coach heise
A group of human beings distinguished by physical traits, blood types, genetic code patterns or genetically inherited characteristics.
cultural diffusion
The spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one people to another
a group of people with a common cultural identification, based on a combination of language, religion, ancestral origin, or traditional practices
culture trait
a single attribute of a culture
Ethnic Neighborhood
an area within a city containing members of the same ethnic background
gender spaces
areas or regions designed for men or women
contrifugal force
forces that divide a country
centripetal force
forces that unite a country
place making
how a culture makes a place fit their identity by shaping the landscape to show what they believe and value (buildings, statues, sacred sites, etc.)
judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one's own culture
gender roles
learned behaviors that are deemed apropriot to gender as determined by cultural norms
strong sense of place
sense of place that is felt by visitors as well as inhabitants
shared set of beliefs, values, knowledge, and patterns of behavior common to a group of people
social and cultural differences between males and females not bioloical differences
sense of place
term used to connote attachment to and comfort in a particular place with a strong identity that is deeply felt by inhabitants
cultural landscape
the combination of physical features, agricultural and industrial practices, religious and linguistic characteristics, sequent occupancy, traditional and postmodern architecture, and land use patterns
sequent occupance
the combined imprint on an area when it has been inhabited by a succession of cultures
cultural relativism
the idea that a person's beliefs, values, and practices should be understood based on that person's own culture, rather than be judged against the criteria of another
indigenous comunities
the original settlers of an area who have retained their culture
relocation diffusion
type of cultural diffusion when an innovation or idea spreads by the actual movement of individuals who have adopted the idea and carry it to a new place
role of women in workforce
women engaged in paid work outside the home has increased substantially over 2nd half of the 20th century