Cognition class chapter 1&chapter 5&12

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Alerting still influx after age of?


Indexing response set appropriate for task


Resolving conflict among stimulus & response

Anterior Cingulate

not use limited capacity mechanism not use working memory not interfere with other auto or control processes occur in parallel effortless not interruptible- once initiated continue to completion without control (e.g. Stroop effect) does NOT lead to learning (no LTM)

Automatic Processing. Shiffrin and Schneider

- trauma to the brain/location and type of tumors - presurgical planning - more you take it, more radiation

CT scan

PFC delay sensitive to many cues:

Colors, objects, sounds, frequencies, etc.

Anatomical connectivity what do we use/identify the unique directional movement of molecules, esp. water molecules, along muscle and neural tracts.

DTI:diffusion tensor imaging. Abbreviation: DTI. An imaging technique in magnetic resonance imaging to identify the unique directional movement of molecules, esp. water molecules, along muscle and neural tracts.

Areas involved in shifting

Disengage: Posterior parietal Move: Superior colliculus Engage: Lateral pulvinar, nucleus thalamus

better capturing neuro movements


Selective attention, ERP data

ERP data: Gating of sensory information as early as 50-80 ms ex) hearing F/M voices Directed attention starts at 100 ms/able to find out the difference between F/M voices

It do NOT indicate with any precision which brain regions are most involved in processing, in part because the presence of skull and brain tissue distorts the electrical fields created by the would not be feasible to study most complex forms of cognition (e.g., problem solving) with ___


Provide more detailed info about the time course of brain activity than most other techniques -> ____ provide a continuous measure


is Attention necessary for Perception?

Inattentional Blindness Change Blindness

Capacity models

Investigations of allocation vigilance switching selection flexibility focused vs. divided attention e.g. jet fighter pilots and bus drivers

Holding info in mind for response

Lateral frontal cortex

Local processing, objection attention

Left hemisphere

When you have a brain damage/ done by a doctor when you have epilepsy



Limbic system

easiest way to get Brain's act domain but lower spatial resolution


Receives chemosensory and visceral information


Allocation of attention, sustained & directed

Parietal lobe

Attention increases neural activation, priming reduces, but have similar effects


Global processing, spatial attention

Right hemisphere

study of single neurons More fine-grain Only provides activities of single neurons

Single-unit recording

Shifts of attention

Superior Colliculus

derives from frontal areas of the brain/executive and effortful control


Requires planning Patients have difficulty, are inefficient and ineffective Non-patients show activation in dorsolateral PFC associated with puzzle difficulty

Tower of London Task

Among, Broadbent, Treisman and Late selection. what is the best model?


Dorsolateral and ventrolateral receive:

Visual, auditory, and somatosensory information from respective cortices

language comprehension.

Wernicke's area:

Monitoring of information in working memory involves?


It is temporally terrible but very good spatial resolution


Moors & De Houwer Automaticity

1.Goal-unrelated 2.Unconscious 3.Efficient 4.Fast Four items not always found together No clear line between automatic and controlled

Executive function appears stable after age?

7. Harder to resist interference.

Facilitates responding However, does not control for error Pos correlation: too fast speed & make more error


Posner 3 Subsystems

Alerting: Achieves and maintains alert state Orienting : Selective mechanism operating on sensory input Executive Function: Conflict among responses


Alertness (arousal) Orienting Spotlight attention a process that brings (external or internal) stimuli into consciousness.

Late Selection theory by Deutsch and Deutsch.

All incoming information activates LTM Information with highest activation is selected for response

PFC damage and emotion

Alters patient's mood and emotions More shallow, indifferent, and apathetic to self and others. Less able to recognize emotional expressions Become more compulsive, puerile, and facetious

Anatomy model of attention. Attention as a _____.

Attention as a system (network) Arises from anatomically separable brain areas Areas carry out different "tasks"

Conjunction Search

Attention required Computed separately by distinct visual areas Shapes (V3) Colors (V4) Motion (V5)

Executive Attention - Neural Network Model Adds in value of current goal and adds activation to nodes relevant to that goal. On Stroop Goal to say font color, thus reduces errors

Attentional Controller

Process:ex)riding bicycle.when you rode bicycle when you were little then when you grew up and ride it. Is it difficult?

Automatic Control

derives from cortices or brain stem/sensory cortices and from the environment/ ex) light flash/loud sound

Bottom up

speech production what part of the brain


Neurochemistry Orienting

Cholinergic system Basal Ganglia Lesions of BG interfere with orienting However, bigger interference effects when local injections of Ach antagonist into parietal lobe (compared to BG).

Study presented sequence of letter.

Coding of item: was letter X presented Sequence: recall letter that followed X

Monitors conflict, as conflict increases, the monitor engages executive attention. On Stroop Goal to say font color, thus reduces errors

Conflict monitor

use limited capacity mechanism limited # can operate at once usually sequential necessary for learning (LTM) two types conscious and accessible veiled, unconscious, e.g. a memory search

Controlled processing. Shiffrin and Schneider

EC in control processing: By examining characteristics of controlled processes allow us to set-up predictions about neural mechanisms that underlie them:4 components

Coordinate internal states and intentions, have knowledge of goals, and ability to achieve goals.intentional goals Select relevant sensory, memory, and motor processes. Connected to the memory. Behavior is attached to all these processes Hold goal-directed behaviors on-line Be highly plastic(whole representation) and flexible Hippocampus: creates long term memory

Theorized that all inputs undergo full analysis of meaning prior to one being selected. Who said

Deutsch and Deutsch (1963) Late selection theroy

Voluntary shifts of attention Right parietal lobe most critical Left parietal lobe (shifts to right visual space) Right hemisphere lesion produces neglect


Intensity vs. Selectivity

Division of attention

Which part of the brain Toughtest part of the work


Multiple Processing Levels: focused on the division of _____.Primary receiver. Send signal to ventral PFC. Maintain visual informations.


important to develop a stratigie and maintain itCreating and maintaining an attentional set


PFC damage and areas related to disinhibition include?

Dorsolateral, ACC, inferior frontal regions, and posterior parietal cortex

Supplementary motor area Pre-SuppliMentaliArea Rostral cingulate Cerebellum Superior colliculus Frontal eyefields No direct connections to primary motor cortex:planning the behavior

Dorsolateral, area 46,

Damage to PFC

Dysexecutive Syndrome General cognitive functions intact Automatic components are intact Lack of Controlled processing, top-down control.

Cherry & Broadbent studied selection of attention with behavioral stimuli. ___was used in the 1950s and noticed that attention decreased over time, signaled by shift to sleep-state. -> aspect of the attention. Frecuency to less active states 1960s saw shift from EEG to ERPs where Sutton first noticed P300 P300 dominant role in attention


based on recordings of electrical brain activity measured at the surface of the scalp. Very small changes in electrical activity within the brain are picked up by scalp electrodes. These changes can be shown on the screen of a cathode-ray tube using an oscilloscope. a device for recording the electrical potentials of the brain through a series of electrodes placed on the scalp.


The same stimulus is presented repeatedly, and the pattern of electrical brain activity recorded by several scalp electrodes is averaged to produce a single waveform. This technique allows us to work out the timing of various cognitive processes. ____ have very limited spatial resolution but their temporal resolution is excellent.


Pulvinar Patients with pulvinar damage show selective attention deficits. Lack ability to suppress other non-relevant stimuli Unlike parietal and colliculus patients, individuals will never orient


inability to change their behavior/ walking thru the environment and see the cue (schema) and automatic process. Ex) see a toilet at IKEA show room (cue) -> go pee. Controlled : executive function

Environmental dependency syndrome

Monitoring for Errors ____comes on about 100 ms after an error.

Error related negativity (ERN)

This is a type of fMRI that compares brain activation associated with different "events". For example, we could see whether brain activation on a memory test differs depending on whether participants respond correctly or incorrectly.

Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (efMRI)

Directs subsequent processing, particularly when multiple mental representations in working memory or multiple processes operating on representations, compete for the control of cognition and behavior. Chess, crossword puzzles, talking on phone and driving, etc. Stroop Task Determines which contenders will gain control!

Executive Attention

Executive Function - Goal Directed Behavior what are they

Executive Attention:multiple mental representation Switching Attention Inhibition of Response Sequencing Monitoring

stimulus driven (external)/ex)snow. That drives and captures your attention


PFC receives converging information:

External processing of stimuli/what we see Internal processing of stimuli/what we feel internally Interconnected with motor system/implemented to actual behavior

Early selection theory All information enters the sensory register then what happen?

FILTER Only what passes through filter has access to LTM/ No selection based on meaning because meaning is stored in LTM

The magnitude of attentional spotlight determined by where interference stops! By Eriksen and Eriksen

Flanker Effect

when you engage with behavioral control, you can't do so much stuff. Many ppl can't do dual things at same time because limited capacity but there are ppl there are "super tasker" who are able to two tasks but not many.

Flexibility and Limited Capacity

texting and driving at the same time Representation of two independent goals


____ showed converging evidence with ERPs and N1 & N2 components influenced visual attention. Convergence with psychological processes and cellular processes. what is N1, N2, ERP

Hillyard N1: first negative deflection(굴절) N2: second negative deflection ERP: good at looking at the attention/good temporal resolution

Why are TMS and rTMS useful?

It has been argued that they create a "temporary lesion" (a lesion is a structural alteration produced by brain damage), so that the role of any given brain area in performing a given task can be assessed. If TMS applied to a particular brain area leads to impaired task performance, it is reasonable to conclude that that brain area is necessary for task performance.

Orientation of voluntary movement improves until?Disengagement from cue declines with age

Late childhood

Source of attentional control

Lateral PFC

Limitations of fMRI

Limitations: Indirect measure of underlying neural activity. Distortions in the BOLD signals in some brain regions -> hard to get accurate measure from orbitofrontal cortex. Scanner is noisy which can cause auditory stimuli. Last, some ppl get uncomfortable inside of the scanner

Neurochemistry - Alerting

Locus Coeruleus of the midbrain Norepinephrine system Blocking NE reduces/eliminates effect of warning signal. Strongly present in (right) posterior parietal lobe, superior colliculus, and pulvinar

generate magnetic field Protons line up When magnetic field go up and go down


This technique involves measuring the magnetic fields produced by electrical brain activity. It provides fairly detailed information at the millisecond level about the time course of cognitive processes, and its spatial resolution is reasonably good. - involves using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) to measure the magnetic fields produced by electrical brain activity

Magneto encephalography (MEG)

Error related negativity (ERN) comes on about 100 ms after an error.

May reflect Internal monitoring process ERN signals errors whenever it detects a mismatch between response made and the correct response. Another interpretation is that ACC monitors conflict, but not necessarily error. Increased conflict increases activity in ACC.

Selection of stimuli (ACC & supplementary motor area)

Medial PreFrontal Cortex

divide up PFC into the modality

Modal Processing

System be unaffected by top-down attention


Superior Colliculus Calculates movement from present focus to new focus Lesion prevents shifts of attention Show impaired IOR


Selective attention, attention at later stages

N2pc at 180-220 ms (focus of attention to relevant targets) P300 (monitoring and updating)

PFC Neurons and Reward

Neurons in PFC respond to rewards Neurons in PFC respond to anticipation of rewards. Code for preference of rewards rather than in absolute terms

______associated with medial temporal structures Affect and motivation Direct and indirect (through thalamus) to hippo and associated neocortex, the amygdala, and hypothalamus/access to LTM Limbic system: emotion/amygdala


many controlled processes can become automatic with ?


Detection of positrons, which are the atomic particles emitted by some radioactive substances Radioactively labelled water (the tracer) to the body -> brain's blood vessels -> part of the cortex become active -> the tracer moves fast to that place -> scanning device measures the positrons emitted from the tracer. Then computer translates this info into pics of the activity levels in different brain regions. Is it dangerous to inject a radioactive substance? No, only tiny amount of radioactivity. Reasonable spatial resolution


This technique involves the detection of positrons, which are the atomic particles emitted from some radioactive substances. ___ has reasonable spatial resolution but poor temporal resolution, and it only provides an indirect measure of neural activity.


What is a brain scanning technique based on the detection of positrons, it has good spatial resolution but poor temporal resolution?


1990s saw __ and __ showed diverse networks of activation, suggesting networks of attention

PET , Raichle

Oxygenated blood - artery Deoxygenated blood- vein 무엇으로 알수 있나?

PET scan

Lack behavioral control, are impulsive, quick to anger, and prone to make rude comments.fundamental changes in behavior Impaired on Stroop like tasks and WCST/involved ACC Both Dorsolateral and Ventrolateral involved Difficultly resolving interference

PFC damage

Gazzangia , what he found

Parietal lesions: attention/visual field When you get hurt on the right part of the parietal lesion ... Unconscious of objects Neuro focus only focus on the half of the image

When you have posner in this lobe. Disengaging from current focus of attention. what lobe?

Parietal lobe

process of conveying or representing a stimulus to conscious experience (vs. sensation)/gains consciousness


important to you/access to long term memory


Executive attention

Planning Decision-making Error detection Novel responses Overcoming habitual actions

Pre-attentive Rentinal image decomposed into spatially organized maps Form Orientation Color

Pop out

Treisman's Visual Search

Pre-attentive Parallel Processing with unlimited capacity Requires Attention Serial or Limited-Capacity Parallel Processing

Filtering out distracting information


When you have posner in this region. disengage/poor focusing Engaging subsequent target


How to measure ATTENTION


PFC Neurons are Flexible

Rapidly change response contingencies PFC neurons sensitive to conditional tasks Orbitofrontal, ACC, and right inferior frontal gyrus associated with reversal learning.

the administration of transcranial magnetic stimulation several times in rapid succession.

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)


Reticular Activating System Glutamate Run sleep/wake cycle RAS connects to all levels of cortex Cholinergic systems Brainstem, ascending RAS Noradrenergic systems Locus coeruleus

Our attention is more ____

Right to left not up and down

Expectancy or constant monitor for some stimuli/expectation


Lack abilities to control executive function Linked with anterior cingulate


Longer time to understand a script with an increase in the number of details left out. Suggests direct inter-item associations

Scripts- sequence connected items

Executive Control: how do you select your attention (Ex. To prof or to facebook)

Selective attention Mental resources and conscious processing Supervisory attentional system: what is driving us/what decision do we make

Kahneman (1973) capacity model - spot light

Selective attention as the allocation of capacity, NOT a block or filter/ Divided Attention

This technique (also known as single-cell recording) involves inserting a micro-electrode one 110,000th of a millimetre in diameter into the brain to study activity in single neurons.This is a very sensitive technique, since electrical charges of as little as one-millionth of a volt can be detected.

Single-unit recording

Mainly concerned with orbitofrontal cortex/to make decisions/ when you get hurt here you make inappropriate decisions

Somatic Marker Hypothesis

Early model of visual attention Attention was like a ______: gain attention only you focus on but no gaining attention outside of the_____ Attention increased for object in ____


Generation of novel sequences examples?

Steps for opening a beauty salon Patients with damage to PFC, particularly dlPFC, show deficits on generating the steps of opening the salon.

Selection theories -Funnel

Stimulus -> Sensory Register (vision) -> STM (short term memory) -> LTM (long term memory) -> Response

Late selection theory by Norman

Stimulus -> Sensory register-> LTM -> Selection based on pertinence or saliency mechanism -> STM -> Response

Early selection theory/Sensory filter theory

Stimulus->sensory register-> Sensory FILTER -> STM limited capacity<-> LMT | Response

When you have posner in this region. can't update my attention Moving or changing index of attention

Superior Colliculus

Lavie (1995) Capacity model- spotlight. Executive control load

Susceptibility under high cognitive loads Low load = early selection; High load = late selection

Lavie (1995) Capacity model- spotlight. Perceptual load ?

Susceptibility under low perceptual loads

allows us to manipulate or experimentally control the availability of any part of the brain for involvement in the performance of some cognitive task.


framework for switching

Task-processing level: Stimulus identification & response selection Executive-processing level: Switching of goals Double dissociation of Task vs. Executive: Influence Executive with "switching" aid Influence Task by stimulus properties

Gating or filtering of sensory information


Who first studied attention in 1909


Difficulty disengaging from threatening stim Threatening interpretations of ambiguous stim, future events, negative bias toward threatening stim. Ability to control negatively corr with negative affect

Trait anxiety

:This is a technique in which a coil is placed close to the participant's head and a very brief pulse of current is run through it. This produces a short-lived magnetic field that generally inhibits processing in the brain area affected. It can be regarded as causing a very brief "lesion", a lesion being a structural alteration caused by brain damage. This technique has (jokingly!) been compared to hitting some- one's brain with a hammer. As we will see, the effects of ____ are sometimes more complex than our description of it would suggest.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

Attenuator Model. Treisman

Unattended information is only dampened (attenuated) not filtered completely (both ears get short term memory access. But your attention is turn on/off depending on where you give your attention) Significant information gets through the filter

Modal Processing - Miyake

Unity and diversity Model Unity Common EF component (replaces inhibition) Diversity Distinct EF components Updating (WM) Shifting: cognitive

Neurochemistry - Executive. Dopamine

Ventral tegmental dopamine system Anterior cingulate and lateral frontal cortex receive projections from VT

hold the information. Which part of the brain


____connected with Dorsolateral, and to Basal Ganglia Basal Ganglia, share anatomical loops, suggesting interdependence and relation to motor output.


Multiple Processing Levels Theories of PFC

Ventrolateral vs. Dorsolateral

Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking possession by the mind in, clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought." who said

William James

___ found cells in superior colliculus and parietal lobe were attention related: neuro systems in the animals.


High spatial and temporal resolutions are good if ?

a very detailed account of brain functioning is required. High: more detailed

Self-Monitoring and evaluation Error positivity

another ERP component. Occurs when error is made an Ss conscious of it

Difficulty orienting to faces and non-social stimuli. Deficit to disengage and move attention


Negative corr of control and negative affect. Higher control better success with therapy


an approach that aims to understand human cognition by the study of behaviour. an approach that aims to understand human cognition by combining information from behaviour and the brain.

cognitive psychology

discrete - choice


When doing a strop task, what happen to ACC and dPFC

dPFC active for both Incongruent trials ACC active only for incongruent eligible

Cherry (1953)

dichotic listening no memory for information in unattended ear not notice change from English to German

Automatic & Controlled Processing. Shiffrin and Schneider

divide attention among automatic and controlled processes

Neurophysiology of PFC. PFC delay response depends on ?

dopamine receptors.

Distinguishing automatic and controlled processes

dual task - if performance decreases then both must be controlled; if no decrease then one or both automatic (or not exceed capacity)

task-dependent (internal)/drives mental internal capacity

endogenous-안에서 생기는 문제들 안에서 생기는 것들 ;내성의

Self monitoring and evaluation ERN?

error related negativity ERP component responds to error responses on tasks, regardless of awareness of error

Radio waves are used to excite atoms in the brain 3D/ only able to know the structure of the brain NOT the functions.


What is tech used imaging blood oxygenation using an MRI machine?


technique involves imaging blood oxygenation using an MRI machine (described later). ___ has superior spatial and temporal resolution to PET, but also only provides an indirect measure of neural activity.


when to use BOLD


Neurophysiology of PFC Goldman-Rakic et al.

found neural activity for some neurons tuned to precise memories for visual field locations

a technique based on imaging blood oxygenation using an MRI machine; it provides information about the location and time course of brain processes.

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

Orienting systems also require inhibition Inhibition of return (IOR) Prevents locations/objects already examined.


Imposing an attentional set


What is reversal learning:

learn a pattern of behavior and unlearn them/often time using a negative reinforcement/use with patients with traumas

Assessment of one's performance while engaged in the task.

monitoring working memory

Self-Monitoring and Evaluation, ACC two theories

monitors errors and monitors conflict Monitors errors: strong signals what you did something wrong. When you make an error. Monitors conflict: anytime you think there is a conflict, ACC will confront.

Neurophysiology of PFC Fuster et al.

neural activity related to delayed responses, and neurons showed continued activity

Pathologies - Alerting.Old age and ADHD have issues maintaining a steady state of alertness. ADHD more affected when there is ?

no warning signal, with warning no issues.

obvious - shifting of eyes/staring


Limitations of PET scan

poor temporal resolution. Can't asses the rapid changes in brain activity associated with most cognitive processes. Provides indirect measure of neural activity

a brain-scanning technique based on the detection of positrons; it has reasonable spatial resolution but poor temporal resolution.

positron emission tomography (PET)

The ability to override, interrupt, or stop inappropriate responses.

response inhibition

Cherry & Broadbent studied ?

selection of attention with behavioral stimuli.

Different than coding of item in working memory. Number of items in presented impacted sequence learning more so than coding learning.


more pixel = better image low pixel = blurry image

spatial resolution


specific lesions

simple task/you started your initiation and you gotta stop it/

stop-go task in response inhibition

Inhibition of a response related to interference resolution dlPFC, ACC, inferior frontal regions, posterior parietal cortex. what task is it

stroop task

The observed delay or cost when switching between one task with a set of goals to another task with a different set of goals. ___can be effected even more greatly when updating is required.

switch cost

The switching of attention from one entity to another.

switching attention

how quickly the tech is able to see the brain's action.

temporal resolution

1970s structure of the ___ by Hubel and Wiesel (1968)

visual system

Low temporal resolution can be more useful?

when a general overview of brain activity during an entire task is needed. Low: general

PFC and impaired WM. ___ is impaired, and the degree is often associated with the amount of bilateral damage Imaging of subjects and focal lesions in monkeys are necessary to determine role of each distinct area of PFC

working memory

What is BOLD

(blood oxygen-level-dependent contrast

Major subdivisions:PFC

-Dorsolateral Ventrolateral Orbital 18 distinct areas

Hebb (1949) Stimuli do two things;

1) keep the cortex tuned in (activate reticular system:뇌간의 하부에서 시상으로 확장되어 몇 개의 다른 중심핵 구조를 횡단하는 신뢰회로망을 말한다. 망상체는 흥분이나 각성상태를 조절하는 데 중요한 역할을 한다)/if something gains attention, the area of the brain will remain active -> true. 2) provide information about the nature of the stimulating event./whatever in the brain area active -> know what is going on the area of the brain

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