

Tholos at Epidaurus

Temple of Corinthian Order; astronomical Monument built by Polykleitos

Temple od Apollo, Didyma

Temple of Ionic Order ; roof was hypaethral, no opisthodomos , dipteral octastyle plan

Erectheion, Athens

Temple pf Ionic Order ; designed by Mnesicles, made of pentelic and blue Eleusinian marble;bhas a caryatid porch of 6 draped female figures

Temple of Athena Nike

Temples of the ionic order, smallest structure in acropolis ; symbolizes athens military and political strength


Tender, or proposal, or quotation, or offer of a bidder


Term for porcelain or ceramic ware originally made in China. Derived from the Sanskrit word which refers to "yellow-colored" barbarian trade from the north


Term used to describe the Agreement and the Contract Documents



Parapet Wall

That part of any entirely above the roof line.


That portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above, except that the topmost storey shall be that portion of a building included between the upper surface of the topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above. If the finished floor level directly above a basement, cellar or unused underfloor space is more than 3.60 meters above grade as defined herein at any point.


That portion of the foundation of a structure which spreads and transmits loads directly to the soil or the pile.


That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner.


That which the eye identifies, the mind perceives and interprets?

Hellenic Greece

The "city state" ('polis') emerged as the basis of greek society Great figures in philosophy such as Pythagoras and Socrates

Renaissance Architecture

The Architecture of italy during the 15th century, and first half of the 16th century and elsewhere in Europe from the mid 16th century through the early 17th Century, the term refers to the rebirth (renascimento) of a classical taste. _______ shows a return to ancient Roman orders and architectural elements, it followed the Gothic style and evolved into Mannerism in Italy and eventually into the Baroque Style

San Sebastian Church

The First All Iron Church in the World


The French term for piles extending above grounds (stilts) used to support a structure, thereby creating open space at the ground level.

Torogan House

The House of the Kings/Datu House/Royal House

Rock-cut Architecture

The Jains in south India are known for building a number of monoliths, or huge statues carved out of a single rock, of their deities. Most of these monoliths depict the Jain saint by the name of Gommateshwara also known as Bahubali.


The Korean alphabet, is the prime element of 'signs' within the pavilion

Native Filipinos introduce this concept. Another term for Fort and Moong

The Kota

Usually made of stone ang bamboo or other light materials and surrounded networks

The Kota

Socialist Realism

The Official Style of Art and architecture in the U.S.S.R. since the 1930s


The Over-all concept for an architectural project


The ability to transcend traditional ideas, patterns, or relationships and to initiate meaningful new ideas, forms, or interpretations.


The ability, freedom, or permission to approach, enter or use.


The act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be


The active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light of combustion


The agora counterpart in Greek is a central open space used as a meeting place, market or political demonstrations.


The all-pervading spirit - the concept of "God"


The angular distance east or west on the earth's surface, measured from the prime meridian at Greenwich, England to the meridian of a given point and expressed either in degrees or a corresponding difference in time.


The angular distance north or south from the equator of a point on the earth's surface, measured in degrees along the meridian passing through the point.


The angular elevation of a celestial body above the horizon


The approach to the shrine (Parts of the Shinto Complex)

Building Environment Certification

The architect in this area recommends methods of sustainable design and green architecture

Floor Area

The area included within the surrounding exterior walls of a building or portion thereof, exclusive of vent shafts and courts. The floor area of a building or portion thereof not provided with surrounding exterior walls shall be the usable area under the horizontal projection of the roof or floor above

Medieval Period

The arrival of the Turks ushered in styles from Persia, Arabia and Central Asia

Fresco Painting

The art of painting on fresh, moist plaster with pigments dissolved in water

Fresco Painting

The art of painting on fresh, moist plaster with pigments dissolved in water.

Solar Constant

The average rate at which radiant energy from the sun is received by the earth, equal to 430 btu per house per square foot (194 cal per min. per sq. cm.), used in calculating the effects of solar radiation on buildings


The beam or girder placed over an opening in a wall, which supports the wall construction above.

Bent Pyramid of Snefru, Dashur

The bent pyramid is a unique example of early pyramid development. The lower part rises at 55° inclination and the top section is shallower at 43°

Acropolis, Athens

The best known acropolis in the world

Maison Carree, Nimes

The best preserved Roman temple


The central hall in a Sumerian temple where the priests and gods meet


The chief god, the omnipresent one who is father of the Brahman Trinity

Temple of Seti I, Abydos

The close-grained limestone wall relief is the finest in Egypt.


The congress internationaux d' Architecture Moderne, an association of Architects which first met in 1928 in Switzerland and disbanded in 1956. _____ had representatives in west European countries and was committed to functionalist aesthetics.


The construction or renewal of any part of an existing building for the purpose of its maintenance. The word "repair" shall not apply to any change of construction.


The contractor's right to suspend work or terminate contract if any court or other public authority orders work to be stopped or suspended for ___ days through no fault of the contractor


The contractor's right to suspend work or terminate contract if owner fails to pay contractor the agreed sum within ___ days after its award by arbitrators


The contractor's right to suspend work or terminate contract if owner fails to pay contractor the approved request for payment within ___ days from receipt


The contractor's right to suspend work or terminate contract if owner suspends the work without cause for more than ___ days without contractor's consent

Dynamic fit

The correspondence between the sensory experience of bodily presence and movement, and the size, shape and proportion of space

Static fit

The correspondence between the size and the posture of human body and a building element or article of furniture


The creation of an illusion of something by means of decorative or artistic techniques such as perspective.


The creative ability to imagine or express in an independent and individual manner


The degree by which a color appears to reflect more or less of the incident high _____ lightness of the perceived color

Gradient of Ramp

The degree of inclination of the sloped surface expressed as percentage or ratio.


The distance between the ground and the highest point of the arch.


The distance between the two sides of the arch.


The dressing room of the Thermae.


The dry or sweating room in the Thermae.

Curtain Wall

The enclosing wall of an iron or steel framework or the nonbearing portion of an enclosing wall between pier.


The exterior curve line of the arch.


The exterior organization of structure or surface into is parts and elements


The faculty of forming mental images or concepts of what is not present to the senses or perceived in reality


The faculty or power of comprehending, interfering, or thinking in an orderly, rational way,

Pradakshina-patha (Circumambulation)

The faithful would use this to circle the stupa to pay homage to the Buddha. Motion was always clockwise, since this kept one's right side (considered better) toward the relics

Abbaye-Aux-Dames, Caen

The façade has two large towers on the sides, each with doors leading to the aisles

San Miguel De Escalada

The finest & largest of the Mozarabic churches. It was founded by the Cordoban refugees.

Exeter Cathedral

The finest surviving example of Decorated Gothic, a form of architecture that flourished in England from 1270 to 1369. It is called "the Decorated cathedral par excellence."


The finest surviving example of early 17th-century Japanese castle architecture. The caste functioned continuously as the center of a feudal domain for almost three centuries, until 1868 when the shogun fell and a new national government was created

S. Augustine's Abbey

The first Benedictine abbey in England

Eugene Viollet-le-Duc

The first theorist who set out to create a totally new system of architectural forms independent of antiquity


The great circle on the earth's surface passing through both geophysical poles

Double Crown

The headdress that represents the kingship of two lands, upper and lower Egypt


The holiest part and accessible only to the kings and high priests (Parts of an Egyptian Temple)


The idea of the vital union of the believers with Christ and among each other is symbolized by the vine and its branches.


The interior curve line of the arch.

Santa Maria Matricolare (Verona Cathedral)

The interior was completely remodeled in the Gothic style in the 15th & 16th cent.

Windsor Castle

The largest inhabited castle in the world & is the oldest in continuous occupation. The castle's floor area is about 45,000 sqm.

Forum of Trajan

The largest of the forums, built by Apollodorus of Damascus.

Arts and Crafts Movement

The late 19th century English decorative arts movement made famous by Williams Morris and Emphasizing quality of design and the use of handicraft products, the term originated with the ____ and _____ Exhibition society, founded in 1888, and is sometimes referred to as the "Craftsman" style

High tech

The late 20th century term for a design or interior with shapes, materials, and surfaces reflecting the latest developments in Technology

Building Line

The line formed by the intersection of the outer surface of the enclosing wall of the building and the surface of the ground.

Lot Line

The line of demarcation between either public and private property.

Width of Corridor

The linear width of the obstructed path in corridors.


The living energy of Earth made by wind and water


The measure and study of the size and proportions of the human body


The monumental gateway to sacred enclosure

Santo Stefano Rotonda, Rome

The most ancient example of central plan church in Rome

Lion Gate, Mycenae

The most famous feature of the Palace, Tiryns

Temple of Zeus, Olympia

The most important building in the Altis located at the very center

Functional character

The most important kind of character in architecture is that which result from the purpose of the building or reason of erection?

Great Temple of Amun, Karnak

The most important sanctuary of the cult who worshipped the sun god, Amun-Ra


The most perfectly preserved ancient Roman temple

Temple of Vesta, Rome

The most sacred shrine in the Imperial city and contained the holy fire of Vesta

Monreale Cathedral, Sicily

The most splendid of all the monuments of the Norman Period, built by King William II.


The natural or proper action for which something is designed used or exists

Advertisement or Invitation to Bid

The notice published by the Owner or the invitation issued to prospective bidders, giving information as to the nature of the proposed project, conditions for the issuance of Contract documents, date of bidding, and information

Thuparama Stupa

The oldest and first stupa built in Sri Lanka; built in the shape of a heap of paddy

Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu)

The oldest and largest (13 acres) of the 3 pyramids in the Giza Necropolis. It is the oldest of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact

Stabian Baths, Pompeii

The oldest bathhouse in Pompeii

Stadium, Olympia

The oldest stadium in Greece

San Martin De Fromista

The only complete example of Spanish "pilgrimage‟ style.

Hoyjord Stave Church

The only stave church built in two phases.


The pattern of behaviour associated with defining and defending a territory or domain


The pattern of change, growth, or development of an object or phenomenon

Baroque Architecture

The period of European Architecture which started in Italy at the beginning the 17th century and was practiced in areas of Germany and Austria into the 18th century. It is based on Renaissance and Mannerist forms and is characterized by a spatial complexity, curved surfaces, and exuberance in the use of color and sculpture. Baroque Buildings in England and France are more restrained. An Individual buildings, which falls outside the baroque period, can also be described as "____" in its characteristics

Owner's Representative

The person or entity commissioned by the Owner or authorized in writing by the Owner to act on his behalf


The person or firm duly registered and licensed by the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board whose proposal has been accepted and to whom was awarded the Contract to execute the Work

Solar orientation

The placing of a building in relation to the path of the sun, either to maximize the amount of heat gained from solar radiation during the coldest months, or to minimize the amount of heat gained during the warmest months


The play of the mind through which visions are summoned, especially mental inventions that are whimsical, playful, and characteristically removed from reality


The plinth or the platform of the temple (Parts of a Hindu Temple)

Fire Lane

The portion of a roadway or public way that should be kept opened and unobstructed at all times for the expedient operation of fire fighting units.


The power of faculty of knowing without evident rational thought and inference


The priestly class, born from the mouth of Brahman, with varna color white


The process of first raising the temperature in separate the more volatile from the less volatile parts and then cooling and condensing the resulting vapor so as to produce a nearly purified substance.


The property of light by which the color of an object is classified as being red yellow green blue or an intermediate between any contiguous pair of these colors


The purpose for which a building or portion thereof is used or intended to be used.

Design process

The purposeful activity aimed at devising a plan for changing an existing situation into a future preferred state, especially the cyclical, iterative process comprising the following phases: initiation, preparation, synthesis, hypothesis, alternative, draft, evaluation, action, implement, and reevaluation.

Mortuary Temple of Mentuhetep

The pyramid is a cenotaph with a dummy burial chamber below it. At the rear is a long corridor leading down to Mentuhetep's tomb.


The reason for which something exists or is done, made or used

Buildable Area

The remaining space in a lot after deducting the required minimum open spaces.


The room containing the water of closet.


The sensory experience of bodily position, presence, or movement derived chiefly from stimulation of nerve endings in muscles, tendons and joints.


The shrine's administrative office (Parts of the Shinto Complex)

Human scale

The size of proportion of a building element or space, or an article of furniture, relative to the structural or functional dimensions of the human body

Mechanical Scale

The size or proportion of something relative to an accepted standard of measurement

Pyramid of Mykerinos

The smallest and last among the 3 pyramids to be built in the Giza Plateau


The so-called "lion dogs", guardians of the shrine (Parts of the Shinto Complex)


The space between triglyphs with or without sculptures

Site Development Planning Services

The space planning, architectural lay-outing and utilization of spaces within and surrounding a specific building/structure in relation with the existing natural and/or built environments


The state or quality of being susceptible to the uncertainty of meaning or multiple interpretation.

Buddhist Architecture

The structures from this period are often imposing, heavy, dripping with ornament. They are at times so massive that they seem to be sculpted out of living rock.It adheres to highly symbolic design programs representative of religious teaching and the Cosmos. These follow the traditions of the Buddha, the 6th century BC North Indian preacher Siddhartha.


The study of creative processes, esp. as applied to the stating and solution of problems that involves free use of metaphor and analogy in informal interchange within a small group of diverse individuals.


The study of the symbolic and communicative role of the spatial separation individuals maintain in various social and interpersonal situations, and how the nature and degree of this spatial arrangement relates to environmental and cultural factors


The surface within a room or area on which one walks.


The term means "youth style" and comes from the journal Jugend.


The though or notion resulting from mental awareness, understanding or activity

Injeongjeon Hall (National Treasure)

The throne hall of Changdeokgung, it was used for major state affairs including the coronation of a new king and receiving foreign envoys

Winter Solstice

The time of the year, on or about December 21 when the sun reaches its southernmost point on the celestial sphere, marking the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere.

Summer solstice

The time of the year, on or about June 21, when the sun reaches its northernmost points on the celestial sphere, marking the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere

Silla Tombs

The tomb is dug in an underground pit with a burial chamber built from wood, after which a round pile of small stones was built above it, covered with earth to create a mound just like the tumulus (Stone Tomb Culture of 3 Korean Kingdoms)


The top stone of the arch, and the most important one, as without this final stone the arch would fall apart not being able to transpose the forces in a lateral direction.

Occupant Load

The total number of persons that may occupy a building or portion thereof at any one time.

Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem

The traditional birthplace spot of Jesus

Commisioners era

The two decades after 1818 during which more than two hundred Greek and Gothic Revival churches were built in England under the supervision of the ____ appointed by Parliament

Japanese Pit House

The typical Jomon house was pit house that had a main pillar, whose hole was dug the widest and deepest into the ground that was surrounded by other wooden upright supporting posts. (Types of Japanese Folk House)


The use of color


The use of one or more electrical appliances or devices which draw or consume electrical current beyond the designed capacity of the existing electrical system.


The vacant space left in a lot between the building and the property line.

Personal space (Personal Distance)

The variable and subjective distance at which one person feels comfortable talking to another

Ogival System

The vaulting framework of intersecting pointed arch ribs

Building Height

The vertical distance from the established grade elevation to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof, to the average height of the highest gable or a pitch or hip roof, or to the top of the parapet if the roof is provided with a parapet. In case of sloping ground, the average ground level of the buildable area shall be considered the established grade elevation.

Live Load

The weight of the contents of a building or structure; it includes all loads except dead and lateral, and weight of temporary partitions, cases, counters, and similar equipment, and all loads imposed due to the occupancy of the building or structure.

Dead Load

The weight of the permanent portions of a building or structure; it includes the weight of the walls permanent partitions, framing floors, roofs, and all other permanent and stationary fixtures mechanism, and other construction entering into and becoming a part of a building or structure.

Step Pyramid of Djozer by Imhotep

The world's first large scale monument in stone with no free-standing columns. It is a series of 6 successively smaller mastabas one atop of another and originally clad in polished white limestone

St. Kunibert

The youngest Romanesque church in Koln.


There is a colonnade which consists of identical columns. What type of system arrangement?


There were many revivals of classic styles, producing a diverse assortment of architectural designs. Many architects refused to accept new ideas, and because of this the development of building design in this period

Batter Walls

These were designed with inward inclinations which are used in temple walls


They are folding screens, often decorated with art that are used to partition rooms for privacy (Elements of a Japanese House)


They are vertical rectangular panels which can slide from side to side to redefine spaces within a room, or act as doors. (Elements of a Japanese House)


This defined the eclectic movement of the early 20th century which consisted of a simultaneous and competing interest in both modern and historic architectural traditions.

Neoclassical Architecture

This is a style derived from the architecture of Classical Greece and Rome and the architecture of the Italian architect Andrea Palladio.

Articulation of form

This refer to the manner in which the surface of a form come together to define its shape and volume?

Design process

This refers to architecture which is generally conceived, designed and realized?


This style is also called the "national style" due to popularity.


This was a late 19th-century movement to revive handicrafts. It represented the beginning of a new appreciation of the decorative arts throughout Europe

Oriel Window

This window projects from the wall and does not extend to the ground & often supported by brackets or corbels

Disabled Persons

Those suffering from restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being as a result of a mental, physical or sensory impairment.


Thought of without reference to concrete reality or a particular instance

1 year

To be furnished the Owner upon release of retention and shall be effective for a period of ___ commencing from the date of acceptance


To build in, mount in position, connect or to apply any object specified ready for the intended use


To concieve, contrive, or devise the form and structure or a building or other construction


To create a likeness or model of something anticipated for testing and evaluation


To form an artistic or ingenious manner


To form an idea or conception in the mind


To form in the mind by new combinations or applications of existing ideas or principles


Top decorative element of amalaka; steeple (Parts of a Hindu Temple)


Top pedestal stone fenced with the parasol/ umbrella inside (Parts of a Stupa)


Torogan Decorations


Towards the beginning of the Christian era, it developed an increasingly pronounced theism and a heroic tradition that reflected the military character of India.


Town proper consisting of houses and market places

Plate Tracery

Tracery uses THICK areas of stone to separate glazed areas. STONE RATHER THAN THE GLASS DOMINATES THE WINDOW

Skills in Fortification

Trade began to flourish, for intimidation and prestige


Traditional Japanese unit of length


Traditional Korean doors and windows that can open up and outwards or slide along a horizontal axis


Traditional dwelling of inner Mongolians


Traditional structural material of Japan


Transfer of any building from its original location or position to another.

Ifugao House

Trunks from Amugawan Tree

Tudor rose

Tudor Gothic Ornaments: royal emblem for England.


Tudor Gothic Ornaments: was a mark of the Beaufort lineage of Henry VII, founder of the Tudor Dynasty.


Tudor Gothic Ornaments: was used in the Royal Arms of England.

3.50 m

Turn about space dimension for any dead ends as per BP 344

Tigris and Euphrates

Twin rivers which gave the name Mesopotamia


Two or more risers

Dolmen/ Cromlech

Two or more upright stones supporting a stone or stone slab

villa urbana

Type of Roman Villa; pleasure retreat with formal gardens adorned with fountains and sculptures


Type of plan of Byzantine Architecture

Villa Rustica

Types of Roman villa ; was a glorified farmhouse with barns, orchards and vineyards for the owner of the estate

Roque Ruaño


Design Brief Preparation

Under this, the architect states the project terms of references including concept, objectives, and other necessary requirements to bid out architectural services.

Forensic Architecture

Undertakes a scientific study on the built environment's well-being for a building/structure's maintenance and cost-efficiency

San Ambrogio, Milan

Underwent several reconstructions after it was damaged by war.

Barrier Free

Unhindered, without obstructions to enable disabled persons free passage or use of the facilities.


Unskilled laborers. Born from the feet of Brahman. Varna color: black.

Harijans (Children of God) or Dalits (Downtrodden)

Untouchables (Caste System)

White Crown

Upper Egypt

Architectural Design Competition

Used for civic and monumental projects. May be an idea competition or design build competition.

Lecture Hall/ Kodo

Used for meetings and lectures and often also display objects of worship (Parts of a Japanese Buddhist Temple)

Mortuary Temple

Used for the ministrations to deified pharaohs (Types of Temples)

Limestone and Sandstone

Used for threshold, stairs, balusters, engineering works in Chinese Architecture

Inter-columnar Bracket System

Used in building the most important edifice on the premises. (Dongbukgaru in Hwaseong Fortress)

hemispherical dome

Used over CIRCULAR structures.

Hemispherical Dome

Used over circular structures


Used over semi-circular structures


Used the same size bricks and standardized weights as were used in other Indus cities such as Mohenjo Daro and Dholavira


Used to describe the agreement signed by the Owner and the Contractor excluding the Contract Documents

Squinch arches

Used when the crossing of the nave and transept was crowned by an octagonal tower

Direct Selection

Used when undertaking small projects on the basis of reputation, business acquaintance, recommendations.

Spur Buttress

Used where large openings for doors and windows were needed (Types of Roman Buttresses)

Romantic Architecture

Uses exotic language of forms

Opus Alexandrium

Utilized tiny geometrically shaped pieces of coloured stone and glass paste that were arranged in intricate geometric patters dotted with large disks of semiprecious stones

Opus Alexandrinum

Utilized tiny, geometrically shaped pieces of coloured stone and glass paste that were arranged in intricate geometric patterns dotted with large disks of semiprecious stones.


VICTORIAN STYLES: This style (introduced by Richard Norman Shaw) consisted largely of influences of "Old English".

Shingle Style

VICTORIAN STYLES: This style grew out of the earlier Stick and Queen Anne styles in which the entire building was covered with shingles with open porches & irregular roof lines


VICTORIAN STYLES: This style was characterized by lacy brackets on porch posts, filigreed balustrades, and a thirdstory cupola

Romanesque Revival

VICTORIAN STYLES: Two phases of this style: 1. The 1840-1850s had simplified arches and windows 2. Richardsonian Romanesque


VICTORIAN STYLES: is a revival of half-timbered architecture.

Second Empire or Mansard Style

VICTORIAN STYLES: is an architectural style so named for the "French" elements in vogue during the era of the Second French Empire.

Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut

Valley of the Queens, Deir el-Bahari was built by Senmut


Vault for a square bay


Vault for a square bay


Vault for an oblong bay


Vault for an oblong bay


Veranda with windows


Verandas that link the shinden to the tai no ya

Axis Mundi

Vertical and unmoving, established as the stable pivot around which the universe revolves


Vestibule or the intermediate chamber (Parts of a Hindu Temple)

Voussoir Stone

WEDGE shaped stone used to build the arch.

Hwaseong (Brilliant Fortress)

Wall surrounding the centre of Suwon, the provincial capital of Gyeonggi-do, South Korea


Warm bath or steam


Warriors and rulers, senators, presidents, majors, born from the chest of Brahman. Varna color: red.


Warriors who swore allegiance to the Daimyo or Shogun

Temple of Khons, Karnak

Was a cult temple mostly done by Rameses III.

Aix-La-Chapelle, Germany

Was built by Emperor Charlemagne as his tomb. It was the coronation church of the Holy Roman Emperors.

St. Lorenzo Fuori Le Mura, Rome

Was built over the grave of martyr St. Lawrence

Mammisi Temple, Edfu

Was built to celebrate the divine birth of Horus

Thutmose III

Was called the Napoleon of ancient Egypt because of his military genius and built many structures

Campo Santo, Pisa

Was constructed to consolidate the remains of people who were once buried throughout the Field of Miracles.

Small Temple, AbuSimbel

Was dedicated to Rameses II's deified queen, Nefertari and the goddess Hathor

Composite Order

Was developed combining the volutes of the ionic and the acanthus of the Corinthian.

S. Agnese Fuori Le Mura, Rome

Was founded by Constantine over the grave of S. Agnese

Cefalu Cathedral

Was founded by Count Roger (King Roger II of Italy).

S. Austremoine, Issoire

Was inspired by Notre Dame du Port & also one of the 5 greater churches in Auvergne

Xerxes I

Was known for his massive invasion of Greece and his defeat marked the decline of the empire

City of Nineveh

Was once made capital of the Assyrian empire by Sargon's son, Sennacherib


Was the capital of ancient of Babylonia in southern Mesopotamia

Altis, Olympia

Was the center of all religious activities during the Olympics


Was the major site for the worship of the god Apollo


Was the residence of several FRENCH KINGS


Water channels or water bridges constructed to convey water


Water is used for rituals and also to keep the temple floor clean or even for a ritual bath before entering the holy area.


Water reservoir

Voussoir Stone

Wedge shaped stone used to build the arch.

Katal Huyuk, Turkey

Were rectangular, single-roomed with mud-plastered walls and floors

Squinch arch

Were used when the crossing of the nave and transept was crowned by an octagonal tower


Western European architecture and decorative art, which used Chinese structures and design. The imitative style was most fashionable in the 18th century.

Cooking inside the building

What VOC (volatile organic compound) that can affect the quality of air inside the building?-


What color had long wavelength


What color represents hunger and energy


What color system is identified by two adjacent colors and its opposite in the color wheel?


What do you call the arranging of parts or elements into proper proportion or relation so as to form a unified whole


What do you call the systematic arranging of interdependent or coordinated parts into a coherent unity or functioning whole?

Architecture as a space

What does Bruno Zeri believe in?


What does a triangle with one long side when inverted in a y-axis


What form is non-directional?


What has length, width and height?

Linear Organization

What is formed when one of four enclosing planes is articulated?


What is the 1D of sensory experience in design?


What is the 2D of sensory experience in design?


What is the 3D of sensory experience in design?


What is the 4D of sensory experience in Design?


What is the 5D of sensory experience in design?

Personal space

What is the individual space which is dynamic. it changes its dimension, stress and anxiety can result from intrusion?

Landscape pavers are spaced too far apart

What is the least reason why the interior is hot and warm in a tropical climate?


What is the manner of arranging and coordinating the parts of a composition so as to produce a coherent image?


What is the measurements and study of size and proportion of the human body?

Social Space

What is the space within 1ft and used in furniture design

Personal Space

What is the space within 3ft and used in furniture design

Air movement

What other factor, aside from temperature, can improve the comfort level ion the interior?


What to make the small space become bigger?

Golden section

What traditional method for getting proportion and balance is being illustrated in the image?

Cross ventilation

What will you provide in a room to best generate air movement


When a point is duplicated many times in sequence in a number of rows, What is formed?


When client calls upon another architect to give oral and written advice and direction, the architect renders valuable inputs whether or not the client pursues.

Form Articulation

When the edge of the cube is chamfered, what is done?

Surface Articulation

When you apply colors to the surface of an object, what is done?


Where relics are stored


Where the Bhodi tree was planted

Abstinence Hall (Zhaugong)

Where the emperor lives before he presents himself at the rites of Heaven worship


Where the name of the deceased was inscribed (Parts of a Mastaba)


Which color least reflects light?


Which color signifies purity and authority


Which figure is said to be the most stable?

Post Modernism

Which is not a vitruvian rules of aethetic form?


Which one of the 4 colors predominates? (white,red,green,yellow)


Which side of the structure will be exposed to the Sun for approximately 8 months?


Who is not an Art Noveau THeorist?

Jean Mignot

Who said this "Skill without knowledge is nothing"

The higher the cost of land

Why does Chicago build high rise buildings?


Windows in a Greek temple that are partly open to the sky

S. Maria in the Capitol

With a three-apse plan, is the largest of the 12 Romanesque churches in Cologne

Modern Movement

With beginnings in Europe in 1900, "modern" architecture is that which is functional, rational, and non-historical. A second phase of modernism occured in the 1930s, also the time when the Modern Movement gained acceptance in the United States with the onset of the International style. (Sometimes used interchangeably with "international modern"). In the 1960s and 1970s, a turning away from these values has been identified as Postmodernism.

Melon-shaped Dome

With convolutions or ribs (Types of Dome)


Wooden block


Wooden plaques bearing prayers or wishes (Parts of the Shinto Complex)

Molave and Ipil

Wooden posts of Bahay Na Bato


Wooden-floored central space, originated in the southern province of Korea where the climate is warm

ad catacumbas

Word derivation of catacomb


Works in structures involving changes in the materials used


Worship of a Mother Goddess


Worship of trees, stones and water


Worship the god Siva


Worship the god Vishnu


Written or printed description of the work to be done describing qualities of the material to be used, the equipment to be installed and the mode of construction

Change Order

Written order to the Contractor issued by the Owner after the execution of the Contract, authorizing a change or variation in the work or an adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract time


Zoomorphic roof ornaments that occupy the roof corners


a 7-domed pilgrimage church

Personal character

a kind of character that came from the influence of ideas and impressions related to or growing out of past experience

Roman temples

a mixture of Greek and Etruscan types

Chicago School

a movement in the mid 1800's and 1890's characterized by its nonhistoricism, the use of steel framing, and the dominance of vertical and horizontal lines. Louis Sullivan was its most prominent Architect


a number of things regarded as forming a group by reason of common attributes or characteristics


a particular stage in a process of change or development


a phenomenon of light and visual perception that may be described in terms of an individual perception of hue. saturation and lightness for objects and hue, saturation and brightness for light sources


a pier ending in a head or bust, often a female figure used as a support


a procedure for solving a problem, as a statement settling forth the context, conditions, requirements, and objectives for a design project.


a roman soldier became England's first martyr - he was beheaded for giving shelter to a Catholic priest.

Architectural Firm

a sole proprietorship, a partnership or a corporation registered with the proper government agencies;

Spanish Colonial Revival

a style, practiced particularly in California during the 1910s and 1920s that reuses the Colonial styles that were introduced by Spanish settlers to Latin America and the Southwestern United States during the 17th and 18th centuries. This is sometimes referred to as the SPanish Revival or Spanish style.


a unit of measurement used for standardizing the dimensions of a building materials or regulating the proportions of an architectural composition

Advancing colors

a warm color that appears to move towards an observer giving an illusion of space


an apse having a surrounding ambulatory of which are chapels


an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident

team 10

an international group of architects who organized in the mid 1950s, introducing new ideas to CIAM at its 1956 meeting, and consequently influencing the breakup of the congress

Structural dimension

any of the dimensions of the human body and its parts

Hall Churches

are special characteristics of German Gothic, with naves & aisles approximately of the same height without the triforium & clerestory.

Helm Roof

bulbous termination of a tower

Fraunkirche, dresden

by george bahr ; has a facade of tall Pedimented tabernacles with windows; reconstructed as a landmark symbol of reconciliation between former warring enemies

The Madeleine Church

by pierre Alexander Vignon; built to the glory of Napoleon's Army


called "L' architecture Ogivale‟ from the word ogive referring to a pointed arch

Kota Sulu/ Jolo

capital and seat of Sulnate of Sulu, 1870s worlds smallest walled city

Lady Chapel

chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

Fort Santiago

citadel of the walled city of Intramuros

Loboc church

contains biggest number of murals on religious subjects done on its ceilings and walls

Salisbury Cathedral

contains the world's OLDEST WORKING CLOCK (AD 1386)

Fort Santiago

defense fortress by Spanish conquistador


distinguished by pointed arches

Assembly halls

for public assemblies

Chantry chapel

for religious services to whomever the donor directs

cross vault

formed of 2 semi-circular vaults of equal span


frescoes painted by the Umbrian Bernardino di Betto


has a magnificent facade of a GOTHIC SCREEN with 3 ENORMOUS ARCHES

Torogan House

house of Maranao who speak Austronesian Language


in chateu d' amboise; burial place of LEONARDO DA VINCI

The Superga

is a masterpiece of the Renaissance.

Collar-braced roof

is a simplified hammer-beam form


is a small spire.


is a style of painting with realistic imagery to create a 3D effect & the figures are painted out of the frame. It's a French word meaning "deceive the eye".


is a symbol and home of the British monarchy. It has 775 rooms.

Bay window

is a window of a protruded bay.


is one of the most famous fountains in the world & the largest Baroque fountain in Rome.

Milan Cathedral

is the 2nd largest Gothic cathedral in the world, next to Cathedral of Seville, Spain.


is the 2nd largest triumphal arch in the world.


is the decorative upper termination of a spire


is the foliage decoration on the raking of a spire.


is the largest Renaissance hall north of Alps.


is the largest house of worship in the world, with space to accommodate 50,000 people


is the largest square in Paris.


is the longest Gothic cathedral in Europe.

Penn station

is the major intercity train station and a major commuter rail hub in New York City.


is the most important High Baroque building in Prague


is the most successful civic workof Michelangelo.


is the official residence of the King of Spain in the city of Madrid and it is only used for State Ceremonies.


is the reintroduction of Classic architecture all over Europe, in the 15th & 16th cent.


is the second largest Gothic cathedral of Northern Europe.


it gives a feeling of grandeur dignity and monumentality?

Pentagon Pyramid

it has 6 planes, 8 edges


it is evident by a comparison which the eye makes between the size, shape and tone of a various object or part of a competition?

Shoin Style

japanese architecture incorporating a writing area into the main room of residence, a plan established in the 16th century.

Igorot Forts

made of stone walls

30 m

maximum travel distance from building entrance as per BP 344


meaning "Every God", (formerly Church of S. Genevieve) by Pierre- Alexander Vignon now functions as a secular mausoleum containing the remains of distinguished French citizens.

Paco Park

municipal cemetery for the well off and established aristocratic Spanish families


of a pertaining to spaces, building, and facilities fully accessible and usable by all people, including the physically handicapped


oil room of the thermae

Badjao House

on stilts above shallow water with flooring made of bamboo

San Agustin Church

only one building survived the war (WW2 Intramuros)

Kota Selurong

outpost of the Bruneian Empire in Luzon, later City of Manila

Miagao Church

overall architecture (Baroque Romanesque)

Decorated Geometric

principal of the window with several lights surmounted by a circle


refers to the 19th century revival imitation styles, Neo-Gothicism and Neo- Renaissance, which used the ideas of the older Gothic and Renaissance styles


sculpted ornament or elongated boss terminating the fan vaulting


single line of columns at the front and rear

Samadhi Statu

situated in Mahamevnawa Park, the Buddha is depicted in the position of Dhyana Mudra, a posture of meditation associated with his first enlightenment


slender spire rising from a roof

Gothic architecture

sometimes called the architecture of light.

Kuta Wato/Kota Bato

stone fort


systematic series of actions or operations leading or directed to a particular end

Hagia Sophia

the Cathedral of Holy Wisdom in Constantinople, built by order of the Byzantine emperor Justinian


the art, science or profession of planning, designing and constructing buildings in their totality taking into account their environment, in accordance with the principles of utility, strength and beauty;


the faculty of seeing things in their true relations or of evaluating their relative significance


the idea of the vital union of the believers with christ and among each other

Michelangelo's "LAST JUDGMENT

the large fresco on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel, dates from 1536-1541, about 20 years after the famous fresco painting on the ceiling.

Iron Age

the period following the Bronze Age; characterized by rapid spread of iron tools and weapons

Bronze Age

the period in ancient human culture when people began to make and use bronze

Visual scale

the size or proportion a building element appears to have relative to other elements of known or assumed size

Decorated Curvilinear

the upper part of the window head might be filled with trefoils, quatrefoils or dagger shapes.


to scribe human form or characteristics to non human things or beings

Bar Tracery

tracery is composed of THIN stone elements rather than thick ones. GLASS RATHER THAN THE STONE DOMINATES THE WINDOW


used as floor joist in Bahay Na Bato

Nipa Hut/Bahay Kubo

walls of nipa leaves or flattened split bamboo

Domestic Architecture

was marked by lofty roofs which had more storeys than the walls


was the 1st renaissance church in a Greek cross plan.

Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX)

was the oldest stock exchange in the United States, founded in 1790

Visual scale

what is the size or proportion a building element appears to have relative to other elements of known or assumed size

Human scale

what is the size or proportion of a building element or space. Or an article of furniture relative to the structural or functional dimension of the human body?


when lines, planes and surface treatments are repeated in a regular sequence?

S. Giovanni degli Eremiti, Palermo

with mosaics and dome of Byzantine & Moslenm influence

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