Code Test Review

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Ground-fault protection of equipment shall be provided for solidly grounded wye electrical systems of more than 150 volts-to-ground, but not exceeding 1,000V phase-to-phase for each individual device used as a building or structure main disconnecting means rated _____ or more, unless specifically exempted.


All switchboards, switchgear, panelboards, and motor control centers shall be located in dedicated spaces and protected from damage and the working clearance space for outdoor installations shall include the zone described in _____.


Underground service conductors that supply power to limited loads of a single branch circuit shall not be smaller than _____.

12 AWG copper

Receptacle outlets in or on floors shall not be counted as part of the required number of receptacle outlets for dwelling unit wall spaces, unless they are located within _____ in. of the wall.


If a set of 120/240V overhead feeder conductors terminates at a through-the-roof raceway or approved support, with not more than 6 ft of these conductors, 4 ft horizontally, passing over the roof overhand, the minimum clearance above the roof for these conductors is not less than _____.

18 in.

For other than dwelling occupancies, banks, or office buildings, each receptacle outlet shall be calculated at not less than _____ VA.


A bare 4 AWG copper conductor installed horizontally near the bottom or vertically, and within that portion of a concrete foundation or footing that is in direct contact with the earth, can be used as a grounding electrode when the conductor is at least _____ ft. in length.


The working space in front of the electric equipment shall not be less than _____ in. wide, or the width of the equipment, whichever is greater.


Where rock bottom is encountered when driving a ground rod at an angle up to 45 degrees, the electrode can be buried in a trench that is at least _____ deep

30 in.

Underground service conductors shall be protected from damage in accordance with _____ including minimum cover requirements.


For installations consisting of not more than two 2-wire branch circuits, the building disconnecting means shall have a rating of not less than _____.


The required working space for access to live parts of equipment operating at 300 volts to ground, where there are exposed live parts on both sides of the workspace is _____ ft.


A demand factor of _____ percent applies to a multifamily dwelling with ten units if the optional calculation method is used.


Where fixed multioutlet assemblies are used in other than dwelling units or the guest rooms of hotels or motels, each _____ ft or fraction thereof of each separate and continuous length shall be considered as one outlet of not less than 180 VA where appliances are likely to be used simultaneously.


All switchboards, switchgear, panelboards, and motor control centers shall be located in dedicated spaces and protected from damage and, for outdoor installations, the space equal to the width and depth of the equipment, and extending from grade to a height of _____ ft. above the equipment, shall be dedicated to the electrical installation.


Grounding electrode conductors _____ AWG and larger that are not exposed to physical damage can be run along the surface of the building construction without metal covering or protection.


Conductor ampacity shall be determined using the _____ column of Table 310.15(B)(16) for circuits rated 100A or less or marked for 14 AWG through 1 AWG conductors

60 degrees Celsius

Grounded electrical systems shall be connected to the earth in a manner that will _____.

A and B

The continuity of a grounded conductor shall not depend on a connection to _____.

A metallic enclosure, raceway, or cable armor

All switchboards, switchgear, panelboards, and motor control centers shall be located in dedicated spaces and protected from damage, and outdoor installations shall be _____.

All of these

High-impedance grounded neutral systems shall be permitted for three-phase ac systems of 480V-1000V where _____.

All of these

Outside feeder tap conductors can be of unlimited length without overcurrent protection at the point they receive their supply if the tap conductors _____.

All the options

Where caution, warning, or danger signs or labels are required by this Code, the label marking shall ward of the hazards using effective _____.

Any combination of words, colors or symbols

Grounding electrode conductors of the wire type shall be _____.

Anything you damn well please

For the purposes of 210.71, examples of rooms that are not meeting rooms include _____.

Auditoriums, schoolrooms, and coffee shops

An enclosure designed for either surface mounting or flush mounting provided with a frame in which a door(s) can be hung is called a(n) "_____."


To determine the feeder calculated load for ten 3kW household cooking appliances, use _____ of Table 220.55.

Column A

Composite optical fibers contain optical fibers and _____.

Current-carrying electrical conductors

A(n) _____ is a device, or a group of devices, by which the conductors of a circuit can be disconnected from their source of supply.

Disconnecting means

_____ enclosures are constructed so that dust will not enter under specific test conditions.


The installed conductive path(s) that provide(s) a ground-fault current path and connects normally noncurrent-carrying metal parts of equipment together and to the system grounded conductor or to the grounding electrode conductor, or both, is known as a(n) "_____ conductor."

Equipment grounding

Where service equipment consists of more than one enclosure, grounding electrode conductor connections shall be permitted to be _____.


The Code covers underground mine installations and self-propelled surface mining machinery and its attendant electrical trailing cable.


Where fuses are used as the service overcurrent device, the disconnecting means shall be located ahead of the load side of fuses in accordance with 230.91.


Nonmandatory Informative Annexes contained in the back of the Code book are _____.

For information only and not enforceable as a requirement of the Code

A hand hole enclosure is an enclosure for use in underground systems, provided with an open or closed bottom, and sized to allow personnel to _____.

Reach into but not enter

In the NEC, the word(s)"_____" indicate a mandatory requirement.

Shall or shall not

The prospective symmetrical fault current at a nominal voltage to which an apparatus or system is able to be connected without sustaining damage exceeding defined acceptance criteria is known as the "_____."

Short-circuit current rating

Connected to ground without the insertion of any resistor or impedance device is referred to as "_____."

Solidly grounded

Conductive optical fiber cables contain noncurrent-carrying conductive conductive members such as metallic _____.

Strength members, vapor barriers, and armor or sheath

Only wiring methods recognized as _____ are included in this Code.


By special permission, the authority having jurisdiction may waive specific requirements in this Code where it is assured that equivalent objectives can be achieved by establishing and maintaining effective safety.


Grounding electrode conductors that are not subject to physical damage can be run exposed along the surface of the building construction if securely fastened to the surface on which it is carried.


NFPA 70E----Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, provides information to help determine the electrical safety training requirements expected of a qualified person.


The NEC requires tested series-rated installations of circuit breakers or fuses to be legibly marked in the field to indicated the equipment has been applied with a series combination rating.


The common point on a wye-connection in a polyphase system is a "neutral point."


Utilities may include entities that are designated or recognized by governmental law or regulation by public service/utility commissions.


When supplying a grounded system at a separate building or structure, an equipment grounding conductor shall be run with the supply conductors and connected to the building or structure disconnecting means and to the grounding electrode(s).


A single receptacle is a single contact device with no other contact device on the same _____.


Ungrounded alternating-current systems from 50V to 1000V or less that are not required to be grounded in accordance with 250.20(b) shall have _____.

a and b

Overcurrent devices are not permitted to be located in the bathrooms of _____.

dwelling units, dormitories, hotel-motel stuff

When sizing a feeder for the fixed appliance loads in dwelling units, a demand factor of 75 percent of the total nameplate ratings can be applied if there are _____ or more appliances fastened in place on the same feeder.


Where it is unlikely that two or more noncoincident loads will be in use simultaneously, only the _____ the loads used at one time is required to be used in computing the total load to a feeder.

largest of

The grounded conductor of an alternating-current system operating at 1000V or less shall be routed with the ungrounded conductors and connected to each disconnecting means grounded conductor terminal or bus, which is then connected to the service disconnecting means enclosure via a(n) _____ that is installed between the service neutral conductor and the service disconnecting means enclosure.

main bonding jumper

The receptacle outlet required for indoor electrical service equipment shall not be required to be installed for _____.

one- and two-family dwellings

On a three-phase, 4-wire, delta connected service where the midpoint of one phase winding is grounded, the service conductor having the higher phase voltage-to-ground shall be durably and permanently marked by an outer finish that is _____ in color, or by other effective means, at each termination or junction point.


120V, single-phase, 15A and 20A branch circuits supplying outlets and devices installed in guest _____ of hotels and motels shall be protected by any of the means described in 210.12(A)(1) through (6).

rooms and suites

Additional services shall be permitted for a single building or other structure sufficiently large to make two or more services necessary if permitted by _____.

special permission

Service-drop conductors shall have _____.

sufficient ampacity to carry the load and adequate mechanical strength

Ungrounded alternating-current systems from 50V to less than 1000V shall be legibly marked "Caution: Ungrounded System---Operating _____ Volts Between Conductors" at _____ of the system, with sufficient durability to withstand the environment involved.

the source or the first disconnecting means

Grounding electrodes of the rod type less than _____ in. in diameter shall be listed.


An insulated grounded conductor _____ AWG or smaller shall be identified by a continuous white or gray outer finish, or by three continuous white or gray stripes along its entire length on other than green insulation.


Equipment associated with the electrical installation can be located above or below other electrical equipment within their working space when associated equipment does not extend more than _____ in. from the front of the electrical equipment.


An opening in an outlet box where one or more receptacles have been installed is called "_____."

A receptacle outlet

The circuit conductors between the final over current device protecting the circuit and the outlet(s) are known as "_____ conductors."


The NEC defines a(n) "_____" as a structure that stands alone or that is separated from adjoining structures by fire walls.


A device that provides a means to connect intersystem bonding conductors for _____ systems to the grounding electrode system is an intersystem bonding termination.


A separate portion of a raceway system that provides access through a removable cover(s) to the interior of the system defines the term "_____."

Conduit body

A conductor encased within material of composition or thickness that is not recogned by the NEC as electrical insulation is considered _____.


A _____ location is protected from weather and not subject to saturation with water or liquids


A _____ is a single unit that provides complete and independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation.

Dwelling unit

The Code contains provisions considered necessary for safety, which will not necessarily result in _____.

Efficient use, convenience, good service or future expansion of electrical use.

The NEC applies to the installation of _____.

Electrical conductors and equipment within or on public and private buildings, outside conductors and equipment on the premises, and optical fiber cables and raceways.

The NEC defines a "_____" as all circuit conductors between the service equipment, the source of a separately derived system, or other power supply source, and the final branch, circuit overcurrent device.


The NEC is _____

For the practical safeguarding of of persons and property.

A device intended for the protection of personnel that functions to de-energize a circuit or portion thereof within an established period of time when the current to ground exceeds the values established for a Class A device is a(n) "_____."

Ground-fault circuit interrupter

A system intended to provide protection of equipment from damaging line-to-ground fault currents by causing a disconnecting means to open all ungrounded conductors of the faulted circuit at current levels less than the supply circuit overcurrent device defines "_____."

Ground-fault protection of equipment.

"Nonautomatic" is defined as requiring _____ to perform a function.

Human intervention

Unless identified for use in the operating environment, no conductors or equipment shall be _____ having a deteriorating effect on the conductors or equipment.

Located in damp or wet locations, exposed to fumes, vapors, liquids, or gases, and exposed to excessive temperatures

_____ shall not be used as grounding electrodes.

Metal underground gas piping systems and aluminum

A building that contains three or mor dwelling units is called a "_____."

Multi family

Any current in excess of the rated current of equipment or the ampacity of a conductor is called "_____."


The _____ of a circuit to be protected shall be selected and coordinated to permit the circuit protective devices to clear a fault without extensive damage to the electrical equipment of the circuit.

Overcurrent devices, total circuit impedance, and equipment short-circuit current ratings

Combustible dust is defined as dust particles that are 500 microns or smaller in diameter and _____ when dispersed and ignited in air.

Present a fire hazard or present and explosion hazard.

_____ at other than dwelling units shall be legibly field marked with the maximum available fault current, include the date the fault-current calculation was performed, and be of sufficient durability to withstand the environment involved.

Service equipment

Communications wiring such as telephone, antenna, and CATV wiring within a building shall not be required to comply with the installation requirements of Chapters 1 through 7, except where specifically referenced in Chapter 8.


Nonconductive optical fiber cable is a factory assembly of one or more optical fibers with an overall covering and containing no electrically conductive materials.


Single-pole breakers with identified handle ties can be used to protect each conductor for line-to-line connected loads.


Soldered splices shall first be spliced or joined so as to be mechanically and electrically secure without solder and then be soldered.


Where more than one concrete-encased electrode is present at a building or structure, it shall be permitted to bond only one into the grounding electrode system


Service-entrance conductors can be spliced or tapped by clamped or bolted connections at any time as long as _____

Use your brain dummy

An enclosure constructed so that moisture will not enter the enclosure under specific test conditions is called "_____."


A(n) _____ enclosure is constructed or protected so that exposure to the weather will not interfere with successful operation.


Special permissions is the written consent from the

Authority having jurisdiction

An overload is the same as a short circuit or ground fault.


Lighting track is a manufactured assembly and its length may not be altered by the addition or subtraction of sections of track.


When protecting equipment against damage from the weather during construction, minimum _____ provisions provided in NFPA 5000 Building Construction and Safety Code, the IBC and the IRC can be referenced for additional information.


The selection and installation of overcurrent protective devices so that an overcurrent condition will be localized to restrict outages to the circuit or equipment affected is called "_____."

Selective coordination

Electrical equipment such as switchboards, switchgear, panelboards, industrial control panels, meter socket enclosures, and motor control centers, that are in other than dwelling units, and are likely to require _____ while energized, shall be field or factory marked to warn qualified persons of potential electric arc-flash hazards.

Examination, adjustment, servicing or maintenance

A three-phase, 4-wire, _____ power system used to supply power to nonlinear loads may necessitate that the power system design allow for the possibility of high harmonic currents on the neutral conductor.


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